Southern Politics, Current News,
Folk Lore and the future of Dixie

Part 4

Millions of Mexicans Pour into the United States
Illegal Aliens Are Taking Our Jobs

By Bubba

Thousands of Southerners and other Americans are losing their jobs -- NOT because they aren't good workers nor because they aren't qualified but because foreigners will do the job cheaper. Thousands of aliens are being brought into the United States "legally", while hundreds of thousand more are flooding in the our country ILLEGALLY--all so they can take YOUR jobs away from you. If this is "globalization", then to hell with it!

Pick ANY metropolitan area in the nation and you will find foreigners there, working at jobs that any American could fill. In just the last 20 years alone, millions of aliens have flooded into our nation.

And all the children of these illegal aliens are now "Americans" because they were born here. That is NOT what our Founding Fathers intended when they wrote our Constitution.

In many cases, foreigners have come here and set up businesses. Then they immediately send for MORE aliens to come to America to work in these businesses--for cheap wages by American standards but very good pay compared to their own countries. And money-grubbing bosses of American companies are getting into the act. The latest business practice of large American companies is to fire their American workers and replace them with so-called "temporaries" who are aliens and who will work for "half price." They don't have to pay the aliens any kind of benefits either.

One of the excuses for bringing in thousands of the "legal" aliens is that they have "specialized skills" that the companies cannot fill with Americans. BULLCRAP! We not only have one of the best educational systems in the world, we also have one of the largest educated populations of any nation. With that kind of labor pool, we don't need to bring in thousands of aliens to STEAL our jobs! This "globalization" hogwash is nothing but double-talk on the part of over-paid CEO's, many of whom are themselves foreign born or the children of johnny-come-lately's.

One Third of Texas is Now Mexican

The swarm of foreigners into America has become an invasion of alarming proportions. Nothing of this size has ever been seen in history. Even the barbarian invasions of the mighty Roman Empire came much more gradually and was brought about with far fewer foreigners.

A good example is Texas. The population of Texas has more than doubled since 1960. Today, more than one out of every three persons living in Texas is a 'Latino' -- mainly from Mexico. The state shares a border with Mexico stretching more than 1,200 miles.

The state now has the second highest number of illegal aliens in the United States after California. Since there is no way to actually count folk who have entered our country illegally, there is no accurate figure of how many are in the US. However, when Reagan 'legalized' all the aliens back in the 1980s, more than 9,000,000 applied for legal residency. Some authorities now estimate there are at least 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 ILLEGAL aliens who have entered the US since the 1980s now living in Texas alone. Millions more are living in every other state.

Such a huge number of illegal aliens in Texas has created a tremendous burden on all the public services there, including education, health services, police and fire services, family and children services (public welfare), the court systems and other public agencies. A federal court decree ordered American schools to open their doors to the children of these foreigners who entered our country as criminals. That means even the smallest school system must provide an education for these unwanted criminal invaders. It also means that unwanted pregnant Mexicans can get free medical treatment at public hospitals, as well as all other illegal aliens. At present, Texas is having to spend hundreds of millions of scarce tax funds on illegal aliens.

Before the early 1980s, there were practically no Mexicans living in small towns in the South outside Texas. Now, every little crossroads has them. Farmers all over the South are now using "migrant" farm workers from Mexico. But today, they are no longer "migrants": they are living here fulltime--with their families. In some of these little Southern communities, the aliens now outnumber the white American population. It is growing: even smaller cities such as Gainesville, Georgia have experienced such an alarming invasion that today, they outnumber the Americans there. Thousands of Mexicans have poured into Gainesville over the last 25 years to work in the chicken plants there. They even have a Spanish language newspaper and two radio stations now.

Yet, most of these illegal aliens are not contributing to the public treasuries of our cities, counties and states. Many get jobs where they are paid in cash and thus don't have to pay any taxes at all. Few of the farm laborers pay any taxes. Others get jobs with small businesses which most often know these folk are aliens. Those businesses, contractors and other operations do not take out local and state taxes from their paychecks.

Most of the Mexicans send half or more of their income back home to their families in Mexico. The Mexicans might be working for low wages but when you consider the sheer number of them in our country - millions - the amount of money leaching out of our economy every year from this practice is mind-boggling, amounting to several billion dollars annually.

With all the money these illegal aliens are sending back to Mexico, it is no wonder that the Mexican president is DEMANDING that we give these illegal invaders more public services and better pay. How DARE that pompous pig demand anything from us for these ILLEGAL invaders!! They came into our country criminally and they will always be criminals as long as they remain here. They don't have ANY 'rights' as far as we are concerned. If you invade our country, then you should be shot on sight!!

