-----------------Game On------------------------
*** `CourtJester is now known as ```CJ
 Everyone is doing whatever they would normally be doing at three a.m. when a bonecrunching sound bellows from outside their door. 
 or the door of where they are
* ```CJ jumps out of bed at the sound. He reaches into his dresser, pulls out his baretta, and creeps over to the door and peers out the peephole.
*** Joins: [`Shadow`] (nikita_263@modem44.wiu.edu)
<[`Shadow`]> Sorry about that, I'm back and should be good for 4 hours.
* ``Venus stretches and sits up, looking around
* `Tempest rolls outta bed and looks out the window
* [`Shadow`] lifts her head from her pillow, and rolls out of bed and lands softly (hopefully) on the floor.
*** Bigrod is now known as Big^GM
 You all hear the sound of gushing water from outside
* [`Shadow`] slips on a pair of boots, and grabs her pistol from under her pillow.
 When you finally build up the nerve to look outside there is a crater approximately 15 feet wide and 30 feet deep in the middle of the street, water is gushing from the busted water mains, but somehow miraculously (never could spell that), the gas lines are intact.  {Intel roll all}
<[`Shadow`]> 3d6
 --- [`Shadow`] 3d6 ( 5 1 7 )
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 10 4 1 4 5 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 3 4 11 8 2 )
* Big^GM kicks lowroller
 You all see something white wrapped in plastic with something written on it.
* [`Shadow`] picks it up.
 it is an envelope, with your name scrawled on it
* `Tempest pulls on his boots, grabs a gun, and cautiously goes to the plastic
* ``Venus opens the door and cautiously checks out the envelope picking it up
* [`Shadow`] feels the envelope to see if there is anything other then paper inside it, if not she opens it up.
 feels like some sort of paper
 Upon opening the envelope you see what apears to be an ancient scroll with the following message written in what appears to be blood:
 "Please come to the forest on the Eastern side of Central park at 9pm tomorrow night, those who I need for a certain job have been notified, please do not bring any extra help for they will not be able to enter.  Bring this scroll as your token of admission."
* `Tempest picks up the envelope and looks inside
* `Tempest looks at his watch
* [`Shadow`] takes the envelope, having an ICE cold chill run down her spine, and goes inside and possibly back to sleep.
 tis 4:30 by now
* `Tempest goes back inside and goes back to sleep until noon
* ```CJ lays the scroll on his dresser, puts away his gun, and drops off to sleep.
 {{TimeWarp}}till you wake up
* ```CJ gathers up his usual gear and goes to the meet at the specified time (no sooner, no later).
* ``Venus goes back in, lights some candles and makes some coffee, then goes to study the scroll
* ```CJ remembers the scroll....
* [`Shadow`] makes some phone calls and notifies some individuals of her plans for the night, nothing specific, but in case she doesnt return someone will know where to look.
* `Tempest wakes up eats lunch checks over his weapons, eats dinner, gathers up his gear and drives to the meet arriving a half-hour early
 ok you all get to the specified area and you see a fog barrier surrounding a certain area and you have a sense that this is where you should go
* [`Shadow`] heads to the fog, carrying her standard gear, and the 'scroll' held in front of her face.
* `Tempest perceives astrally
* ```CJ watches shadow walk towards the fog to see what happens to her.
* ``Venus goes to the fog with her gear
 As each of you head toward the fog a doorway opens from out of nowhere for you to enter
 As they enter the forest a feeling of coolness ascends apon them, there is no fear or aprehension felt everything is calm.  This place is a natural Shangri-la.  In the center of a clearing sits an elderly man who is rocking back and forth on a pile of rocks.  You notice that there is enough piles of rocks for each of them to have a seat.
* ```CJ shrugs, holding the scroll in one hand and a pistol in the either he walks through the doorway.
* `Tempest takes out the scroll and starts to enter still perceiving
* `Tempest walks to the old man
* [`Shadow`] walks in, and finds a seat.
* ```CJ puts away his gun, and wanders over to the nearest rock. He stands in front of it (not sitting yet)
* `Tempest shifts his senses to the natural field
*** Big^GM is now known as Withered_old_Man
* ``Venus walks in and sits down
 "Please sit."
* ``Venus looks at the old man
 The old man looks at each member of the group and without moving his mouth says, "Please sit, I have much to tell you, the fate of this world rests in your hands."  He tells about a great evil and how its name is Lilith, it can take many forms, from a beautiful woman to a grotesque old man.  Throughout the centuries it has wreaked havoc on mankind.  Now it too has awakened, in this new era of the world."
* ```CJ nods at the old gentleman, and sits down.
<``Venus> "Hello"
* Withered_old_Man smiles at Venus and nods
<[`Shadow`]> "What makes you think that this world deserves to be saved?"
* `Tempest sits and listens
<```CJ> "So, if it can take any form, how are we to know that one of us..or even you...are this Lilith?"
 "Where would you be if the world was not saved?"
 "If I were Lilith would I tell you that she had awakened?"
<`Tempest> "True"
<[`Shadow`]> "I would be dead, but that doesnt mean that I think this world deserves to be saved, but I suppose we should try anyway and let the fates decide."
<```CJ> "Perhaps. Powerful evil beings have a tendency to warn mortals of their coming, either out of pride or some ancestral contract."
