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What is in a Rainbow??

Red of the blood that has been shed, and for the virus we carry on our shoulders, as we count our dead. Red is for Righteousness in the face of prejudice and dread.

Orange of the fear that has smoldered far to long. Orange is for the Open hands and Open hearts we need to Overcome the separations that have begun.

Yellow of the rage that burns in the heart of the flame. Yellow is for the Yell for Freedom from a people that have remained far to tame.

Green of the healing ego for the child forlorn. Green is for the Generosity and Grace of which we are formed.

Blue of the tears that forever fall. Blue is for the Bravery we must show on that day when we must all battle the fear that destroys us all.

Violet of the wounded heart and bruised soul that is never seen. Violet is for the Vision and for the Voice to be heard and to be looked upon as human beings.

~Sean Wallace - Copy Righted,  January 2000~

I Passed

I passed him on the street,

never looking him in the eyes,

I quickened my feet, quickly spreading the lies.


I passed her the empty plate,

never caring about her case,

I don't know her fate, never remembering her face.


I passed them all,

never hearing their cries,

I never accept their calls, my own heart I despise.


They passed me by,

never knowing my life,

They understand why, I passed sharing my strife.


~Sean Wallace - Copy Righted,  January 2000~

Can You See?

Can you see my tears,

the trails on my cheek?

Can you hear my fears,

the open wounds that make me weak?

Can you feel my caress,

the gentle touch of my hand?

Can you know the love I express,

the opening of my heart, without demand?

~Sean Wallace - Copy Righted,  February 2000~





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