There was some'in truly unique about them pool sharks. They scared little kids, smoked and laughed hideously. Sure, they looked human, but I could never call'em people.

Vicious little buggers. I had to beat'em off with a stick. A big stick. But that never stopped'em. I never forgot that day when I walked by that window. Usually, the window was fogged with smoke.
But I could see'em, them sharks.

Stare'n at me.
Smile'n with them razor sharp tooths.
Sent shivers down me spine, it did.

They invited me in for a game. A game worth money; one hundred smackers for sinking all the balls, including the white one.

"Impossible!", I said. "Can't be dun."

But they did it alright, and the kiddies started watch'n through the window. It was all a big show.
I was tricked...fooled! But I didn't try to get back at'em, those sharks were ruthless.
And I mean with ruth.

Honestly, I never thought sharks would be allowed in Clinton.
Clinton of all places.
Never thought.

They wrecked our town, influenced our children into smoke'n and play'n pool.

I felt I should do something. I grabbed me hundred foot boat and my whale'n harpoon and set out to fight and kill'em, them pool sharks.

Unfortunately, I beached me boat. So, I snatched me machete and entered their territory.>br>

I can't believe I did that.

I walked up to'em and showed me own sharp tooths. But they'd sharp eyes and saw me machete behind me back.

They offered me another game. But I had to donate something to earn the privilege.

As they approached me I begged for them not to hurt me. They laughed harshly and the sound still rings in my ears to this very day.

This very day.

They walked right up to me and breathed smoke in my eyes. I was sickened.

It was like the stoled my air from me, I couldn't take no breaths! I thinked surely I was gonna die.

But I didn't.

I weeped outside for days.

Now I'm dying of lung cancer, away from all that havoc of Clinton.

Them Pool Sharks! Bell's Convenience Store should have NEVER bought it. That...that Pool Table.

John Ingdie

Forward with haste!

No, I must stop, back to HOME

Inch Backwards Please