Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kerjean - 12/28/00 15:55:36
My Email:kerjean.bauduin@sbs.be
How did you find this page?: G E A N T !!!!!

Le contenu, le design.....je suis, mais alors, émerveillé. Ce qui par contre m'a surpris, c'est que j'ai fait le même trip aux States, pas en Mustang mais en Sable....et en 1988.... (;-O)

melissa - 12/15/00 23:29:31
My Email:meezu61@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: surfed here

Roch is the best

- 11/12/00 22:21:30


fritz huber - 11/12/00 21:24:31
My URL:http://www.ferienwelt.com/reisefieber/
My Email:fr.huber@utanet.at
How did you find this page?: guestbook

Hi there,congratulation a realy great fabulous Page !!!! Yours is a very nice Site! By surfing inside your page you constantly feel the Site is done from people they afford a lot of love on the creation of this Web page Great Page,Design and very interresting INFOS. Haven't visited for a while and thought I should check it out.... Keep up the good work. Also to visite your nice country soon....i hope. My page is about traveling. http://www.ferienwelt.com/reisefieber/ My last trip was australia at april 2000 for one month. I would be glad for an entry into my guestbook. Greetings from Upperaustria. Take care Fritz

Brenda - 11/09/00 15:23:57
My Email:brenda-a-g@telus.net
How did you find this page?: RochFlash

Photos from Canada trip: Wonderful photography, C !!! I'll have to put the Maritime provinces on my list of places to visit!! Brenda

Aurélie - 11/03/00 14:04:59

Very nice page for Roch'fans!

brenda - 09/06/00 14:29:03
My Email:brenda-a-g@telus.net
How did you find this page?: bookmarked!!

Hi Claudia Just checking to see which song you chose for September (and October). "Christmas" is getting closer...yeah!!! Brenda

rooster(glenn) - 08/22/00 14:41:58
My Email:gbyrne@sfe.com.au
How did you find this page?: errol flynn

Very eclectic taste blueraven! I 'll have to see if this roch(?) guy is available on cd out here.He must be very good for you to be so crazy about him. seeya

Sophie - 08/10/00 00:05:07
My Email:sophie.gen@caramail.com
How did you find this page?: exellente

Your website is very good, because there are a lot of pictures and information. I have great pleasure to come in. You did a good work. Congratulation !

- 08/02/00 19:27:39


Thomas Sandra - 07/11/00 10:29:31
My Email:Sandra.Elisabeth@wanadoo.fr
How did you find this page?: vraiment bien!

Ton site est très interessant car on peut avoir des infos récentes.

Dena - 07/06/00 02:15:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/la_goddess_02
How did you find this page?: JUST DID

GREAT PAGE!!!!!!!!!

Jürgen - 05/28/00 10:49:28
My URL:http://jogys.de.cx
My Email:Jogy28@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Zufall


Eine sehr schöne HP!!! Mach weiter so!!! Würde mich sehr Freuen wenn Du mal auf meine schauen würdest! Lieben Gruß Jürgen!!

Hier muß man einfach klicken !
Mein Gästebuch wartet auf euch !!

Anthony W. Landrum - 05/25/00 14:47:48
My Email:oppie22_1997@yahoo.com

I like your page.

Johanne Toupin - 05/18/00 00:37:57
My Email:happy2000@globetrotter.net
How did you find this page?: .... with your nice invitation ...

Claudia, you have worked hard and it shows, this site is just fabulous. All your passions in one place ... wish I could do the same, and thank you for sharing them with us ! Keep on your good work my friend and keep on 'Roch'in !! XOO

Jan Eickmann - 05/07/00 18:48:25
My URL:http://www.rochvoisine.de.vu
My Email:Eickmannjan@hotmail.com

Hallo! Haben eine deutsche Seite über Roch Voisine. Jan und Robert

Sabine - 04/18/00 12:04:01
My URL:http://sabine-reuss.de
My Email:sabine.reuss@web.de
How did you find this page?: You told me about it.

