Say Hello to Morton T. Jade!

Birthdate: July 29, 1998
Birthtime: 10:38 pm Eastern Time
Fav. Food: Chicken Fingers
Fav. Drink: Cran-Grape Juice
Fav. Band: Violent Femmes
Fav. Song: Blister In The Sun
Fav. Sport: Lacrosse
Bed Time:Anytime after 2 am
Alarm Time:Anytime after lunch

Comments From The Cloner: He's slightly paranoid, but at least he doesn't set up boobie traps in his room. He is convinced that Kenneth Starr is after him (mainly due to the fact he heard me talking about how I live within walking distance of Starr's house). He can be a bit odd, but is normal acting most of the time.

Tidbits About Morton:Morton enjoys flailing his appendages to the Violent Femmes, this is where the lacrosse comes in. He finds that the stick makes a fine dancing partner, no toes to smush! After his shower, everyday he paces for fifteen minutes, in fear that the "wetlings" will get him. He has a sock puppet named Senor who keeps him company while he watches ABC's Wednesday night lineup--gotsta love that Dharma & Greg and The Drew Carey Show. Whenever he sees Stone Phillips, he hides under his chair. He likes to eat cup o'noodle and write letters to his "Special Friends". The rap band "Funkdoobiest" makes him shudder and run away screaming like a little girl. Morton also enjoys chilling with our buds too, he finds security in numbers. Morton was named and partially "raised" (well aided in creating his personality) by Jeffy and Timmy, Timmy is his middle name.
The idea as well as this clone was created by Katavic Caeli. Do you want an Invisible Luke, Yoda or Chewbacca clone? Just email Katavic with your request and url!