Session Start: Fri Sep 10 21:33:42 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to '#shadowmask.log'
 i know, i play myself, and whenever my mom comes in (or anyone else), ... u know
#Shadowmask url is
 I'm logging this
<``CourtJester> He's keeping a text copy of this run for us to put on the webpage, etc.
 what page?
<``CourtJester> And...what do you mean? Keep the sex/drugs/violence/swearing off or what, when your mom looks in?
<``CourtJester> And the page isn't up right now, but when it is, we'll give Nymue (our President, basically) the log
 Well, no, it just destroys the well build... what do u call it... mood (or something?)
<``CourtJester> Mood, right
 Is there a chance, to join (not tonight I know)
<``CourtJester> Yes, there definetely is. Do you have ICQ?
 You can always try
 Euh, dunno. Guess not.
 Where can I get it here>
 go to 
 download it from there
<``CourtJester> Go to or to download + install it
<``CourtJester> Email me at once you have it, and what your name, UIN, and such isw
 Ok, is it shareware or freeware or else?
<``CourtJester> Freeware
<``CourtJester> Okay, everyone ready?
 have fun
*** Maddix is now known as [^^Silver^^]
<``CourtJester> -----FLAME ON-----
<``CourtJester> err
<``CourtJester> ------GAME ON------
*** Endradi is now known as Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
<``CourtJester> Alright, you all get a phone call at your respective places. (If your phone has a vid screen, the message comes with video)
<``CourtJester> >>>RING
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Hello
*** ``CourtJester is now known as Smokey
*** CrimsonDeity has joined #shadowmask
 A dwarf appears onscreen. Theres some sort of smoke coming from all sides, and his speech seems slightly slow. He seems a little...out there.
 REd, want in?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---CB!!! Welcome, wanna play
 ---No thanks too tired 
 >>>>Whoah. You, uh, want
* Shimmers pouts
* Smokey slaps CrimsonDeity around a bit with a large trout
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Always, what is the scan?
*** ChanServ changes topic to '{Run Cave} Nymue's at 7 on Saturday after that who knows. (Nymue)'
*** ChanServ sets mode: +rtn
 >>>What exactly do we have to do for this money?
 >>>Got for ya. Come to the Herbal Hut at 4314 Miner Rd.
* Smokey pronounces Hut without the H, like Herbal
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Let me guess first time right?
* Kitten-Nikki hangs up after getting an address. Deciding the situation doesnt seem secure, she will bring different gear then normal with her.
 >>>It is? Oh...yeah...guess so.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I'll be there
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>CLICK
 ---good luck with your run if you need me you can reach me on ICQ 
*** CrimsonDeity has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
 The Herbal Hut is a small shop crammed between two skyscrapers. The paint is peeling, and various strange scents assault your nostrils as you approach.
* [^^Silver^^] gets is gear and heads out to the hut
 One of them is definetely Marajuna
* Shimmers gets her stuff and goes
*** Smokey is now known as `Smokey
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Groovy
* [^^Silver^^] waits outside for the other runners
<`Smokey> What, don't like the good stuff Silver?
* Kitten-Nikki securely places gas filtration mask over her face before grabbing her rifle, slinging it and walking to the door.
* [^^Silver^^] nods at Kitten
<`Smokey> The inside has a number of incense sticks and cones burning here and there, and the dwarf can be seen sitting on a large velvet pillow, sucking smoke out of some strange bottle-like object with a tube.
* Shimmers pulls up and goes to the door
* [^^Silver^^] opens the door and follows the ladies
* `Smokey looks up to Kitten. "I..know you?"
* Kitten-Nikki walks inside.
 "You called me."
* Shimmers goes in
<`Smokey> "Huh? I..don't have"
<`Smokey> "Oh! You must be here He's in the back."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Dude somebody called us"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well get him"
* `Smokey points to a door in the back...which is only 5 feet high.
 "Yes, whatever.  I'll be sitting..." looks around the room..."ere standing over in that corner."
<`Smokey> "Don't block...the happy gas...from the cones..."
*** `Smokey is now known as ``Smokey
 "Yes, sure."
* [^^Silver^^] stands by the door and puts a hankercheif over his nose
* Shimmers looks around
* Shimmers perceives astrally
<``Smokey> Anyone going into the back?
 "Silver, you may want to invest in a good air filtration device one day." The light in her eyes smiles for her covered mouth.
<[^^Silver^^]> "We could always share" You see a mischeiveous glint in his eyes
* [^^Silver^^] looks at the dwarf
<[^^Silver^^]> "You going to get him?"
* ``Smokey stares blankly off into space. "Huh?"
 "Yea, right.  So when is this little squatter going to show up...I dont have all year."
 --- have fun on the run, I am leaving, cu
*** Lichtbringer has left #shadowmask
<``Smokey> "Oh...he doesn't like me...messin' with his can just meet him...back there...."
