by Rick Ridings

At about 2:30 AM, the morning of Oct. 31, I woke up. I began to have a strong impression that God was revealing something concerning some ancient gates, that are part of "preparing the way" for the return of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua). Although I only remember this happening only once before in the past (receiving a prophecy for America last April), I felt God wanted me to get out of bed, and write it down immediately. This vision was not an "open vision" (like on a screen), but rather a series of deep, inner impressions. I would appreciate receiving the judgments and clarifications of this word that others may receive.

I saw it in two ways, the first as a series of four gates:

The first gate was over Spain. Though I am not even quite sure what that means, I received the phrase The Alhambran Gate". This gate has very much to do with dealing with those events in Spain which have been stumbling blocks or obstacles to the reception of the Good (God) News, especially as it has to do with the Moslems (and here, to a lesser degree, the Jews). This "gate" has to do with obedience to God in steps of true repentance and reconciliation concerning the Crusades (in Europe and the Middle East as a whole, even though Spain's participation was not nearly as strong as that of what is now France or Germany), the battles with the Moors, and with the events surrounding the expulsion of the Jews and the Inquisition as a whole. This "gate" also has something to do with the opening of a door of legal access to the religious and warring spirits behind Islam to be able to influence the course of "Church history" (esp. The Western Church). I realize we do not necessarily relate these events together, but I sensed that somehow it was important seek to know (through prayer and Spirit-led research) what "connections" they may have in the heavenly realms. I sensed it is important, in dealing with this gate, to have the participation of some believers in Jesus who were formerly Moslem (in addition to what is already planned concerning Jew and Gentile).

The second gate was over Rome, and I sensed we were dealing with the "Titus Arch" or Gate. Here my strong sense was that God would lead some of us to identify with our "Roman" heritage, and to join with those Roman Catholic brethren who would be moved upon by the Holy Spirit to confess and to express repentance and reconciliation for the sins of the Roman Catholic Church. These would seem to fall into four broad categories or "layers of history": those toward the Jews, those toward the Eastern Orthodox, those toward the Moslems, and those toward the Protestants (where there would need to be a reciprocal recognition of Protestants' sins against Roman Catholics).

The third "gate" was in Greece, and seemed to be called "The Alexandrian Gate". This was to somehow recognize the door of access opened to the Enemy through our exaltation of Greek ways over the ways of God given by revelation to Moses. This door was to confess and truly turn from the worship of Man, the Creature, rather than God, the Creator. This "gate" somehow also has to do with being a "back door" for the influence of ancient Egyptian thought upon the people of God. I was reminded of a type of arrow or spear-head which I had once seen connecting Heliopolis (Egypt) and Delphi (Greece) and pointing towards Jerusalem. I feel this "gate" is somehow tied to the verse in Zech 9 that says "I will arouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece", and it is important that university students from various nations be involved in some way in a meeting for such a purpose in Greece.

The fourth "gate" was the "Golden or Eastern Gate" in Jerusalem. In each of the three first gates, and their order is somehow important, I saw a bride having to bend over (to humble herself) in order to pass through that gate en route to Jerusalem. But in Jerusalem, she was, as it were, riding "side-saddle", seated behind Jesus (Yeshua), and holding on tightly to Him, as He was riding on a donkey down from the Mount of Olives, toward the Eastern Gate. This was not yet His literal, physical return, but rather the Bride entering into a deep identification with His humility expressed when He first entered into Jerusalem as King, on a donkey. Even as He, she was not to enter into Jerusalem in any of the arrogance with which she has entered, and even conquered and pillaged Jerusalem in past centuries. This time she is to enter, having passed through the humbling process of the first three gates. She is to come to confess her sins toward Jerusalem, in a spirit of true remorse. This is not to be done in a big, showy way, but rather, as a "washing of the feet" of the Jews (and not only our "messianic" Jewish brethren). There may be something more public later, as the Lord leads, but it must be preceded by a more intimate "washing of the feet", even as Jesus washed the feet of His disciples in the intimate setting of a small room and a simple meal. She did not enter the city yet through the Eastern Gate, but rather circling around from behind, identifying with her Lord in His crucifixion.

After this I saw something like dominoes falling: there was a string of many smaller dominoes re-tracing the major routes of the Crusades (I felt these were a picture of the work of the "Reconciliation Walk"). Then I saw three large dominoes, falling upon one another from Spain to Rome to Greece. This last domino seemed to fall over Syria, joining into the chain of smaller dominoes, all finally ending in Jerusalem at more or less the same time. I sensed that somehow, in God's great and mysterious ways, this helped to release Jerusalem to recognize and receive her King and Messiah, so that He could, in His perfect timing, open the Eastern Gate.

