(A - G)

ALPERS, Friedrich (RK; DKiG)
(1901 - 1944)
Staatssekretär / SS-Obergruppenführer / Staatsrat / Generalforstmeister / Major der Reserve (Luftwaffe):

Born: 25. Mar. 1901 in Sonneberg / Kreis Braunschweig.
Suicide: 3. Sep. 1944 near Mons, France (seriously wounded that date).

NSDAP-Nr.: 132 812 (Joined 1929)
SS-Nr.: 6 427 (Joined 1931)

SS-Obergruppenführer: 21. Jun. 1943
Major d.R.: [1942]
Hauptmann d.R.: [30. Jan. 1942]
SS-Gruppenführer: 20. Apr. 1941
SS-Brigadeführer: 30. Jan. 1936
SS-Oberführer: 9. Nov. 1934
SS-Standartenführer: 3. May 1933
SS-Sturmbannführer: 8. Oct. 1932
SS-Sturmhauptführer: 14. Mar. 1932
SS-Sturmführer: 5. Jan. 1932
SA-Sturmführer: 1930

Kdr. Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 9: 21. Aug. 1944 - 3. Sep. 1944.
Kdr. Fernaufklärungs-Gruppe 4 (Luftwaffe): Jan. 1942 - [14.?] Oct. 1942.
Leiter der Geschäftsgruppe Forsten beim Beauftragten des Führers für den Vierjahresplan:
Mitglied im Wirtschaftsführungsstab “Ost”: 1941
Generalforstmeister: 1940 - 3. Sep. 1944
beim Stab RF SS: (1. Dec. 1937) - 3. Sep. 1944.
z.b.V. SS-Oberabschnitt Nordwest: (1. Oct. 1934)
Staatsminister für Justiz und Finanzwesen in Braunschweig: 8. May 1933 -
Gaujägermeister in Braunschweig:
Führer 49.SS-Standarte (Braunschweig): 8. Oct. 1932 - 3. May 1933.
Führer II.Sturmbann / 12.SS-Standarte: 1932 - 8. Oct. 1932
Führer 1.Sturm / 12.SS-Standarte: 1931 -
Mitglied des Landtages in Braunschweig (NSDAP-Fraktion): 1930 -
Member of “Freikorps Maerker”: 1919 - 1920.

Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuzes: 14. Oct. 1942 as Major, Kdr. Fernaufkl.Gruppe 4
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 20. Apr. 1942
1939 Eisernes Kreuz 1. klasse
1939 Eisernes Kreuz 2. klasse
Frontflug-Spange für Aufklärer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS
Totenkopfring der SS

* Studied law and economics in Heidelberg, München, and Greifswald. Engaged in commerce, Germany and abroad during 1923/1924. Judicial preparatory service in Braunschweig, 1924 - 1928. Passed law exams, 1929, then employed as a lawyer in Braunschweig from 1929 to 1933.
* On 11. Mar. 1933, Alpers ordered “SS men to break into two Jewish warehouses disguised as a band of robbers and, at a signal from him, to do all the damage they possibly could.... After the operation had been carried through successfully, Alpers, in full SS uniform, addressed a public meeting that same afternoon, condemning the occurrence and putting it down to communist disturbances.” (Krausnick & Broszat, Anatomy of the SS State, p.40)

Max Amann
(1891 - 1957)
Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenführer / M.d.R.:

Born: 24. Nov. 1891 in München / Bayern
Died: 31. Mar. 1957 in München / Bayern

NSDAP-Nr.: 3 (Joined 1. Oct. 1921)
SS-Nr.: 53 143 (Joined 15. Mar. 1932)

SS-Obergruppenführer: 30. Jan. 1936
SS-Gruppenführer: 15. Mar. 1932

Named as a "Pionier der Arbeit" ("Pioneer of Labor"): 1. May. 1941.
Mitglied des Reichskultursenats: 1935 - 1945
Präsident der Reichspressekammer: 15. Nov. 1933 - 1945
Vorsitzender der Vorstandes des “Vereins Deutschen Zeitungen”: 14. Nov. 1933 -
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Oberbayern/Schwaben): 1933 - 8. May 1945
Reichsleiter für die gesamte NS-Presse: 1933 - 8. May 1945.
Mitglied des Kreistages von Oberbayern: 12. Jun. 1930 -
Reichsleiter der NSDAP für die Presse & Direktor des Zentralverlages der NSDAP (Franz Eher Verlag): 1922 - 8. May 1945.
In investigative and protective custody: 19. Nov. 1923 - 12. Dec. 1923
Participant in München Putsch: 9. Nov. 1923.
First Geschäftsführer (Business Manager) der NSDAP: 1921 -
Feldwebel in the Bavarian List Regiment (Hitler's company sergeant), World War I.

Postwar Prosecution:
Arrested by U.S. troops, 4. May 1945. Tried by a de-Nazification court and sentenced to 2 1/2 years’ imprisonment. Classified a Hauptschuldiger (“Major Offender”) and sentenced to 10 years’ labor camp. Released, 1953. Additionally, his property was confiscated and he was to die in poverty.

Decorations & Awards:
1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. klasse
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Coburg Abzeichen 1922
Ehrenzeichen “Pionier der Arbeit” (Pioneer of Labor Decoration): 1. May 1941
Ehrenschild der Hauptstadt der Bewegung (Honor Shield of the Capital of the [Nazi] Movement [München]): 24. Nov. 1941
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Gold, Silber und Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS
Ehrendegen des RF SS with special dedication from Reichsführer-SS (to Meinem lieben Max Amann): 24. Nov. 1940
Totenkopfring der SS

* As Director of the Nazi Party’s central publishing house, Amann was responsible for printing dozens of editions of Hitler's Mein Kampf during the Third Reich; it was Amann who convinced Hitler to change the title from Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice).
* Lost his left arm in firearms accident, 4. Sep. 1931, while hunting with Franz Xaver Ritter von Epp.

BACH [-ZELEWSKI], Erich Julius Eberhard von dem Bach (RK; DKiG)
(1899 - 1972)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei / M.d.R.:

Born: 1. Mar. 1899 in Lauenburg / Pommern.
Died: 8. Mar. 1972 in München-Harlaching (prison hospital).

NSDAP-Nr.: 489 101 (Joined 02.1930)
SS-Nr.: 9 831 (Joined 15.02.1931)

General der Waffen-SS: 1. Jul. 1944
SS-Oergruppenführer und General der Polizei: 9. Nov. 1941
Generalleutnant der Polizei: 10. Oct. 1941
SS-Gruppenführer: 11. Jul. 1934
SS-Brigadeführer: 15. Dec 1933
SS-Oberführer: 6. Oct 1932
SS-Standartenführer: 10. Sep. 1932
SS-Sturmbannführer: 6. Dec. 1931
SS-Sturmführer: 20. Jul. 1931

