(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Ministerialdirigent Prof.Dr.ing. Heinrich Steinmann
Born: 01 Aug 1899 in Gitter by Salzgitter
Died: 11 Mar 1969 in Cologne (Köln)
Diploma In Engineering: 16 Aug 1926
Doctorate In Engineering: 16 Mar 1935
Regierungsbaurat (01 Sep 1935); Oberregierungsrat (01 Jul 1936); Ministerialrat (01 Apr 1939); Ministerialdirigent (01 Sep 1944)
Apprenticeship and Employment as an Electrician and Column-Leader with the Cross-Country-Central Helmstedt (14 Apr 1914-10 Aug 1917)
Entered the Army, Flying-Training with the 5th Flying-Replacement-Battalion, Hannover (11 Aug 1917-22 May 1918)
Flying-Training at the Flying-School Halberstadt (23 May 1918-07 Aug 1918)
Flying-Training with the 14th Flying-Replacement-Battalion, Halle (08 Aug 1918-13 Aug 1918)
Flying-Training with the 11th Flying-Replacement-Battalion, Brieg (14 Aug 1918-16 Nov 1918)
Pilot with Flying-Battalion A, later renamed 400th Border-Protection-Flying-Battalion (17 Nov 1918-25 Apr 1919)
Retired (25 Apr 1919)
Private preparation for the Abitur-Exam (1919-1921)
Studies (Mechanical Engineering and Electro-Technology) at the Technical College Braunschweig (1921-00 Aug 1926)
At the same time, Auxiliary-Assistant then Scientific Assistant for Economic Science by Prof. Dr. Schuchardt (15 Oct 1922-01 Aug 1923)
At the same time, Flight-Leader and Flight-Instructor in Sail and Motor Flight with the Academic Flying-Group Braunschweig (09 Nov 1922-00 Oct 1927)
At the same time, Scientific Assistent for Transport Geography with Prof. Dr. Pohle (15 Oct 1923-01 Aug 1925)
Technical Director of Airport Braunschweig (16 Sep 1926-05 Oct 1926)
Technical Director, Attorney and 2nd Managing Director of Airport Braunschweig (06 Oct 1926-30 Jun 1928)
Director of Airport-Association Braunschweig (01 Jul 1928-30 Sep 1932)
Assistent with Prof. Raven at the Institute for Civil Engineering Matters and Road Construction (01 Oct 1932-04 Aug 1933)
Part-Time Supplementary Studies of Architecture, Building Trade and Electro-Technology (00 Sep 1926-04 Aug 1933)
Entered Luftwaffe Service (05 Aug 1933)
Construction-Supervisor of the New Building Site of Airport Braunschweig (05 Aug 1933-31 Oct 1933)
Department-Director in Construction-Group of the German Commercial-Flying-School (01 Nov 1933-31 Mar 1935)
Advisor and Group-Director in the RLM/LD III Construction (01 Apr 1935-03 Mar 1942)
Detached to Air-Fleet-Command 2/Air-Region-Command Belgium-North France (21 Jun 1940-31 Oct 1940)
Chief of Construction-Department 10 (V10) in Office-Group Construction, Luftwaffe-Administration-Office (04 Mar 1942-00 May 1945)
In Captivity (00 May 1945-1947)
Released (1947)

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