Welcome to my geustbook! Please feel free to look around, and even sign it yourself, and tell me what you think about my site!

10/15/98 00:57:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 02:01:11
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Nick "Naraht" Frame - 06/09/98 21:33:14
My URL:http://www.cynetcity.com/twilightzone/169/
My Email:naraht@hotmail.com
Where from: Janus VI, er DALnet, er Texas
Age: 19

Cool page, move it to http://www.cynetcity.com you get more room, and there are no pop up ads! See you on DAL!

staz - 01/30/98 19:13:14
My Email:you know it...
Where from: you know that too...
Age: umm...
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): YES!!! (dah!)

This page is great! Keep up the good work! For the first time in my life i don't know what to say! Live Long And Prosper!!!

Anat - 12/08/97 14:03:41
My Email:b_arie@inter.net.il
Where from: Ashkelon
Age: too old....
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): yes!!!!

Hi Alon, great page, but where are the pictures of you and your family? Anat.

Guinan - 12/08/97 00:37:29
My URL:http://oocities.com/Area51/Vault/9120
My Email:enterpise1701@oocities.com
Where from: Florida, U.S.A.
Age: To darn old
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): are you kidding? You meant there are some who answer no to this ???

Pretty good page.... when mine is done I'll drop you a line so you can stop by. I'm in the middle of major re-construction...changed my mind half way thru now going in a slightly different direction. hehehe See ya on IRC, maybe I'll whip ya at trivia...again :) Guinan

Admiral Jaques Picard - 11/26/97 20:53:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Zone/6433
My Email:johnlittle@oocities.com
Where from: Il
Age: 17
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): Guess!

After everyone else signed, I was begining to feel left out. You got my best grade for a site so... keep the place running Chief, and NARF! OH, by the way, anyone reading this, please go to MY URL for great Star Trek stuff... JL,AP.

Yaron Marx - 11/24/97 18:51:01
My Email:marxd@post.tau.ac.il
Where from: IL
Age: 17
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): NO!!!

cool - thanks for the simpsons page. Keep on going. y.

Chronozon - 11/23/97 21:08:11
My Email:chronozon@hotmail.com
Where from: Sweden
Age: 20
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): You've gotta know the answer to that already... :)

Now this was one cool site! Keep up the good work, Chief! :)

George Shefferd - 11/23/97 16:32:34
My URL:http://dont.have.any.yet
My Email:sheffg@hotmail.com
Where from: USA
Age: 18
Star-Trek fan (Y/N): Of course!

hey Alon! great site! keep updating it and let me know when you do! G.S.

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