Kom.Gen. Korps Oder: . Feb. 1945 - Apr. 1945.
Kom.Gen. X.SS-Armee-Korps: 4. 02. 1945 - 10. 02. 1945
Kom.Gen. XIV.SS-Armee-Korps: 11. 1944 - 4. 02. 1945
Kom.Gen. Korpsgruppe "von dem Bach" (in suppression of Warsaw Uprising): 08. 1944 - 11. 1944
Chef der Bandenkampfverbände (Chief, Anti-Partisan Units): 21. 06. 1943 - 11. 1944.
Bevollmächtigter für die Bandenkampfung im Osten (Plenipotentiary for Combating Partisans in the East: 23.10.1942 - 21.06.1943
HSSPF "Rußland-Mitte und Weißruthenien" (Initially designated HSSPF for Heeresgruppe C, with first HQ: Mogilew; Officially redesignated HSSPF "Rußland-Mitte", 02.1942 with HQ in Minsk from 24.07.1943; expanded to include Byelorussia with the title "Rußland-Mitte und Weißruthenien" from 04.1943): 1.05.1941 - 21.06.1944
HSSPF "Südost": 28.06.1938 - 20.05.1941
Fhr. SS-Oberabschnitt "Südost" (HQ: Breslau): 15.02.1936 - 26.06.1941
Fhr. SS-Oberabschnitt "Nordost" (HQ: Königsberg): 1.02.1934 - 15.02.1936
Fhr. SS-Abschnitt VII (HQ: Königsberg): 12.02.1934 - 20.03.1934
Fhr. SS-Abschnitt XII (HQ: Dühringhof->Liebenow to 01.1933->Dühringhof to ca. 02.1933->Frankfurt/Oder): 12.07.1932 - 21.01.1934
1st Fhr. 27.SS-Standarte "Ostmark" (Frankfurt/Oder): 15.12.1931 - 12.07.1932
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Breslau): 07.1932 - 8.05.1945
Entered NSDAP: 02.1930
Entered SS: 15.02.1931
Reichswehr service as Leutnant in Inf.Rgt. 4: 1923 - 02.1924 (forced to resign for his involvement in political intrigue)
Assigned to Grenzschutz (border protection) units, Schlesien (Silesia) after WW I. MG-Komp. officer in Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm II" Nr. 10: 1918 - 1919.
Commissioned Leutnant: 1. Mar. 1916
Entered Army as Kriegsfreiwilliger in Inf.Rgt. 176: Dec. 1914

Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuzes: 30. Sep. 1944 as SS-Ogruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS u.Pol., Kom.Gen. Korpsgruppe "von dem Bach", for crushing the Warsaw Uprising (recommended by Gen.Lt. Nikolaus von Vormann, OB 9.Armee, and seconded by Gen.Obst. Georg-Hans Reinhardt, OB HGr. Mitte
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 23. Feb. 1943 as SS-Ogruf.u.Gen.d.Pol., HSSPF "Rußland-Mitte und Weißruthenien"
1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz 1. klasse: 20. May 1942
1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. klasse: 31. Aug. 1941
1914 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse: 25. Sep. 1918 with 1.(Schlesische.)Inf.Rgt. "Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II"
1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. klasse: 5. Aug. 1915 with 3.Westpreuß.Inf.Rgt.Nr. 129
Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. klasse mit Schwertern
Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. klasse mit Schwertern
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz (as poison gas casualty)
Bandenkampfabzeichen in Silber: Nov. 1944
Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42”
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Schlesischer Adlerorden I. Klasse
Danzig Kreuz I. Klasse
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen: 1939
Abzeichen des SA-Treffens Braunschweig 1931
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze
Reichssportabzeichen in Silber
SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS
Totenkopfring der SS

Postwar Prosecution:
A witness for the prosecution before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 7. Jan. 1946. Von dem Bach was sentenced by the München Hauptspruchkammer (Main de-Nazifiction Court) to 10 years' "special labor", 31. Mar. 1951; this translated to house arrest within his home in Laffenau / Franken until Nov. 1952. He then found employment as a night watchman. Though never prosecuted for his direction of Jewish massacres in the East, von dem Bach was arrested in Dec. 1958 and tried for his role in the purge of the SA in Jun./Jul. 1934; he was sentenced to 4* years' imprisonment in 1961. Indicted once again in 1962 by the Nürnberg Schwurgericht for the 1933 murder of six German communists, he received a sentence of life imprisonment. Robert Wistrich observed, in Who's Who in Nazi Germany: "Neither indictment mentioned his wartime role, thereby suggesting that only the murder of ... Germans was perceived as an unpardonable crime."

* Son of an estate owner. Raised by foster parents.
* Born Erich Julius Eberhard von Zelewski, he legally added von dem Bach" to the family name late in the 1930's. He went on to have "Zelewski" officially removed from his name in Nov. 1941 because of its Polish sound.
* Married, 1921 / 6 children (between 1923 and 1940)
* During the purge of the SA in Jun/Jul. 1934, he dispatched two of his men to deal with his rival, an SS cavalry leader named Anton Freiherr von Hohberg und Buchwald who was shot down in the smokingroom of his own estate; "When his seventeen-year-old son rushed in, one of them said casually: 'We have just shot your father'- and calmly went away." (Heinz Höhne, The Order of the Death’s Head)
* Hospitalized at the SS hospital, Hohenlychen, early 1942, due to serious stomach problems (including liver congestion) and a nervous breakdown brought on by the stress of directing the extermination of hundreds of thousands of people in the East as an HSSPF. SS-Gruf. Prof.Dr. Ernst Grawitz reported to Himmler: "He is suffering particularly from hallucinations connected with the shootings of Jews which he himself carried out and with other grievous experiences in the East." When Grawitz asked him why he was under such strain, he responded, "Thank God, I'm through with it. Don't you know what's happening in Russia? The entire Jewish people is being exterminated there."
* As a witness for the prosecution at Nuremberg, von dem Bach’s denunication of Himmler and other SS/Polizei leaders protected him from an otherwise inevitable extradition to Poland or the Soviet Union for his own war crimes. It made him no friends among the defendant's, as even the loathsome former Minister of Economics, Walter Funk, spoke of him as a "swine". Von dem Bach, whose examination on the witness stand was conducted by Brig.-Gen. Telford Taylor, gave important testimony about the procedures and tactics of the SS, Polizei, and Army forces in dealing with the partisan situation on the Eastern Front. An excerpt, from Taylor's The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials follows:

T[aylor]: Are you generally familiar with the operations of the so-called Einsatzgruppen of the SD?

v.d.B[ach]: Yes.

T: Did these units play any important part in large-scale anti-Russian operations?

v.d.B: No.

T: What was the principal task of the Einsatzgruppen?

v.d.B: The principal task ... was the annihilation of the Jews, gypsies, and political commissars.

T: Then what forces were used for large-scale antipartisan operations?

v.d.B: For antispartisan activities formations of the Waffen-SS, of the Ordnungspolizei, and above all, of the Wehrmacht were used....

T: What proportion of Wehrmacht troops was used in antipartisan operations as compared to police and SD troops?

v.d.B: Since the number of police and SD troops was very small, antipartisan operations were undertaken mainly by Wehrmacht formations....

T: Was an order ever issued by the highest authorities that German soldiers who committed offenses against the civilian population were not to be punished by the military courts?

v.d.B: Yes, this order was issued.

T: Was this order an obstacle to correcting the excesses of the troops?

v.d.B: Yes, in my opinion this order prevented the orderly conduct of operations, since one can train troops only if one has adequate disciplinary powers and jurisdiction over them and is able to check excesses.


Von dem Bach's "... testimony had reduced Göring, Funk, and Jodl especially to apopleptic rage- Göring denouncing Bach-Zelewski as a "swine," a "skunk," and "the bloodiest murderer in the whole damn setup... selling his soul to save his stinking neck," while Jodl exhorted his attorney to ask the witness "if he knows that Hitler held him up to us [i.e., the army officers] as a model partisan-fighter.... Ask the dirty pig that!"

Von dem Bach was then cross examined by the defense, and notably Dr. Alfred Thomas (attorney for Alfred Rosenberg) who sought to show von dem Bach as a committed Nazi whose "change of heart" was insincere:

Th[oma]: Do you believe that Himmler's speech [at Wewelsburg early in 1941], in which he demanded the extermination of 30 million Slavs, expressed only his personal opinion; or do you consider that it corresponded to the National Socialist ideology?

v.d.B[ach]: Today I believe that it was the logical consequence of our ideology....

Th: What was your opinion at that time?

v.d.B: It is difficult for a German to fight through to this conviction. It took me a long time.

Th: Then how is it that a few days ago a witness, namely, the witness Ohlendorf, appeared here and admitted that through the Einsatzgruppen he had killed 90,000 people, but told the Tribunal that this did not harmonize with the National Socialist ideology?

v.d.B: I am of a different opinion. If for years, for decades, a doctrine is preached to the effect that the Slav race is an inferior race, that the Jews are not even human beings, then an explosion of this sort is inevitable.