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs and heads for the back room
* Shimmers goes to the back room
 "Fine."  Looks for the door.
<``Smokey> The back room looks almost identical to the front room, except for another small door leading to the east. And this dwarf, though identical to the first, only he has some incense burning, w/ no bong.
<``Smokey> He looks up to you, "What took you so long?"
 "Oh you know the traffic now adays.  Sorry about that."
* [^^Silver^^] looks around for a place to sit
* ``Smokey shrugs. "We've got a situation. Our parking garage is being held by terrorists. We need somebody to clear 'em out."
 "Well we are here now"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Terrorists?"
<``Smokey> There's nothing except for a few other velvet pillows of various colors.
<``Smokey> "Some sort of poor ork cult, that's all our recon can tell."
* Shimmers leans up against a wall
* [^^Silver^^] haves a seat on a pillow
<[^^Silver^^]> "What do they want with your garage"
 "Terrorists?  Orks?  You have GOT to be kidding me, right?  Those slovenly thugs couldnt terrorize a grasshopper."
<``Smokey> "They're threatening to shoot things if we don't give them all our...uhh...five leafed plants."
 "Sure, how many of them are there?"\
<[^^Silver^^]> "What kind of things?"
<``Smokey> "We've counted 6 so far, though there's undoubtedly more further inside."
<``Smokey> " brother tends to dip into our supplies of these things."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where is this place?"
 "And the standard fee, 2000 nuyen per head.  You can afford this right?"
<``Smokey> "In our section of the parking garage next door."
* ``Smokey looks to Kitten. "That's the standard? Yeah, 'course we can afford it."
 "That's my standard.  I dont know what my brothers and sisters in arms will charge, however."
 "Do they have the whole garage or part of it?"
* ``Smokey looks to them. "2k a piece per head sound good?"
<``Smokey> "They've only got the lower level...the rest of the levels are blocked off."
<[^^Silver^^]> "I've no probelm with that as long as it is each"
<``Smokey> "Okay. So you all in?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "For 12k each total I'm in"
 "Sounds good to me.  I just need to go to my car and pick up some gear."
 "I'm in"
<``Smokey> "We don't pay unless the garage is secure, though. No partial job'll get you pay."
 "Are you saying I have a rep for partial jobs?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "No problem, be back in a few"
* ``Smokey shrugs, "Just covering our bases."
 "Sounds like it to me" 
 "Ok then, I'll just go to the car, and be back in a few moments."
* ``Smokey nods, crosses his legs, and closes his eyes.
<``Smokey> Smokey's brother is still sitting on his pillow, staring blankly at the door. He doesn't even seem to notice you as you walk past.
* [^^Silver^^] goes outside and waits for Shimmers and Kitten
* Shimmers walks outside for some fresh air
* Kitten-Nikki goes to the car, grabs a dozen anti-personal offensive grenades, M22A2, couple tear gas grenades and a few rounds of ammunition before returning.
* [^^Silver^^] nods to Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> "Great place huh?"
<``Smokey> We gotta wait up for Red, he changed his mind.
* Shimmers looks at Silver "Whatever" and looks away
* Kitten-Nikki begins loading a tear gas grenade, and 5 frag grenades, then slaps a clip home in the rifle section.
<``Smokey> ---Tear gas in the first or last slot of the clip?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Brrr, chilly out here all of a sudden"
 ---first shot, object is to flush em out, and frag them.
<``Smokey> Righto.
* [^^Silver^^] loads his Manhunters with APDS rounds and gets a few more clips ready. He then gets his Grenades and puts them into his various pockets
* Shimmers gets her predator ready
 "I'd suggest we gas em, and then frag em.  Fast, deadly and wont do too much dmg to the structure."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sounds good to me"
<``Smokey> Alright, CB's gonna show up later, so you may leave when ready.
 "Sounds like a plan"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well ladies shall we go?"
 "Ready when you are."
* [^^Silver^^] bows and gestures to the garage
 "Lets go"
* Kitten-Nikki leads the way to the door to the low level of the garage....the one to be cleared.
 ---these grenades are gunna be expensive to replace. 
* [^^Silver^^] follows closely
<[^^Silver^^]> ---and cautiously
<``Smokey> There are no's a two way drive way, with unmanned booths for paying for your parking. The garage seems to go far off into the distance, and most of the lights are burned out.
* Shimmers cautiously follows and looks for a stairwell
* Kitten-Nikki zips up her jacket, and flips on and off her flashlight mounted to the top of her rifle to check it one last time, before entering the garage.
