Children's Bible Study
(Lesson #4)

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

In our previous lessons, we learned how the Bible all fits together, the "Lands of the Bible," and we took a peek at the book of Genesis. In this lesson, we will be learning about the Exodus.

By our Bible studies together, you will learn that God has a plan:

A plan for the nation of Israel
A plan for providing man with forgiveness and eternal life.
A Plan for


Every week you will find a new Bible Study here. These studies are designed for youth ages, 6 - 12.

This is Lesson #4. Have you studied our earlier lessons?

What do I need for this Bible Study?
A Bible
A little notebook.
A pen!!!

Always BEE prepared for Bible Study by first saying a prayer asking God to help you receive what he is trying to teach you with his word.

One more thing, please e-mail me and let me know that you like our Bible Studies. We would also like to get to know you as we learn about our Heavenly Father together.

Are you ready?

"The Exodus"
(An Overview of the chapter of Exodus)

(If you don't have a Bible, you can open up an online Bible here. Right click with your mouse and the Bible will open up in another window. That way you can switch back and forth easily!)

Exodus is the second book of the Bible. "Exodus" is a Latin word dervied from Greek Exodos , the name given to the book by those who translated it into Greek., The word means, "exit," "departure" (See Luke 9:31; Hebrews 11:22).

Who wrote the book of Exodus?
Moses wrote the book of Exodus which is the second book of the Law. How do we know that Moses wrote Exodus? If you read
Luke 24:27 and John 5:46, you will see evidence that Moses, guided by the Holy Spirit, wrote the first 5 books of the Bible. Several statements in Exodus indiciate that Moses was the author of the book of Exodus. Also Joshua 8:31 refers to the command of Exodus 20:25 as having been "written in the Book of Moses." The New Testament also claims Mosaic authorship for various passages in Exodus (see Mark 7:10, 12:26, and Luke 2:22-23.

In studying the book of Exodus, we will learn about Moses and his brother Aaron. We also will be learning how the families of Israel are starting to become a nation.

What happens in the book of Exodus?

God's people are slaves. (Exodus 1)
God calls Moses to lead His people. (Exodus 2-4)
Pharaoh and God's people. (Exodus 5-11)
Passover. "A picture of Jesus"(Exodus 12-13)
God's people leave Egypt. "The Exodus" (Exodus 14-19)
God gives the Law to His people. (Exodus 20-24)
The building of the tabernacle. (Exodus 25-40)

In Lesson #1, we learned that the first 5 books of the Bible are called the "Books of the Law."

Exodus is the second book of the Law.

Who are the main people that are mentioned in the book of Exodus?


You can also listen to Exodus on Real Audio right here!

Details Please!!!

(Chapters 1-13)
It has been a long time . . . . . . . . . .
Jacob who God renamed Israel is not alive any longer. All of Jacob's children are dead too. Jacob's descendants continue to live in the land of Egypt.

A new Pharaoh is now ruler over the families of Jacob (Israel.) The new ruler has made the families of Israel slaves. God's people, the families of Israel, prayed to God to free them. God answers their prayers and CALLS Moses to be their leader.

Chapter 1
The families of Israel are slaves to the Egyptians. The Egyptians are not nice to God's people.

Chapter 2
Moses is born!!! His mother hid him in a basket in the water to hide him from Pharaoh's soldiers. An Egyptian princess adopted Moses and he grew up in Pharaoh's house. When Moses was older, he killed an Egyptian and then he left Egypt and fled to Midian.

Chapters 3,4
God SPOKE to Moses through a burning bush! God told Moses to go back to Egypt. God told Moses that He wanted Moses to lead the families of Israel out of Egypt.

Chapters 5,6
Moses went to talk to Pharaoh. Moses asked Pharaoh to let the families of Israel go. Pharaoh refused to free God's people.

Chapters 7-10
Since Pharaoh refused to free God's people from slavery, God sent disasters to the Egyptian people. Pharaoh STILL refused to set God's people free.

Chapters 11-13
Pharaoh's refusal to set God's people free brought the worst disaster of all upon the Israelites. God took the lives of all the first-born children of the Egyptians. God did not take the lives of the first-born children of His people. The sparing of the families of Israel's first -born children was called the "Passover."