After von dem Bach had stepped down from the witness box, Göring barked "Schweinehund und Verrater!" (Pig-dog and traitor) at him.

Von dem Bach's testimony was of great value in demonstrating the justification and sense of indicting the German General Staff.

BACKE, Herbert Ernst
(1896 - 1947)
Reichsminister / Pr.Staatsrat / Reichsbauernführer / SS-Obergruppenführer / M.d.R.:
Born: 1. May 1896 in Batum, Caucasus, Russia.
Suicide: 6. Apr. 1947; hanged himself in his cell, Nürnberg Prison.
NSDAP-Nr.: 22 766
SS-Nr.: 87 882
SS Promotions:
SS-OGruf.: 9.09.42; SS-Gruf.: 30.01.38;
b. RuSHA: (9.11.1944); b. Stab RuSHA: (30. Jan. 1942)
Reichsminister für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft and Reichsbauernführer (Reich Farmers' Leader)(retained as Minister of Food and Agriculture by Doenitz's "Acting Reich Government", Flensburg-Muerwik): 12. 1943 - 05. 1945
Acting Reichsminister für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft: 05. 1942 - 12. 1943
Staatssekretär in Reichministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft: 10. 1933 - 05. 1942.
Food Commissioner in Office of the Four-Year Plan: 1936 -. Kreisbauernführer (District Farmers' Leader), ____: 1931 - 1933.
Son of German colonists in Russia.
Assistant Lecturer, Hannover Technical High School: 1923 - 24.
Student, University of Göttingen: ca. 1918 - 1923.
Interned in Russia: 1914 - ca. 1918. Attended the Russians Tifliser Gymnasium: 1905 - 1914.
Decorations & Awards:
KVK I ohne Schw.
KVK I ohne Schw.
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

BERGER, Gottlob (RK d. KVK m. Schw.; DKiS)
(1896 - 1975)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS / M.d.R.:
Born: 16. 07. 1896 in Gerstetten / Kreis Heidenheim / Württemberg.
Died: 5. 01. 1975 in Gerstetten / Kreis Heidenheim / Württemberg.
NSDAP-Nr.: 426 875 (Joined, 11.1922; left after München Putsch; Reentered, 1.01.31)
SS-Nr.: 275 991 (Joined, 30.01.1936)
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 21.06.43; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: 20.04.42; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS: 20.04.40; SS-Oberf.: 30.01.36 (entered SS at that rank); SA-Oberf.: 15.10.32; SA-Staf.: 1931; SA-Sturmführer: 1.01.31 (entered SA at that rank).
Stabsführer des Deutschen Volkssturmes (Chief of Staff, Home Defense Army; HQ: Douglasstraße, Berlin-Grünewald): 25.09.1944 - 1945
Chef des Kriegsgefangenenwesens / OKW: 1.10.944 - 8.05.1945
Höhere SS und Polizeiführer "Slowakien" (HQ: Preßburg [Bratislava]): 31.08.1944 - 20.09.1944
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Düsseldorf-Ost): 08.1943 - 8.05.1945
Persönlicher Vertreter des RF SS im Reichspostministerium / Chef der Postüberwachungsstelle der Deutschen Reichspost: 1942 - 1945 Leiter des Führungsstabes Politik (Hauptabteilung I) im Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete: 20.08.1943 -
Persönlicher Vertreter Himmlers im Ostministeriums, Rußland: 07.1942 - 1945
Verbindungsoffizier des Reichsführers SS zum Reichsminister für die besetzten Ostgebiete (Liaison officer between Himmler and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Rosenberg): 1941- 1945
President, German-Croat Society & German-Flemish Study Group:
Chef des SS-Hauptamtes: 1.04.1940 - 8.05.1945.
Charged by Himmler with formation of Selbstschütz (self-protection) units in the occupied Polish territories: 26.09.1939 - ca.1940
Chef, Sportamt, Stab RF SS: 08.1938 - 04.1940
Sportreferent, Stab SS-Oa. "Südwest" (responsible for sports training): 30.1.1936 -1.10.1937
Joined SS: 30.01.1936
Oberregierungsrat (in Abteilung für Ausbildungswesen) im württembergischen Kultusministerium: 1.10.1935 -
Training with Army: 1930's; promoted Rittmeister d.R. in Kavallerieschützen-Regiment 9, Sorau (10.11.38) and Major d.R. (1939).
Führer SA Untergruppe "Nord-Württemberg": 11.1931 - (Resigned from the SA after a quarrel with younger SA leaders, for which he had been brought before an arbitration committee)
Führer SA-Standarte 125: ____ - 11.1931
Führer SA-Sturm 10: 1.01.31 - ____
Reentered NSDAP and joined SA: 1.01.1931
Joined NSDAP: 11.1922
WW I Service & After:
Member of Organisation F: 1.04.1924 - 23.03.1929
Grenzschutz West: 04.1921 -
Einwohnerwehrgruppe Württemberg-Nord: 03.1919 - 03.1921
70% disabled in WW I.
Retired from service as Oberleutnant in Inf.Rgt. 124: 13.07.1919.
Battalion Adjutant, III./Infanterie-Regiment 476: 1917 - 06.1918.
Promoted Leutnant: 6.11.1916.
Kriegsfreiwilliger (War volunteer); assigned to Inf. Rgt. 127, then to Inf.Rgt. 247: 08.1914.
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by U.S. Military Tribunal, Nuremberg ("Wilhelmstraße Case". Sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment, 13. Apr. 1949. Commuted to 10 years, 31. Jan. 1951. Released, 15. Dec. 1951.
Postwar Activities:
1952- Joined staff of the neo-Nazi monthly "Nation Europa", published in Coburg by the former SS-Sturmbannführer and Leiter der Kreigsarchive der Waffen-SS in Prague, Arthur Ehrhardt. Still writing for this publication as of 1965.
* Son of the carpenter and sawmill owner Johannes Berger.
* Studied to be a teacher, 1910 - 1914.
* His two brothers both lost their lives in WW I, one of them being shot as a German agent in the U.S. in Sep. 1918.
* Married, 1921 to Maria (née ____?) / 4 children.
* Briefly arrested during München Putsch, 11.1923.
* Physical education teacher after WW I; established an institute of sports training in Gerstetten after WW II.
* It was Berger more than any other man who was responsible for the phenomenal growth and multinational character of the Waffen-SS. As of mid-1940, the Waffen-SS membership stood at 100,000; in 1941- 220,000; in 1942- 330,000; 1943- 540,000l; 1944- 910,000. Much information on this subject may be found in Heinz Höhne's The Order of the Death's Head. Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern: 15. 11. 1944 as SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS & Chef des Ergänzungswesens der Waffen-SS
Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: 1. 07. 1943
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II
1914 EK I: 21.01.1918
1914 EK II: 26.11.1914
KVK I m. Schw.: 1.07.1941
KVK II m. Schw.
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber: 18.06.1918 (Received following wounds: Ankle, 31.10.1914; Back wound at Ypres, 18. Mar. 1915; Stomach, 4.10.1915; Wounded by a grenade, Jun. 1918)
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Friedrichs Orden mit Schwertern: ca. 11.1918
Württemberg Militär Verdienstmedaille in Gold: 21.05.1915
Ritterkreuz des Militär Verdienstkreuz: 4.05.1918
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen: 30.01.1943
Goldenes Hitler-Jugend Ehrenzeichen mit Eichenlaub: 30.01.1944
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber u. Bronze;
Deutsche-Olympia-Ehrenzeichen 1. Klasse: 16.08.1936; Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS
Commander's Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland: 1942

