Donald Meichenbaum self instruction training for coping with stress

  • Preparing for the situation

    What is it you have to do?

    You can develop a plan to deal with it

    Just think about what you can do about it. That's better than getting anxious

  • Confronting and handling the situation

    Just psych yourself up - you can meet this challenge

    This tenseness can be an ally - a cue to cope

    Relax: you are in control. Take a slow, deep breath

  • Cope with the feeling of being overwhelmed ~ Going trough the difficult moments when the situation seems to be going badly

    When fear comes, just pause

    Keep the focus on the present. What is it you have to do?

    You should expect the fear to rise

    Don't try to eliminate the fear totally. Just keep it manageable

  • Self-congratulatory self -statements after you have coped affectively with the situation

    It worked! You did it

    It wasn't as bad as expected

    You made more out of your fear than it was worth

    Your damn ideas - that's the problem. When you control them - you control your fear

Taken from "Abnormal psychology", 3d edition, by Ronald J. Comer

you are the 28/07/1999