*** ChanServ changes topic to '{Run Cave} Nymue's at 7 on Saturday after that who knows. (Nymue)'
*** ChanServ sets mode: +rtn
#Shadowmask url is
<``Smokey> This seems to be the lowest level of the garage, at least from where you can see. In the distance, you see something move behind a pillar...roughly 50 yards away
* [^^Silver^^] draws his Colts and checks the smartlink connection
 "We've got movement"
* Shimmers fans out about 20yds
 "I see it." Judges the range of the it in range of the launcher?
* [^^Silver^^] fans out the other direction and looks for anyone else
<``Smokey> Yes, but you think it'd really be pushing it. The grenade prolly wont get that far, but the gas might drift over it.
* Kitten-Nikki trots forward, keeping an eye out for ambush and boobytraps.
* Shimmers advances cautiously with pred. ready
 ---give me 30 seconds afk?
<``Smokey> Sure
 ---had to prevent a fire. 
* [^^Silver^^] jogs forward at a crouch
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how?
<``Smokey> How far Silver?
*** Edwin_McManis has joined #shadowmask
*** `Cerberus has joined #shadowmask
 ---candle flames and drapes dont work well together.
*** `Cerberus is now known as grahamdrew
 --- Oi
 ---hi drew
<``Smokey> ---Heya
<[^^Silver^^]> ---within range of my predators
<``Smokey> ---'kay
<[^^Silver^^]> ---gotta be careful with those candles :)
 --- how long you guys been at it?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hi guys
 ---Never had that happen with me, thank goodness
<``Smokey> ---Just entering run location...
 ---hey fellas
<[^^Silver^^]> "Commlinks guys?"
*** ``Smokey is now known as JesterGM
* Shimmers perceives astrally
 Your speech echoes through the garage
* Kitten-Nikki tries to judge the range to the enemy again.
* Shimmers shakes her head and turns on her commlink
 Now it's about 30 think you should be able to get the grenade there
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whoops
* Kitten-Nikki fires the tear gas grenade into 'enemy-lines' or so she hopes.
 You hear a screech of tires from behind you as a car comes flying up 
* [^^Silver^^] turns and takes aim on the sound
 The grenade lands right next to the thing by the pillar, and as the gas spews out the thing starts to run away coughing
 it flies into the wall and blows and and a man in combat gear comes somersaulting out as the car explodes 
* Kitten-Nikki fires two rounds at the moving target
* Edwin_McManis rolls across the concrete and stands up next to the team
 ---firearms skill 5
* [^^Silver^^] fires at the thing running
 The first short flies past him, and ricochets off the concrete a little before hitting a parked car. The second shot grazes the arm.
* Edwin_McManis draws both his pistols and fires
 Fires at?
 ---what everyone else is 
 You're gonna shot yourself?
 ---Ummmm nope 
* Shimmers casts manabolt at the ork
 "Shooting, Stop" *pant* 
 Silvers shots hit, but don't get through the armor.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Who the hell are you?"
 ---force 5
 A shot of light flies from Shimmers arms and collides with Edwin, knocking him off his feet as he says his name.
 ---I was casting at the ork
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Talk about bad aim
 The shot of light flies from Shimmers arms, and collides with the figure running away, knocking it to the ground near the gas grenade. After a few seconds, no noises come from the thing.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Names Silver, you here to help us or them"
 ---aim?  Spells?  I thought it was point and click with those things.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Glad to hear it
* Edwin_McManis looks around
* [^^Silver^^] drops to one knee and looks around
 It's getting pretty hard to see past the gas from the grenade at this point
* Edwin_McManis walks through the gas being cautious
<[^^Silver^^]> ---No mask, gotta wait for it to clear up
* Kitten-Nikki sweeps the area
 Edwin has some trouble standing, and starts hacking and coughing as he moves through the cloud of gas.
* Edwin_McManis ignores it and keeps moving
* Shimmers looks around
* Edwin_McManis stops on the other side
 Ed gets about halfway through the cloud, and drops to one knee. He has to struggle to stand. He makes it to the other side, but he has to crawl the last few feet.
* Kitten-Nikki sweeps through the gas, keeping eyes pealed for enemies....slips goggles down over eyes.
 Kitten, having a gas mask, makes it through with no problems. She finds no enemies on the way.
* [^^Silver^^] shakes his head holds his breath closes his eyes and runs through the cloud
 "Clear, close your eyes, common through."
 Silver makes it through with no trouble...except for tripping over Edwin on the way out.
* Edwin_McManis gasps
* Shimmers closes her eyes and perceives astrally as she goes through
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yep, tear"
* [^^Silver^^] offers his hand to help him up
 "Best stuff on earth to flush out unmasked assailants."
* Edwin_McManis gets up on his own
 ---I cant think of a way to ask why are we here in a one word phrase 
* [^^Silver^^] shakes his head, mutters "Whatever" and looks around for the guy that dropped
 You hear a number of rapid fire shots...they sound like there's a silencer or something on the weapons...and two horrible screams come afterwards.