(1894 - 1943)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei/M.d.R.:
Born: 17. Apr. 1894 in Matinsbann bei Metz.
Died: 27. Dec. 1943 in Posen (brain tumor).
NSDAP-Nr.: 128 245 (Joined 05.1929)
SS-Nr.: 6 019 (Joined 1.03.1931)
SS-Ogruf.u.Gen.d.Pol.: 30.01.42; Gen.Lt.d.Pol.: 10.04.41; SS-Gruf.: 13.09.36; SS-Brigf.: 9.09.34; SS-Oberf.: 30.01.34; SS-Staf.: 1.03.32 (entered SS at that rank); SA-Staf.: 15.06.31
Führer SS-Oberabschnitt "Warthe": 9.11.1943 - 12.1943
HSSPF "Warthe" (Posen): 11.09.1943 - 27.12.1943
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

BEST, Dr. jur. [Karl Rudolf] Werner
(1903 - 1989)
Born: 10. 07. 1903 in Darmstadt / Hessen
Died: 23. 06. 1989 in Mülheim / Ruhr
NSDAP-Nr.: 341 338
SS-Nr.: 23 377
SS-OGruf.: 20.04.44; SS-Gruf.: ; SS-Brigf.: 20.04.39; SS-Oberf.: 9.11.36; SS-Staf.: 20.04.35; SS-Ostubaf.: 4.07.34; SS-Stubaf.: 15.06.34; SS-Hstuf.: 15.12.33; SS-Ostuf.: 9.11.33; SS-Ustuf.: 22.06.33
Reichsbevollmächtigter in Dänemark: 11.1942 - 8.05.1945
Kriegsverwaltungschef, in charge of the second of two Verwaltungsstab sections (reSponsible for cvilian matters; agriculture, transportation, justice, police, etc.), in Paris: 1.08.1940 - 1942
Chef Amt I (Personal/Personnel) / RSHA: 27.09.1939 - 12.06.1940
Mitglied der Preuß.Prüfungskommission für höhere Verwaltungsbeamte (Member, Prussian testing commission for higher administrative officials): 23.11.1938 -
Ministerialdirigent im Hauptamt Sicherheitspolizei, Reichsministerium des Innern: 6.10.1937 -
im Reichsministerium des Innern, Hauptamt Sicherheitspolizei: 1936 - 1940
Oberregierungsrat und Abteilungsleiter für Verwaltung und Recht (Administration & Law) im geheimen Staatspolizeiamt, Berlin / Deputy to Heydrich: 1.01.1935 -
Führer SD-Oberabschnitt Süd & Südwest:
Polizeipräsident von Hessen: 1933 - fall 1933 (sacked due to conflict with the Gauleiter of Hessen-Nassau, Jakob Sprenger)
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by Danish court and sentenced to death, Copenhagen, 1946. Sentence commuted to 12 years' imprisonment, 20. Jul. 1949. Released, 29. Aug. 1951. Fined 70.000 DM by a Berlin de-Nazification court for his activities during the Third Reich. Detained in Mar. 1969 for a new investigation into his role in Aktion AB (the murder of Polish intelligentsia and Jews in 1939/40). Finally charged in Feb. 1972, he was released in Aug. 1972 for medical reasons, but the charges were not withdrawn. The charges were completely dismissed in 1982.
Postwar Actvities:
Legal advisor to Hugo Stinnes A.G. in Kahlheim as of 1962. Consultant to West German Foreign Ministry.
* Son of a senior postmaster. Parents moved to Dortmund, 1912, then to Mainz (where Best completed his education). * His father was killed in action at the beginning of WW I in 1914.
* Established the first local group of the German National Youth League in Mainz after WW I, then entered the Mainz branch of the Deutsche National Volkspartei (DNVP). Imprisoned twice by French authorities for nationalist political activities in the Ruhrland, end of 1923 to spring 1924.
* Law studies at Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Giessen, and Heidelberg: 1921 - 1925. Dr. jur. from Heidelberg University, 1927. Appointed Gerichtsassessor (judge) in the Justice Dept., Hessen; forced to resign in 1931 when he was found in possession of the Boxheim documents. These were named for the estate of Boxheim, near Worms, where Best and other Nazis had held meetings to develop a blueprint for a counter-revolution in the event of a communist revolution in Germany; the documents were signed by Best, and discussed, among other things, the execution of political opponents. The discovery of the papers was a major embarrassment for Hitler, who was at that time making every effort to achieve power through legal means. The plans were given to the police, and Best was subsequently forbidden to practice in Hessen. In Oct. 1931 the Leipzig High Court chose not to proceed against him further due to "lack of evidence."
* Author of the book, Die Deutsche Polizei (1941).
* Whilst holding the position of Reich Plenipotentiary in Denmark, he helped to sabotage the Nazi plan to deport the 7,000 Jews of Denmark; as a result, only 477 were rounded up and sent to the camps.
* "The ambitious Best, a cool, amoral technician of power, used his academic and legal skills to justify the totalitarian practice of the Natioal Socialist Führer State 'which correspond to the ideological principle of the organically indivisible national community'. The role of the political police was to fight all symptoms of 'disease' in the national organism, 'to discover the enemies of the State, to watch them and render them harmless at the right moment'. As a leading constitutional theoretician and Nazi jurist in the Third Reich, Best did a great deal to give respectability and legitimacy to the political police and the concentration camps. As long as the Gestapo was carrying out the will of the leadership it was, in his view, 'acting legally'.... A combination of personal ambition, opportunist careerism and ideological inclinations drove him to the apex of the Nazi system where he helped ensure the smooth functioning of a system of terror. Yet at the end of his National Socialist career it would appear that he belatedly began to revert to that respect for law which he had done so much to destroy from wihin at an earlier period." (Excerpted from Robert Wistrich, Who's Who in the Third Reich)
Decorations & Awards:
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

