The New Year Greets A New Hierarchy

The Cosmic Hierarchy through Karen Danrich

We, the Cosmic Hierarchy, namely Lord Metatron, Lord Sananda, and Lord Averil, would like to introduce our readership to the new Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth.

In May of 1997, Earth moved into the fourth dimension, and presently exists simultaneously within both third and fourth dimensional vibrations. The Fourth Dimensional Spiritual Hierarchy, which had been anchored since August of 1996 in preparation for Earth's heightened vibration, has taken precedence as a governing body of Earth along with the Third Dimensional Hierarchy within Shamballa. For those who do not know, Shamballa is the seat of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, or in a sense, the capital of Earth's governing councils within the etheric planes of reality.

At our current pace of evolution, it is anticipated that by February of 1998, Earth will cease to exist within the third dimension entirely, and only exist as a fourth dimensional vibration. For those who have not completed the bare minimum of the sixth spiritual initiation and have the earliest form of a light-body, existence on Earth will become difficult indeed. It is not our wish to repeat what has already been written elsewhere, but for those who are not familiar with the initiations of the Ascension process, we recommend the two articles, "Attaining the State of the Christ" and "New Initiations from Ancient Egypt" for further information.

In addition to a new Fourth Dimensional Hierarchy, in December of 1997, a Fifth Dimensional Hierarchy was also anchored in preparation for Earth's Ascension to a state of a Star. The Fifth Dimensional Hierarchy also takes precedence as a governing body, but only for those within humanity who have embraced a fifth dimensional thought-form, and will not take full responsibility for all of their obligations until after Earth takes her Ascension sometime around the turn of the century or beyond.

The new fourth and fifth dimensional hierarchies are consolidated of wondrous beings who are different from those beings who have held precedence within Shamballa as the Third Dimensional Hierarchy for many hundreds of thousands of years now on Earth. There has been much written about the Third Dimensional Hierarchy, and it is not our wish to repeat that which has already been stated elsewhere about these beings, except to share that they are in the process of leaving Earth and have been replaced by new members that hold a fourth and fifth dimensional vibration. It is also our wish to thank each of the members of the Third Dimensional Hierarchy for their many years of love and service, and to wish them well with their continued evolution and spiritual unfolding.

Many may wonder why we have a new hierarchy, and why the old hierarchy will not carry forward into the fourth and fifth dimensions with continued positions within the governing bodies of Shamballa. The reason is quite simple. Holding a position within a hierarchy of the fourth or fifth dimension requires a complete balancing of the masculine and feminine sides of a soul, and the complete embracing of unconditional love and collaboration. Many have read about the "fall of man", but we would also like our readership to understand that the third dimensional hierarchy of Earth also experienced their own "fall", also known as the "Lucifer Rebellion", some 300,000 years ago.

The fall of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth was a result of a larger problem that began far outside of this creation, which brought about an imbalance between the masculine and feminine frequencies. Within the imbalance, masculine energies became overvalued and eventually in surplus, and feminine energies undervalued and eventually in under-supply. The imbalance of these two vibrational polarities led to the experience of competition, manipulation and control. As the imbalance within the masculine and feminine energies filtered down the inter-dimensional pathways to our third dimensional reality, the third dimensional hierarchy also went into competition with one another rather than collaborating and supporting one another. Additionally, Hierarchies from different planets and solar systems went into competition with one another, which led to one Hierarchy warring on another rather than supporting one another.

As a result of the vibrational shifts between the masculine and feminine polarities which resulted in the experience of competition, manipulation and control, Lucifer, an angel that was an assistant to Sanat Kumara, our third dimensional planetary logos, rebelled, and became a force in opposition to Sanat Kumara, i.e. a "force of the dark". In addition to this, the masculine and feminine sides of each of the governing bodies within Shamballa, including Sanat Kumara, went into competition with one another, and eventually the feminine sides of each soul split off and left Earth to continue their evolution elsewhere within third dimensional form. Our current third dimensional hierarchy has been predominantly male in vibration for the past 300,000 years.