The millions of aliens who have poured into our country have drained our public facilities to the breaking point. Dozens of hospitals have been forced to close down because of the free service they have been forced to provide to the illegal aliens under federal regulations. Public schools all over the nation are strained to the breaking point because of the children the illegal aliens have brought with them filling our public schools. Mexican drug rings are taking entire towns away from American drug dealers and gang wars are growing all over the country over who is going to 'rule the roost' in the illegal drug trade. Police departments around the country are hard pressed in trying to control the growing crime -- more illegal drugs, more robberies, more thefts, more rapes, more disease, etc.

American Buying Power Going Down,
American Jobs Moving Out

The end result is that the buying power of American workers has been going down for about 20 years now. We are no longer the best paid workers in the world. The Japanese and Germans both have higher average wages than we do. And several other countries now have higher standards of living than we do. If this practice continues, we can only expect to continue sliding downward on the pay scale -- until we become a third-class economic nation.

Not only are we losing our jobs to foreigners on our own soil but we are losing health and retirement benefits and all the other workplace rights that Americans have fought so hard to earn over the last 100 years. If the CEO of an American company wants to fatten his own paycheck, he can fire his American workers and hire foreigner "temps"...he doesn't have to pay them nearly as much, doesn't have to give them paid vacations, no health benefits and no retirement.

They also don't pay into the Social Security fund. That is one of the reasons why lil George has come up with the idea of 'privatizing' Social Security. Course, the main reason for that devilish scheme is to let the Wall Street fatcats get ahold of even more money. Once they have robbed all your money, then they will declare bankruptcy (like the other Bush brother did with his bank in Denver, Colorado a few years back. Cost the taxpayers well over a billion dollars).

Next comes the loss of numerous other benefits and facilities. Dozens of hospitals around the country have been forced to shut down simply because they can no longer afford the cost of treating all the illegal foreigners. Getting free health care is one of the main concerns for the illegal Mexicans. They are even told how to get it, along with other benefits, by phamplets printed by the Mexican government. EVERY bill created by all the illegal Mexican invaders at every local, state and federal government agency should be billed to the Mexican government. If anything can slow down the invasion, that would!

Where does this leave the American worker? Americans are now forced to work two or even three jobs just to keep up with bills. Wives are now expected to have jobs--otherwise the family simply can't survive. Millions of families are maintaining their lifestyle solely on credit--not on their real earnings.

The average purchasing power of American families has continued a downward spiral and the prospects are for this trend to continue.

Things are going to get even worse under the Republican administration. Bush is going to heed the urgings of the fat cats who want cheap foreign labor to let even more foreigners into the US. He will probably do like Reagan did and "legalize" several million of the aliens who have sneaked their way into our country illegally.

Mohammedans (Muslims) Pouring In

The attack on New York and Washington by the Mohammedan terrorists taught us a good lesson. We should NEVER have allowed one single Arab nor Mohammedan to settle in our country. There is not one single Mohammedan nation in the world today who is a "friend" of the United States.

In the 1,400 year history of the Mohammedan ("Islam") religion, there has never been a single Muslim nation which has been a democratic nation � not one!! And during all those centuries, all the Mohammedan nations have hated and made war against all the Christian nations of the West. They tried their damnedest for centuries to either destroy or conquer every Christian nation. They succeeded all too well. They ended up at the gates of Vienna, Austria and in southern France before the Christians finally drove them back.

Now, the Mohammedans have once again become a potent world financial force with their oil profits. The dictators of Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Indonesia and some of the little ones have pumped millions of dollars into the terrorist groups such as al-Queda and the Arabs in Israel to foment more bombings, murder and terror. Americans turned a blind eye to all this until they finally hit us on our own front door steps in 2001.

One Saudi was sent to America to offer a "donation" of $10 million to help in the restoration of New York. Big deal!! That was just a drop in the bucket of what the rich Saudis have given the terrorists over the years.

