Famous and Notable

Welcome to the "Famous and Notable Wards" section of our Ward Family Club's History section. This part of our history section is devoted to honoring Ward kin who have achieved respect and admiration from their peers for their endeavors in many fields, including government service, the arts, business and industry, education, entertainment (movies, TV, music), military service, religion, science, sports and other fields.

This site is sponsored by the Ward Family Club, a national family club devoted to gathering and preserving the family history of ALL Ward descendants. If you are a Ward or descendant of a Ward, this includes you.

If you came directly to this site, be sure and visit the Ward Family Club's HOME page, where you can jump to the main Ward Family HISTORY page, the Ward Family QUERIES section, the online Ward Family NEWSLETTER, the Ward family MEMORIALS section and our other sites. Click on "HOME" at the bottom of the page to get started.

Ward Family Club
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Ga.

Join and support your Ward Family Club


Click on highlighted words to go to those sections. Bear with us as we add more sections.


Federal Government

State Government

  • Governors and lieutenant governors
  • State legislatures
  • Other state offices
  • State courts
  • Local Government

    Ward kin who have served as mayor, sheriff, county commissioner, city councilman and other city and county officials.

    The Arts

    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in painting, sculpture, literature and other arts.

    Business and Industry

    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in business and industry.


    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in education: college professors, teachers, high school principals, college presidents and deans, elected and appointed education officials.


    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in entertainment: Hollywood movies, television, singers and musicians.

    Military Service

    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in military service: high-ranking officers, military heroes.


    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in religious service.


    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in all fields of science.


    Ward kin who have achieved prominence in school and professional sports.

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