<`Tempest> "Please  continue"
 The old man looks at each of the group and then to the magically based people he lets down his masking to show them that he is not evil, but he is the good force that binds the world.  "I am not Lilith, so please don't think that.  I am the good in each and every living thing, but now that Lilith has awaken I have started to lose strength, that is why I look so old and withered to you.  Do not doubt my strength though your spells and weapons cannot harm me nor can they harm Lilith.
<``Venus> "Ok, what do you want us to do"
* [`Shadow`] shuts up, and lets him talk.
* `Tempest nods his head
 "I need you to retrieve some items to create an item that will allow you to once again banish Lilith, and restore goodness, or what can be restored to this land"
* [`Shadow`] takes out a small pad of paper and a pen, which she convienently carries in her right-leg cargo pouch.
<```CJ> "Permanently banish her, or will she just come back like she's doing right now?"
<`Tempest> "Which items are that?"
 "Lilith, like myself can never be permanently banished, she will find another way to come back, there are always those who are stupid enough to try to awaken her."
* ```CJ shrugs. "Alright, so what do we gotta get?"
 "The items I spoke of will be revealed to you when the time is right, I need to know first if I was right in choosing you for this taks."
* `Tempest runs his hand through his hair nervously
<```CJ> "Hey, if your so powerful, you'd know I don't turn down a chance to keep myself alive."
* Withered_old_Man smiles, then you were the right one.
* Withered_old_Man looks at the others
 "Please before we can continue I must know your thoughts, it is imperative."
<[`Shadow`]> "Sir, or whatever you are.  If you believe so much in your divining abilities, which you demonstrated last night be the deliverance of this note (holds up the scroll), then you know what you need to know about me."
<`Tempest> "You have my help in this endeavor"
* ```CJ comments to Shadow, "Maybe, if he's the Good Force, he was nice enough to let us keep our thoughts private."
 "Very well then, your pay...as you elite mercenaries call it, will be your nuyen and a little piece of knowledge that has eluded mankind for centuries."
<```CJ> "You mean we're gonna find out the cure for the common cold!?!?"
* `Tempest chuckles
<[`Shadow`]>  "Then again, maybe he just read our auras and only wants us to volunteer."
 "Have you heard the tales of an ancient continent that was lost?"
<`Tempest> "What knowledge is that"
* ```CJ comments back, "True."
<```CJ> "Of course. Atlantis."
<```CJ> "Back in my college days, I studied that one quite a bit."
<``Venus> "Okay you can count on my help"
<`Tempest> "Atlantis?"
 "Well, in order to banish Lilith you must travel there, so you will know the location of that place. That you call Atlantis."
<```CJ> "Wonder if my theory is correct....did it sink beneath the crust of the earth, using force shields and cold upper enviroments to stay intact?"
<[`Shadow`]> "Great, finally a place to go that is quiet." Smiles warmly.
 "You shall see, you shall see."
* Withered_old_Man smiles
* ```CJ shrugs. "Okay."
 the old man waves his hand and a beautiful woman emerges unscathed from the depths of the fire, dressed only in leaves.  She goes around to each person and hands them another scroll.  The old man speaks, "Written on this scroll is the description of what you seek first and where to seek it.  Once you find it come back here and I will tell you where to go from there."
<``Venus> "ok, and sir I am not a mercenary"
* [`Shadow`] thanks the lady when she is handed the new scroll
<`Tempest> "Thank you"
* ```CJ looks to tempest, "We all are, in our own special way, whether we be hired guns, drivers, hackers, or magicky-types."
 "Well, in days gone by, people that took on jobs for money or knowledge were known as mercenaries."
* ```CJ takes the scroll, "Thank you ma'am."
* `Tempest looks at the scroll
 After the lady hands out the scrolls she steps back into the fire and dissappears
<[`Shadow`]> "Or freedom fighters, but let us not quibble over details."
<```CJ> "Well, just so you know, in today's world, most people call us Shadowrunners."
* ``Venus nods in thanks when she receives her scroll
* Withered_old_Man nods, Shadowrunners it is then
 In the sands of time lies the first of your puzzle.  Start at the mouth of the great river and then to the tomb of the true ruler of this land, inside you will find your target.  Good Luck, and come back alive.
 ---that is what is scrawled on the scroll
* ```CJ thinks..."Well, we're either headed to Egypt or far southern Aztlan. You guys think this is a Mayan temple or an Egyptian pyramid?"
<```CJ> "Sands makes more sense for Egypt...."
* [`Shadow`] writes that down for future refrence not trusting her memory.
 "Your flight has been arranged, it leaves at 9am, be sure to pack light as it tends to get rather warm where you are heading.  I shall be waiting.  See I do know something of your culture."
* ```CJ holds the scroll in his hand, rereading it as he thinks it over.
<``Venus> "So does the great river"
* Withered_old_Man turns into mist and dissappears
<```CJ> "Well, there's the Amazon in South America..."
* `Tempest reads it 3 times commiting it to memory
*** Withered_old_Man is now known as Big^GM
<[`Shadow`]> "Excuse me, but what is the native tongue for the land we are going to"
<```CJ> "Egyptian?"
* `Tempest stands up
<`Tempest> "That was...interesting"
 "The fire goes out"
* ```CJ looks around, "The Great God speaks to us of the fire!"
 So now its time for more of that groovy Roleplaying
* ``Venus studies the scroll
<[`Shadow`]> "I do not suppose any of you are programmers?"