BITTRICH, Wilhelm (Willi) (RK m. EL u. Schw.; DKiG)
(1894 - 1979)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS:
Born: 26. 02. 1894 in Wernigerode / Harz
Died: 19. 04. 1979 in Wolfratshausen / Bayern
NSDAP-Nr.: 829 700 (Joined 1.12.1932)
SS-Nr.: 39 177 (Joined 1.07.1932)
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 1.08.44; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: 1.05.43; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS: 19.10.41; SS-Oberf.: 1.09.40 ; SS-Staf.: 1.06.39; SS-Ostubaf.: 30.01.38; SS-Stubaf.: 1.10.36; SS-Hstuf.: 17.06.34; SS-Ostuf.: 12.04.34; SS-Sturmführer: 31.10.32
Kom.Gen. II.SS-Panzer-Korps: 29. Jun. 1944 (in permanent command from 10. Jul. 1944) - 8. May 1945.
Kdr. 9.SS-Panzer-Division: 15. Feb... 1943 -10. Jul. 1944 (initially led Aufstellungsstab [Formation Staff] at Mailly-le-Camp, France). Kdr. SS-Kavallerie-Division: 1. Jun. 1942 - 15. Dec. 1943 (only in titular command after Dec. 1942, when recalled to Berlin).
SS-Führungshauptamt: Jan. 1942 - 1. Jun. 1942.
Kdr. SS-Division "Reich" (temporary, due to wounds received by divisional commander SS-Gruf. Paul Hausser; Bittrich succeeded by Matthias Kleinheisterkamp due to illness): Oct. 1941 - Jan. 1942.
Kdr. SS Regiment "Deutschland"/SS-Division "Reich": 1. Dec. 1940 - 14. Oct. 1941.
Staff officer w/replacement office for SS-V.-Division, SS-Hauptamt (SS-Führungshauptamt from 1. Feb. 1940 - 1. Dec. 1940; also responsible for replacements of SS-Totenkopf-DIvision from Jun. 1940): 1. Feb. 1940 - 1. Dec. 1940.
Oberst im Stabe, "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler": 1. Jun. 1939 - 1. Feb. 1940.
Führer I.Sturmbann (later redesignated I.Bataillon)/SS-Standarte 3 (later granted honor title "Der Führer"): 23. Mar. 1938 - 1. Jun. 39.
Führer II./SS-Standarte "Deutschland": 29 Sep. 1936 - 23. Mar. 1938.
Führer 2./I./SS-Standarte 1 (granted honor title of "Deutschland" in Sep. 1935): 1. Apr. 1935 - 29. Sep. 1936.
Führer Politische Bereitschaft (Political Readiness Detachment) Hamburg: 25. Aug. 1934 - 1. Apr. 1935.
Transferred to SS-Verfügungstruppe: 25. Aug. 1934.
Führer 74.SS-Standarte "Ostsee" (HQ: Greifswald): 8. Mar. 1934 - 25. Aug. 1934.
Führer SS Fliegerstaffel "Ost": 31. Oct. 1932 - 8. Mar. 1934.
Joined SS, assigned to SS Fliegerstaffel "Ost": 1. Jul. 1932.
SA Service: Mar. 1932 - Jun. 1932.
Joined NSDAP: 1. Dec. 1932.
WW I, Freikorps & Reichswehr Service:
Civilian employee of Reichswehr-Bataillon Berlin: 1930 - 1932.
Entered Reichswehr: 1923; trained German pilots in USSR.
Freikorps "Ehrhardt": Jan. 1920 - Jun. 1920.
Freikorps "Hülsen": Mar. 1919 - Jul. 1919.
Pilot in Jagdstaffel 37:
Pilot in Flieger-Abteilung A 226:
Commissioned Leutnant:
Assigned to flying service: 10. Sep. 1914 - May 1918.
Infanterie-Regiment 77:
Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon 19:
Joined Army: 30. Jul. 1914. First assiged to Jäger Bataillon Nr. 7 (Magdeburg)(per M. Yerger; N. von Preradovich states Jäger-Bataillon 8)
Postwar Prosecution:
Captured by U.S. troops, he was then transferred to French custody. Exonerated of war crimes by French court in Bordeaux and released, 1954.
Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des E.K.: 14. 12. 1941 as SS-Oberf. & Kdr. SS-Pz.Rgt. "Deutschland"/SS-Division "Reich", Russian Front;
-Eichenlaub (Nr. 563): 23. 08. 1944 as SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS & Kom.Gen. II.SS-Panzer-Korps, Western Front- for actions at Falaise & Caen;
--Schwertern (Nr. 151): 6. 05. 1945 as SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS & Kom.Gen. II.SS-Panzer-Korps, Southeastern Front- for actions in Hungary;
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 6. 03. 1943 as SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS & Kdr. SS Kavallerie-Division, Russian Front;
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I: 7. 06. 1940 for earlier service with the "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" in Poland, Sep. 1939)
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II: 25. 09. 1939 as SS-Staf. & Oberst im Stabe, "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler", Poland
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz (wounded twice); Imperial German Air Force Pilots Badge
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

(1900 - 1945)
Reichsminister / Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenfuhrer / SA-Obergruppenführer / M.d.R.:
Born: 17. Jun. 1900 in Halberstadt / Mecklenburg.
Killed or Suicide: 2. May 1945, in Berlin.
NSDAP-Nr.: 60 508 (Joined 17.02.1927)
SS-Nr.: (SS-DAL of 9.11.44 gives SS-Nr. 555, while SS-DAL of 1.12.37 gives SS-Nr. 278 267)
SS Promotions:
SS-OGruf.: 20.04.40; SS-Gruf.: 30.01.37;
Reichsminister: 1944 - 05.1945
Sekretär des Führers: 12.04.1943- 30.04.1945
Leiter der Parteikanzlei: 12.05.1941 - 1.05.1945
politischer und organisatorischer Leiter des Volkstums im persönlichen Stabe Hitlers: 1928 -
Mitglied des Reichstages: 11.1933 - 1.05.1945
Reichsleiter der NSDAP: 10.1933 - 1.05.1945
Stabsleiter im Amt des Stellvertreters des Führers (Rudolf Hess): 07.1933 - 12.05.1941
Mitglied des Stabes der Obersten SA-Führung: 1928 - 1930
Gaupresseobmann der NSDAP in Thüringen: 1927 - 1928
Entered NSDAP: 17.02.1927
Army & Freikorps Service:
Served as a Kanonier in a Feld-Artillerie-Rgt. toward the end of WW I. He was a member of the Freikorps of Gerhard Rossbach in Mecklenburg, 1922 - 1923. In Mar. 1924, he was sentenced to 1 year in prison as an accomplice of Rudolf Höß in the murder of Walther Kadow, his own former elementary teacher, after Kadow had allegedly betrayed the Nazi martyr Leo Schlageter to French occupation authorities in the Ruhrland. Postwar Prosecution:
Tried in absentia by International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg; sentenced to death, 1. Oct. 1946.
Decorations & Awards:
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber u. Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

BOUHLER, Dr. Philipp
(1899 - 1945)
Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenführer / M.d.R. / Oberleutnant a.D.:
Born: 11. 09. 1899 in München.
Suicide: 10. 05. 1945, at Alt Aussee (by cyanide with his wife)
NSDAP-Nr.: 12 (Joined, 1921)
SS-Nr.:: 54 932
SS Promotions:
SS-OGruf.: 30.01.36; SS-Gruf.: 20.04.33.
Chef, Führerkanzlei: 1934 - 1945.
Member, Reichskultursenat:
Member of the Reichstag: 1933 - May 1945.
Polizeipräsident, München: 1934.
Geschäftsführer, NSDAP (Party Business Manager): 1925 - 1934.
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK II
KVK I ohne Schw.
KVK II ohne Schw.
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Gold, Silber u. Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

(1880 - 1945)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS / Major a.D.:
Born: 8. Dec. 1880 in Berlin.
Killed: 29. Apr. 1945 in Bach (auto accident)
NSDAP-Nr.: 602 663
SS-Nr.: 39 719 (Joined 1.12.1932)
SS-Ogruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 20.04.44; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: 15.08.41; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS: 9.11.38; SS-Oberf.: 9.11.34; SS-Staf.: 9.11.33; SS-Ostubaf.: 31.07.33; SS-Stubaf.: 1.12.32 (entered SS at that rank)
Chef Hauptamt SS-Gericht: 1942 - 29.04.1945
World War I Service:
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
Ehrenkreuz fur Frontkampfer
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

BUCH, Walter
(1883 - 1949)
Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenführer / M.d.R. / Major a.D.:
Born: 24. 10. 1883 in Bruchsal / Baden
Suicide: 12. 11. 1949 (slashed his wrists and drowned himself in the Ammersee)
NSDAP-Nr.: 7 733 (Joined 1922)
SS-Nr.: 81 353
SS Promotions:
SS-Ogruf.: 9.11.34; SS-Gruf.:
Stab RF SS: - 8.05.1945
Mitglied der Akademie für Deutsches Recht:
Mitglied des Sachverständigenbereits für Bevölkerungs- und Rassenpolitik im Reichsministerium des Innern:
Leiter des Obersten Parteigerichts München: 1934 - 8.05.1945
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Osthannover), NSDAP-Fraktion: 1928 - 8.05.1945
Vorsitzender des Untersuchungs- und Schlichtungsausschusses in der Reichsleitung der NSDAP: 1927 -
Führer des SA-Kommandos Franken (Nürnberg): 08,1923 -
Postwar Prosecution:
Classified as a "Major Offender" (Hauptschuldiger), Buch was sentenced to five years' hard labor during his second de-Nazification trial.
* Son of a distinguished German judge.
* Father-in-law of Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, who married his daughter- Gerda Buch- in 1929.
* Played a particularly brutal role in the Blood Purge of 30.Jun./1. Jul. 1934; eyewitness accounts indicate that he was personally involved in the murder of SA leaders, directing SS executioners at Stadelheim Prison near München.
* In the publication "Deutsche Justiz" (21. Oct. 1938), Buch wrote: "The Jew is not a human being. He is an appearance of putrescence. Just as the fission-fungus cannote permeate wood until it is rotting, so the Jew was able to creep into the German people, to bring on disaster only after the German nation... had begun to rot from within." Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
KVK I ohne Schw.
KVK II ohne Schw.
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Coburger Abzeichen 1922
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

