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A long time ago, in a beach club far, far away...

... a clan of people lived in a settlement called "D", in a hut called D28.  They were happy there for many years, but as the clan grew in number, they knew they must find a larger hut.  "We need more sand!" , they cried.  So they moved to a hut called D14.  It was located at the crossroads of the D settlement, where there was much wind.  The clan grew and thrived.

Twilight at D14

As the years passed, many new people came into the clan. The children took mates and babies came.  One of the girls married a young man from a foreign settlement.  He was ambitious and his mind worked in strange ways.

The clan trekked across the desert until they reached ...
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One day, the Young Man, seeing that the clan had again outgrown their hut, spoke to the Wise Woman, the clan leader. He said "We must leave this settlement and find a new hut  I have heard of a faraway place where the people live on stilts.  Their huts are big and they have much sand".  The Wise Woman responded: "I know of this place, but I have never seen it.  It is called the Land of the Stilt People.  Legend has it that some of our kinspeople traveled there, but I don't know if they survived the long journey through the desert".  The Young Man then said "We must take the risk and find out.". 

...the Land of the Stilt People
Land of the Stilt People

So, the Young Man and the Wise Woman made the long and dangerous trek through the desert to the Land of the Stilt People.  When they finally arrived they were amazed at what they found -- huge huts rising high into the sky on stilts of wood, acres of free, white sand and -- wonder of wonders --  the Great Sea.   They also saw their kinspeople and others who had made the journey and now lived happily in this magnificent place.

The clan found much sand in their new home
Much sand

  They found a large, empty hut called 4-3 that suited them just fine, except that the neighboring hut was inhabited by pirates. Despite this, the Wise Woman decided "We must bring our clan here no matter the cost -- no matter the danger"  And so they did.  The pirates turned out to be friendly.

Pictures of Happy Stilt People
Mother and Child
Blond Stilt People
Stilt People Play with Action Figures

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