Generaloberstabsintendant Dr. Richard Plagemann
Born: 17 Jan 1893 in Barleben by Magdeburg
Died: 09 Jun 1967 in Braunschweig
Gefreiter (11 Nov 1910); Unteroffizier (27 Jan 1911); Unter-Zahlmeister (08 Feb 1914); Militär-Intendantur-Diätar (01 Apr 1918); Oberregierungs-Sekretär (01 Apr 1922); Regierungs-Assessor (01 Oct 1923); Regierungsrat (01 Jan 1925); Oberregierungsrat (01 Apr 1934); Ministerialrat (01 Apr 1935); Intendant (06 Oct 1936); Luftkreis-Intendant (12 Apr 1938); Dienstgradabzeichen eines Generalmajors verliehen (01 Jan 1939); General-Intendant (20 Feb 1940); Dienstgradabzeichen eines Generalleutnants verliehen (21 Oct 1940); Generalstabs-Intendant (01 Apr 1942); General-Oberstabsintendant (01 Jul 1944)
Entered the Prussian Army with the 66th and 153rd Infantry-Regiments, aswell as in the 40th Field-Artillery-Regiment, from 01 May 1912 Paymaster-Training (01 Apr 1910-01 Aug 1914)
Unterzahlmeister with the Replacement-Battalion of the 153rd Infantry-Regiment (02 Aug 1914-09 Oct 1914)
Unterzahlmeister with the 4th Train-Battalion (Reserve-Transport-Park-Column 78) (10 Oct 1914-16 Mar 1916)
With the Field-Intendancy of the XXV. Reserve-Corps (17 Mar 1916-16 Apr 1916)
Field-Intendancy-Assistant-Deputy with the XXV. Reserve-Corps (17 Apr 1916-04 Mar 1918)
Deputy Military Intendant of the IV. Army-Corps (05 Mar 1918-31 Mar 1918)
Paymaster-Probational Service (07 Aug 1918)
Militär-Intendantur-Diätar with the Deputy Intendancy of the V. Army-Corps (01 Apr 1918-00 Feb 1920)
At the same time, Training as Intendancy-Secretary (08 Aug 1918-21 Feb 1919)
Detached to the RWM (00 Feb 1920-31 Jan 1921)
With Military-District-Administration-Office II (01 Feb 1921-30 Sep 1923)
Regierungs-Assessor then Regierungsrat with Military-District-Administration-Office II (01 Oct 1923-31 Jan 1926)
Regierungsrat with Military-District-Administration-Office I (01 Feb 1926-27 Jan 1931)
Regierungsrat with Military-District-Administration-Office IV (28 Jan 1931-06 Jul 1933)
Detached to the RLM (07 Jul 1933-20 Aug 1933)
Transferred into the Luftwaffe as Regierungsrat then Oberregierungsrat in the RLM (21 Aug 1933-30 Sep 1936)
Air-District-Intendant with Air-District-Command VII (01 Oct 1936-25 Apr 1938)
Chief Civil Servant of Luftwaffe-Troop-Command 2 (25 Apr 1938-30 Jun 1938)
Air-Region-Intendant with Air-Region-Command XI (01 Jul 1938-31 May 1939)
Air-Fleet-Intendant of Air-Fleet-Command 2 (01 Jun 1939-30 Sep 1939)
Air-Fleet-Intendant of Air-Fleet-Command 2, Intendant of the Commander-in-Chief South (01 Oct 1939-14 Sep 1943)
With Special Duties in the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (15 Sep 1943-22 Sep 1943)
Chief-Intendant of the Luftwaffe in OKL (23 Sep 1943-1945)

Decorations & Awards:
Deutches Kreuz in Silber (05 Oct 1943)
Ritterkreuz zum Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern (17 Jan 1945)

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