<```CJ> "Well, I say we grab an English-Egyptian datapad, and either fly or take my 'craft to Egypt."
<``Venus> "Ok where would you all like to start"
* `Tempest nods
* `Tempest is about 5'10" tall, 175lbs, male Elf, in his early 20's, with short black hair, and deep blue eyes, he wears black fatigue pants, black t-shirt, and combat boots, w/ black lined coat he seems to be in constant thought with a serious look on his face
<[`Shadow`]> /me is five foot tall, human with blond hair and brown eyes. She wears jungle style combat boots, a skin-tigh silk black shirt (no sleeves, low cut front) and skin-tight black pants. She wears little make-up, just enough to get by with. She has a strong stature, appearance and bearing. Over that she wears a black duster. She carries a heavy pistol in the small of her back, oddly enough it is a revolver of some sort.
* `Tempest walks up to Shadow and CJ
<`Tempest> "Evening, my name is Tempest. Yours?"
* ```CJ is about four feet tall. He wears a clean white sweater, possibly cashmier, black slacks, and dress shoes. Despite his odd stature, he's actually fairly good looking. Today he wears a black coat over his clothing.
* `Tempest extends his hand
<[`Shadow`]> "Hello Tempest, my name is Shadow."
* ```CJ shakes his hand, "CJ or Jester, your choice."
* ```CJ nods to Venus, "Would you like to introduce yourself or should I?"
<``Venus> "I'm Venus"
<``Venus> "Thanks CJ, but I can handle it"
<[`Shadow`]> "I take it no one here is a decker.  Very well.  I'll pick up a language chip for the trip, I'll translate."
* ``Venus is 5'5" 105lbs elven female, long brown wavy hair with blonde highlights, dark brown eyes. She wearing a white danceskin bottom with a white chiffon wrap around skirt, white tank top, and white ankle boots
* `Tempest looks at Shadow
 its close to 8:00 now, time went backwards while you were talking to the old man
<```CJ> "That'll be helpful, thanks Shadow."
<`Tempest> "Are you really sure that we should start in Egypt"
<[`Shadow`]> "Did my watch stop, or did everyone gain an hour?"
* ```CJ glances at his watch, "Damn, batteries are dying on mine...it thinks it's 8:03 right now."
* `Tempest looks at his watch tapping it
<[`Shadow`]> "Well, our flight was arranged he said, didnt he?  I'll just have to assume it is Egypt, only place hot and dry with pyramids I know of."
* ```CJ looks to Tempest, "That's the only place I can think of where you have a great river, sands, and tomb for ancient kings."
<``Venus> "Stranger things have happened, we probablly gained the hour"
<[`Shadow`]> "Well, this is the strangest thing that has happened to me, but I won't complain, it isnt often you grow younger, after all."
<```CJ> "Huh. Yeah, they sure have...hope we don't have to wade through medievil sewers..."
<```CJ> "Trust me, if you stick with this job, you'll end up dealing with stranger than this. At least this time we're on the same timeline."
<`Tempest> "Okay we have about 12 hours to kill before the flight"
 intel roll
<[`Shadow`]> "Great, anyone know where in Seattle I can get a decent translation chip?
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 8 4 3 5 2 )
<```CJ> 6d6
 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 1 4 3 2 3 5 )
<[`Shadow`]> 3d6
 --- [`Shadow`] 3d6 ( 5 5 3 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 7 4 17 15 7 )
<```CJ> "Any good electronics shop should have one."
 you all snotice that the fog is gone and you are being watched
* `Tempest looks around
* ```CJ turns around slowly.
<`Tempest> "Can we go somewhere a little mor private"
 You see a little scrubby boy, about 12 years
* ```CJ whispers to Tempest, "Lilith, I bet."
* `Tempest nods slowly
<```CJ> "Hey there sonny. Where's your mommy?"
*** Big^GM is now known as lilboy
<[`Shadow`]> "Yes, but do you know of an electronic shop that has high quality reliable ones?  I dont want to get one that is full of bugs or viruses, after all."
* `Tempest perceives astrally
*** lilboy is now known as ``lilboy
* ``lilboy comes walking out bravely
<``lilboy> "Hey, you know these woods aint safe after dark!"
* ```CJ looks to Shadow, "Let's discuss this later."
<[`Shadow`]> "Ok, CJ."
* ```CJ looks to the little boy, "Yes, we should all be going home, shouldn't we."
<```CJ> "What are you doing out so late?"
<``lilboy> "I am home, aint got no mommy..."
<``lilboy> "LoneStar took her away for running or something"
<```CJ> "Well, I could understand that. Shadowrunners are criminals who kill people, usually."
* `Tempest reaches into his pocket and pulls out about 50¥
<``lilboy> "I aint seen her for a long time."
<```CJ> "But I bet your mommy wasn't like that."
<`Tempest> "Here ya go kid go get something decent to eat"
* `Tempest hands the yen to him
<```CJ> "Don't waste it all on candy, now."
<[`Shadow`]> "That was sweet of you CJ."
<``lilboy> "She watched me kill my daddy, he was a drunk who beat her, he even hit me once but I got him back."
<```CJ> "Do you kill a lot of people? It's not nice to kill except when you've got good reason, like with your daddy."
<``lilboy> "Geeze, thanks man, now I can get me som food."
* [`Shadow`] pats his head.
<[`Shadow`]> "CJ let the poor boy go get some food."