I realize this can all seem rather grandiose, but I sensed it would all be accomplished in simple, small steps of obedience, proceeding in the fear of the Lord, and enquiring of Him. This must be done in the same manner as David who, after he failed to enquire of God the first time, succeeded (by following God's ways) in returning the Ark of God's Covenant and Promise to Jerusalem. The Bride may not pass through these gates in a shallow triumphalism, as it were, transporting the Ark on the oxen cart of trying to carry out God's plan in man's strength. She may only pass through these gates as she "bends" to His direction, humbly obeying Her Lord step by step.

[note: Since receiving this vision, I have been sent the following initial research from an evangelical Catholic from Malta who is working with me on a prayer journey into Morocco at the end of February: "The word "Alhambran" is widely used by Arabs (Muslims) and is a kind of name which they give to institutions or organizations. The same word is also being used in Finish and probably also Swedish and that is their version of Alhambra - which is an old castle in Spain. What I am almost sure at the moment is that also Arabs call this place Alhambran.

What is Alhambra? It is a part of Granada. Some people say that this is the most important historical place in Spain! That was a fortress built by Arabs (Moors) in XI century. One of the first rulers - Ibn Ahmar proclaimed Alhambra the capital city of the land being in Arab's hands. The name al-hamra means in Arabic "red" and comes from the color of the ground around the castle."

Jacek wrote further: "I have found out that there is a monument in Rome called "Arch of Titus". It was built to commemorate the victories of Vespasian and his son Titus over the Jews, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem. This Arch is located exactly near the entrance to The Roman Forum. In year 70 A.D., Titus invaded Palestine and destroyed Jerusalem bringing thousands of captives to Rome (among them many were Christians). Titus was the one who also built the Colosseum where the blood of martyrs had been spilt"].

[Further note: I received the following from Philadelphia intercessor, Dottie Maryott:

I realized it struck a chord, rushed to the library and retrieved a volume of Washington Irving. About the last piece, The Alhambra (1832), the back cover says "was inspired by Irving's stay during the spring and summer of 1829 at the ancient Moorish palace in Granada...This rich compendium of tales, deftly interwoven with historical accounts and picturesque sketches, was assembled from Spanish and Moorish folklore, history, guidebooks, and anecdotes of Irving's experiences among the local residents."

In the Second Chapter, Palace of the Alhambra, he describes ascending to "the foot of a huge square Moorish tower, forming a kind of barbican, through which passed the main entrance to the fortress. This portal is called the Gate of Justice, from the tribunal held within its porch during the Moslem domination, for the immediate trial of petty causes" and Irving alludes to the Sacred Scriptures "Judges and others shalt thou make thee in all thy gates..."

The great vestibule or porch of the gate is formed by an immense Arabian arch, of the horseshoe form, which springs to half the height of the tower. On the keystone of this arch is engraved a gigantic hand. Within the vestibule, on the keystone of the portal, is sculptured, in like manner a gigantic key. Those who pretend to some knowledge of Mohammedan symbols, affirm that the hand is the emblem of doctrine; the five fingers designating the five principal commandments of the creed of Islam; fasting, pilgrimage, alms- in opposition to the Christian emblem of the cross, when they subdued Spain or Andalusia. It betokened the conquering power invested in the prophet. "He that hath the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth." (Rev.iii.7)...

Irving goes on to say that "according to a tradition handed down from the oldest inhabitants, that the hand and key were magical devices on which the fate of the Alhambra depended. The Moorish king who built it was a great magician, or as some believed, had sold himself to the devil, and had laid the whole fortress under a magic spell....This spell the tradition went on to say, would last until the hand on the outer arch should reach down and grasp the key, when the whole pile would tumble to pieces, and all the treasures buried beneath it by the Moors would be revealed."]




5 - Belgium

7-12 - Rome Prayer Journey

13-17 - Greece Prayer Journey

20-23 - East Coast Conference, Washington, D.C. (Rick only)


7 - Belgium

14-24 Israel Prayer Journey (several cities)


1-11 - Israel (and possibly Rick to Lebanon)

12-15 - Rome - Prayer Journey (team with John Dawson and Jewish Messianic leaders)

16-18 - Istanbul and Nicea, Turkey (same team as Rome)

20-30 - All Nations Prayer Conference in Jerusalem (Rick on leadership team)


1-4 - Egypt - Prayer Journey

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