(Chapters 13-18)
In chapters 13 through 18, God delivers His people from the Egyptians. God leads the families of Israel through the Sinai wilderness.

Chapter 13
Moses leads God's people out of Egypt. God showed them where to go with a Big cloud in the daytime and at night-time, he led them by fire!

Chapter 14,15
Pharaoh decides to run after God's people. God miraculously divides the Red Sea in half to create a path for His people to cross. When Pharaoh's soldiers attempt to catch God's people, the water crashes on top of them and God's people are safe.

Chapter 16,17
God's people become hungry and thirsty and God miraculously provides them with food and water.

(No silly! Not from Burger King!)

Chapter 18
Moses meets his family in Midian. Moses gets other people to help him lead God's people.

(Chapters 19-40)
God gives Moses the Ten Commandments and directions for building the tabernacle.

Chapters 19-24
God gives his people the Law through Moses and the Ten Commandments. God's people promise that they will obey God.

Chapters 25-31
God gives His people directions to build the tabernacle. The tabernacle was a tent that was very holy. God's people could worship Him there.

Chapter 32
God's people decided to disobey God. They made a calf out of gold and they worshipped the calf. Moses became very angry with God's people and he broke the tablets that contained God's laws for his people. Moses prayed to God to please forgive the families of Israel.

Chapters 33,34
Moses writes the Ten Commandments on two tablets just as God tells him to do. God promises His people that He will stay with them.

Chapters 35-39
God's people built the tabernacle and made special clothing for the Priest.

Chapter 40
The tabernacle was built and God showed His people that he was pleased with them. God showed his pleasure with a cloud during the day and a fire during the night.

When did all of these events take place?

(1600 BC) God's people were in slavery.
(1400 BC) God's people build the tabernacle.

What furniture did God's people need for the tabernacle?

The Table (Exodus 37:10)
The Ark
(Exodus 37:1)
The Altar of Incense
(Exodus 37:25)
The Lampstand
(Exodus 37:17)
The Bronze Basin
(Exodus 38:8)
The Altar of Burnt Offering
(Exodus 38:1)

Did you know?

The book of Exodus gives us pictures of Jesus!
No kidding! How you say. . . .

The Passover Lamb had to be PERFECT! The lamb was killed and it's blood was put on the doors of the families of Israel. The blood served as a sign that the people inside were to be protected. The Passover Feast shows us a picture of how God plans to send the Lamb of God which is Jesus!

Can you think of any other ways that the Passover Lamb and Jesus are similar?
The Passover Lamb and Jesus both are perfect and both were innocently led to their slaughter. The blood of the lamb served as a sign which protected the families of Israel and the blood of Jesus has the power to save people too if they will believe in Him and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour!

The Tabernacle shows us a picture of Jesus too! Did you know that the furniture in the Tabernacle show us Jesus? The lampstands show us that Jesus is the light of the world. The laver which is a bowl for washing show us that Jesus washes our sins clean if we ask for His forgivness. The Bronze Altar shows us a picture of how Jesus took our sins when He died on the cross.

Aaron, The High Priest shows us a picture of Jesus who is our High Priest.

Think About It

As God led His people out of slavery, think about HOW he took care of them. God takes care of us too. Think about ways that Jesus has taken care of you in your life. Why not keep a prayer journal and write down your prayer request. Then when God answers you, you will have a written record of How God has taken care of you!!!

Related Links

Our Unit Study on Independence & the Exodus
Bible Story about

The Tabernacle Home Page
The Mystery of the
Ark of the Covenant
The Tabernacle: God's Portrait of His Son Jesus
Holy Land:
Sinai and the Bible
Cybertour of
Map of Egypt

Color A Picture!
Moses & The Burning Bush
Moses & The Ten Commandments

Next week when you return, you will be ready to study Lesson #5! Please tell all your friends about our Bible Study so that we can help share the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with every boy and girl in the WHOLE WORLD!

Copyright 1998 by Debbie Perkins, All Rights Reserved.