Many channels have written about the "return of the goddess". The experience of the return of the feminine goddess energy is a result of the balanced masculine and feminine governing bodies now helping to hold the fourth dimensional vibration on Earth as well as governing and directing our planet. The current Third Dimensional Hierarchy lacks the necessary information or experience to completely unify with their feminine side. As a result, they have agreed to continue their evolution on another planet within third dimensional form. This planet, which resides within the Pleiades, also contains a genetically mutated race of humanoid life with similar biological and social problems to Earth. Both the old hierarchy and this humanoid civilization will have the next 4000 years to bring the masculine and feminine to balance within, and then will face their own Ascension to the state of a star at that future point in time.

Many of you may wonder why Earth currently has both a fourth and fifth dimensional hierarchy. It is simply because we are in transition, and the state of transition requires the cooperation of many beings holding many vibrations that support Earth until she completes her Ascension. The fourth dimension is constructed out of seven main rays or vibrations, and the governing bodies of the fourth dimensional hierarchy are responsible for holding these seven rays or vibrations on Earth. Within the fifth dimension, the first seven rays become unified into the eighth ray, which is the vibration of unconditional love. Therefore, the fifth dimensional hierarchy contains beings that hold rays eight and above. At this time of transition, both hierarchies are necessary as rays one through eighteen are all currently present and required on Earth. As Mother Earth takes her Ascension and moves completely into the fifth dimension, rays one through seven will unify into the eighth ray, and the fourth dimensional hierarchy will leave Earth as they will no longer be needed.

Introducing the Fourth Dimensional Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

It is now our wish to introduce our readership to these wonderful beings who have agreed to assist in holding the vibration of Earth in transition within her Ascension. You may call upon these beings during your meditation time or within your healing work, and they will assist in bringing forth the vibration that they hold into your embodiment, home, workplace, or into those whom you are healing.

Planetary Logos: Lord and Lady Buddha. Lord and Lady Buddha are our fourth dimensional planetary logos. Lord and Lady Buddha co-hold the energy of Earth along with Lady Gaia, the consciousness of our Earth Mother. In a sense, the sky is embraced by the auric field of Lord and Lady Buddha within the 4th dimension. You may call upon Lord and Lady Buddha for personal spiritual guidance and support.

Planetary Teacher: Lord and Lady Kuthumi. Lord and Lady Kuthumi are our fourth dimensional planetary teachers. Call upon them for knowledge surrounding the next step upon your spiritual journey. Lord and Lady Kuthumi have accepted the position of Third Dimensional Universal Teacher upon the completion of Earth's Ascension, and will take their new post at that time.

1st Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Sanai. Lord and Lady Sanai hold the first ray which is red in vibration. The first ray is that which "Gives Birth to Life". First ray people are our pioneers and inventors, forging new territory or bringing through new products. Calling upon this ray will assist bringing about change within one's life or environment.

2nd Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Hollanda. Lord and Lady Hollanda hold the second ray which is blue in vibration. The second ray is that which "Gives Structure to Life". Second ray people are those who bring order to our reality. Calling upon this ray will bring about structure or order within one's life or environment. The blue ray is also helpful in transmuting physical ailments as it helps to restructure one's embodiment following illness.

3rd RayCronan: Lord and Lady Sushi. Lord and Lady Sushi hold the third ray which is orange in vibration. The third ray is that which "Gives Wisdom to Life". Third ray people are our educators and politicians. Calling upon this ray will assist in integrating change within one's life.

4th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Adoni. Lord and Lady Adoni hold the fourth ray which is green in vibration. The fourth ray is that which "Gives Harmony to Life". Fourth ray people are our healers, doctors and medicine men and women. Calling upon this ray will assist in bringing harmony and balance to one's life or environment.

5th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Octoya. Lord and Lady Octoya hold the fifth ray which is fuchsia pink in vibration. The fifth ray is that which "Gives Creativity to Life". Fifth ray people are our entertainers, actors, musicians and dancers. Calling upon this ray will bring about passion and creativity to one's life or environment.

6th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Ano. Lord and Lady Ano hold the sixth ray which is yellow in vibration. The sixth ray is that which "Gives Vision to Life". Sixth ray people are our visionaries and clairvoyants. Calling upon this ray will assist in bringing about a clearer understanding of the next step on one's spiritual journey.