<`Tempest> "My pleasure, you stay here all the time?"
<``lilboy> "I aint killed nobody but him and the old bum that kicked me outta my box, so I moved out here.  People are afraid of the woods"
<``lilboy> "I got my own cave, and a friend too.  But he don't talk much, he's just all bones."
<`Tempest> "You really shouldn't be here either"
<``lilboy> "My friend talks to me, he tells me when to stay in our cave."
<``Venus> "Why do you think people are afraid of the woods?"
<```CJ> "And when does he tell you this?"
<``lilboy> "My friend keeps them away, plus my other friends are all around us now."
<``lilboy> "All the time, he real nice."
<``lilboy> "He fussed at me for killin those people."
<``Venus> "Probably because he wants you to be a good person"
<``lilboy> "So I promised not to do it again, unless I had a reason to."
<```CJ> "Well, I'm glad you've got a...friend. Did he show up around the time you made your daddy go away?"
<```CJ> "Not just a reason, I hope. A /good/ reason, right?"
<``lilboy> "No, he found me when I found them bones."
<`Tempest> "Where is this cave of yours?"
<``lilboy> "Ov....hey you want to get my friend don't you. You thought you could trick me."
<`Tempest> "No, I just want to meet him"
*** Joins: red^baron (go@1Cust247.tnt2.myrtle-beach.sc.da.uu.net)
<```CJ> "Us? Trick you? We're not even smart enough to survive in the woods, how would we be able to trick you?"
<``Venus> "Well what kind of bones were they, I mean alot or a little?"
<``lilboy> "I guess that'll work, just let me tell my other friends not to git you."
* ``lilboy looks around and nods as he paces in a complette circle
<``lilboy> "Ok, follow me, and hurry up, I want to get me some food."
<``Venus> "Do you have a name?"
<```CJ> "You guys go ahead, I have to get home. Here's my number..."
* `Tempest follows
* ```CJ scribbles his phone num on a few scraps of paper and gives them out to the others.
<``lilboy> "Call me boy, thats what my friends call me."
*** red^baron is now known as Leif_O
<``Venus> "Ok, boy, I'm Venus"
* ```CJ heads for the edge of the woods.
<[`Shadow`]> "Yes, I should be headed home as well.  Here is my number, do enjoy yourself.  And son, get some sleep."
<``Venus> "and it's very nice to meet you"
* ``Venus takes the number
* ``lilboy smiles
* `Tempest takes a number
<``lilboy> "Nice to meet you, your pretty."
<`Tempest> "Nice meeting you to"
<``Venus> "Why thank you, and you're very sweet, do you want a ride to go get some food?"
* [`Shadow`] walks to her bike, and heads home.
* ```CJ beeps off the antitheft on his craft, and heads home.
<``Venus> "And just so you know, the woods don't scare me"
<``lilboy> ok you all get to the cave and see a full skeleton wearing a white robe.  You get a sense of goodness from this place.
* `Tempest walks up to the cave
* `Tempest perceives astrally
* ``Venus looks around
<``Venus> "I'm glad you're well protected"
* `Tempest looks at the skeleton
<``lilboy> As you enter the cave you see that there is someone else that you didn't see at the meeting
<`Tempest> "Hello?"
* Leif_O walks in looking around
 "Nice place"
* `Tempest nods at Leif
* Leif_O nods back
<``lilboy> "This is my friend, he aint much company most of the time, but he is all I got now, so I make do."
* ``Venus looks and smiles
<``lilboy> "He keeps talking about keeping me safe for something, I don't have an idea what he's talkin about.  I tried to tell him that I can take care of myself."
<``Venus> "Hello"
* Leif_O looks at it wondering what it is
<``lilboy> intel all
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 11 4 1 1 2 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 7 2 2 11 5 )
 --- Leif_O 5d6 ( 4 1 3 3 1 )
<``lilboy> "Well you all better be goin, you get to go to do some exciting stuff, I have to stay here."
<`Tempest> "How long have you been hear Boy?"
* ``lilboy crosses his arms and pouts
<``lilboy> "Since I was 6, I think...its been a long time."
* Leif_O pulls a pouch from his pocket and gives it to the boy
* ``lilboy looks in the pouch
* ``Venus goes by the boy and gives him a hug
<``Venus> "It's ok, do you want to stay here?"
<``lilboy> "Wow, can you stay?"
<`Tempest> "Do you want us to stay?"
<``lilboy> "Thank you man, I feel really neat to have met you, you keep giving me stuff."
* ``lilboy points to Venus
<``lilboy> "Her, she hugged me and she's pretty too."
 "Aye she is"
 ---for the record Leif speaks in a thick Scottish accent 
<``lilboy> ---gotcha
* `Tempest smiles at Venus
<`Tempest> "Looks like you have an admirer"
* ``Venus looks at Leif and smiles
<``lilboy> "Well, my friend just told me to ask you to leave.  You have a lot to do before your journey starts."
* Leif_O wonders what he is actually doing here
<``Venus> "Why thank you both, but I'm afraid I can't stay I have a job to do, but maybe you could come and stay with me for a while"
<``Venus> "I could use some help"
<`Tempest> "Well, I'm going to go but is it okay for me to check on you when I get back from my trip?"
* ``Venus turns to Leif
<``Venus> "So are you going to help us find Atlantis and save the world from the evil Lilith?"
