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Its me The Blue Canary!

Well, my real name is Adam R. Majors. I was born in Wisconsin, August 24th 1974. I now live in St. Louis, MO. I am 6'3", with Baby Blue Eyes, and Brown Hair. The image was taken 4-25-98.

I have been known as The Blue Canary sense my Junior year in High School, 1992. I love They Might Be Giants, they are my favorite Band. So it is by no mistake that I named by BBS, The Purple Toupee, after them. I have been running the BBS for sense August 18th 1993 and had them officially accepted by them on August 18th 1995. And the BBS officially went down on August 18th 1999. A six year run, better then most. I felt it was just time for it to die.

I have a problem, that is "I am the kind of guy every girl says she wants to date, but never will because she wouldn't want to ruin our special friendship." It seems that every girl I meet just wants to become friends. No matter how close we may become, I am left alone. Life goes on, and so does my search.

I was going to school at Ranken Technical College for a Computer Networking Associates Degree, I got it!! Yeah Me!! I am currently working at Norstan, full time. I ended up becoming a program, no clue how that happened.

I have been playing around with my new camera, and Paintshop pro, and looky what I did! Here is a quick peak at one of my good friends. Anime Angel & Anime Angel. I took the photo, as well as did the effects.

This page is on going, and it keeps moving! I have to thank Andy Shimimoto, this page was at first just a modification of his but it has change and changed again, and now has become something totally different, and completely my own. I actually have changed the page so much, it is no longer anything like it once was, now it is totally dedicated to my Heroes Unlimited campaign I am running now.

I am more then willing to help anyone who has any questions about Palladium, people keep E-Mailing me with questions, so I figured I might a well make it official. I can be E-Mailed anytime, I check it several times a day. I can also be found on ICQ #1662811.