Model Magic Christmas Candy House


Crayola® Model MagicTM Clay: Red, Blue, White, Yellow

Fiskars® Scissors

Plastic Knife


Wax Paper

White Glue

Rolling Pin




Model MagicTM may feel sticky when first removed from the package. Knead the clay in your hands for several minutes until it is warm and soft. Keep any unused Model MagicTM in an air-tight container.

Cover work surface with wax paper to prevent Model Magicª from sticking.

If needed, a very small amount of glue can be applied to the Model MagicTM when assembling the pieces. It is very important that you use the glue applicator and NOT YOUR FINGERS to apply the glue. Sticky fingers will make the Model MagicTM hard to work with.


Print out the patterns for this project and cut them out.(See Bottom for Pattern)

Roll half of a package of Yellow clay into a smooth ball. Use a rolling pin to flatten it evenly to around 1/8" thick. Trace the front and side patterns two times each onto the clay. Use scissors to cut pieces out; set aside for later use.

Roll and flatten 1/3 of a package of Blue clay to around 1/8" thick and trace the roof pattern twice and the door pattern once. Cut pieces out and set aside for later use.

Mix together four parts Yellow and one part Blue to form a baseball sized ball of Green. Roll ball to around 1/8" thick; trace and cut out the base pattern.

For the “sugar cookie” shingles, roll enough small, pea-sized balls of Yellow to cover the two roof pieces. Flatten the balls and gently press them onto the roof pieces in rows, overlapping the even rows slightly over the odd rows, to give the appearance of shingles.

Mix Yellow and a little Red to make a fist-sized ball of Orange. Roll it out flat to around 1/8" thick. Trace the rectangle window pattern three times, the small window (s/w) pattern four times, the chimney and chimney side patterns two times each and the chimney top pattern once; cut out pieces. Reserve leftover Orange in an air-tight container for later use.

Attach the window pieces as follows (reserve one round window for later use): One rectangle window to one “front” piece of the house, left of center. Two rectangle windows to the remaining “front” piece of house, side by side. One circle window to each of the “side” pieces of the house, just above center.

Carefully assemble the chimney, smoothing the edges to cover the seams. Set aside until ready to assemble the house.

For door, flatten a small amount of Blue; trace and cut out the door pattern.

For door windows, cut the remaining Orange, round window in half. Place one half of window with other Orange in air-tight container. Cut the remaining half in half again and attach to upper third area of door, side by side.

Attach the door to the right of the window on the “single window” house “front” piece.

For window frames, roll thin worms of Blue to outline each window and attach.

Roll a BB-sized ball of Blue, flatten very thin and attach to top of chimney, leaving some Orange showing around the Blue.

Use very thin worms of White to do the following: Add a cross shape over the Orange area on both round windows and a grid pattern to each rectangle window; outline the outside of the door, the door windows and the outer edges of the roof; add squiggly lines to house fronts and sides for decoration.

Use tiny BB-sized balls of Red to do the following: Embellish around the White squiggly lines on the house sides and fronts; add a door knob; add a ball to the corners of each rectangle window.

Assemble the house; place the house on top of the Green base leaving more green in the front of the house. Glue if necessary.

Roll a Red worm of clay, about 16" long and 1/8" around; repeat using White.

Lay the Red and White worms side by side and gently twist them together to form a candy cane appearance. Cut the worm to fit along the peaked edge of the roof and along the four corner edges of the house; attach with glue. Reserve the remaining 4" piece for later use.

Using golf ball-sized balls of White and Red, pull and twist them together like pulling taffy, just until they are swirled. Form the swirled clay into eight nickel-sized circles, 1/4" thick. Placing the circles on edge, attach four to the Green base along the front of the house and two each along the sides of the house, for shrubs.

Use the remaining Orange to make four dime-sized circles, about 1/8" thick for stepping stones. Attach the circles to the Green base leading out from the door, to make a walkway. Use a plastic knife to make criss-crosses on each stepping stone. Making an archway, attach the ends of the reserved 4" long “candy cane” piece on either side of the walkway.

Roll lots of tiny Red balls. Sprinkle balls around the shrubs to make a garden. Place them along both sides of the walkway.


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