Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, Troop F, 2d Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.

Place: Near Loc Ninh, Republic of Vietnam

Date: 6 January 1968.

Entered service at: Chicago, Ill.

Born: 19 January 1942, Rockford, Ill.


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.

Cpl. Wickam, distinguished himself while serving with Troop F. Troop F was conducting a reconnaissance in force mission southwest of Loc Ninh when the lead element of the friendly force was subjected to a heavy barrage of rocket, automatic weapons, and small arms fire from a well concealed enemy bunker complex. Disregarding the intense fire, Cpl. Wickam leaped from his armored vehicle and assaulted one of the enemy bunkers and threw a grenade into it, killing 2 enemy soldiers. He moved into the bunker, and with the aid of another soldier, began to remove the body of one Viet Cong when he detected the sound of an enemy grenade being charged. Cpl. Wickam warned his comrade and physically pushed him away from the grenade thus protecting him from the force of the blast. When a second Viet Cong bunker was discovered, he ran through a hail of enemy fire to deliver deadly fire into the bunker, killing one enemy soldier. He also captured 1 Viet Cong who later provided valuable information on enemy activity in the Loc Ninh area. After the patrol withdrew and an air strike was conducted, Cpl. Wickam led his men back to evaluate the success of the strike. They were immediately attacked again by enemy fire. Without hesitation, he charged the bunker from which the fire was being directed, enabling the remainder of his men to seek cover. He threw a grenade inside of the enemy's position killing 2 Viet Cong and destroying the bunker. Moments later he was mortally wounded by enemy fire. Cpl. Wickam's extraordinary heroism at the cost of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.


--- General / Personal ---

Last name: WICKAM
First name: JERRY WAYNE
Home of Record (official): ROCKFORD
State (official): IL
Date of Birth: Monday, January 19, 1942
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married

--- Military ---

Branch: Army
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 54807388
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40

--- Action ---

Start of Tour: Tuesday, August 8, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, January 6, 1968
Age at time of loss: 25
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Binh Long
The Wall: Panel 33E - Row 062


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