* `Tempest waits for the boy to answer
<``lilboy> "I have to stay here with my friend, but I know that you will be back, so I'll be here."
 "Sure not like I havent saved the world before"
* Leif_O laughs lightly
<`Tempest> "Good, I'll see you when we get back"
* `Tempest turns to Leif and Venus
<``lilboy> "Go, I'll be waiting for you all.  Especially you miss."
*** ``lilboy is now known as Big^GM
<`Tempest> "See you two at the airport at 9 in the morning"
* Leif_O walks out gripping the dagger on his belt nervously
* ``Venus gives the lilboy a kiss and promises to come back
<``Venus> "See you then"
 He smiles and watches you leave.
<``Venus> "I'm glad you're coming, saving the world can be a big job"
* `Tempest walks out the cave heading for his car
* Leif_O fidgets his dagger his hand shaking
* ``Venus turns to leave the cave
<``Venus> "Are you alright?"
 "I am a tad afraid of the dark"
* ``Venus doesn't speed up to catch up to him
 "On certain nights"
<``Venus> "And this is one of those nights?"
<``Venus> "I like the night and the woods, they are settleing"
 "The woods are nice, but with time comes knowledge"
<``Venus> "And you are full of knowlege are you?"
 "I have my share"
* `Tempest drives home and makes sure he has packed everything and goes to sleep waking up at 6 in the morn
* Leif_O pulls his sword off his back and carefully places it on the side of his bike
<``Venus> "Oh, I'm not doubting that"
* Leif_O starts up and does whatever to get ready
* ``Venus gets in her car
* ``Venus goes home, gets her stuff together, sleeps, gets up and goes to the airport
 ---private flight, you've never seen this sort of plane before
<```CJ> ---Room in it for CJ's craft?
 ---oh the plane 
<``Venus> ---lol
<```CJ> ---:)
 ---yeah, plenty
<```CJ> ---whoah, seriously? Alright then, CJ's bringin' the ride.
* ``Venus gets out of her car, locks it, grabs her stuff and heads to the plane
* `Tempest drives to the airport for 8 and grabs his gear and heads to the plane
* Leif_O does the same
* ``Venus looks around to see who is there
*** Big^GM is now known as Pilot^GM
 >>>"This is your pilot speaking, hold on for the ride of your life."
* ```CJ is seen standing by the door with a small handset, his hovercraft slowly moving onboard the plane when the others arrive.
* Leif_O buckles up and relaxes
* ``Venus sits down and buckles up
* ```CJ checks to make sure the hovercraft is connected properly, then sits down by the others and buckles up.
 >>>"And if this is your first flight don't worry its mine too."
* `Tempest buckles up and tries to get some sleep
 --- down with the man. free kevin.
<`Tempest> ---lol great
<``Venus> ---lol
 ---I feel bad for Kevin 
<``Venus> ---I don't know Kevin
* ```CJ makes sure his buckle is on properly and tightly.
* ``Venus looks at CJ
<``Venus> "Are you scared?"
 The plane takes off and you don't even feel it lift off the ground, you land three times for refueling and re-food, but don't even notice.
 Over 13 hours later you land in the sunny, sandy lands of......
<``Venus> ---cool
* ```CJ looks out the window to make sure they're actually moving.
<```CJ> ---Bingo!
 ---and yes Shadow got the translator chip
 ---I am shooting a camel at some point 
<```CJ> ---B4 I12 N34 G51 O76
<`Tempest> ---LOL, I want to punch one like Arnold did
<```CJ> ---Are we near the "great river"?
* ``Venus leans closer to the window for a better look
 intel roll
<```CJ> 6d6
 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 11 5 3 4 2 5 )
* ``Venus suddenly sits back and looks a little serious
 --- Leif_O 5D6 ( 2 5 4 2 5 )
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 5 9 2 1 5 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 4 1 4 2 5 )
 Tempest and CJ both see a map at the same time
* ```CJ grabs for it, and unfolds it.
* `Tempest looks at it closely
* Leif_O touches his sword feeling a lil like a scrawny Conan
 you both get it and unfold it, looking at it together
* `Tempest looks over the map
* ```CJ checks to see where we are in relation to the mouth of the nile.
 from what you can make out you are about 50 miles from the great river
<``Venus> ---has the plane landed yet
<```CJ> ---There a water or road based route from here to there?
 there is a road, you have to go through a town to get there
* ``Venus unbuckles and gets up thinking, oblivious to everyone and walks past them
* ```CJ unbuckles and stands, going back to check on the large hovercraft he has in the rear of the craft.
* Leif_O unbuckles retrieving his stuff and gets out
* `Tempest unbuckles himself, retreives his stuff and heads to the exit
 When everyone departs the plane it dissappears and a scroll is left in its place
* ```CJ unhooks the straps from the craft and drives it carefully off the plane.
* ``Venus gets off with all her stuff
* Leif_O ties his sword on his back and waits
* Leif_O looks at it
<`Tempest> "What the hell?"
* ```CJ rolls down the window and calls out, "Somebody grab that scroll, we'll need the plane!"
 "There is so much more to this world than you realize" 
* Leif_O smiles
<``Venus> "Hmm, that was neat"
 there is a breeze picking up
* `Tempest gets the scroll looking at it
 Scrawled of the scroll is this:"When you have retrieved the item, return here with the item and the scroll.  Your plane will be awaiting."
