Welcome to my Personal Page!

Here is a little bit about the resident Webmaster, me!

Well... where to start? My name is... well, Starwind. I have many names to many different people. I've been known as Grey Wolf and McKenzie, Mayaca Sapa and Bairth Thorne - Tam'lyn and Star of the Unborn, and even Futif Renard and... Starwind to name a few. The real me, according to my birth cetificate at least, is Christopher Henry Dursin V. I think the V might be a mistake... my father was a Henry Peter Dursin, while I have Henry as a middle name... anywho, it doesn't matter much. I was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Febuary 15, 1976. In December, 1999 I Graduated Cum Laude with a BS in History from Frostburg State University, Maryland. Ever since July, 2000, I have been employed by the United States Department of Education in sunny downtown Washington D.C. At the DoEd I am the Webmaster/Content Manager for the Chief Financial Officer's intranet website within the Office of Student Financial Assitance Programs. At my interview I even pulled up this page to showcase my HTML skills. I know these pages are very simple, but they were impressive enough that I was offered the job. I must admit I did not expect the hobby of HTML which I started playing with the summer of 1997 would turn into a real, post college job, but who knew?

I have many interests and hobbies, some of which you can explore through my pages.

One of those interests you can hear. Yes, music! I love music and can very often be found listening to it. Unfortunately for me, but fortunate for you, I can't play a note and I know it, so I don't try. My musical tastes are quite large scale. I like 80s Rock and Roll, moderns bands such as Metallica, Jewelm, Seven Nations, Creed, and Goo Goo Dolls. I also enjoy Celtic, both traditional and modern, as well as classical. I even enjoy bagpipes! Och, tis nothing better to the ear than the sweet sound of pibroch drifting from o'er the hills. I am also a fan of soundtracks and classical music. If you've seen my pictures, you know that I am also into historical re-enacting and living history. I've actually found some people who don't know what that is, so i'll offer a simple example. Imagine the people who work for Rennassiance Faires and wear funny clothes? The people who dressed funny in Braveheart and Gettysburg? That's us, except we don't get paid and we do it right. I currently do only two time periods. The first, which I have been into since I was 16, is the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. I am the Ensign (colour bearer) for the Appin Historical Society, which portrays a Highland regiment in service to his Highness, Bonnie Prince Charlie. I am also a member of the Gens de Bois (Men of the Woods), who portrays a French and Indian raiding/scouting party during the French and Indian War of 1757-63 (known as the Seven Years War in Europe). Being graduate with a History degree, I am naturally very interested in history. I am especially interested in the history of the Celts in general and the Scots in particular. Secondary to that is the study of the 18th. Century, The War Between the States, and my own family history. I have also become very interested in Eastern history, centering around China and Japan, as well as buddhist and Hindi histories. In December 1997 I became a member of Phi Alpha Theta, the International Honor Society in History. I've put a picture of our logo on the bottom of this page along with a picture of my family's coat of arms. I also like to play games. Computer games are good, I go for games like Half-Life, Duke Nuke 'Em, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim City 3000, Master of Orion, Space Empires VI, Mechwarrior 4, and Everquest in that regard. I I also like games with other people, like strategy games and role-playing games. I am currently involved in a D&D 3rd Edition game playing my favorite character, a Halfling Paladin (yes, Halfling and Paladin in the same description!). Despite what some may think, this combinations is actually very good and with the Halfling bonuses, I seldom if ever get hit. So if you evil doers see Tamerlyn the Tiny Terror, Knight of Realm charging you on his War Dog, you best beg for mercy! I am also attempting to get into Warhammer 6th Edition and Warmaster, both minature war games.

  Please, enjoy your tour of my Kingdom and know that you are welcome to send me comments about what you think of my page.

May your way be green and golden.

Why not take a look at my Pictures page

Phi Alpha Theta

The Dursin (d'Ursin) coat of arms

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(C) 2000 Send mail to: cdursin@mindspring.com

Last Updated: October 26 2000 @ 09:30 EST