Conyers Family Queries

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If you are searching for Conyers ancestors or a living relative, let us help you! Post a query here to help you find other researchers who may already have discovered the facts you are looking for and may be able to help you with information. Or find relatives you have lost contact with and who may be able to tell you more about the family. You might luck up and locate a relative who has a family Bible with all the information you are looking for.

Now that the Internet stretches all over the world, our World Wide Web site can help you reach previously unknown cousins throughout the nation--and beyond. We hope this site will become a "national clearing house" for information on our family. As more and more family historians go online, the chances of finding others who may be able to help you are increasing every day. That is the wonderful thing about the Internet--it is bringing our scattered Conyers cousins closer together than we have been for the past 200 years. Reach out and meet long-lost kin.!

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TIP for preparing a query: give as much information as you can . . .

about your ancestor. The more information you include with your query, the better the chance of someone else being able to "link up". If you don't know dates, then estimate a time period ("1760's"; or abt "1810", etc.). If you know these facts, be sure and include:

One-line queries usually don't get much response simply because there isn't enough information for anyone to make a connection so try to provide as much data as you can. Please limit your query to about one-half of a regular typed page.

Remember -- someone else might not know about your ancestor but they may know about a brother or sister and thus be able to help you make a connection.

LOOK at the queries and FOLLOW the style they are written in. Use standard dating (day, month, year); do NOT type in all capital letters; type ONLY personal names in capital letters. Use the abbreviations listed below (it helps save space). Put "Conyers Query" in the "SUBJECT" box of your message.

= NOTE =

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To post a query: follow the guidelines above and send it as an email by clicking on the email address below; or you can send it by "regular" mail to the mailing address below.

write us:

Conyers Family Association
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Ga. 31904

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1787 - 1855

Looking for information and records on the parents of JAMES CONYERS, born 1782 (1787) (NC or Va.), died 1855 in Henry County, Tenn. Married ELIZABETH CONYERS (mnuk), b. 1781 in NC. Children of JAMES and ELIZABETH included DAVID HARPER CONYERS (1808-1855), WILLIAM J. CONYERS (1810-), JAMES H. CONYERS (1813-), TALITHA CUMI CONYERS (1815-1855) (m. JAMES GRIFFIN), TABITHA NAOMI CONYERS (1820-), LAVITHA EMILY CONYERS (1821-) (m. GILBERT HARDING; m. JAMES W. AYCOCK), JOHN CONYERS (1823-) MORDECAI FRANKLIN CONYERS (1827-), BENJAMIN L. CONYERS (1828-) and ZACHARIAH MORRAL CONYERS (1830-). JAMES is believed to be a son of DAVID CONYERS (born ca 1755-1760 in Virginia). David's first wife is unknown. The following are believed to be children of David and his first wife: WILLIAM CONYERS (1780-184?), MORDECAI CONYERS (1781-1858), JAMES (1787-1855), MARY ("Polly") CONYERS (ca 1794-) (m. JOHN COLEMAN in 1810) and NANCY CONYERS (13 Sep. 1796-8 May, 1862) (m. JOHN FANCHER 24 Dec 1812).
David married 2nd NANCY SATTERFIELD (who may have been a widow) in 1811 in Barren Co., Ky. (no known ch by second marriage). David settled in Kentucky probably in early 1780's. He is listed on the 1787 and 1790 Fayette Co., Ky. tax lists; the 1800 Barren Co. tax list and appears on the 1810 US Census of Barren Co. His sons MORDECAI and WILLIAM moved to Henry Co., Tn. sometime in the 1830's. Some of his grandchildren later settled in Arkansas. Large numbers of his descendants are concentrated today in Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho and others scattered all over the nation.
Richard E. Wood
3184 Chaparral
Idaho Falls, ID, 83404

You can also contact his son by email: Stanley Wood


I am trying to learn more about my father's family. He was GILBERT M. ("Buddy") CONYERS Sr., born in NC, the son of JESSE CONYERS. He died in 1956 soon after a serious auto accident in Conroe, TX., in which two brothers, one named HAROLD CONYERS. Buddy died of a gunshot soon after the auto wreck. He left a wife, FAYE, and two ch, GARY CONYERSand MARSHA CONYERS, with another child on the way, GILBERT M. ("Buddy") CONYERS Jr. This was my mother's 2nd marriage and possibly my father's second. I nor my sister nor brother have had any contact with my father's family since his death. Apparently, this was not a marriage that was approved of by Gilbert's family. Any help on the family of JESSE and his ancestors would be appreciated.
G. M. ("Buddy") CONYERS

ca 1365

Searching for information on the parents and ancestors of JOANE CONYERS, born ca 1365 in Lincolnshire, England. Joane mar. Sir PHILIP DYMOKE. Their son was Sir THOMAS DYMOKE also born in Lincolnshire.
Sherie Gomas
4004 Apache Trail Court
Granbury, TX 76048

1757 -- 1843

Does anyone have info on the parents or siblings of CHARLES CONYERS/ CONNORS of Sumter District, SC? Charles was b. 1757 and died in Sumter County 15 Mar 1843. He served as a soldier in the South Carolina 2nd Regiment of Militia during the Revolutionary War. Nothing is known yet of his father but his mother was a BENOIST of the French Huguenots of St. Stephen's Parish. He was a planter in what is now Sumter County. He mar. (1) ANN McCONNICO, dau. of WILLIAM McCONNICO. They had at least 7 sons and 2 daughters, according to census records. Three of his sons were THOMAS HARVEY, CHARLES PETER and MATTHEW HENRY.
Sally Connors
3422 N. Normandy
Chicago, IL.

