Here it is folks, the guide to whats changed since you last stopped by.

04/05/03 - The first actual update in a year! I know I've been saying I'll do it for ages, but here it is, the brand sparkling new Dark Domain. Here goes with a brief list of changes:
Quite a lot of the old pages have been removed. Both LARPs pages are gone due to being largely irrelevant now. But never fear all the interesting bits from both have been placed in the 'Archives'.
Those seeking the 'assistant' forms must wait a little while longer as it's being redeveloped for a relaunch a little bit later. No longer will those of you who filled in different versions be seperated across the pages!
In general there are more photos all around and better graphics. The main page in particular is tidier.
Friends and Biog pages have been brought up to date, so everyone who should be there... should be there. I bet I've missed at least one person though, it's always the way.

15/03/02 - Recoded all the forms on the page so they actually work again. Have fun boys and girls.

Previous update entries all gone now...

Got an idea for a new page? Tell me more... here.
