Sconemac Presents - Born Beyond the Border &

Scone's Scottish and Celtic Internet Book

Scottish Highlands and Islands Partnership

Scottish History and Culture
"another page in my book"

Born Beyond the Border

Presented by Sconemac

Nancy A. MacCorkill, F.S.A.Scot

Scone presents a wonderful, poem.........wish I had written it!

Born Beyond The Border


Some set sail for Africa, with bibles in their hands
Some were forced to the colonies to build a new heartland
Even those on the work of the Lord could scarce forbear to weep
But the bitterest tears of all were shed by those who made way for the sheep.


Though we're born beyond the border don't say we don't belong
We've a legacy of Bruce and Wallace too
We're the children of the Clearances the wanderers old and young
And a heart and soul in Scotland, just like you.

The names, the songs, the stories and the measure of their loss
Formed lullabies for children born beneath the Southern Cross
All across the Rockies to the wide Pacific shore
The names of home, old towns reborn, spring into life once more


Though we're born beyond the border don't say we don't belong
We've a legacy of Bruce and Wallace too
We're the children of the Clearances the wanderers old and young
And a heart and soul in Scotland, just like you.

So when you sing of the great white sheep this you must also know
While Scotland mourns her tragedy it was us that had to go
In exile now far away from the land of our race's birth
We're the living flag of Andrew scattered all across the earth


Though we're born beyond the border don't say we don't belong
We've a legacy of Bruce and Wallace too
We're the children of the Clearances the wanderers old and young
And a heart and soul in Scotland, just like you.

words by Maggie Innis, music by Gordon Menzies


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