The Grinning Demon Pub

    Why hello there my young friend! How are you this fine day? Oh, I see. You've got the look of someone who just lost a friend to the battlefield. I thought so. I know it doesn't help, but i've been there many times myself. I can't bring 'em back, but I can help ease your pain a little. Over there's our drink list. Many years ago when I was in House Liao, a good friend of mine by the name of Colonel Malakai made up most of those drinks. They helped us then and they'll help you now. So go on and kick back a few and remember old times. No, keep your money, it's on the house kid.

The Grinning Demon Pub Drinks List

1. Blue Terra: 15 C-Bills
A refreshing blue drink named after its origin. Blue Curaso, Rum, Pineapple, OJ

2. Black Dragon: 15 C-Bills
Not a firebreather, but packs enough punch to make you fear the dragon after a couple. Vodka and Kahlua

3. Kami Kazi: 20 C-Bills
The name says it all... Vodka, Triple Sec, and Lime juice

4. Defroster: 10 C-Bills
Drink these while on the icy slopes of Tharkard. Cinnamon Schnapps, Tobasco Sauce

5. Rusty Mech: 15 C-Bills
Ahhh. That good old rusty mech... Scotch, Drambui

6. Mech Rememberance: 15 C-Bills
This one helps you remember that mech you left behind... Amaretto, Southern Comfort, Bourbon, Slow Gin, OJ

7. Aggrivation: 10 C-Bills
Tired of your Kesmai brand target system locking up all night? Frustrated with fighting on Luthien for hours without supply? Ease back and tip a few of these to ease the pain. Scotch, Kahlua

8. Marauder: 20 C-Bills
Ready to get hammered? I'm talking liquid bravery here; a few of these and you'll be ready to fight a Marauder with a Vulcan! Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream, Gran Mariner

9. Burnt Whitworth: 20 C-Bills
This baby with remind you of that Whitworth you left smoking on the battlefield. Vodka, Amaretto, Kahlua, Milk

10. Grand Base Lemonade: 10 C-Bills
After fighting all day on that hot desert planet, have a couple of these refreshers. Jack Daniels, Sweet & Sour, 7-Up

11. PPC: 40 C-Bills
Renowed throughout the Inner Sphere! This drink will blow your doors off!!! Wild Turkey(101), Everclear, 151 Rum, Southern Comfort, OJ, Sweet & Sour, Pineapple, 7-Up, Grenadine (seved in a 20 oz. glass) WARNING Too many PPCs may put you into a coma!!!

12. Tsinghai Sling: 15 C-Bills
Smooth taste... heavy kick. Gin, Cherry Brandy, Sweet & Sour, Cola, Grenadine

13. Mech Fuel: 20 C-Bills
If you can't finesh it, just pour it into the emergency tank! Jack Daniels, Galliano

14. Rising Sun's Breakfast: 15 C-Bills
Breakfast of Champions... Cuervo Gold, OJ, Grenadine

15. Mind Probe: 20 C-Bills
Twas the fate of many a warrior... Cuervo, Vo + 151 Rum, Lime Juice, Grenadine

16. Screaming Death: 20 C-Bills
This will remind you of your opponent that you left on Solaris with a black torso and no limbs. Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream, Vodka, Amatertto. Shoot it straight or on the rocks!

17. Peach Schnapple: 10 C-Bills
Drink this iced tea like drink over lunch or while stomping Fedrats on Robinson. Peach Schnapps, Peach Snapple

18. Glenmora Apple Shooters: 5 C-Bills (a shot)
All the civilians dead? Line a few of these up to pass the time. Apple juice, Vodka, Cinnamon, Whipped Cream

19. Stewart Cranberry Shooters: 5 C-Bills (a shot)
After you're done burning the city, find out who can drink the most of these. Vodka, Sweet & Sour, Cranberry juice

20. McKenzie's Breakfast: 10 C-Bills
Don't want to get up in the morning? Maybe this will help. Fine steaming Coffee (your choice of several imported brands), Bailey's Irish Cream

Also Available:
Your choice of many domestic and imported whiskies, beers, ales, and meads. Any of the above ingredents can also be purchased seperately. Ask for prices.

TopCat, Hunter, Trag! I think this youngin' has had a little to much. Would you three get him back to My Main TBC page. What's in it for you? No more drinks if you don't, that's what! I thought you might see it my way. They'll be one of your favorites for each of you when you get back, thanks lads.

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Last Updated: October 26, 2000 @ 10:00 EST