*** Pilot^GM is now known as Big^Gm
 "I hope there is not a sand storm"
 ---Are the pyramids still erect in SR time?
* ```CJ calls out over the hum of his hovercraft, "Anyone who doesn't want to walk 50 miles, feel free to hop in."
 there is one still left
* ```CJ unlocks the doors.
* `Tempest pockets the scroll and goes to CJs craft
* Leif_O gets in the Craft
 ---in my campaing/run
* ``Venus goes to the craft and gets in
<```CJ> The hovercraft is large and roomy. There is a tripod mounted minigun facing the rear hatch, something that looks like a hightech medical treament center, and two folding benches along the walls. There are two bucket seats up front, CJ is sitting in one.
* `Tempest stows his gear and climbs in the back
* Leif_O stows his gear and buckles up
 ok you start out heading toward the mouth of the river....
<```CJ> "Tempest, did you hold onto that map?"
<```CJ> ---At the prescribed speed limits, unless they are unreasonably slow.
 about 20 miles between here and there...
* ``Venus sits down after putting up her stuff and buckles up
 --- Big^Gm 6d6 ( 10 2 9 2 5 4 )
<`Tempest> "yes CJ I have it
 you all hear a sound that sounds like "Ping! Ching!"
<``Venus> "Too bad we can't see the sights"
<```CJ> "Uh oh....damn, I hope the filter isn't jammed from all the sand..."
 ---the sound of metal travelling at high speeds bouncing off of other metal
<```CJ> "Anybody see what that is?"
* Leif_O looks out carefully
 --- Leif_O 5d6 ( 2 8 16 9 5 )
<`Tempest> "That doesn't sound good"
* ```CJ looks around out the windows.
<```CJ> 6d6
 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 4 2 4 3 2 1 )
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 1 1 1 2 5 )
 ---that is what I like to see 
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 5 4 4 11 3 )
<```CJ> ----ouch Tempest :(
* ``Venus looks around outside
 you are in a valley there are two huge sand dunes one to each side of you
<``Venus> "Will your vehicle be alright?"
<`Tempest> ---wow I have hands :)
 Venus and Leif notices something shiny at the top of each dune
<`Tempest> "3d6+6
<```CJ> "Well, I got some armor put in this thing, so it'll hopefully be a hard nut to crack..."
<```CJ> 1d6+6
 --- ```CJ 1d6+6 ( 12 )
 --- Leif_O 3d6+6 ( 12 )
<`Tempest> 3d6+6
 --- `Tempest 3d6+6 ( 18 )
<``Venus> 1d6+4
 --- ``Venus 1d6+4 ( 7 )
 --- Big^Gm 2d6+4 ( 7 )
 --- Big^Gm 2d6+4 ( 11 )
 --- Big^Gm 2d6+4 ( 13 )
 --- Big^Gm 1d6+5 ( 10 )
 --- Big^Gm 1d6+5 ( 7 )
 --- Big^Gm 1d6+5 ( 10 )
* `Tempest looks at the windows to see if he can open them
 "Please dont open the window"
 ok, Shadow Leif and Venus just pointed out that you guys are under attack, you are in Egypt in CJ's Hovercraft
* ``Venus goes astral to see if she can tell who it is
<`Tempest> "Okay"
* `Tempest perceives astrally
 "If they would happen to have rockets" 
<```CJ> 1d6+6
 --- ```CJ 1d6+6 ( 11 )
<``Venus> "They are only desert theives with only sniping rifles"
 just Shadow for init everyone has rolled
<[`Shadow`]> 3d6+17
 --- [`Shadow`] 3d6+17 ( 21 )
 ok then go Shadow
* ```CJ nods, "I doubt that'll bust through three layers of armor..."
<[`Shadow`]> ---do I have LOS to a target?
<```CJ> ---Only if you open the rear hatch, one of the side doors, or roll down a window. All of which would prolly be bad
<[`Shadow`]> ---ok, I'll hold my action for the moment.
<`Tempest> ---I'll hold my action
 CJ odds or evens
 call it
<```CJ> --Evens!
 --- Big^Gm 1d6 ( 8 )
* `Tempest stays down low
 evens it is your go
* ```CJ pushes the throttle up to the maximum.
 as you head out leaving a rooster tail of sand you all see an explosion hit right where the hovercraft was
<```CJ> "Close one."
 "That is why we didnt open the windows"
* Leif_O says a prayer under his breath
 and 6 angry men jump up holding their rifles above their heads
<`Tempest> "I think you pissed them off when you didn't go boom"
<```CJ> "Whoops. I'll try to oblidge them next time."
* ```CJ grins.
<``Venus> "Sorry guess they had some grenades too"
* ``Venus looks at Leif
<``Venus> "Are you alright?"
 ok, you make it to town without any further implications
 "Just fine"
<```CJ> "Okay Tempest, which way from here to get to the mouth of the nile?"
* `Tempest looks at the map
 ---you wanna stop for supplies?
<`Tempest> ---yes and stretch
<```CJ> ---Yeah, and gotta refuel. But I wanna stay headed in the right direction.
<``Venus> ---good idea
<[`Shadow`]> ---my gear includes an ammo pouch and 3 canteens, I should be good to go on water, unless you want to say I didnt bring my LBE.