DARRÉ, R[ichard] Walther
(1895 - 1953)
Reichsminister / Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenführer / Preuß.Staatsrat / M.d.R. / Leutnant d.R.a.D.:
Born: 14. Jul. 1895 in Belgrano, Argentina
Died: 8. Aug. 1953 in München.
NSDAP-Nr.: 248 256
SS-Nr.: 6 882
SS-OGruf.: 9.11.34; SS-Gruf.: ; SS-Brigf.: ;
Postwar Prosecution:
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

(1896 - 1988)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS:
Born: 27. 05. 1896 in Freising / Oberbayern.
Died: 18. 03. 1988 in Seeshaupt / Prenzberg / Bayern.
NSDAP-Nr.: (Joined 20. Feb. 1922 with NSDAP-Nr. 4 439; left after Munich Putsch and did not rejoin)
SS-Nr.: 252 392 (Joined 15. Mar. 1935)
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 21. Jun. 1944; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: 20. Apr. 1942; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS: 9. Nov. 1941; SS-Oberf.: 30. Jan. 1940; SS-Staf.: 1. Oct. 1936; SS-OStubaf.: 15. Mar. 1935 (entered SS at that rank); SA-Staf.: 1. May 1934;
Standing Deputy of Reichsführer-SS in Führungsstab "Ostseeküste" (Baltic Sea Coast): Mar./Apr. 1945.
Kom.Gen. XVI.SS-Armee-Korps: 15. Jan. 1945 - Apr. 1945.
Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS "Niederlanden": 11. Jun. 1942 - 9. Nov. 1944.
Police Service:
WW I & Freikorps Service:
Decorations & Awards:
Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: 9. Nov. 1943
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II
1914 EK I; 1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Bavarian Military Order 4th Class (WW I)
Bavarian Service Cross 3rd Class w/Swords (WW I)
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
Spange "Prager Burg"
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS
Finnish Cross of Freedom 1st Class: ca. 1942

(Photo courtesy of Frank DeLaglio)

EBERSTEIN, Friedrich Karl Freiherr von
(1894 - 1979)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei / M.d.R.:
Born: 14. 01. 1894 in Halle an der Saale.
Died: 10. 02. 1979 in Bayern.
NSDAP-Nr.: 15 067 (first joined, Oct. 1922; left after Munich Putsch; rejoined, 17. Aug. 1925)
SS-Nr.: 1 386 (Joined 1. Apr. 1929)
Gen.d.W-SS: 1.07.44; Gen.d.Pol.: 8.04.41; SS-OGruf.: 30.01.36; SS-Gruf.: 1.09.32; SS-Oberf.: 15.09.31; SS-Staf.: 1.02.31; SA-Gruf.: 1.09.32; SA-Oberf.: 15.09.31; SA-Staf.: 1.02.31; SS-Sturmführer: 1.04.29 (entered SS at that rank)
HSSPF "Main":
WW I Service:
Balloon observer in Feld-Luftschiffer Halbabteilung, VIII.Reservekorps:
Batterieführer & Regimental Adjutant, Feldartillerie-Regiment 17 (2nd. Pommernsche):
Commissioned Leutnant der Reserve: 25.11.1915
Unteroffizier in Feldartillerie Schule, Jüterbog: 1915
Unteroffizier in 4.Ersatz-Batterie Mansfeld / Feld-Art.Rgt. 75:
Gefreiter in Feld-Art.Rgt. 75: 1914 -
Entered service as war volunteer: 1914
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK I: 27.01.1918, VIII.Armee-Korps;
1914 EK II: 10.02.1916, 3.Abt./Feldart.Rgt. 17;
KVK I m. Schw.: 15.02.1943;
KVK II m. Schw.: 20.04.1941;
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen;
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze: 20.04.1940;
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS;
Grandcross of the Order of the Roman Eagle with swords (Itay): 14.07.1943

EICKE, Theodor ("Papa") (RK m. EL)
(1892 - 1943) SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS / M.d.R.:
Born: 17. Oct. 1892 in Hudingen / Lothringen.
Killed: 26. Feb. 1943 near Orelka, Russia.
NSDAP-Nr.: 114 901 (Joined 1.12.28)
SS-Nr.: 2 921 (Joined 29.07.30)
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 20.04.42; Gen.Lt.d.WSS: 09.41; SS-Gruf.: 11.07.34; SS-Brigf.: 30.01.34; SS-Oberf.: 26.10.32; SS-Staf.: 15.11.31; SS-Stubaf.: 30.01.31; SS-Sturmführer: 27.11.30; SS-Truppführer: 08.30; SS-Mann: 29.07.30
Kdr. SS-Totenkopf-Division (upgraded/redesignated as SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Totenkopf", 1942): 09.1941 - 26.02.1943 (Ý)
Kdr. SS-Totenkopf-Division: 14.11.1939 - 6.07.1941 (seriously injured, 6.07.1941, when his command vehicle struck a mine; suffered nerve damage and a shattered right foot; Matthias Kleinheisterkamp and Georg Keppler served as successive substitutes)
HSSPF in operational areas of Armeeoberkommandos 8 & 10 (later became HSSPF "Ost" with HQ in Krakow): 09.1939 - 10.1939
Mitglied des Reichstages: 30.01.1937 - 26.02.1943
Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager: 4.07.1934 - 15.11.1939
Kommandant des K.L. Dachau: 26.06.1933 4.07.1934
Offizier z.b.V. SS-Gruppe Süd": 06.1933 - 20.06.1934
Führer 10.SS-Standarte: 21.12.1931 -
Verwaltungsoffizier 10.SS-Standarte: 7.11.31 - 21.12.31
Führer II./10.SS-Brigade: 30.01.1931 - 7.11.1931
Führer SS-Sturm 147: 27.11.30 - 30.01.1931
SS-Sturm 147 (Ludwigshafen): 30.08.1930 - 27.11.30
Entered SS: 29.07.1930
SA-Truppführer in Frankenthal (later in Ludwigshafen): 1.12.28 - 29.07.1930 (transferred to SS)
Joined NSDAP and SA: 1.12.1928.
WW I, Freikorps, & Police Service:
Entered Imperial Army as volunteer, 1909. Assigned to Inf.Rgt. 23 "König Ferdinand der Bulgaren" (Landau / Rheinland-Pfalz) until 1913. Transferred to Inf.Rgt. 3 "Prinz Karl von Bayern to 08.1914. Then served with Inf.Rgt. 22 "Fürst Wilhelm von Hohenzollern". Moved to the artillery branch, serving in Bayr.Fußartillerie-Rgt. 2 from 1916 to 1917. A paymaster, his final duty was with the replacement machine gun company of II.Armee-Korps. He was discharged as an Unterzahlmeister, 1.03.1919.
Attended Technical College at Ilmenau / Thuringen until 09.1919, when he was forced to leave for financial reasons and because of his radical politics. Enlisted in police as candidate in Ilmenau, 12.1919. Dismissed for subversive, anti-Republic political leanings, 07.1920. Passed Schutzpolizei school exams, Cottbus, 1920, but was refused employment due to his political activities. Dismissed, 1921 two weeks into his service as a police officer candidate in Weimar. Finally received a job with police administration, Ludwigshafen am Rhein but dismissed in Jan. 1923 (again, for political reasons).
An employee of I.G. Farbenindustrie, Jan. 1923 - Mar. 1932, first as commercial agent, then as security advisor.
* Youngest of 11 children of the railway stationmaster Heinrich Eicke. Attended Volkschule and Realschule in Hampont. A poor student, he left and joined the army in 1909.
* Married to Bertha Schwebel, 26. Dec. 1914. Two children, Irma (born 5. Apr. 1916) and Hermann, born 4. May 1920 (Hermann Eicke was killed in action 2. Dec. 1941)
* Accompanied by Michael Lippert, shot SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm in his cell at Stadelheim Prison, München, 1.07.1934.
Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des E.K.: 26. Dec. 1941
-Eichenlaub (Nr. ): 20. 04. 1942
1939 EK I: 31.05.1940
1939 Sp.z.1914 EK II: 26.05.1940
1914 EK II;
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Silber
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Braunschweig Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse (WW I)
Bayerische Order of Merit 2. Klasse (WW I)
Bayerische Military Service Badge 3. Klasse (WW I)
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen: 30.01.1940
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

