Roch Voisine
Fan Corner


Roch has a wonderful gift to unite fans all over the world.

On this page, I would like to give testimony of this fact.
But for that I need your contributions.
Send me your pictures, IDs
(name, age, place where you live, how you got to know Roch),

and everything you want to get off your chest.

E-mail me !


To be a good role model, I will start:

Name: Claudia
Age: 30
Home: Munich, Germany
How I came to know Roch: heard "On the Outside" on the radio and loved it immediately, bought the CD, and BANG!!!

Roch and me at the CIEL radio show on April 28, 1999
(If you want to read about this and other memorable moments I spent with Roch, check out my report on Karin's page)


And here is the first contribution by my dear friend Karin:

Name: Karin
Home: the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium
How I came to know Roch: saw him in a Dutch television show in 1989 with Hélène, and wham: love at first sight and sound!

Karin from Belgium


Here comes another one by another dear friend of mine, Jeanne:

Name: Jeanne
Age:47 (1999)
Home: Victoriaville, Quebec/Canada
How I came to know Roch: Heard "Souviens-toi" and "Avant de partir" on the radio. I was amazed to hear such a beautiful and gentle voice. I am in love with that voice since that time.

Jeanne from Canada


...And yet another dear friend, Lenny:

Name: Lenny
Age:almost 20 (1999)
Home: Meulebeke, a giant metropole in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium
How I came to know Roch: My mother liked his music, and at first, I didn't bother listening to it, too, because mom and I usually have completely opposite tastes of music. But then one day (I cannot exactly remember when anymore, but it must be about 5 years ago) I did listen to his music, and was hooked! After that, I also "infected" my cousin Eline.

Lenny from Belgium


Here is a contribution from a new friend, Guylaine:

Name: Guylaine
Age:33 (1999)
Home: St-Marc-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
How I came to know Roch: Je connais Roch depuis le tout debut de sa carrière et je l'écoute encore aujourd'hui. Je m'use les yeux en le regardant tellement il est beau. Il est tellement simple et humain. Je l'adore. (I decided to leave this testimony in French because the text is so beautiful!)

Guylaine and Roch at the Cité Rock Détente show in April 99


And here's proof that I am not the only Roch fan in Germany:

Name: Christine
Age:28 (1999)
Home: Germany (always somewhere around Munich)
How I came to know Roch: When I lived in France (1990/91), I heard "Hélène" and went to see him in concert - it's as simple as that!

Christine from Germany


Another great fan from Canada:

Name: Carmen
Age:45 (1999)
Home: Montmagny/Québec/Canada
How I came to know Roch: J'ai remarqué Roch en 1993 lors de la sortie de I'll always be there. Je suis "tombée en amour" avec cette chanson . J'ai compris que Roch n'était pas seulement un "image ". Je me suis alors procuré tous ses albums précédant I'll always be there. Et depuis, je suis sa carrière de très près et j'adore le voir en spectacle :-)

Carmen from Canada


Here is Caroline, who also has a website about Roch:

Name: Caroline
Age:22 (1999)
Home: France
How I came to know Roch:Le 6 janvier 1990, je suis allée à une fête chez une amie. J'étais un peu en avance et en attendant les autres invités, elle m'a proposé d'écouter quelques 45 tours. J'ai accepté bien que je n'écoutais pas du tout de musique à cette époque. En parcourant la pile de ses 45 tours, je suis tombée sur "Hélène" dont j'avais déjà entendu trés vaguement le refrain (la chanson devait je crois déjà être n°1 des ventes en France) et je lui ai demandé de me faire écouter cette chanson. Un "coup de foudre musical" qui ne s'est pas démenti dans les années qui ont suivi !

No, this is not Caroline - it's her lucky charm!


Here comes Lynn, a fan from New Brunswick:

Name: Lynn
Age:28 (1999)
Home: Perth-Andover, New Brunswick, but currently living and working In Fredericton, New Brunswick
How I came to know Roch: I was born and grew up in the states, (even though my roots are here in New Brunswick), but when we returned "home" I as a result didn't speak any French... and of course to finish school (half English and half French) I had to learn. Which I didn't mind; I love languages and culture. So in order to get caught up to the rest of my peers, I took it up with gusto! The local mall to us was (fortunately) the St. Basile Mall (yes! that tiny town has a mall!) and so I went to the music store there and asked to woman, (and I explained to her I wanted to learn French and take up the culture in order to learn). if she would recommend me something French and cultured to listen to. Of course she recommended this local talent. (At the time the newest album was Double) So I bought it. (She even said that one half was English just in case I didn't like it!!!) Needless to say I LOVED it!!! It instantly became my favorite cassette. I brought it with me everywhere! Then my French teacher got wind of what I was doing and so she loaned me a videocassette (of L'Idole), saying that another good way to learn was to listen to interviews. So I brought this video home and had it for two weeks, still haven't watched it! She eventually nagged me, asking if I had watched it yet. I said "no" but I will watch it that weekend and bring it back to her. Well I watch it alright, and where I didn't understand a thing, I certainly learned that not only is he an amazing local talent, with amazing songs, but he is also GORGEOUS! --which lead to a jealous boyfriend!!! Anyways I borrowed another VCR and made a copy before giving it back to her. I was determined to understand it... which would require a lot of watching and re-watching. There were also these other songs of his on the video, that weren't on the Double album... which were so wonderful! So I had to go back to St. Basile to purchase Hélène. From then on, I was hooked! Don't worry, it didn't ruin anything with my boyfriend though! I have to say that my French teacher made a comment of having never seen a student who came not even knowing houw to say "yes" or "no" in French, learn the language at such a pace I have! This makes me chuckle when I read that Roch said that his girlfriend, Kimberly, is learning French too now!!! (Hee Hee Hee!!!) Will she ever know that there are others who have learned French for the same reason/person and with a similar passion???

Lynn from New Brunswick

Finally, after a loooong time, here's a new contribution:

Name: Sandra
Age:almost 21 (2001)
Home: France
How I came to know Roch:Le mercredi 29 novembre 1989, mes parents regardaient l' émission de variétés: Sacrée Soirée. Soudain, j' entendis un prénom, que je ne connaissais pas, puis une voix! un accent.... Roch chantait les premières paroles d' Hélène. Je me suis approchée de la télé et j' y suis restée à cette même place scotchée". Dès les premiers accords, je deviens une fan. Sa voix et son talent d' auteur-compositeur me touche profondément. Son pouvoir unique de transmettre des sentiments et émotions avec de simples mots français ou anglais est admirable. Aujourd' hui l'émotion est encore plus forte! Merci.

Sandra from France

And here's a new fan from Canada:

Name: Ruhee
Age:12 (2001)
Home: Calgary, Canada
How I came to know Roch:My social studies teacher went crazy because Roch kissed her at the Christmas is Calling concert. She had pretended she was carrying mistletoe, and - well, it's all history. So I went home and searched for Roch sound clips. I heard "With These Eyes" in a live version and from then on I was a huge Roch fan! :)

Ruhee from Canada

Two talented Roch fans, Jeanne from Canada and Laurent from France,
have composed a wonderful song
which reflects how Roch is uniting fans all over the world.
You can read the lyrics to this masterpiece here .

This page is dedicated to the memory of Carmen Chabot,
one of the most enthusiastic, loyal, and faithful fans Roch Voisine has ever had.
We miss you, Carmen!
March 2001


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