Hi Claudia, a great site you made for all fans of Roch! I hope to see him one day life on stage. I love his music, his voice, his appearance! Unfortunately the German TV doesn't seem to know him... ;-) Keep on the good work! Greetings, Sabine

Noella - 04/01/00 15:12:52
My Email:nojal@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: publicité dans Echo-vedette

Bonjour Roch, nous avons un petit lien de parenté éloigné. Je suis originaire de Iroquois, près de St-Basile. Ton grand père Maurille et mon père était cousin. Quand j'étais petite j'allais souvent souvent a la caisse populaire avec mon père. Je connaissa s ton Grand père, et ton père aussi. Je pense que tu as une tante Rollande avec qui j,ai été au couvent de St-Basile. Félicitation pour tout ce que tu as fait et continue c,est beau de te voir aller. Mon nom est Noella Jalbert. La mère de mon père s'appel ait Elizabeth Voisine. Aurevoir xxx

Dana Voicu - 03/26/00 10:16:07
My Email:voicu@cons.incerc.ro
How did you find this page?: roch voisine.com

A l'occasion de l'anniversaire de Roch je lui souhaite de tout mon coeur beaucoup de bonheur,de sante,des belles chansons pour nous qui aimons ta musique.Joyeux anniversaire.DANA

Nadia OUARTI - 03/25/00 16:55:53
My Email:ouarti@paris7.jussieu.fr
How did you find this page?: surfing

Bonjour Roch, Je te souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire, rempli de joie, de bonheur, de santé, de succès, de chance et de richesse. Puisse tous tes voeux être exaucés!!! Je te souhaite également de finir en beauté ta tournée canadienne (avec toi, c'est certain...) et j'espère te revoir bientôt à Paris pour une prochaine promo (celle qui vient de s'achever fut excellente!) et de prochains concerts!!! Gros Bisous, Nadia, une fan fidèle!

Gilda Theriault - 03/23/00 21:15:14
My Email:gilda.thriault@sympatico.ca
How did you find this page?: geocities

Salut Roch!! Bonne Fête. Bonne Santé. All the very best now and forever. Best wishes always, sincerely, Gilda.

- 03/22/00 13:13:15


Helene Fournier - 03/17/00 19:30:10
How did you find this page?: looking around

Happy Birthday Roch I wish joy love and freindship I know your`e friendship never die Say Hello to Kimberley Helen

claude dulude - 02/24/00 13:42:40
My Email:c_dulude@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: surf

Hello. Votre site est très bien. J'apprécie ceux et celles qui font des sites sur notre ami Roch. on peut toujours découvrir des choses nouvelles. Je suis collaborateur pour le Carillon et Rochflash. Je suis collectionneur, j'échange avec tout le monde. Vous po vez donner mon nom à tous les fans. Claude Dulude, 508 williams, Trois-Rivières, PQ, Canada G9A 3J4

Raaben Hans - 07/04/99 20:51:45
How did you find this page?: Ich weiß sie von dir !!!

Don´t worry , be happy , chief broken ribs . Ciao dein Papa

Barbara Raab - 07/04/99 20:49:55
How did you find this page?: Ich weiß sie von dir !!!

Typisch Management Assistant Viele Bussis aus good old Germany. Tschüss deine Mom

Andreas Hartmann - 07/04/99 20:45:45
My Email:Hardmen@t-online.de
How did you find this page?: Ich weiß sie von deiner Mutter

Viele Grüße aus Passau und immer schön weiter im Internet surfen und chatten . Ciao Andreas P.S.: Schöne Gifs und Bilder

Silke - 06/30/99 22:16:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.de/Aleta
My Email:silke.korytko@uni-duesseldorf.de
How did you find this page?: Kleiner Tip von Hermann ;-)

Hi Claudia, ich komme gerade mal vorbeigesurft...tja, es scheint so als ob alle Helden meiner Jugend auf Deiner Seite vereinigt sind! Absolut starke Hintergrundgrafik! Deine Seite ist schon gebookmarkt ;-)) Liebe Grüße, ich komme wieder! Silke @->->----------

Carmen - 06/18/99 18:26:27
My Email:ccgms@globetrotter.qc.ca
How did you find this page?: en visitant le site

Bonjour Claudia Je veux te dire merci pour les magnifiques photos que tu m'as envoye :-))Tu as eu la chance d'approcher Roch a plusieurs reprises,tu es tres chanceuse :-)) Ton site est tres tres bien, j'aime beaucoup les liens que je n'ai d'ailleurs pas encore fini de visiter. Je reviendrai surement encore souvent :-)) Amitie xx Carmen C.

