Titles A-M

updated September 1,1999

Below you will find the rest of Vickies' wonderful stories. New stories will be added to this page unless the fall under the other headings. The Queen of MulderTorture and her humble Head Librarian invite you to read them at your leisure.

A Long Road Ahead--123K--PG
Pre-Ep for Season Seven Premiere based on early spoilers. It's Skinner's story. If I said any more, I'd have to shoot you.

A Modest Defense--15K--R
There is shipper, and then there is this. Some call it sap, some call it mush, some call it mind candy, but I call it an argument in defense of an action. You be the judge :)

Abraham and Issac--70K
Mulder's severe head injury shakes loose some memories about his father and his part in the conspiracy.

Adventures in Babysitting--30K
Scully's thoughts as she gets her first taste of the conspiracy and begins to understand her reckless partner.

Mulder and Scully get married and leave the Bureau...

Ah, Perchance to Dream...--9K
Mulder's not the only one with nightmares.

All the Time--12K
Just a short story about how I would feel if my partner did the boneheaded kind of things Mulder manages to pull off.

Always Darkness Before The Dawn--107K
"Hot Zone" treatment of events at the end of the episode. Lots of medical stuff, military stuff and bug stuff.

Angles and Planes--20K
Hey, it's the Bermuda Triangle. If I say anymore, it will consist of spoilers.

Big Blue Blues--30K--PG-13
Mulder wished for a peg leg on the rock, but what if it came true?

Blessings Along the Way--42K
Mulder determines how to cure Scully's cancer in a way that brings them both some new realizations.

Bovine Dreams of Flight--9K--PG
Finally, a little MT from the episode 'Rain King'.

Breath of Heaven--44K
A Christmas miracle, and the promise of another yet to come. Just so no one is offended, Christian overtones.

Broken Fingers, Mended Hearts--20K
Fill in the commercial blank from Pine Bluff Variant. Scully confronts Mulder and fixes his broken finger.

Bruised and Bloody--36K
Two agents, one pizza delivery vampire and a wooden chair leg. Post episode thoughts from Bad Blood.

Post 'Kill Switch' story. Mulder is getting the burns on his arms cared for, but is the case really over?

By Her Side--32K
Bill Scully gets a call from his mother to go to his sister's side. But not for a reason he approves of.

By Her Side 2: The Awakening--22K
Continuation of By Her Side. Bill takes up watch over an injured Mulder and tries to reconcile some old feelings.

By Her Side 3: Talk of Changes--42K
Bill and Mulder talk about Mulder's relationship with Dana. And a six pack of beer gets involved.

By Her Side: Tara's Story--43K
Continuation of By Her Side, this time with Tara Scully giving her thoughts on the matter.

By Her Side: Mulder's story--13K
By popular demand, Mulder gives his thoughts as he recovers from a gun shot wound to the chest.

By Her Side: Scully's two cents--14K
Scully's input.

By Her Side: Epilogue by Bill--8K
Bill's final thoughts on this little incident.

By Her Side: That Voice--37K--PG-13
Bill Scully stumbles onto something he never wanted to see and now must learn to keep a secret . . . from his mother.

By Her Side: The Edict--76K--PG
Bill put his foot in his mouth and Mulder has to stay at Maggie's house, sharing a room with him.

Call of the Wild--65K--PG
Post ep for Field Trip. JoBeth Carson crosses paths with the FBI once again.

Charlie's Warning--63K
What happens about three months after the exorcism in "The Calusari".

Circles and Squares--21K
Post-ep for 'Triangle'

Classy Reunion--38K
Mulder drags Scully to her class reunion.

Mulder's thoughts when he's been shot.

Sequel to 'Priorities'. The consequences of our actions sometimes exact a very high price, as a father learns.

Crying Towel--25K
Sometimes all you need is a good cry with a friend.

Demons in the Light of Day--11K
What happened between Mulder collapsing and Scully typing at the end of the episode "Demons".

Dream a Little Dream--29K
The Hospital Scenes from "Endgame".

The quarantine that was imposed following the outbreak of F. Emasculata and what happened to our favorite FBI agents.