If Americans think we can ever win 'friends' among the pagan Mohammedans, then take a look today at the Muslim countries all over the world. Every day, the TV shows the Mohammedans burning American flags and protesting against the 'Bush Oil War II'. The Kuwaiti dictator hired the United States to provide him with a mercernary military force to take back his throne and oil fields. Yes, hired! He paid us about $65 BILLION and Saudia Arabia gave us billions as well. All to keep the oil money in the hands of the rulers of those countries. For the first time in American history, our armed forces became mercenaries -- hired hands � for a foreign dictator. The Bush bunch yapped all over the place about how we were fighting for 'freedom, mom and apple pie'. What a bunch of crap!! Neither Kuwait nor Saudia Arabia was a democracy before Saddam Hussein took it over. In fact, Kuwait's boss had come up with a showpiece parliament but the boss sheik abolished it before Saddam invaded. So that country and Saudia Arabia was not and never have been a democratic country--and still ain't today!

In fact, the world today has at least 41 Mohammedan nations. Not one of them is today a true democracy. Come to think of it, in the 1,400 history of this religion, there is not nor has there ever been a democratic Mohammedan country! Not ONE!! In the last Bush oil war, we heard complaints from American boys about being searched by Arabs as soon as they landed in Saudia Arabia and if they had Christian Bibles or crosses around their necks, these were confiscated by the pagans! We were there to save their butts yet our boys were not allowed to worship as Christians.

Once again, we face the same kind of crap from the Arabs. This time, a Chinese (or whatever) soldier in our armed forces caught hell when he draped an American flag over a statue of dictator Saddam. The next day, the Pentagon announced that henceforth, our proud American flag was not to be displayed, even on our military vehicles.

Never in the history of America has an American soldier fighting a war for his country been told he could not display the flag he is fighting for!

Because so many of the fatcats in America are trying to suck up to the Arab oil fatcats, it became popular to let any and all Arab and Mohammedans come into our country, all the while knowing they hate our guts, along with every other Christian nation on earth. We even let the Mohammedan terrorists get their aircraft training at an American flying school!! (course, it was owned by a foreigner!)

If our ancestors who fought for our American independence in the 1770's had ever imagined that we would be over-run by pagan Mohammedans and by millions of Asians, Mexicans, etc., they would have stopped shooting at the redcoats, turned around and marched back home, singing "God Save the King" along the way! This is NOT what our folks have fought and died for all these years.

The only solution is to stop ALL alien workers coming into the US. If the job can't be done by an American, then TRAIN an American to do it, damn it!!

Now, do you really think these Mohammedan pagans are or ever could be our 'friends'. Hell no! They despise our culture, our religion and America especially. Nothing is going to change that -- nothing. But what the hell, let's just keep letting them pour into our country. Sooner or later, we'll all have to jine up with the musk and don our own sheets.

VICE President Dick Cheney's company, Halliburton, was given a contract by Pentagon that was potentially worth up to $7 BILLION dollars to fight fires at Iraq fires during the Second Bush Oil War. Waxman has said federal procurement data shows the government has awarded a Halliburton subsidiary, KBR work worth more than $624 million from October 2000 through March 2002. He said there had been previous problems with KBR, including overcharges, such as: A GAO finding in 1997 that the company billed the Army for questionable expenses for work in the Balkans, including charges of $85.98 per sheet of plywood that cost $14.06.

A year 2000 follow-up report on the Balkans work that found inflated costs, including charges for cleaning some offices up to four times a day. $2 million in fines paid in February 2002 to resolve fraud claims involving work at Fort Ord, Calif. The Defense Department inspector general and a federal grand jury had investigated allegations by a former employee that KBR defrauded the government of millions of dollars by inflating prices for repairs and maintenance.

The Securities and Exchange Commission began in December a formal investigation into Halliburton's accounting practices, focusing on an accounting change made in 1998 during Cheney's tenure as CEO.

Cheney still draws a 'deferred' annual salary from Halliburton but still denies a conflict of interest.

One of the lastest escapades by the Bush bunch is to ask for $87 BILLION dollars of American taxes to 'rebuild' the poor (oil rich) country of Iraq. Among the things his bill would do is to increase the pay for Iraqi teachers by almost 110 percent. Can you imagine what would happen if Bush were to propose raising the low teacher's pay for our own Southern states like Arkansas (ranks 46th in teacher pay), Mississippi (ranks 48th), Louisiana (43rd), Kentucky (36th) and so on; the 'conservative' Republicans would march on Washington and burn the White House with Bush in it!!

The Bush bunch wants to spend BILLIONS of our tax dollars on some damn Mohammedan country where all the folk hate our guts, at the same time when we need those dollars to help improve our own education systems, rebuild our cracking roads and bridges, rebuild our rotting inner cities, restore historic sites, clean up our dangerous waste dumps and industrial sites, clean up our polluted air and lord knows what all else. You can better believe that Bush's buddies will be making a tidy profit off most of the conracts in Iraq.