7th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Vitala. Lord and Lady Vitala hold the seventh ray which is violet in vibration. The seventh ray is that which "Gives Knowledge to Life". Seventh ray people are our spiritual leaders and teachers. The violet ray is considered the ray of transmutation. Calling upon the violet ray will assist in transmuting planetary karma and releasing old worn out patterns within one's life or environment.

Planetary Christ: Lord and Lady Matreiya. Lord and Lady Matreiya hold the position of planetary Christ. They are responsible for holding the vibration of unconditional love or the eighth ray within the Fourth Dimensional Hierarchy. Call upon Lord and Lady Matreiya to experience the vibration of the Christ or unconditional love. It is within the eighth ray that rays one through seven become unified. We, the Cosmic Hierarchy, thank these wonderful beings for assisting Earth in her transition through the fourth dimension to the state of a Star, and helping to bring forth humanity's destined golden age.

Introducing the Fifth Dimensional Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

It is our wish to introduce our readership to these wonderful beings who have agreed to assist in holding the fifth dimensional vibrations on Earth in her transition to a star and beyond. You may call upon these beings during your meditation time or within your healing work, and they will assist in bringing forth the fifth dimensional vibrations into your embodiment, home, workplace, or into those who you are healing.

Planetary Logos: Lord and Lady Sirius. Lord and Lady Sirius are our new fifth dimensional planetary logos, and their auric field presently embraces our sky within the 5th dimension. Lord and Lady Sirius have accepted the role of assisting the Earth Mother into her Ascension and helping to restructure civilization on Earth in the years to come. The experience of taking a third dimensional planet into the 5th dimension is not new for Lord and Lady Sirius. Lord and Lady Sirius held the position of planetary logos as the planet Sirius B Ascended to the state of a star some 20,000 years ago. The planet Sirius, and the humanoid form that exists upon her to this date, did not have the pollution, nor the social and physical problems of our current human population on Earth at the time of their ascension.

The expertise and experience of Lord and Lady Sirius will help to make our transition to the fifth dimension and a state of a star as smooth as possible given the circumstances. Lord and Lady Sirius also bring to Earth a unique understanding of vibrational healing that will assist the Earth Mother in transmuting pollutants and toxins, and also can assist our bodies in detoxifying and integrating the vibrational shifts experienced in our own personal ascension. Initiates are invited to call upon Lord and Lady Sirius for assistance in one's own personal ascension and to integrate ongoing shifts in vibration.

Planetary Teacher: Lord and Lady Anu. Lord and Lady Anu hold the position of our fifth dimensional planetary teacher. Lord and Lady Anu also come to us from the Sirius Star System where they have held many positions within the governing hierarchies of Sirius for the past 40,000 years. Lord and Lady Anu were involved in assisting in the restructuring of civilization on Sirius A and B following their Ascension to the fifth dimension. The Ashram for the Planetary Teacher is within the center of the Earth and governs Human Spiritual Evolution. Initiates are invited visit the Ashram of Lord and Lady Anu in meditation or during dreamtime.

8th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Hilirun. Lord and Lady Hilirun hold the eighth ray which is magenta in vibration. The eighth ray is that which "Gives Unconditional Love to Life". Lord and Lady Hilirun also come to us from the Sirius Star System where they have held this position for over 18,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist in unifying rays one through seven within, and bring about the emotional understanding and experience of unconditional love to one's embodiment or environment. The Ashram for the 8th Ray is currently located under the Himalayas and is the future seat of "Education on Earth". Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram for healing or guidance during meditation or dream-time.

9th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Shoklan. Lord and Lady Shoklan hold the ninth ray which is gold and silver in vibration. The ninth ray is that which "Gives Honor to Life". Lord and Lady Shoklan come to us from the Andromeda Galaxy where they have held this position for over 50,000 years in a variety of solar systems. Calling upon this ray assists one in learning to honor oneself and all of life. The Ashram for the 9th Ray is currently under Hawaii and is the future seat of the "5th Dimensional Government" or Shamballa. It will be within this Ashram that the governing bodies of the new Hierarchy will meet to make decisions surrounding Earth's future. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram for healing or guidance during meditation or dream-time.

