Pinky and The Brain :

             Brain: Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured 

                    during this mission, remember you are Gunther 

                    Heindriksen from Appenzell.  You moved to

                    Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren.  

                    Can you repeat that?

             Pinky: Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can.

                    -- Where Rodents Dare

             Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

             Pinky: I think so, Brain, but where are we going to 

                    find a duck and a hose at this hour?

                    -- Win Big

             Brain: I am not devoid of humour.

                    -- Win Big

             Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?

             Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. 

                    Try to take over the world!

             Pinky: Narf!

             Pinky: Poit!

             Pinky: Zort!

             Pinky: Gat!

Slappy the Squirrel :

             Woman: Well!  I never!

            Slappy: Well, you should--it's fun!

                    -- Bumbie's Mom

            Slappy: Look, have I ever lied to you before?

            Skippy: You said keno is legal in Burbank.

                    -- Bumbie's Mom

            Slappy: Enough with the gratuitous cameos!

                    -- Bumbie's Mom

            Slappy: Tactless, yet rude.

                    -- Bumbie's Mom

            Slappy: Fade out, already--we got the joke!

                    -- Bumbie's Mom

            Slappy: Ehhhh, that snake doesn't have a leg to 

                    stand on.  Hey!  It's the dawn of time.  

                    What do you expect--new jokes?

                    -- Guardin' the Garden

            Slappy: The pleasure's been all yours, I'm sure.

                    -- Hurray for Slappy

            Slappy: You remind me of a very young Betty Boop.

                    -- Hurray for Slappy

            Slappy: Oh, not the dynamite in the cake bit 

                    again.  Who'd sink so low?

                    -- Hurray for Slappy

            Slappy: What a yutz.

                    -- Hurray for Slappy

     Mary Hartless: Slappy Squirrel, you've just won the 

                    Lifetime Achievement Award!  What are 

                    you going to do now?

            Slappy: I'm going to... bed.

                    -- Hurray for Slappy

   Candie Chipmunk: Excuse me?

            Slappy: You're excused.

                    -- I Got Yer Can

            Slappy: Alan Funt is a dead man.

                    -- I Got Yer Can

            Slappy: If I were a better person, I'd ignore her 

                    and go on with my life.  But I'm not.

                    -- I Got Yer Can

            Slappy: In most cases, revenge is not a good thing.  

                    In other cases, it's the only thing.

                    -- I Got Yer Can

            Slappy: What about the plot, Hemmingway?  What's an 

                    anvil got to do with this story? 

            Skippy: Who cares?  Anvils are funny!

                    -- I Got Yer Can

            Slappy: Ehhhh, stuff it.

                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Slappy: Ehhhh, no wonder you like that 'Bonkers' 

                    show.  That junk's rottin' out yer brain 


                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Slappy: I'm gonna make you some brain food. 

                    That's right, I'm gonna make you my 

                    famous walnut fig dough surprise.

            Skippy: What's the surprise?

            Slappy: I'm outta walnuts.

                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Skippy: I don't know, Aunt Slappy.  I think we 

                    should just go to the store and buy a 

                    pack of walnuts.

            Slappy: Oh, yeah, we'll have 'em in hysterics 

                    with that bit.  Six minutes in a checkout 

                    line.  Ooooh, somebody stop me, I'm laughing.

                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Slappy: Ehhhh, but let's not be anal.

                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Slappy: What a schmutz.

                    -- Slappy Goes Walnuts

            Slappy: Skippy!  You shoulda been asleep hours ago!

            Skippy: I know, Aunt Slappy, but I can't sleep.  I

                    keep hearing Santa's sleigh!

            Slappy: Ehhhh, that's just the LAPD choppers.

            Slappy: Now *that's* comedy!

            Slappy: Ehhh, enough with the singin' already.

            Slappy: Shoot me.

            Slappy: This is sad.

Rita and Runt :

              Rita: Dogs... go fig.

                    -- Phrankenrunt

             Owner: I want a pet who'll come when I call 

                    and cuddle me when i've had a bad day.

              Rita: Have a kid, lady.

                    -- When Rita Met Runt

              Runt: My name's Runt, but my master calls me 

                    Stupid.  What a nice guy!

                    -- When Rita Met Runt

              Rita: Humans... go fig.

                    -- When Rita Met Runt

The Goodfeathers :

             Bobby: Are you talkin' to me?  Are you talkin' to me?

Buttons and Mindy :

             Mindy: Okay, lady!

             Mindy: OkayIloveyoubyebye!

             Mindy: Buttons, you so silly!
Miscellaneous :

          Einstein: If the sun is P, and gravity is H, it makes a Phhhhhh...

                    -- Cookies for Einstein

   Abraham Lincoln: Ich bin ein Gettysburger!

                    -- Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago

   Abraham Lincoln: So, how 'bout those Yankees?

                    -- Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago

             Satan: Beyond these doors is an agony worse than all 

                    others.  You will remain in here for eternity 

                    listening to... whiny protest songs from the 


                    -- Hot, Bothered, and Bedeviled

        Ross Perot: You got more guts than Al Gore at a

                    lumberjack's convention!

                    -- Icebreakers


        Stewardess: Welcome to Air Pacific--the Jolly Airline!  

                    Our deluxe 757 is equipped with a number of 

                    safety features to use in case of an emergency, 

                    such as our fuel tanks explode, and we crash

                    like a fiery ball into the sea.

                    -- Plane Pals

        Stewardess: You'll find life jackets under your seats.  In 

                    the event of a water landing, they will keep 

                    you afloat, unless you are seized by a giant 

                    squid, and dragged screaming beneath the waves.

                    -- Plane Pals

        Stewardess: Thank you for choosing Air Pacific.  You have 

                    well over a forty percent chance of landing 

                    safely.  Enjoy your flight!

                    -- Plane Pals

         Everybody: He's a chicken, I tell you!  A giant chicken!

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