 ---Am I through or not
* [^^Silver^^] runs toward the sound
* Edwin_McManis moves to the sound guns drawn
* Kitten-Nikki drops to a high crawl, and advances on the sound.
* Shimmers opens her eyes and heads for the sound cautiouslyu
 After going another 30 yards or so, you can see three bodies. One is standing, the other two are on the ground. The standing one holds two pistols with large barrels. His clothing is a light brown color, and he has some sort of a white chestplate on
* Kitten-Nikki aims at the head of the target.
* [^^Silver^^] aims for the knees
* Edwin_McManis aims for the body
* Shimmers casts manaball at him
 ---force 4
 The thing literally explodes. Pieces of him land here or there. All the shots land home.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Whoa"
* [^^Silver^^] goes to the figures on the ground
*** dicebot2 has joined #shadowmask
 ---6 shots plus manaball means you got 'em good...when they all hit.
 ----thanks for the bot, but we don't need 'im. Diceless game.
 One of the bodies on the ground starts to looks like it's dressed the same as the standing one.
 "Yeah way, but that seems to easy"
* Edwin_McManis checks his vitals
 So you do move to the body first, right?
 If so, anybody else gonna go with him?
* [^^Silver^^] keeps a Colt aimed at his head from where I am at
* Kitten-Nikki holds position, covering the area.
*** dicebot2 has left #shadowmask
* Shimmers stays put
 The ork is alive...though badly bruised. His white armor is covered in all sorts of colors, and there's numerous dents and holes.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Check for traps first dude"
*** dicebot2 has joined #shadowmask
<[^^Silver^^]> ---welcome back want a drink? ;)
 So...where goeth you now? Checking the other body? Trying to awaken this one? Continuing on? Collecting pieces of the dead ork? what?
 "You cleared that body yet?  I dont like just sitting out here waiting."
* [^^Silver^^] checks the other body checking for booby traps first
* Edwin_McManis looks at Kitten
*** dicebot2 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hold on"
 Silver finds no booby traps on the body. It's in about the same condition as the other body.
 ---Graham you trying to mount an eggie?
* [^^Silver^^] checks the pockets
 ---Like I said, this run is diceless, so the bot is unneeded
 "Any day now guys"
* [^^Silver^^] checks around the body for weapons
* Edwin_McManis works forward sticking close to cover
 Silver's ork doesn't have any, but there's some sort of widebarrled pistol with a large airtank in the hand of Ed's
* [^^Silver^^] examines it
 There doesn't seem to be any sort of second nozzle to supply a flame.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Don't think so"
<[^^Silver^^]> "A paintball gun"
* Edwin_McManis examines the age of the dead people
 One looks like it's 16, the other looks 24. 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Guys i think we stumbled into a game or something"
 "Are the targets secure."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah, there secure"
* [^^Silver^^] puts away his Colts
* Kitten-Nikki begins to sweep the area, checking corners.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hold up Kitten"
* Shimmers checks out the area
 "What is it Silver?"
 You all hear yelling, and gun shots. REAL gun shots, coming from further inside.
 Crap, this is going slower than I expected.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nevermind"
* [^^Silver^^] draws and runs to the sound
* Kitten-Nikki slips in further back
* Shimmers perceives asrally
 In the far distance, you can see a lighted booth of some looks like the security booth. It's too far to tell if there's anyone inside.
* Edwin_McManis sneaks up to it and peaks in
 "Guys we got two people up ahead one fading fast and one is scared and angry"
* [^^Silver^^] looks for the source of the sound
 Silver arrives first (I'll do it in a private chat)
 ---is the boothe in range?
 Yes, but you're not sure what's in it or by it yet.
* Shimmers keeps walking and perceiving astrally until i catch up
 You see Silver race up to the booth, and draw a weapon and aim at something hidden behind the wall of the booth.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Over here guys"
* Edwin_McManis goes over
* Shimmers heads over
 "Zarky....couldnt just let me destroy it could you."
* Kitten-Nikki heads over, keeping eyes open for ambush.
*** grahamdrew has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)'re prolly happy he got there first...
 "Someone else is around here guys"
 Silver asks of the ork at the desk inside (now that you are closer, you can see), "What freaking bombs?"
 The ork points towards two boxes in the other side of the booth.
 ---Probably, but Kitten wants to blow something up. 
* Edwin_McManis looks for the other person
<[^^Silver^^]> ---you might get the chance
<[^^Silver^^]> "This guy says there are some bombs around here
* [^^Silver^^] gestures toward the direction of the bombs
 The boxes have a radioactive symbol on each side, and a timer on top, slowly counting down from 2 hours 7 minutes 58 seconds
 ---And you thought this run would be boring....:)
 "The other guy ran away"
 ---Shimmers, the other guy ran TO the booth, not from it. And he was standing at about the entrance to the booth, facing the inside form.
