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This Heritage Album began as a simple project to pay tribute to my Grandparents, Clint and Lona Hayes. However, during my research, something happened … I discovered a desire to know more, to find out who had come before me, who had come before even my grandparents. The more I learned about my ancestors, the more I wanted to know. Where did they come from and when were they in what place? What was happening in the world around them? How did they live? As I researched and read and researched some more, the pieces began to fit together. The result is the book you are holding in your hands. This is the story of the Pennington and Hayes families, one of whom is Louida Pennington-Hayes, my great-grandmother. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed putting it together.

One thing to keep in mind: Although I have attempted to be as thorough as possible in my research, there comes a certain point where it is not possible to document with facts. At that point, the chronicle becomes speculative, based on what could have or probably happened instead of what actually happened. Because of my "burning curiosity", I went as far back as I could, even when I did not have documented proof of certain events. I wish to make clear which things POSITIVELY happened and which things PROBABLY happened.

When does the story change from speculation to fact? In 1694 when Abraham, Jacob's father, was born, the story changes from speculation to fact. There is clear documentation from Abraham’s birth on as to the lineage of the Pennington family. The descriptions regarding what was happening in the nation and the descriptions of peoples’ lifestyles were added by me. I studied a great variety of materials describing people, places and events at that time and in that place in order to gain a better understanding of how our ancestors lived. It was interesting to note how lifestyles (such as housing, furniture, food, clothing, entertainment, schooling, etc.) really didn’t change very much down through the centuries. It wasn’t until early in this century that the lifestyles of Americans became so different. As for what happened before 1694, these same names and dates that I use are often quoted by genealogists doing research on this same Pennington line, even though there is no documented "proof" that it happened. In other words, I did not just pull these names and dates out of thin air. Many people before me have gotten this information from their own sources and believe it to be true, even though it cannot be positively documented.. Again, the details regarding historical events and lifestyles at that time and in that place were added by me.

Having said that, let's start with a little speculation! Remember, Webster describes speculation as "considering possibilities and probabilities"…

. . . and in case you're wondering, Clint and Lona's daughter "Dell" is my mom!

My Family Tree ] Pennington ] [ Introduction ] Medieval England ] England ] Maryland ] Virginia ] South Carolina ] Georgia ] The Road to Tennessee ] Tennessee ] Tennessee ] The Civil War ] Clint and Lona Hayes ] Clint and Lona Hayes ] Clint and Lona Hayes ] Lona ] Family Group Sheets ] Genealogy Resources ]


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