Epistles for Fox and Dana--37K
No, it can't be happening! Not the Rift again! I thought we resolved that damn plot line! Well, looks like I'm just gonna have to resolve it *again*.

Every Little Thing She Does--10K
Many changes are coming for Mulder and Scully and Mulder is afraid of what it will mean for them as partners.

Face of Madness--76K
Followup to the ending of "Grotesque".

One of the X-Files comic books written in story form.

The Fight--33K
When Mulder loses his memory after a fight with Scully, does she really want him to remember what happened?

Follies of the Mind--38K
Follies of the Mind II: Scully's Thoughts--31K
Follies of the Mind III: Mulder's Thoughts--34K
Follies of the Mind IV: Epilogue--19K
Fill in the blanks of "Follie a Deux".

Friendly Skies--20K
This comes after "Dream a Little Dream" and continues the story after Mulder and Scully have left the hospital at the end of Endgame.

The recent furlough of the Federal Government was just too good to pass up.

The Game--22K
How Mr. and Mrs. Mulder made the choice between the two children.

The Game--22K
How Mr. and Mrs. Mulder made the choice between the two children.

Ghost Pencils in the Sky--15K
How did Scully and Mulder get alllllllll those pencils down from the ceiling? Post episode story from "Chinga".

Giving Thanks--14K--PG
Just a little Thanksgiving Story.

Guilty as Charged (1/2)--95K
Guilty as Charged (2/2)--97K
Mulder faces his worst nightmare and it's up to Scully to wake him up in time.

How To Cure A Bad Patient--69K
Mulder's a horrible patient, Scully's beside herself trying to help him recover and get her work done, but maybe Maggie can help them both.

Hurting Heart (Milagro post ep)--13K--PG-13
Scully examines her heart after things have calmed down.

I Want To Believe--17K--PG
Fill in the Blank for 'One Son'. Scully, the Gunmen, a bottle of tequila and only one lime. The truth is out there or rather, in here.

I'll Always be Watching--6K
An alternate ending to the episode "Herrenvolk".

In The Darkness Comes A Light--92K
Mulder keeps everything bottled up inside him a little too long and Scully has to give him the faith he's lacking.

Just Like Walter Mitty--8K
A story about a minor character. Guess who it is...

Keep the Torch Lit--14K--PG
MOVIE SPOILER, the last possible fill in the blank.

Lake of Stars--11K
Mulder and Scully bond as they compare near death experiences.

Lazarus Reborn--107K
The episode "Lazarus" from the first season, as it was originally intended.

Letting the Demons Go--84K
What happened from the time of Scully's phone call on Friday to the time Mulder wakes up on Sunday and beyond.

Letting the Demons Go: Salvation--43K
Demons aftermath as told by Scully.

Lies and More Lies--118K--PG-13
Have you ever read a spoiler and just knew you could do a better job? This is a 'pre-episode/post-episode' piece. I have rewritten the season finale (or should I say 'prewritten' since I haven't seen it yet ;), tying up as many loose ends and staying as consistent as I could to what has come up during the sixth season.

Life Cycles VIII: In the Name of the Father--16K
With permission of Susan Proto, another in the Life Cycles Series. Scully realizes how important her religion is to her.

The Lucky Man--23K--PG
More Tithonus. Mulder, an OPR hearing and why Ritter nodded when Mulder told him he was lucky. Second after 'She Ditched Him?'

The first case after Mulder's near death in Alaska has them investigating the unexplained deaths of a plane full of Marine recruits-- including Skinner's nephew.

Monday, Monday--8K--G
They didn't show all the people affected by the day. One mother's view.

A fill in the blank from 'The Erlenmeyer Flask'. What happened after the exchange on the bridge.

Moving On--31K
Mulder has to clean out his father's house and gets an unexpected visit.

A Multitude of Heavenly Hosts--119K
Mulder and Scully encounter their Guardian Angels and the conspiracy gets mixed up in there, too.

Titles N-Z can be found HERE.

This page has been unearthed times
since June 28,1998.