<`Tempest> "I don't know about you guys but I really need to use the bathroom"
<```CJ> ---And the 'craft has water seals, so it's kinda like one GIANT canteen! :)
*** ``bishop is now known as ```Burn
<```CJ> "Yeah...and which way to a Circle 7-11?"
<``Venus> ---not for what Tempest needs to do, hehehe
<```CJ> ---I donno, the compact hospital has got to have a bedpan and disposal system :)
* `Tempest looks at the map again and tells him where to go
 intel roll all
* ```CJ heads over there, refueling the gas hoggy hovercraft, filling up the radiator, gets some sports drink bottles and a canteen to fill with water, uses the bathroom, stretches, etc. etc. etc.
<```CJ> 6d6
 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 4 3 5 5 17 4 )
<[`Shadow`]> 3d6
 --- [`Shadow`] 3d6 ( 1 5 2 )
<``Venus> "There is someone we will need to find in the town, we may need him"
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 2 5 13 3 3 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 1 2 3 3 9 )
<```Burn> 6d6
 --- ```Burn 6d6 ( 7 9 5 3 7 2 )
 --- Leif_O 5d6 ( 3 4 1 2 4 )
 ---yeah yeah same as CJ 
 Ok, those already in the group sees a person walking down the street, that doesn't fit in
 ---Venus he fits your description
* `Tempest gets out and stretches heading to the restroom
* ```CJ has too much to do to go deal with the guy, so he continues about his business.
* ``Venus heads towards him
<``Venus> "Hello"
* ``Venus is 5'5" 105lbs elven female, long brown wavy hair with blonde highlights, dark brown eyes. She wearing a white danceskin bottom with a white chiffon wrap around skirt, white tank top, and white ankle boots
* `Tempest is about 5'10" tall, 175lbs, male Elf, in his early 20's, with short black hair, and deep blue eyes, he wears black fatigue pants, black t-shirt, and combat boots, w/ black lined coat he seems to be in constant thought with a serious look on his face
* [`Shadow`] ignores him, and begins stretching, after that fills her canteens up.
<`Tempest> ---um scratch all that black clothing, I am wearing Desert cammo
 Leif is a 6'3" 180 pound man of Elven descent. He has long fine blonde hair brushed down to his 
 shoulder blades. When in combat his hair is tied back with black chord in a pony tail. His eyes are
 green with blue pupils spotted with flecks of gold. He carries a sword on his back and a blade on his
 waist. He wears an all black relatively loose fitting combat suit with Black Ankle boots and a Red Sash. 
* [`Shadow`] is five foot tall, human with blond hair and brown eyes. She wears jungle style combat boots, a skin-tigh silk black shirt (no sleeves, low cut front) and skin-tight black pants. She wears little make-up, just enough to get by with. She has a strong stature, appearance and bearing. Over that she wears a black duster. She carries a heavy pistol in the small of her back, oddly enough it is a revolver of some sort.
<``Venus> "Hello"
* ```CJ looks to one of the others, "Anybody have any spare cash?"
<[`Shadow`]> "Sure, how much you need?"
* `Tempest goes over to CJ helping him with the cash
* [`Shadow`] stands and goes over to CJ.
*** Big^Gm is now known as EgyptGasman
* ```CJ grins weakly, "Heh..uhh...567 nuyen, to be exact..."
 "Hello, my friend."
 "I need the money now G-money."
* `Tempest pulls out a cred
<`Tempest> "Will this work?"
* EgyptGasman takes the credstick and slots it taking the 567"
* ```CJ looks over the pump, and finds the sand encrusted stickslot. "Yeah, that'll work. Thanks, I'll pay ya back after the run."
 "Thank you my friend."
* EgyptGasman nods and bows then turns around and shuts the pumps off.
 ---Thank you come again 
*** EgyptGasman is now known as Big^Gm
* ```CJ nods, "Thanks for offering gas."
* ``Venus thinks this guy doesn't repond and I'm gonna get something to drinkk
* ```CJ hands the stick back to Tempest.
* `Tempest shrugs
<`Tempest> "Pay me back whenever"
* ``Venus looks towards the others
* `Tempest walks over to Venus
<`Tempest> "Who is this guy
<`Tempest> ?"
<```Burn> ---one sec =)
* ```CJ pops the hood on the hovercraft and makes sure there's no sand clogs developing.
 you all see people looking out of their windows then shutting them quickly
<``Venus> "Not sure yet, A little voice told me that we might need him for our job"
 ---we going to stop soon?
<```CJ> "Uh oh...trouble is on the way..."
<```CJ> ---We are stopped, at a gas station.
<```Burn> "So how exactly may I lend my services?"
 if you need to, or we can make it to the tomb....
* ```CJ shuts the hood, and climbs into the craft, getting it started up.
* `Tempest looks around
 ---ok to the tomb 
<``Venus> "I'm not sure, just come with us"
* ``Venus heads back to the others, and gets a drink
* ```Burn inserts a new clip into his SMG
* [`Shadow`] gets in, and takes a seat.
 As you start t leave town there is a bunch of camels blocking the road so you can't get through.
* `Tempest goes to the craft and gets in
<```Burn> "Venus, is this a standard slice 'n dice?"
<```CJ> ---That's what you think :)
* `Tempest looks at Burn
<```CJ> ---There buildings to the left and right or what?
<`Tempest> "Names Tempest. Make sure the safety is on on that thing" 
 ---yeah, the usual stone buildings.
