Mushroom Hunting in Ohio

April 11, 1998
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Mushroom hunters 04/11/98
Our Easter '98 trip to Ohio was highlighted by an expedition into the woods in search of the "elusive morel".  It was a little early in the season, but conditions were right. 

I took the group photo above after an afternoon of 'shrooming. Heather in the front row on the left, Kristin (in a Pi Phi sweatshirt) is behind her and Ryan's peeking over Kristin's shoulder. 

To Kristin's left are Wade, Guy, Susan (Hallie in her Susan's backpack)and Gordon.  Conner's wearing the read sweatshirt and is standing in front of Susan. 

Take a closer look at Susan's "catch".  She had good luck finding garbage, including the "not-so-elusive" Bud Light bottle.

Conner Litt 04/11/98 Heather Stoa 04/11/98 Guy Litt 04/11/98
Left: Conner turned out to be a pretty aggressive hunter.  He found the largest morel and also found more than any other in our "hunting party".  Of course he's got a big advantage... he's much closer to the ground than the rest of us. He could duck under the heavy brush and didn't have far to stoop. 

Center: Heather finally started to find a few towards the end of the day. Nothing big, but note the nice symmetrical shape! 

Right: Guy's holding a morel that Susan called a "horse tail".  I don't remember what it's true name is... but it's much more scientific than that.  Maybe it's a "half-morel". 

Catch of the day
No matter what anyone else says, the best part about mushroom hunting is not the thrill of the hunt, communing with nature in the woods on a beautiful spring day or anything like that: it's getting to eat the catch afterwards. 

There are quite a few mushrooms in the bowl, but most of them are pretty tiny.  Nevertheless when they're rolled in flour and sauteed in butter they are fabulous!

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