Notable Quotables

Some of the best lines from SWOL/L&C. :)

  • "All he's got going for him are seemingly unlimited voodoo skills. I have the power to really mess up his grade point average."

    Dr. Ian Matheson, Voodoo Child
  • "I'm dead, you're a werewolf...what a charming couple. Imagine our children."

    Dr. Ian Matheson, You Can't Keep a Dead Man Down, Part 2
  • "Samantha Stephens is a witch!"
    "How come I didn't know that?"

    Ian and Randi, CKADMD, Part I
  • "Listen to me. I will not kill you. Not now, not ever.Have the courage to fight. Be angry, be furious, but don't give up!"

    Ian to Randi, Voodoo Child
  • "Explain *this* to me!"

    "It's a book, dear. You read it."(to shopkeeper)"You must forgive her, she's from Los Angeles."

    Randi and Ian, Little Bookshop of Horrors

  • "So he's a little off."

    "'A little off'? The man's a walking banana plantation!"

    Randi and Ian(Re: Angus), The Bogman of Letchmoor Heath
  • "Just check your hormones at the door, Julian."

    Ian to his nephew(Re: Randi), Pilot