Chris Pankewycz - 06/15/99 13:58:57
My Email:chrispa@rom.on.ca
How did you find this page?: by you!

Hi Claudia!!! This is AMAZING! You should do Roch's official web site and spice it up dramatically! Your use of colours, photos...everything is just perfect. I will be back more often than you can click your mouse! Hugs, Chris in Toronto

Sonja - 06/09/99 09:02:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AmyAllen1
My Email:AmyAllen1@aol.com
How did you find this page?: ähem...

Hi Claudia, wirklich eine vielversprechende, tolle Seite. Der Hintergrund gefällt mir ausnehmend gut. Und wie wär´s vielleicht noch mit einem Coolen Link auf unsere Club-Homepage...? Viele liebe Grüße, Sonja

Isabelle - 06/06/99 08:12:06
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/roch-lara
My Email:indiana@skynet.be
How did you find this page?: rochflash

Hello, Claudia ! It's always a pleasure to welcome HUGE Roch fans on the Net. Welcome welcome into out Internet webmasters family !

Sandra from IJsselstein - 06/05/99 15:02:10
My Email:Agervelt@kabelfoon.nl
How did you find this page?: Gelesen in ROCHFLASH

Hallo Claudia, Wirklich toll dass Du jetzt ein Website hast. Ich hoffe dass ich schnell meine Tickets bekomme für das concert von Roch Voisine in Brussel. Viele grüsse aus Holland. Sandra

Lenny - 06/04/99 22:07:52
My URL:do I need to mention it?
My Email:yeah ... you know this one too
How did you find this page?: well, you came out of the closet with it suddenly!

Hi, me again! I love what you've done to this page and I was honoured to be the first one to know about it (and now everyone is shocked that I knew and didn't tell them - haha!!!). Move on like this and it's going to be great! Lenny

suzie - 06/04/99 02:24:14
My Email:suzie34@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: roch onelist

Claudia, your page has started out wonderfully. I will visit often. It is great to hear from people all over the world because of people like you and of course our dear Roch! suzie

Toupin, Johanne - 06/03/99 00:24:58
My Email:jotoupin@heenan.ca
How did you find this page?: RochFlash mailing list

I just love those kind of website.... clear and precise, 'structuré' and full of respect towards our friend Roch Voisine. Merci pour les liens avec d'autres superbes sites et pour partager avec nous tes passions pour le Canada et le hockey. Just a little note to you my friend, your site is incredibly wonderful!!!!!! Keep on your good work, I will be one of your steady visitor!

Karin Van Daele - 06/02/99 16:40:21
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/sky50976/roch.htm
My Email:karin.vandaele@skynet.be
How did you find this page?: you told me about it!

Hi my dear Claudia, You did a fine job, I am sure this will be a site where I will surf on very regularly. Thanks for being my friend Bye Karin

Karin - 06/02/99 08:24:31
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/sky50976/roch.htm
My Email:karin.vandaele@skynet.be
How did you find this page?: you told me about it

Looking great, dear Claudia!! Keep up the work, and if you need any help just let me know! Thanks for being my friend. You see what Roch can do? He unites people all over the world. Bye Karin

Eline (raingirl) - 06/01/99 11:43:37
My Email:filledepluie@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: A link in your mail!

Hi Raven, This is just great. Now can't wait till I got a site too, but I don't know at all how to make it. Anyway, keep up the work! Lientje

Lenny De Vos - 05/28/99 21:37:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/aglaea/homepage
My Email:Luc.DeVos@village.uunet.be
How did you find this page?: you told me!!!

Hi Claudia! Welcome in website-land atlast! You're making a great start, hope to see more soon! Ich wunsche dir vielen glück mit deinem website! OK, I tried ... May the force be with you ... Lenny

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