* Shimmers heads in the direction of the third guy still astrally perceiving
* Edwin_McManis cracks his knuckles
<[^^Silver^^]> "What are the codes Og?"
 YOu estimate that if you tried to get them out of blast range it would take about an hour to get them out and an hour for you to get yourselves away from the bomb.
 ---I'm cautiously advancing
 Og shakes his head, "Og not tell."
* Edwin_McManis pulls his knife and applies it to his throat
* [^^Silver^^] cocks a Colt
<[^^Silver^^]> "You better"
* JesterGM turns his head slightly, to look at Ed.
*** JesterGM is now known as OgThrop
 "Oh that isnt how you do that."  Grabs a knife and slices off an ear.  "If you want any piece of skin left, you will give us the dearming codes."
* Edwin_McManis is impressed
* OgThrop screams with his gravelly voice. "THAT HURT OG!"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You better tell her Og. If you want to have children"
 "Og not able have children."
 "Zarky.  You want me to do it to the other ear?  Or you want a kiss?"
* Shimmers shifts to normal percep
* OgThrop sniffles. Whether it's from the loss of the ear or the inability for children is unknown.
 "Og want kiss."
 "Give me the codes to disarm the bomb.....NOW!"
* [^^Silver^^] examines the bombs
* Edwin_McManis growls drawing a little blood with the knife
* OgThrop sighs...and his arms reaches slowly towards the desk.
* OgThrop slowly reaches towards his streeline special, sitting on the desk.
* [^^Silver^^] shifts his aim at the hand
* Edwin_McManis slits his throat
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how big are the bombs
 "Poor bastard.
 Og's hand continues towards the gun a little ways without a head for a moment, then he dies.
 About a foot square, not counting the timer and keypad.
* Edwin_McManis sheaths the knife
 The timer is now at 2:04:31
*** ChanServ changes topic to '{Run Cave} Nymue's at 7 on Saturday after that who knows. (Nymue)'
*** ChanServ sets mode: +rtn
#Shadowmask url is
* Edwin_McManis takes the bomb and flies like the only hoe at a pimp convention
 Running or taking a car of some sort?
 You taking both or just one?
* [^^Silver^^] runs after him
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets use my bike it is faster
* Edwin_McManis goes for the bike
* [^^Silver^^] hops on and starts it
*** OgThrop is now known as JesterGM
* [^^Silver^^] takes off
 ---When 1 hour ticks away I will toss the bomb 
 ---don't drop it off at the mall :)
* [^^Silver^^] heads for the nearest route to the country
 ---that would run someone's day 
 Timer=1:39:06, and you get stuck in traffic going across a suspension bridge.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I know an estate we can drop it off at
 ---just FYI I am staying in the garage, checking it for more targets.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Is there a sidewalk
 ---So am I
 Yes, though there's a lot of squatters in the way
<[^^Silver^^]> "Screw it"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---How big of a boom boom is this going to make
 And just so you know, you don't find any other enemies in there
 Probably take out buildings in a twenty block radius if it goes off in the city
<[^^Silver^^]> ---What about underwater
* [^^Silver^^] guns it for the sidewalk blowing his horn
* Edwin_McManis smiles a little at the squatter carnage
 Judging by your demo knowledge, it should boil the river for about 1 mile up and downstream, take out the bridge, and stuff beyond the bridge for about 4 blocks
<[^^Silver^^]> ---damn
 Bike 3? You hit more squatters than you miss...even catching some air from a few big groups....but you make it past the bridge
* Edwin_McManis wonders if he could diffuse it
 You think you could try, but you're not sure if you could even safely cut through the metal outsides, since there's no latch you can see.
<[^^Silver^^]> "What does that thing look like? Describe it to me"
 ---Demo=5 educated guess?
 ---That was an educated guess. This looks like a pretty secure bomb. If you got it open, you bet you could defuse it. You're just unsure if you can get into it in the first place without setting it off.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Very funny, you know anything about thos things, wise guy?"
 1:21:35, and you've gotta turn to drive around a mall.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---how about throught the mall
 OH yeah. Either of you using helmets?
 And that'd be your choice.
<[^^Silver^^]> nope I'll fire a gun through the doors first
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry forgot protocol
 Np. The shot manages to nail one of the Taco Bell employees in the food mart. He falls forward into the burritos as you whiz into the mall.
 "What now, Kitten"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whoops
 YOu're coming up to a rail. Turn left, right, or go through it? (The rail stops you from a 20 foot gap, where you can see the bottom floor below)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---right
 "Sweep the floor, make sure there are no more 'terrorists' and count the corpses."  "Then we can have a nice peaceful chat while we wait for the boys to come back."
 There's a gap in the rail where the elevator section bridges across to the other side of the gap. try to make the turn, or keep going straight?