<``Venus> "I'm not sure, we'll find out"
* ``Venus gets in and buckles up
<```CJ> ---how far back to an alleyway/street that the craft will fit through?
<```Burn> "I just go by Burn.  I'll be careful on where I point the barrel.  Heh."
 ---so who wanted to play Arnold and punch out the camel?
<`Tempest> ---me did, me did
<`Tempest> "Good, nice to meet you"
 ---nows your chance
<[`Shadow`]> "Hello 'Burn'  they call me Shadow."
<```CJ> "Somebody gonna take care of those things, or should I gun it?"
<`Tempest> "I'll go"
<```Burn> "'Sup, chummer.  Should I've brought a towel for this one?"
 "Anyone have a rocket launcher?"
* `Tempest waits for CJ to stop and grabs his shotgun
<[`Shadow`]> "Yes, but I left it at home."
* ``Venus looks at Leif
* ```CJ is stopped, there's camels in the way.
<``Venus> "That would kill them"
 the camel looks at Tempest and spits at him as soon as he gets out of the Craft.
* `Tempest gets out and goes to the camels looking around
 "Yeah In..... oh nevermind"
 ---and they're damn accurate at 30 feet too
* ```Burn exits the craft slowly and scans the area
<[`Shadow`]> ---we could go around
* `Tempest takes the shotgun and hits the camel in the jaw with the stock
 ---one road in one road out
 ---you could say that this is a one road town
<[`Shadow`]> ---what, we cant go offroad?
<```CJ> ---and buildings on the sides
 roll it
<```CJ> ---If we were out of town we could, but not THROUGH STONE BUILDINGS!
<``Venus> "You guys need to move them not hurt them, this is their home not ours"
<```Burn> "we could give the camels a double-edged enema"
* ```CJ glances at Burn, "You need some serious help with your condition, man."
<`Tempest> ---can I just punch him instead
 "Ahhh Sheite"
<`Tempest> cool
<`Tempest> all cp
* Leif_O gets out of the craft and starts to move them ahead cursing in gaelic
<`Tempest> 10d6
 --- `Tempest 10d6 ( 3 1 4 11 7 2 3 10 8 2 )
<`Tempest> ---with my adept power that is 4M damage
* ```Burn looks around for some brush or anything that would be muchable to a camel
 --- Big^Gm 6d6 ( 1 4 3 4 2 3 )
 Ok, Tempest hits the camel it knees buckle a then they all run 
 "That works"
<```CJ> ---Buckle for a moment or permanently?
<```Burn> "barbaric, but effective"
* Leif_O drags the fallen camel to the side
* Leif_O then gets in
 The one that Tempest hit runs into a building knocking it out, but at least its off the road
* `Tempest gets back in wiping the spit off him
* ```Burn follows suit
<`Tempest> "Damn thing pissed me off"
* ```CJ waits for the others to get in, then airs out (can't peel out when you're not on the ground :)
<``Venus> "Serves you right being mean to it"
<```Burn> ---nice one, cj
 Ok you estimate from the map that its about 50 more miles to the tomb
<```Burn> "hey Tempest, where is this thing headed?"
<```CJ> ---As soon as we get to the river, Cj's taking the river to the tomb (if possible)
<[`Shadow`]> "Wake me when we get there."
<`Tempest> "Hey is spit on me, I did not spit on him. Would you rather I shot it?"
* [`Shadow`] proceeds to catch some shut eye so she is well rested when they arrive.
* `Tempest looks at the map and tells him
 Along the way you see ancient ruins of a once wonderful and vast civilization.  Now it it nothing more than rubble for the sand and time to erode away into nothingness.
<```Burn> "beauty..."
* ``Venus turns her head, not listening to him, her hair whipping about
<```CJ> "Hey, are we gonna be able to take the river to the tomb? I'd rather get away from the sand whenever we can."
* Leif_O looks out feeling kind of sad
* `Tempest shrugs and goes back to navigating
<``Venus> "It's amazing, can you see how beautiful it must have once been"
 You see the top of a pyramid and notice that the entrance has been opened
 ---the river has widened over time so the road and river are right next to the last remaining tomb
<```CJ> "Is that the one we're headed for?"
 intel roll
* ```CJ pulls off onto the river when they get near it.
<```CJ> 6d6
 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 4 8 5 3 3 2 )
<``Venus> 5d6
 --- ``Venus 5d6 ( 4 2 4 3 5 )
<[`Shadow`]> ---I'm asleep, do I need one?
<`Tempest> 5d6
 --- `Tempest 5d6 ( 3 5 2 3 2 )
 --- Leif_O 5d6 ( 3 1 2 5 5 )
<```Burn> 8d6
 --- ```Burn 8d6 ( 5 1 9 5 1 2 2 5 )
 CJ, you look at the map and notice that there is only one pyramid left
<```CJ> ----Okies.
* ```CJ remembers to watch the road...err, water.
 ok, you all get to the entrance of the pyramid 
<``Venus> "Don't you wish you could have been here when it was thriving with life"
* ``Venus looks at him
* [`Shadow`] wakes up when they get there.
* Leif_O looks back
* ```CJ shuts off the hovercraft and starts gathering his stuff, making sure everyone is awake. 
 ----------------Game Off-----------------

    Source: geocities.com/area51/dreamworld/6466

               ( geocities.com/area51/dreamworld)                   ( geocities.com/area51)