10th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Miyuki. Lord and Lady Miyuki hold the tenth ray which is pastel blue and green in vibration. The tenth ray is that which "Gives Hope to Life". Lord and Lady Miyuki come to us from the sun within Earth's solar system where they have held this position for over 18,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist in alleviating depression and hopelessness, and helps the body to detoxify and release lower vibrations. The Ashram for the 10th Ray is located under Luxor and will be the seat of all future "Planetary Records". In the future, all lifetimes lived within the 5th dimension on Earth will be recorded within this Ashram. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

11th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Tsn Tsn. Lord and Lady Tsn Tsn hold the eleventh ray which is pale pink and gold in vibration. The eleventh ray is that which "Gives Balance to Life". Lord and Lady Tsn Tsn come to us from Sirius B where they have held this position for over 20,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist in bringing balance to the masculine and feminine energies within oneself, or within a group. The Ashram for the 11th Ray is located under Egypt and is the future seat of "Relationship, Marriage, and Divine Union". Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

12th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Voylant. Lord and Lady Voylant hold the twelfth ray which is pastel violet in vibration. The twelfth ray is that which "Gives Transcendence to Life". Lord and Lady Voylant come to us from the sun within our solar system where they have held this position for over 9,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist one in transcending old patterns and releasing karma of a solar or universal nature. The Ashram for the 12th Ray is under Antarctica and is the future seat of "Earth's Evolution as a Planet". Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

13th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Bovalent. Lord and Lady Bovalent hold the thirteenth ray which is pastel turquoise in vibration. The thirteenth ray is that which "Gives Harmony to Life". Lord and Lady Bovalent come to us from the sun within our own Solar System where they have held this position for over 5,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist in bringing harmony to one's life, environment or a group, and assist initiates in finding a state of inner-centeredness and balance. The Ashram for the 13th Ray is under China and is the future seat of "Harmony in Action", and has the purpose of maintaining harmony on Earth. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

14th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Santuno. Lord and Lady Santuno hold the fourteenth ray which is opal white in vibration. The fourteenth ray is that which "Gives Fruition to Life". Lord and Lady Santuno come to us from the Andromeda Galaxy where they have held this position for over 25,000 years within a variety of solar systems. Calling upon this ray will assist one is bringing to fruition that which they wish to manifest on Earth. The Ashram for the 14th Ray is located under Alberta, Canada and is the seat of "Co-creation with God in Accordance with the Divine Plan". This Ashram has the goal of bringing to fruition a new form of evolution based on grace rather than karma, and a new monetary system on earth based on the concept of enough for all. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime for assistance or guidance.

15th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Cloisee. Lord and Lady Cloisee hold the fifteenth ray which is golden white in vibration. The fifteenth ray is that which "Gives Clarity to Life". Lord and Lady Cloisee come to us from the Andromeda Galaxy where they have held this position for over 10,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist one is finding clarity of direction and purpose on Earth. The Ashram for the 15th Ray is located under Baja, Mexico and is the seat of "Visionary and Occult Knowledge". This Ashram has the goal of clearing mass illusion, and restoring visionary and occult practices to a form based only on unconditional love. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

16th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Gunmaker. Lord and Lady Gunmaker hold the sixteenth ray which is pastel orange in vibration. The sixteenth ray is that which "Gives Simplicity to Life". Lord and Lady Gunmaker come to us from the sun within our solar system where they have held this position for over 8,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist one in simplifying the outer so that one's inner truth can direct. The Ashram for the 16th Ray is located within the center of the Earth and is the seat of "Human Spiritual Evolution". This Ashram will assist in guiding initiates through those initiations that will become possible once we have entered the 5th dimension. These initiations will lead from a 5th dimensional form to a 12th dimensional form. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

17th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Hilandi. Lord and Lady Hilandi hold the seventeenth ray which is silver white in vibration. The seventeenth ray is that which "Gives Truth to Life". Lord and Lady Hilandi come to us from the Sirius Star System where they have held this position for over 25,000 years. Calling upon this ray will assist one in accepting their truth and all other expressions of truth on Earth. The Ashram for the 17th Ray is located in the center of the earth and is the future seat of "Spiritual Leadership on Earth". This Ashram has the goal of bringing to fruition a new form of spiritual leadership based on unconditional acceptance of all expressions of truth on Earth. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime.