<[^^Silver^^]> straight
<[^^Silver^^]> ---straight
 "Boys, now that is an appropriate name for them"
 You come to a gap, that leads to the escalators leading to the bottom floor. This also bridges accross. What now? (the sidewalk also continues straight, and you've been hitting a few people along the way)
 ---Boys will be boys
<[^^Silver^^]> ---across
 "Isnt it though?  They could have just hit the off button on the bomb, but no, they wanted to go on a joyride."
 ---off button? 
 ---well did you look for one?
 You zip around the turn, almost hitting the rail, but you ricochet off a pedestrian and make the turn. Turn left, right, or go straight through sears to try and get outside?
* Edwin_McManis looks for an off button
 "Yep, or simply take the gun before he went for it"
 Edwin_McManis doesn't find an off button.
 ---Good cause I would have been pissed 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Sears
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 ---I didn't say there isn't one. Ed just can't find it :). hehe.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets get outside first"
<[^^Silver^^]> "And away from this place"
 YOu zip through the sears, colliding with a few clothing racks, but after quite a few helmetless bruises, you spot the two sets of double doors at the exit.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I head for the doors
* Edwin_McManis admires the pastel dress and hat he is now wearing
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
 You speed for the doors, and get a flash in your mind that glass can be sharp.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Looks like pastels are coming back
 ---My Dress is Anti Glass 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---fires at the doors
 "Looks like it is all clear in here
 The glass shatters, and falls JUST before you go through the doors. You ramp off a car parking in front of the Sears, land on the row of parked cars, and bounce off three before you get back to the road.
 "5 dead that I count"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Woohoo"
 Stopping or still going Silver?
* [^^Silver^^] looks for an alleyway and stops
* Edwin_McManis gets off and starts defusing lookin for an off switch
<[^^Silver^^]> ---in the alleyway that is
 ---Stop or slowdown and stop?
 ---has the gas cleared?
 ---Yes nikki
<[^^Silver^^]> ---slowdown and stop
<[^^Silver^^]> "You're kidding"
 Ed hops off in the alley, and starts looking for a switch. He doesn't find any switches on the outside, except on the keypad.
* Kitten-Nikki removes her mask and helmet, shoulders her rifle, and takes a seat on the curb/tire stop.
<[^^Silver^^]> "You need all the help you can get. I know about this stuff to"
 "So how long you think its going to take the boys to disarm or dispose that bomb?"
* Edwin_McManis starts Defusing with all his skill and care
* Shimmers goes by Kitten and takes a seat
 How are you going to remove the metal covering?
 "Don't know just listen for the big boom"
 ---With my Swiss Army knife 
* [^^Silver^^] pulls out a tool kit from his saddlebags
 ---As in laser knives or just regular metal or what?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Try this"
 ---Silver's laser knives 
* Edwin_McManis works again
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
<[^^Silver^^]> ---never leave home without it
* [^^Silver^^] helps in anyway he can
 You cut the top of the box off, cut along the outline of the keypad/timer, and pull of the metal top carefully.
 The top doesn't seem to want to come's made of something really thick and heavy.
 You think it's lead
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I think we should've kept going
* Edwin_McManis checks to see if it is a dud type thing
 "So you think they're going to be able to diffuse it?"
 You get the top off, with some work, and set it aside. There, now unexposed, is a gold-silver cylinder with a number of wires going to it.
 Err, now exposed, that is
* [^^Silver^^] gets the cutters and examines the wires
 All the wires are red.
 ---any of them say cut here to stop?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---any type of detonator wired to them
 ---which one?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---which one says it
* [^^Silver^^] looks for the wire that says cut here to stop
 One of the red wires. It starts at one of the power sources inside, leads through some sort of metal box you can't see through, then comes out the other side and leads to the cylander. There's a second wire that goes from power to the small box to the middle.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---okay how about we cut it between the cylinder and the box
<[^^Silver^^]> ---both at the same time
 ---The cut here wire or the other one?
 ---oh, both?
* Edwin_McManis gets ready to cut his
 Hold on...gotta check my notes...
* [^^Silver^^] gets ready
<[^^Silver^^]> "On the count of three"
 'kay, ready when you guys are
 ---I feel inferior, Why dont I have notes when I gm?
<[^^Silver^^]> "1"
<[^^Silver^^]> "2"
<[^^Silver^^]> "3"
 ---I just made notes for the bomb. Wanted to be sure I was fair when you tried to defuse.
<[^^Silver^^]> "cut
* Edwin_McManis cuts
* [^^Silver^^] cuts
* [^^Silver^^] prays
 Both wires are cut.
* [^^Silver^^] prays really hard
 There are no moving parts in the bomb now
 There also weren't any when you started
* [^^Silver^^] checks the timer
 The timer is...counting down ten times as fast!