This is one of the worst cases of foreigners taking even our tax money -- to spend on their own public and private organizations in their country, all thanks to the Bush bunch.

California Republican Leader
Arrested As Spy for Communist China

Katrina Leung, a businesswoman in Los Angeles, is described by the media as a GOP activist and strong supporter of Republican candidates and the party itself. She now stands accused of having sexual affairs with Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and perhaps others in order to steal American nuclear secrets.

Leung, whose ancestors are from China, is accused of having worked as a 'double agent' for as long as 20 years. The FBI thought she was working for them but it turns out that she has been playing the ole sex for info game and suckered American intelligence officials. One of the two FBI agents she carried on with for two decades retired and went to work as a top security official with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Hell, what's wrong with her doing all that, boys? She was just expressing her love for her communist Chinese homeland! What's wrong with that -- as long as we are moving American manufacturing plants there and Americans are buying billions of dollars worth of goods made in communist China?? Heck, even the Southern Company (Georgia Power, Alabama Power, etc.) has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in COMMUNIST China--the bane of capitalism!

One of these days, there will be a war between China, Mexico and India over who will get north America. Let's hope it will be Mexico. Lots easier to learn that Mexican talk than that Hindu or chink trash. Besides, their writin looks like chicken scratching!

This California Republican ain't the first chink to be accused of being a traitor. Remember the chink scientist caught up in the spy scandal in New Mexico? He was accused of passing atomic secrets to Communist China.

Mohammedans Arrested as Spies

Latest word is that a third man has been arrested for spying while working with the al-Queda prisoners at the Amreican base of Quantanamo Bay in Cuba. One of them is a so-called "Chinese-American", a chink who graduated from West Point and served as an officer in the US Army, left the Army and went to the Mohammedan terrorist country of Syria and studied the Mohammedan ("Muslim") religion and became a follower of Mohammed. He then returned to the Army as a chaplain for the Mohammed religion -- paid a salary by the taxes of a supposedly Christian nation to preach his brand of paganism. He was assigned to the prison in Quantanamo Bay as a translator. When he was detained, he had highly classified information on him and now stands accused as a traitor. In addition, two others have now been arrested for this type of spying.

Is it any surprise? It shouldn't be...history teaches us that all great empires have fallen because they let foreigners pour into their lands. They grew fat and lazy and recruited aliens to serve in their armies. The aliens later turned on those countries and destroyed those empires. Rome and China are good examples. America has now reached the point where about one third of those entering our armed forces are either foreigners or children of foreigners. That chink who became a Mohammedan has no ties to the heritage and culture of America so it is no surprise that he and other aliens can and will easily betray us.

I find it offensive to me and every other American as well as to my Founding Fathers to have our tax money pay the salary of an alien so that he can preach a pagan religion. Our Founding Fathers would NEVER have allowed that kind of crap!! Let's kick the SOB's OUT and start all over again!!

Indians and Pakistanis Still Pouring In

Despite all the thousands of jobs American companies are 'outsourcing' to India, thousands of Hindus from India and Mohammedans from Pakistan are still pouring into our country. In some cities, the wealthy Hindus have gained a monopoly on the sale of gasoline by buying up most of the convenience stores. Is this some kind of sinister conspiracy? This crafty move is taking place all across America. Every time you hear about gas prices going up and the TV networks interview store owners -- you always hear from one of the Hindus or Pakistanis. That is the case in my town -- a metropolitan city of almost 300,000 folk (not counting the illegal aliens of course). For several years, they have been busy buying up every brand of gas station in town: Shell, Texaco, British Petroleum (BP) and other brands. Some traditional gas brands are no longer available now because the Hindus immediately switch brands when they buy a convenience store. Their tactics so far have been to undercut their nearest competitors and force them out of business.

These foreigners are using their profits to buy up real estate and have been buying homes and other businesses at an alarming rate. They seem to have no intention of going back home to India. Some 50 years ago, Georgia and most other states in Dixie did not have a single pagan Hindu temple. Today, they have temples in most of the larger cities, along with the Mohammedans. On 7 March 2005, a TV news cast about gas prices going up (again) showed one vehicle flying an American flag, driving off from a gas station owned by one of the Hindus (or Pakistanis--couldn't tell from the name) in Maryland. You just couldn't help but laugh at the guy flying the flag! It would be nice if the Indians would get the idea and go back home -- but no such luck.

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