Planetary Christ: Lord and Lady Sai Baba. Lord and Lady Sai Baba, who are, in a sense, the higher self or aspect of the one known as Sai Baba currently incarnate in India, have agreed to hold the position of the Planetary Christ. The position of the Planetary Christ is responsible for holding the 18th Ray upon Earth. The 18th ray is that which is that which "Gives Unconditional Acceptance to Life". Once earth and humanity have completed their Ascension to the 5th dimension, new initiations will be available leading to a 12th dimensional state of being.

Lord and Lady Sai Baba, along with other members of the spiritual hierarchy, will be responsible for guiding initiates through these new initiations in the centuries to come. The eighteenth ray is made up of a combination of rays 8 through 17 and is bright white in color. Calling upon this ray will assist one in embracing unconditional acceptance of everyone and everything. The Ashram for the Planetary Christ is found within the center of Mother Earth. Initiates are invited to visit the Ashram of Lord and Lady Sai Baba for guidance and healing.

We, the Cosmic Hierarchy, give a warm welcome to Earth's new Spiritual Hierarchy and thank them for assisting Earth in her transition. We know that each member of the new hierarchy come with a special expertise that will assist Humanity in it's awakening. Welcome!

Introducing the New Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar System and Universe

It is our wish to introduce our readership to a few of the members of the new Solar and Universal Hierarchy. Much like Earth, our Sun is in the process of taking her own Ascension to the twelfth dimension. Many may not be aware of the fact that the Sun has had a fifth dimensional humanoid life-form incarnate upon it for close to 250,000 years. Those incarnate on our Sun are also Ascending to the twelfth dimension along with the Sun itself.

Much like Earth, our Sun and those incarnate upon her, experienced a "fall" of their own which also resulted in a distortion between the masculine and feminine energies. This, over time led to the experience of competition, not only within the solar Hierarchy, but between the solar Hierarchy and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.

For the past 300,000 years, there has been little cooperation or unification of purpose between the Hierchies of the Sun and our planet. This is changing, at last, as the guiding forces of unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and true collaboration and cooperation take precedence over our solar system and all of the members of each and every hierarchy.

In recent years, information has been shared between those of us on earth who are embodying the new genetic material, and who are moving towards the fifth dimension, with those incarnate upon the sun who moving towards the twelfth dimension. Many of the distortions found within our current human genetics have parallel distortions for those incarnate upon the sun, and the sharing of information allows all of us to evolve together. It has been through the sharing of information that a bridge has been constructed between the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth and the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar System.

Solar Logos: Lord and Lady Holorama. Lord and Lady Holorama are the new 12th dimensional solar logos for our Sun and Solar System. Much like Earth, the Hierarchies of our Solar System are also experiencing a shift. Lord and Lady Holorama come to us from the Sirius Star System where they embodied the 12th Dimensional Sun that Sirius A and B currently revolve around. Much like Lord and Lady Sirius, Lord and Lady Holorama have a vast amount of experience surrounding the process of Ascension, having held the Sun in the Sirius Star System as the entire solar system Ascended some 20,000 years ago.

For the past 2000 years, Lord and Lady Holorama have been present within our solar system, and have been involved with the many changes necessary to bring about our next leap in evolution. The Ashram for Lord and Lady Holorama is within the center of the sun. Initiates are invited to visit this Ashram during meditation or dreamtime for assistance in releasing karma of a solar nature, and to receive the corrected blueprint for the 5th dimensional humanoid genetics. It is also the wish of Lord and Lady Holorama for humans to understand that exposure to sunlight heals the etheric body and allows the physical vehicle to receive this new genetic blueprint most rapidly.

Solar 18th Ray Cronan: Lord and Lady Mikial. Lord and Lady Mikial hold the eighteenth ray within our Solar System, which is bright white in vibration, and governs that which gives "Unconditional Acceptance to Life." The Ashram for the 18th Ray is located in the center of the sun. It is through the 18th ray and Lord and Lady Mikial that a bridge between the Solar Hierarchy and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth has been constructed. Initiates are invited to visit their Ashram for healing and spiritual guidance. In addition to shifts within the governing bodies of our planet and solar system, planet Earth, is moving under the jurisdiction of a new Universe.