1800's Scotland to Australia

Hi! I'm looking for more information about my ggggrandmother, CECILIA CONNERS, born in the 1800's in Scotland to an aritocratic family on the Firth of Clyde and she moved with her parents to Australia as a little girl, and later eloped to America with an Irish soldier with the last name of CONDON. Her daughter's name is MARY CONDON. I know nothing of our family history before her and would like more info. I hope you can help! Thanks,
Alice Holm

1700's Limirick, Ireland

MARY CONYERS, daughter of THOMAS A. CONYERS in Ireland married ZACHARY MYLES ca 1790. I believe that the first Conyers in Ireland was GEORGE CONYERS ca 1691. The family was seated in Castletown-Conyers in County Limerick I would be very pleased to receive any information you might have that would tie my family back to Roger Coniers that came to England with William in 1066. Thank you,
Howell Robinson

1850's Ky.

Thank you for offering a wonderful & informative website for genealogy. I am not a Conyers descendant but am seeking family who is. I am seeking J. R. CONYERS m to LUCIE WASHINGTON, b 1852 KY. They may have had 4 children one of whom was HENRY CONYERS b c 1873. This family may have moved from TX to OK. Thank you for your time!
Janice Ringold


I am looking for my grandmothers family. I am the granddaughter of BESSIE MAE CONYERS (9 Apr 1894 -- 24 Feb 1970). I have been told that her father was one of the founding fathers of Conyers, Ga. I can not find any information on her. She mar my grandfather FITZHUGH LEE TUCKER 11-22 1920. Their ch: RUFUS HUGH TUCKER (1923 - 1941 in the World War II); BUSTER FULTON TUCKER (1922 - died age 16 in a hunting accident); TILDEN LEE TUCKER (11 Apr 1930 -- 1990. Tilden is my father, the only child to have a family. Bessie had 2 full brothers: WALTER ARTHUR CONYERS, THOMAS WESLEY CONYERS and two half sisters, all I have are their first names. Bessie's mother remarried after her husband died. Can you help me find her? I have look everywhere and can find nothing on her.
[EDITOR's NOTE: this may be the same May / Mae born in 1898 in Bartow County, Ga. (now metro Atlanta) and dau of MOSES CONYERS. They had a son Walker (or Walter ?) b 1894. Don't know anything personally of Moses' descendants other than census records]
Pamele Jane Tucker

Tn. to Ar.

My name is Marie Loretta Conyers-Bailey. I am tracing my ancestry, and happened upon the Conyers Family Association. I know little about my ancesters, but I have traced back to my great-grandparents. BENJAMIN CONYERS mar NANNIE CONNER. I don't have any documentation about where Benjamin was born (Nannie was from Metropolis Illinois?) but I have heard Henry or Weakly County, Tn. Nannie and Ben had 10 ch. I have Nannie's family bible and some of the print is aged and hard to read. Their ch were: ROLLIE CONYERS, CHARLES CONYERS, LILLIE MAY CONYERS, JAMES HUBERT CONYERS, MYRTLE VIOLET CONYERS, RAYMOND CONYERS, VIRNIE LOUIRA CONYERS, ROBERT JEWELL CONYERS and GEORGE CONYERS. George is my grandfather. He married JOSIE MOONEY had 4 ch: LORETTA CONYERS, FRANCIS CONYERS and LLOYD CONYERS; one died as an infant. Lloyd is my father. At some point, the family settled in Arkansas. My father was born there in Clay Co. I would love to hear from you and I am in contact with other Conyers cousins around the USA! Thanks for any info you may have and I hope to join the Association!
Marie Conyers-Bailey

of Iowa

I'm looking for ROY CONYERS born in Iowa I think. Also a J. CONYERS mar JANE BUTTS believed to live at one time in Lincoln Nebraska around 1920. Thank you for any help.
Brent Travis


I wonder if you can help me. I am South African by birth. My mother, HEATHER CONYERS BADENHORST (nee Conyers) was born in South Africa from an unknown South African mother and an English father, LEONARD FRANCIS CONYERS (b 26 Oct 1902, Bradford, Yorkshire, England), son of FRANCIS LEONARD CONYERS, a joiner, and CHARLOTTE FRETWELL. They resided at 58 Hanover Square, Bradford in England. I am very interested in tracing the family line past my great-grandfather, Francis Leonard, and would be grateful if anyone could help me. Thank you,
Colin Badenhorst
15 The Farthings
PR71TP United Kingdom


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23 Aug, 1998