<[^^Silver^^]> "ACCK!"
 ---1 minute?
 (seconds will not be shown, as they are dropping really fast)
* Edwin_McManis shoves it down a sewer
* [^^Silver^^] gets on his bike
 (1 hour fourteen minutes, but it's dropping quickly)
<[^^Silver^^]> "You coming?"
 Ed can't find a manhole cover...he does find a dumpster
* Edwin_McManis drops it in and hops on the bike
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go, NOW"
 Either of you have a watch?
* [^^Silver^^] burns rubber
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nope just drive until boom
 ---I just wanna know if I can keep doing the nifty timer or not?
 ---sure I will have a watch 
 3 blocks away, :40
 Traffic jam 2 blocks away.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sidewalk
 What you gonna do?
 You plow straight through a load of kids getting out of school and you burn rubber along the sidewalk.
 You get around the traffic at 6 blocks. :15
<[^^Silver^^]> ---aww, man. that is cold
 ---Hey. YOu coulda just turned down another street instead of going sidewalk, y'know
 ---Silver will have many points on his record 
 You get to 7 blocks, and the time ticks away
<[^^Silver^^]> ---oh well
 You start to wonder why you haven't heard anything
<[^^Silver^^]> ---haha
<[^^Silver^^]> ---very funny
 You make it to 12 blocks...still nothing.
 ---Wanna RP out the payment, or just end it here?
 ---end it here please 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---RP
 ---It's up to the ladies
 ---Unless you're really tired red
 ---doesn't matter to me
 ---I can stay awake as long as it isnt real drawn out 
 ---I need to RP this guy pissed anyway 
 ---Shouldn't take too long
 ---So you head back for the garage and the Herbal Hut?
* [^^Silver^^] pulls up to the garage
 Shimmers and Kitten are found by the curb
* Shimmers stands up when they arrive
* Edwin_McManis hops off
 Silver's cycle is now a bright red color.
* [^^Silver^^] kills the engine
 "Are you two done playing?"
* Edwin_McManis looks at Kitten
<[^^Silver^^]> "PLAYING!!!??? I wish we were playing. That was to close
 "It is about time"
 ---What'd you guys do with the other bomb, BTW?
 ---All in the can 
 ---'kay. Just had to be sure
* [^^Silver^^] glares at Shimmers and walks to the Hut
* Shimmers just ignores it
*** Seldarine-Rodcet has joined #shadowmask
*** JesterGM is now known as ``Smokey
 ---sorry, got disconned
*** ``Smokey is now known as ``SmokeysBro
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hi
<[^^Silver^^]> ---wb
* Edwin_McManis walks in in less of a good mood
*** Kitten-Nikki has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Smokey still back there shorty?"
*** Seldarine-Rodcet is now known as Kitten-Nikki
* Shimmers follows
<``SmokeysBro> " don't look very good...want a whiff of the happy gassy?"
* ``SmokeysBro offers the bong's tube
* Edwin_McManis scowls evilly
* ``SmokeysBro offers it to Silver.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Keep that drek to yourself halfer, Smokey back there"
* [^^Silver^^] looks disgusted
<``SmokeysBro> "'course...he's...always..."

Session Time: Sat Sep 11 00:00:00 1999

* ``SmokeysBro drifts off, fascinated by something in the air.
* [^^Silver^^] stomps to the back
*** ``SmokeysBro is now known as ``Smokey
* Kitten-Nikki yawns, tries to cover her mouth, but finds a gasmask in the way.
* ``Smokey opens his eyes, leaving his legs crossed. "What're you up to?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Jobs done give me my money"
<``Smokey> "Certainly. You may want a free sample of our green leaved things, as well. You look bad."
* [^^Silver^^] scowls
* ``Smokey reaches under the pillow, and comes out with four credsticks for 15k.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Just give me the yen
 "No thanks, I go through great pains to give my body only what it needs to survive."
* Edwin_McManis takes a cred stick and shoves his bloody combat knife in the table
* Edwin_McManis carves an M and goes home
* ``Smokey looks at the carving as he hands the sticks to the others.
* [^^Silver^^] takes the cred
 "Thank you." Takes the credstick.  "You know where to find me if you need my services again."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Do me a favor lose my number"
* Shimmers takes the cred
<``Smokey> "Thank you, masked woman. If I need, I'll be sure to give you a call."
* ``Smokey shrugs at Silver. "Done already. My brother handles the phone numbers anyways."
* [^^Silver^^] turns and heads out
 "Name's Kitten.  Filmatleven.  Izza outta here.  Chow."  Leaves, calls Samantha up and places an order for 4 new tear-gas grenades and a box of 11mm Predettor II rounds (box of 100)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Later Kitten. Bye Shimmers"
<``Smokey> ---she's got 'em in stock, not really qualified to give you a cost. you'll hafta use books.
