The Board of Directors of the Political Film Society held a meeting at the time, on the day and at the place set forth hereinbelow, pursuant to Rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure:

TIME: 7:30 p.m.
DATE: November 17, 2001
PLACE: 1215 1/2 Seal Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740

Present at said meeting were the following persons:
Michael Haas, Chair of the Board of Directors, Member of the Political Film Society, and Chief Executive Officer of the Political Film Society
Eric J. Dacumos, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Member of the Political Film Society
Joseph Ribal, Member of the Political Film Society
Lu Tuan Nguyen, Member of the Political Film Society
John Dittmeier, Observer
Sean McLemore, Observer

The following named persons served as Chair and Secretary of the meeting:

Chair: Michael Haas
Secretary: Eric J. Dacumos.

The first order of business was to approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Members of August 5, 2000. The motion carried.

The next order of business was to elect officers of the Board of Directors. Michael Haas was nominated and elected as Chair of the Board of Directors and CEO of the Political Film Society. Joseph Ribal was nominated and elected as Vice-President of the Political Film Society. Eric Dacumos was nominated and elected as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Political Film Society. Michael Haas was nominated and elected as Chief Financial Officer of the Political Film Society.

Each officer so elected being present, accepted his respective office.

The next order of business was to discuss a proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Political Film Society, as follows:

whereas Rule 4(a) provides that Awards of Merit shall be conferred to films that raise political consciousness regarding democracy, human rights, peace, as well as through exposés.
whereas Rule 4(b) provides that “awards in other categories may be established from time to time by the Board.”
Whereas the Political Film Society may wish to recognize outstanding achievement of motion pictures that were not previously given awards,
therefore be it resolved that a new Rule 4(c) be adopted as follows: “The Board of Directors may nominate one additional film each year outside the four categories, subject to approval by a vote of the members.”

The proposed amendment was discussed but could not be voted on, as the Rules of Procedure govern the Board of Directors, not the Annual Meeting of Members.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Chair: ________________________________
