AniGifKenshin by Diana K. Lee

empiredirt's RK Wallpaper
Misao-chan's Peji
Ka0ru-d0n0's Game
Seiyuu 411
Kenshin & Kaoru Shrine
Mayo Shrine

Things to show off


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Rurouni Kenshin HeadQuarters
Where Watsuki-sensei gets to show his stuff! ^_^x

Yosh! Now, you all probably know that the extremely talented manga artist of "Rurouni Kenshin" is Nobuhiro Watsuki. Hai hai! His artwork is gorgeous and worth staring at for hours. ^_^ Wouldn't you be amazed if you could draw like this in your early twenties? I would! So just look at the master's artwork and let out a humungous "SUGOI!!!" But if you don't know any Japanese whatsoever, just say "WOW!!!"

[ RK Manga Pics | RK Manga in Color ]

RK Manga Pics

Here are some manga scans I did myself from my Korean RK manga. ^_^x Enjoy!

potatoes Kenshin carrying Kaoru like a sack of potatoes!
ouch Chitsuru bonks Kenshin on the nose!
Kenshin Gumi Kenshin Gumi get thrown out by Kaoru!
face lift Kanryu gets a face lift by Kenshin!
method Kaoru's method of carrying her students.
Yutaro's waitress Yutaro asking his waitress for more rice!
Saitoh owee Saitoh gets struck from behind by Kenshin's sakabatou!
Soujiro page Soujiro greets his guests.
Kenshin's women Kenshin and his women problems!
good, bad, ugly Kenshin & Shishio portrait
DUH! Misao & Yahiko have a DUH moment.
washy washy Master and pupil take time to wash up.
Misao mad Misao has a fit (again)!
Amakake. . . whatever Kenshin's succession technique on Aoshi!
battle gear Soujiro prepares for battle!
fighting scene Kenshin & Soujiro fight!
lovely Tomoe Yukishiro
happy Kenshin smiling 'cause of someone.
romantic Kenshin with his arm around Kaoru.
yucky Yahiko barfed! Yuck! =Þ
ooh. . . Kenshin vs. Enishi
go go Kenshin! Enishi punched by Kenshin! Yay! Die Enishi! >=)
lovely 2 Tomoe again! So pretty!
lots of Kaorus Kaoru collage.
depressed Kenshin looks fine even when depressed!
enviable Kaoru in the morning. Isn't it sickening?! I_I
depressed 2 Kenshin depressed still.
DUH! 2 Misao & Yahiko go DUH again.
hurricane Kaoru Kaoru cooking like a madman! Woman!
octo-weasel Misao wants to be an octopus!

*Spoilers be here!*
bad memories Kenshin remembering. . . ;_;
grip Kenshin gets a grip!
lots of Kenshins The many (fine) faces of Kenshin.
Yay! He's baaack~!
funny military Look at the bottom right-hand corner. ^_^x


*Spoilers be here!*
huggies Kenshin falls into Kaoru's embrace.
a new life Sayonara Tomoe. . . Hello Kaoru-dono!
why why Misao's crying. . . again!
all grown up Yahiko and Tsubame are adolescents.
mystery child Who's that crying on the roof?
grown up Kaoru's an adult now!
guess who? My goodness! Did Kenshin cut his gorgeaous hair?!?!?
THE END I The 2-paged beautiful ending to a beautiful manga. ^_^x
THE END II The 1-paged beautiful ending to a beautiful manga. ^_^x


The BIBLE of the Kenshin series. ^_^x
This one looks familiar. . .
Kenshin and his blanky!
Kenshin slashing amongst sakura trees.
It's the Kenshin Gumi in technicolor!

[ RK Manga Pics | RK Manga in Color ]

Last updated: June 2001

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