Much like the third dimensional Hierarchy of Earth, the governing bodies of the Universe of Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Order experienced a "fall" of their own. Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Order, for those who do not know, govern and embrace all of third dimensional reality. The "fall" of the Universe of Melchizedek occurred over one million years ago, and resulted in an imbalance of the masculine and feminine frequencies within all of third dimensional form. This imbalance needs to be corrected in order for Earth and humanity to Ascend. Because Melchizedek and the Order lack the necessary information to bring these two polarized vibrations to balance within themselves, Earth is moving under the jurisdiction of a a new Universal Logos.

Universal Logos: Lord and Lady Adoni. Lord and Lady Adoni govern the Sixth Ray Universe which embraces the star system known as Sirius, along with six additional star systems. Lord and Lady Adoni have, through their own evolution, embraced leadership and governance of a Universal Order based on unconditional love and acceptance, and a balanced feminine and masculine vibration. Lord and Lady Adoni are not the only fifth dimensional Universal Logos, however, they embrace the only universe that experiences a polarized expression of life, i.e. a masculine and feminine form. All other Universes within fifth dimensional life contain an androgynous form. Therefore, Lord and Lady Adoni are considered most qualified to assist Earth with her Ascension to a fifth dimensional form, and to assist in restructuring civilization upon Earth. Lord and Lady Adoni have set up a temporary Ashram within the center of our Sun, which will be moved upon our planetary and solar Ascension. Initiates are invited to visit Lord and Lady Adoni within their Ashram for healing surrounding one's own spiritual evolution.

A Heart-Felt Thank You!

We, the Cosmic Hierarchy, wish to extend a warm welcome and a heartfelt thank-you to these wonderful beings who have agreed to assist Earth and our Solar System during this time of monumental transition. Calling upon rays 8 through 18 will facilitate a rapid shift towards a fifth dimensional awareness for all who are on the spiritual path. We invite you to utilize these vibrations for your own personal evolution and growth, the healing of others, and assisting groups or organizations into a new state of awareness. We also wish to thank our beloved Third Dimensional Hierarchy for their many years of service. We will miss you and wish you all the best! Lastly we thank you, our readership. It is due to the tremendous diligence that each and every light-worker has had towards their own spiritual evolution and growth that such a rapid movement towards the fifth dimension is possible at this time in history. Until next time, we wish you a safe and joyous journey! Namaste

Karen Danrich is the director of the Spiritual School of Ascension based in the San Francisco Bay Area. This school was founded under the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth and the Cosmic Hierarchy. The purpose of the school is to make available information on the Ascension process to assist those undergoing a shift in vibration and who are destined to become the future leaders in the new world order. This information is offered in the form of workshops and one-on-one readings and healings. Karen is a conscious channel. A conscious channel is one that has reached a high enough frequency that the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy can merge with one's body while fully aware and present for the purpose of teaching, leading and healing. Karen has dedicated her life to assisting others through their own transformation and initiations. Karen has scheduled workshops on "New Initiations from Ancient Egypt" throughout the U.S. and Canada in 1998. These workshops are designed to create a high group vibration that will take a dedicated group of serious spiritual initiates on a rapid journey through the initiation process.


1998 Schedule:

January 17-20, Honolulu Hawaii

Coordinator: Jean Marie Stark (808) 735-1845 February 14-17, San Francisco, California Coordinator: Karen Danrich (510) 724-5057 March 14-17, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Coordinator: Harlaan Lahti (604) 264-9384; April 11-14, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Coordinators: Ward and Mariel Scovel (501) 750-2293 May 16-19, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Coordinator: Sherry Robinson (613) 236-8852; June 20-23, Boston, Massachusetts

Coordinator: Judith Grunbaum (508) 371-6679 July 18-21, Elkhart, Indiana

Coordinator: Iossy Medvinsky (219) 534-3514 August 15-18, Seattle, Washington

Coordinator: Linda Pellegrini (206) 827-7363 September 19-22; San Francisco, California Coordinator: Ariel Hobson (707) 935-1633; October 17-20, Honolulu, Hawaii

Coordinator: Jean Marie Stark (808) 735-1845


For a detailed schedule and registration packet, please call (510) 724-5057 or fax (510) 724-5963 or see us on the internet!

Also visit: The Spiritual School of Ascension - where you'll find Karen Danrich channelings, events and courses.