(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Generalarzt der Reserve Prof.Dr.med. Erwin Gohrbandt
Born: 20 Sep 1890 in Schlawe, Pomerania
Died: 03 Jan 1965 in Berlin
Doctorate In Medicine: 1917
Professor: 06 Jun 1928
Unterarzt (1914); Assistenzarzt (1917); Charakter als Oberassistenzarzt (1918); Generalarzt der Reserve (01 Apr 1943)
Studies of Medicine at the Military Medical Academy (1910-1914)
Medic in Tropical Service (1914-00 Dec 1914)
States Examiner (00 Dec 1914-00 Jan 1915)
Regiments-Medic (00 Jan 1915-1917)
Detached to the Pathological Institut of the Charité, Berlin (1917-1919)
Assistent at the Surgical University Clinic of Charité (01 Oct 1920-1924)
Lecturer at the Surgical University Clinic of Charité (1924-31 Mar 1928)
Chief-Medic of the II. Surgical Department of the Infirmary Am Urban, Berlin (01 Apr 1928-31 Mar 1940)
At the same time, Professor at the University Of Berlin (06 Jun 1928-31 Mar 1940)
Advisory Specialist for Surgery with the Medical-Chief of the Luftwaffe, OKL (26 Aug 1939-08 May 1945)
Orderly Professor at the University Of Berlin, Chief-Medic and Medical Director of the Surgical Department of the Infirmary Moabit (01 Jan 1940-31 Dec 1958)
Full Professor for Surgery at the III. Surgical University Clinic (01 Jan 1940-1945)
Honorary Professor at the Technical University Berlin (1956-31 Dec 1958)
Retired (31 Dec 1958)
Honorary Member of the Surgical Society, Berlin (1958)

Decorations & Awards:
Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern (01 Feb 1945)

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