i n t e r v i e w   w i t h   D o n
   Band's Philosophies

"At the edges of pop music there’s what we do. Pop music is a big enough and complex enough thing to accommodate a band like us. I think that somewhere there will be, (there already is ), there will grow a really dedicated following for what we do and there’ll be other bands imitating what we do. And there’ll be people who’ve bought our records that are really proud to have them in ten years’ time. That’s really what it’s about. It’s got nothing to do with the centre of pop music, which is that sort of surface, image-based thing. It’s ironic that a band as little-interested in image as us can have washed up - oh, not washed up - that didn’t sound very good! - ‘ended up’ shall I say, in the UK - which has got such a fickle sort of industry."


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