The Tree Snake's Tale

This is a short fantasy work of the swords and sorcerers persuasion. It's about 150 pages long and will never have commercial value. The rating is G with a tiny amount of tastefully rendered violence.

Whether it is truth or fiction, however, is debatable. You see, I'm a WOB-hopper, a member of a secret society of people who are

using the Web for Observing other peoples' Business

WOB. And we come up with some good stories out there as well as proving that anyone can make a pronouncable acronym out of anything.

We have discovered that there is this router or bridge or some sort of deranged transceiver device out there that is hooking us into what appears to be a whole mess of alternate universes. And we spend every working moment (when there's not actually some fool in our offices trying to get some work done) browsing through the universes spying on other peoples' lives.

The bridge seems to handle the translation of language protocols rather well. Sometimes it will return &3UL$_p as the translation for a word it can't handle, or "go dunk yourself" for a phrase it can't handle, but usually it does pretty well.

We're sure these are true alternate universes, similar to ours but split off at some point in time. The emotions and politics and biochemistry are basically the same as ours. The people have the same love and hate and politics just like us. But they don't necessarily have two arms and two legs.

So when I write that a "general took a sip of some port wine," I don't necessarily mean a guy in a uniform with a lot of stars on his collar drank some dark red wine from Portugal, I really just mean that "a military being in a position of command introduced into its body a small quantity of a mild intoxicant for purposes of altering its body chemistry. It may have snuffed it up its nostracals.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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