(1895 - 1969)
Reichsleiter / SS-Obergruppenführer / Oberbürgermeister / M.d.R. / Leutnant d.R.: Born: 31. 08. 1895 in Braunschweig
Died: 8. 12. 1969 in Diessen am Ammersee
NSDAP-Nr.: 37
SS-Nr.: 91 724
SS-Ogruf.: 30.01.42;
Stab RF SS:
Reichsleiter der NSDAP: 1935 - 1945
Oberbürgermeister von München: 03.1933 - 1945
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Magdeburg): 1933 - 1945
Vorsitzender des Deutschen Gemeindetages: 05.1933 -
Leiter des Amtes füe Kommunalpolitik der NSDAP: 1930 -
Ortsgruppenleiter der NSDAP: 1927 - 1930
Imprisoned with Hitler at Landsberg Prison for his part in the München Putsch: 1923 / 1924
Member, Stoßtrupp Adolf Hitler, München: ____ - 9.11.1923
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK II
KVK I ohne Schwerter
KVK II ohne Schwerter
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Mar. 1938
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen
Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Gold, Silber und Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

FRANK, August (DKiS)
(1898 - 1984)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei:
Born: 5. Apr. 1898.
Died: 1984.
NSDAP-Nr.: 1 471 185
SS-Nr.: 56 69
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 9. Oct. 1944; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: ; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS: ; SS-Oberf.: ; SS-Staf.: ;
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by U.S. Military Tribunal, Nuremberg ("WVHA" Case, No. ); sentenced to life imprisonment, . Sentence commuted to 15 years', 1951. Released, .
Decorations & Awards:
Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: ;
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
1914 EK II
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

FRANK, Karl-Hermann
(1898 - 1946)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei/Staatsminister / M.d.R.:
Born: 24. Jan. 1898 in Karlsbad.
Hanged: 22. May 1946 in Prague.
NSDAP-Nr.: 6 600 002
SS-Nr.: 310 466 (Joined, 1. Nov. 1938)
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS u.Pol.: 21. Jun. 1943; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.Pol.: 9. Nov. 1939; SS-Brigf. 1. Nov. 1938 (entered SS at that rank).
Staatsminister for civil administration, Böhmen-und-Mähren: Aug. 1943-May 1945.
Stellvertreter Reichsprotektor Böhmen-und-Mähren (Seat: Prague): 1941-May 1945.
Führer SS-Oberabschnitt "Böhmen und Mähren" (HQ: Prague): 1. Apr. 1944-May 1945.
HSSPF "Böhmen und Mähren" (HQ: Prague): 28. Apr. 1939-Apr. 1945.
Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Sudetenland): Apr. 1939-Aug. 1943.
Stellvertreter Gauleiter, Reichsgau Sudetenland: 1938-Apr. 1939.
Elected member, then senator, of Czech parliament: May 1935.
Entered Austrian Nazi Party: 192_.
Son of a teacher. Law student at University of Prague 4 semesters). From 1920, bookkeeper. Later, a bookseller until 1933.
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by Czech court, 1946, and condemned to death. Execution attended by 4,000 spectators.
Decorations & Awards:
KVK I m. Schw.;
KVK II m. Schw.;
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oct. 1938;
Spange "Prager Burg";
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen;
Goldenes HJ-Ehrenzeichen;
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber;
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS.

GILLE, Herbert-Otto (RK m. EL, Schw., u. Brill.; DKiG)
(1897 - 1966)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS:
Born: 8. Mar. 1897 in Gandersheim am Harz.
Died: 26. Dec. 1966 in Stemmen, near Hannover.
NSDAP-Nr.: 537 337 (Joined 1. or 7. May 1931)
SS-Nr.: 39 854 (Joined 10. Oct. 1931)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS: 9. Nov. 1944
SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS: 9. Nov. 1943
SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS: 9. Nov. 1942
SS-Oberführer: 1. Oct. 1941
SS-Standartenführer: 30. Jan. 1941
SS-Obersturmbannführer: 19. Oct. 1939
SS-Sturmbannführer: 20. Apr. 1937
SS-Hauptsturmführer: 9. Nov. 1935
SS-Obersturmführer: 20. Apr. 1935
SS-Untersturmführer: 20.Apr. 1933
SS-Scharführer: 1932
SS-Anwärter: Dec. 1931
Oberleutnant: 31. Mar. 1919
Leutnant: 27. Jan. 1915
Kommandierender General IV.SS-Panzer-Korps: 6. Aug. 1944 (arrived at Korps HQ, 20. Jul. 1944) - 8. May 1945
Kommandeur 5.SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking": 1. May 1943 - Aug. 1944 (actually left the Division 20. Jul. 1944)
Kommandeur Regiment "Westland" / SS-Div. "Wiking": Jul. 1942 - 1. Dec. 1942
Arko (Artillerie-Kdr.) SS-Generalkommando: 20. Jun. 1942 - Jul. 1942
Kommandeur SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5, SS-Division "Wiking": 1. Dec. 1940 - 1. May. 1943
Kommander I.Abteilung / SS-Artillerie-Regiment, SS-Verfügungstruppe: May 1939 - 1. Dec. 1940
Führer II.Sturmbann/SS-Standarte “Germania”: 15. Feb. 1937 -1. May 1939
Stabsführer SS-Standarte “Germania”: 1. Oct. 1936 - 15. Feb. 1937
Führer 12.Sturm / III.Sturmbann / SS-Standarte “Deutschland” (redesignated 19.Sturm / IV.Sturmbann/SS-Standarte “Deutschland” when the unit expanded to four Sturmbanne on 1. Jul. 1936): 9. Nov. 1935 - 1. Oct. 1936
Führer 11.Sturm / III.Sturmbann / SS-Standarte 1 (later redesignated SS-Standarte “Deutschland”): 20. May 1934 - 9. Nov. 1935
Führer z.b.V. (Special duties officer) with II.Sturmbann / 49.SS-Standarte (Goslar): Oct. 1933 - 20. May 1934
Stabsführer SS-Abschnitt IV (Braunschweig): 20. Apr. 1933 - 4. Apr. 1934
Führer Motorstaffel, 49.SS-Standarte: 27. Jan. 1933 - 20. Apr. 1933
Führer 5.Sturm / I.Sturmbann / 49.Standarte: 10. Oct. 1931 - 27. Jan. 1933
Entered SS: 10. Oct. 1931
Entered NSDAP: 1. or 7. May 1931
Self-employed businessman: 1931 - 1933
Employed in an auto factory, Braunschweig: 1929 - 1931
Member of the Stahlhelm veterans’ organization: 1922 - 1926
Inspector of Public Farming Lands: 1923 - 1929
Estate administrator, Bamberg: 1920 - 1929(?)
Discharged from Reichswehr as Oberleutnant: 31. Mar. 1919
Reserve Artillerie-Regiment 55 / 75.Infanterie-Division (Zugführer and Batterieoffizier): Dec. 1914 - Mar. 1919
Fähnrich with 2.Badischen Feldartillerie-Regiment 30 (Rastatt): Aug. 1914 - 1. Nov. 1914
Attended senior Kadettenhaus at Berlin-Lichterfelde: 1914 - Aug. 1914
Attended Kadettenhaus Bensburg-am-Rhein: Apr. 1910 - 1914
Decorations & Awards:
~ Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuzes: 8. Oct. 1942 as SS-Oberf., Kdr. SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5 / SS-Division "Wiking" / LVII.Panzer-Korps / 17.Armee / Heeresgruppe A.
~ Eichenlaub (Nr. 315): 1. Nov. 1943 as SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.W-SS, Kdr. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking" (immediate award).
~ Schwertern (Nr. 47): 20. Feb. 1944 as SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS, Kdr. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking" (immediate award).
~ Brillanten (Nr. 12): 19. Apr. 1944 as SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS, Kdr. 5.SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking" / LVI.Panzer-Korps (immediate award).
~ Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 28. Feb. 1942
1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse: 21. Nov. 1939
1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse: 26. Oct. 1939
1914 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Wehrmachtbericht: 6. Apr. 1944 & 2. Sep. 1944
Allgemeine-Sturmabzeichen: May 1941
Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42”: 15. Sep. 1942
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Mar. 1938
Braunschweigisches Verdienstkreuz I. und II. Klasse
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Reichssportabzeichen in Silber
SA-Sportabzeichen in Silber
Ehrendegen des RF SS
Totenkopfring der SS
Order of the Cross of Liberty 1st Class with Swords (Finland)
* Religion: Protestant; later declared himself “gottgläubig”.
* Married on 3. Jan. 1935 to Sophie Charlotte Mennecke (born 31. Dec. 1903 in Stemmen / Kreis Hannover / Niedersachsen). One daughter (born 9. Oct. 1935).