 "Laters Silver, Shimmers, Edwin.
* [^^Silver^^] gets on his bike and goes in search of a carwash
* ``Smokey chuckles to himself as they leave. "Who was that Masked Woman? Kitten. Me-ow."
* Edwin_McManis wonders from afar how she knew his first name
<``Smokey> ---Woman's Intuition
<[^^Silver^^]> "Bye McManis, nice working with ya"
* Edwin_McManis nods
*** ``Smokey is now known as JesterGM
 "Bye everyone"
*** Edwin_McManis is now known as CrimsonDeity
 ---woman's inspiration.
 ----GAME OFF----
 Nice Run 
*** JesterGM is now known as ``CourtJester
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
<``CourtJester> 8 karma all around for suffering through the nukes
 hehe, thanks.
 I swear playing that char is tough 
*** Shimmers is now known as Endradi
 good run
 I cant express all I want to say in one word phrases 
<``CourtJester> Thank you.
 Ed is kind of a jerk though
<``CourtJester> Any recommendations, etc?
 I'm exhausted, hate to just leave on you, but I will talk to you tommorrow, when do the festivities begin?
<``CourtJester> Maddix, I'd like a copy of that log if you'd be so kind
 Between 7:30 and 8:00 CST
<``CourtJester> and it's 12:08 CST right now, right?
 yup.  TTYL all
*** Kitten-Nikki has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 Well everyone I am dust 
 Thanks for GMing 
<``CourtJester> Thanks for playing
*** CrimsonDeity has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
<``CourtJester> Nighty night you crazy texans.
 You want that log?
<``CourtJester> Anything I could have improved on? (And you already sent the log)
 not that I can think of, good run
<``CourtJester> Maddix?
 good run, I just wish you hadn't brought in nukes
<``CourtJester> Maddix, they were non-funtional nukes.
 Still they looked like nukes scared Silver's hair blonde :)
<``CourtJester> Note how low in value all their gear was...they were freakin' using Paintball guns for weapons, and the top guy only had a streeline. Think they could have afforded two nukes?
<``CourtJester> Yeah...what I wanted...all the excitement, none of the players stalking me IRL for killing their fave char :)
<``CourtJester> Tried to make the motorcycling in the mall and such as frantic and fast paced as possible...used short, simple descisions instead of brainteasers...
 That was the best part
 I just hope I can GM tommorow. I may have to go to New Orleans in the morning
<``CourtJester> Sorry if I got a little gory in there with the pedestrians, just wanted to point out that you DID hit a lot of people.
<``CourtJester> Really? Save us all a seat, will ya? For about two years? :)
 Its okay they should've moved quicker
<``CourtJester> heh
 The trip isn't for pleasure, my aunt died today.
<``CourtJester> Oh.
<``CourtJester> I thought she pulled through...
<``CourtJester> Sorry man, death sucks most of the time
 She did get better put the couldn't quite come back all the way
<``CourtJester> oh
 Its okay, we didn't expect her to come out of the hospital anyway. But it still sucks
<``CourtJester> Well that musta made it worse. You start to think she'll be okay, then it turns out she wont.
 When we saw her last Sat. she was doing so well, me and my sister took my mom to the French Quarter Sat. night
* ``CourtJester nods
 A couple of hours after we got back she  was worse
 Got to go to Margaritaville though
* ``CourtJester nods
<``CourtJester> Well, at least her suffering is over until the end of her next lifetime (unless you don't believe in reincarnation)
<``CourtJester> Guess that doesn't really help much...i'm just at a loss of words....
 Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. I'll let Endradi talk for awhile
 Thats okay, I understand Not much you can say. :)
 Nite dude
* ``CourtJester wavies
*** Maddix has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 Well I didn't mind the nukes :)
<``CourtJester> That's because you two were almost out of blast'd only be blinded and have no skin...Silver and Ed wouldn't be toast
<``CourtJester> They'd be BEYOND toast
 so, could you tell that Shimmers was POd with Silver?
<``CourtJester> Indeed.
 They'd be crumbs
<``CourtJester> All of silver's comments were ignored and such. I got the message.
 yeah, didn't care for CB's new character that much, didn't seem to smart
<``CourtJester> I think that was the point. A dumb jerk who doesn't like to talk.
<``CourtJester> LIke a walnut...'cept rotten inside
 your character doesn't know  this but Maddix first game, he was the sniper on the roof
 that's what Silver went to tell Shimmers and Quentin, he told them not to kill us, just keep us busy
 that's why Shimmers is so mad at him
<``CourtJester> Ahh
 guess, he didn't want CJ mad at him :)
<``CourtJester> Heh.
 so your game was cool, when you gonna do another
 are you awake? 
<``CourtJester> Sorry, see ICQ
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Sep 11 00:41:29 1999


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