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Known problems with Alpha 3

Known problems with Alpha 1

  1. The Metal look and feel has problems displaying more than one tab in a line. To workaround, use the Windows or Motif look and feel.
  2. The Swing TextArea still has the occasional problem with end of line, although no funny characters appear
  3. Disabling of certain buttons and menu items when items are not selected currently isn't done. e.g. 'Remove Current Category...' on the tree when a Category is selected.
  4. The code base must end in a path separator (e.g. \ or /)
  5. On OS/2 the Input modal dialogs come up with focus on the Ok button, rather than on the entry field seems to be a bug in OS/2's JDK - will report to IBM when I have time.
  6. On OS/2 many NullPointerExceptions are generated by Swing's lightweight components. A bug in 1.1.4
  7. Win95 will sometimes crash when using Alt-tab to switch between tasks.
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