I want to share my family with you, these are snapshots of us.

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Roger and I on our wedding day March 31, 1996

Roger In Our Living Room

Me in our living room.

On Our Honeymoon at Atlantic City.

Poetry Reading At Housing Works Used Book Cafe.

Poetry Reading At The Used Book Cafe

The Centerfold Cafe In New York.

The Centerfold Cafe In New York.

Brooklyn Club

Used Book Cafe

Emily is nice she enjoys staying indoors and being the lady she is.

Langston thinks he owns us and our home, he loves to sit outside and make friends with everyone in the neighborhood

Three generations of my family. Front left, my grandmother, back left, my baby sister Annalise, center, yours truly, back right, my younger sister Cheryl and front right, Cheryl's son Jovon.

Roger, Cheryl, Annalise and Jovon. They met for the first time.

Roger experienced a lot of things for the first time when he went to Trinidad. This is him seeing live goats for the first time, he was fascinated by them and they by him.

Before I left Trinidad I advocated to have four speed humps placed in the street because there were two schools in the area and drivers used the street like a race track. It became very dangerous for pedestrians. Nine years later when I went back home I was surprised to learn that people thought I was somewhat of a hero for getting the humps in the first place. This is me on one of "my humps".

Roger having his first coconut drink right out of the coconut. As you can see he had more than one.

Roger and my two sons. On the left of him is Sean and Reyan is on his right. They met for the first time.

Strolling through Queens Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain Trinidad.

Vacation in South Hill Virginia.

Vacation In South Hill Virginia.

Sean and I at my job. This was taken when Sean joined Roger and I in N Y. I had not seen him in eight years, it was one of the most wonderful period in my life.

At my surprise bridal shower. My friends wanted to surprise me but didn't know how to get me there, they had no choice but to get Roger to trick me into going to visit one of his "mother's sick friend".

This is where we call home.


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