GOTTBERG, Curt von (RK; DKiG)
(1896 - 1945)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei / Generalkommissar a.D.:
Born: 11. Feb. 1896 in Ostpreußen.
Suicide: 31. May 1945 in Leitzhäft.
NSDAP-Nr.: 948 753
SS-Nr.: 45 923
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS u.Pol.: 30. Jun.1944; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.Pol.: 15. Jul. 1943; SS-Brigf.u.Gen.Maj.d.Pol.: 20.04.1942; SS-OStubaf. d.R.: 1.12.1940; SS-Oberf.: 30.01.1939; SS-Staf.: 9.11.1937; SS-OStubaf.: 25.03.1934; SS-Stubaf.: 30.01.1934; SS-Sturmhauptführer: 20.19.1933; SS-Sturmführer: 6.11.1933; SS-Obertruppeführer: 20.10.33; SS-Truppführer: 25.04.1933; SS-Scharführer: 1.04.1933;
Deputy Kdr. Ersatzheeres (Replacement Army). Assigned to staff for organizing stragglers for frontline service, Heeresgruppe "Nordwest" area of operations.: Dec. 1944 - 8. May 1945. Kom.Gen. XII.SS-Armee-Korps: 7. Aug. 1944 - 18. Oct. 1944 (terminated command due to illness).
Generalkommissar Weißruthenien (HQ: Minsk): 22. Sep. 1943 - 7. Aug. 1944.
HSSPF "Rußland-Mitte und Weißruthenien" (HQ: Minsk): 5. Jul. 1943 - 21. Jun. 1944 (substitute for SS-OGruf. von dem Bach)/21. Jun. 1944 - 7. Aug. 1944 (permanent replacement for von dem Bach)
SSPF "Minsk": 27. Jul. 1942 - 22. Sep. 1943.
Chef Amt III (Schulungsamt/Indoctrination Office), SS-Hauptamt: Jan. 1941 - late-Jul. 1942.
SS-Hauptamt: Oct. 1940 - late-Jul. 1942.
WW I & Freikorps Service: Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des E.K.: 30. Jun. 1944;
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 7. Aug. 1943;
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I: 20. Feb. 1943
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II: 6. Dec. 1942
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Bandenkampfabzeichen in Silber
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938
Spange "Prager Burg"
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Bronze
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

GRAWITZ, Prof. Dr. med. Ernst-Robert
(1899 - 1945)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS:
Born: 8. Jun. 1899 in Berlin.
Suicide: 24. Apr. 1945 in Gerlin.
NSDAP-Nr.: 1 102 844
SS-Nr.: 27 483
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS: 20. Apr. 1944; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.W-SS: 1. Oct. 1942; SS--Brigf.: 20. Apr. 1937; SS-Oberf.: 4. Apr. 1935; SS-Staf.: 5. May 1934; SS-OStubaf.: 16. Aug. 1933; SS-Stubaf.: 1. Jul. 1933 (joined SS at that rank).
Reichsarzt SS und Polizei:
Decorations & Awards:
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II
1914 EK II; Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

GREIFELT, Ulrich Heinrich Emil Richard
(1896 - 1949)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei:
Born: 8. Dec. 1896 in Berlin.
Died: 1949 in Landsberg Prison.
NSDAP-Nr.: 1 667 407 (Joined Mar. 1933)
SS-Nr.: 72 909
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.Pol.: 30. Jan. 1944;
Chef Hauptamt Reichskommissar für die Festigung Deutschen Volkstums (Hauptamt RKFDV/Main Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Nationhood): 6. Nov. 1941 - 8. May 1945.
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by U.S. Military Tribunal ("RUSHA" Case, No. ); sentenced to life imprisonment.
Decorations & Awards:
1914 EK I
1914 EK II
KVK I m. Schw.
KVK II m. Schw.
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

(1905 - 1961)
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei / M.d.R.:
Born: 18. 04. 1905 in Essen.
Died: 8. 07. 1961 in Essen.
NSDAP-Nr.: 25 249
SS-Nr.: 372 303
SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.W-SS u.Pol.: 1.08.44; SS-Gruf.u.Gen.Lt.d.Pol.: 9.11.42; SS-Bf.: 1.06.40 (entered SS at that rank, after transfer from SA); SA-Brigf.: 1939; SA-Oberf.: 1934; SA-Staf.: 1933.
Inspekteur of Werwolf guerilla organization: 11.1944 - 8.05.1945.
Führer SS-Oberabschnitt "West" (Wehrkreis VI; HQ: Düsseldorf): 1.05.1941 - 8.05.1945 (initially deputizing for Friedrich Jeckeln, then given permanent command on 29.06.1941)
Stab SS-Oberabschnitt "West" (Düsseldorf): 1.07.1940 - 1.05.1941
Polizeipräsident Essen: 11.1939 - 29.06.1941
Special Duties Officer, SA-Gruppe "Niederrhein": (to 1.06.1940?).
Polizeipräsident Duisburg: 05.1937 - 11.1939.
Führer SA-Brigade 73 (Essen): 03.1935 - 12.1939.
Führer SA-Brigade 173, Duisburg: 04.1934 - 03.1935.
Führer SA-Brigade 74 (Wesel): 09.1933 - 04.1934.
Member of Reichstag (M.d.R.): 1933 - 8.05.1945.
Assigned successively to SA-Standarten 159 (Essen-Mülheim); 60 (in Essen); and 138 (in Duisburg): 12.1929 - 09.1933.
Postwar Prosecution:
Tried by British court for conveying orders to execute Allied POW's and involvement in the murder of prisoners at Essen and Burgholz. Sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment by the British Military Court, Hamburg, Oct. 1948. He was freed in May 1953.
Decorations & Awards:
KVK I m. Schw.: 2.06.1942
KVK II m. Schw. (prior to 30.01.1942
1939 EK II: 1944
Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Schwarz: 20.05.1943
Goldenes Parteiabzeichen: 25.10.1933
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Gold: 30.01.1942
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber: 20.04.1940
Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

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