Session Start: Mon Aug 09 21:01:37 1999
*** Now talking in #shadowmask
*** Topic is '{Run Cave} Nymue's at 7 on Saturday after that who knows. (Nymue)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Mon Aug 09 20:21:00
*** Endradi has joined #shadowmask
*** Maddix is now known as ^^Silver^^
*** CorruptBot has joined #shadowmask
*** Endradi is now known as Shimmers
<^^Silver^^> hehe
 Man the others are sure missing out 
<^^Silver^^> there lost
Session Start: Mon Aug 09 21:04:07 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'shimmerquestrun.txt'
<^^Silver^^> Log started
 --- CorruptGM 1d6 ( 2 )
 thats what I thought 
<^^Silver^^> just us two
CorruptGM> ok I am gonna start my dinner real quick 
 then we go 
<^^Silver^^> cool I can scarf mine down then :)
<^^Silver^^> Well at least you won't have to worry about private chat rooms this game
 Well yeha 
 not like they will do me any good 
^^Silver^^> Whatever she reads I read
 Exactly LOL 
<^^Silver^^> Well I guess I can turn my head. Heehee
 ok are we ready to go?
<^^Silver^^> I guess you want me to try Bal one more time?
 yes please 
<^^Silver^^> brb
 I will brb as well 
 I gotta make a call 
*** CorruptGM has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
*** CorruptBot has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** CorruptBot has joined #shadowmask
<^^Silver^^> wb
*** CorruptGM has joined #shadowmask
 back again 
 Without furthur or due 
 _______GAME ON____________
<^^Silver^^> ---finally
 u here?
<^^Silver^^> ---No we are not :)
 Ok you both just got out of the hospital 
 and are chillin in your respective residences 
^^Silver^^> ---hehe forgot agout that
 You hear a slight knock on your door 
<^^Silver^^> ---about that is
^^Silver^^> "What do ya want?"
 no answer 
 "Can I help you?"
 no answer 
* ^^Silver^^ looks through the peephole
 roll intel silver 
* Shimmers opens the door a little with the chain on
<^^Silver^^> 6d6
 roll intel Shimmers too 
 --- ^^Silver^^ 6d6 ( 4 2 4 4 2 5 )
 through the peephole you see..... nothing 
<^^Silver^^> ---Can I kick the bot?
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 2 2 4 4 2 )
 peeping outside you see nothing 
<^^Silver^^> ---aww c'mon now what is with the bot?
* ^^Silver^^ opens the door a little
 ---I rigged him special 
<^^Silver^^> ---hehe
* CorruptBot nods
 you still see nothing 
* Shimmers opens the door with gun in hand
* ^^Silver^^ does the same
 you walk outside your door to feel slight tickle on your back 
* Shimmers perceives astrally
 you see...... nothing 
* ^^Silver^^ concentrates really hard
 you feel something kinda sticking in your back 
 ---both of you 
* ^^Silver^^ trie to feel the spot on his back
 you feel something that feels like a feather 
* Shimmers feels my back and look around
* ^^Silver^^ tries to pull the feather
 Shimmers you catch something out of the corner of your eye behind you 
 you pull the feather and it is connected to like a shaft 
 ---In my residence?
 ---on your door 
* ^^Silver^^ turns and checks out the door
 Silver sees an arrow sticking o ut of it with a not on the arrow 
 note even 
* Shimmers examines the door
* ^^Silver^^ takes the arrow out and examines the note going back into my doss
* Shimmers does the same
 Ok you unfurl the note that says "Meet in the Space Needle tonight 5:00pm"
<^^Silver^^> ---What time is it now?
 ---noon and I need to get a drink brb 
 ---is there a dress code for the Needle
 ---us too
 not me I'm not an alky like you two
 ready again 
<^^Silver^^> ---yeah we are
<^^Silver^^> ---yeah we are
<^^Silver^^> ---me sorry. you just like her better thats all
 ok what you gonna do?
 ---is there a dress code for this place
 ---not really 
 ---but security is tight 
<^^Silver^^> ---so they check guns at the door
 ---So where can I hide my gun at 
 ---In your vehicle or not take one 
<^^Silver^^> ---I can think of one place ;)
 ---You have one too 
<^^Silver^^> ---hehe, ouchy :P
* CorruptGM waits
* ^^Silver^^ fixes himself some lunch and leaves for the meet at 4
 ok you arrive 
* Shimmers takes a bubble bath, dresses in something nice and casually and leaves
 you arrive to see the Space Needle finishing Final Repairs for when it was half blown up 
<^^Silver^^> ---I don take any weapons
<^^Silver^^> ---Is that for my benefit?
 ---Probably :) 
 ---leaves her weapons locked in her bike
<^^Silver^^> ---:P
 ---You should of seen a run we did Quentin got blown out of the space needle 
<^^Silver^^> ---goes up to the top
 Ok you are scanned for weapon then travel to the top where you see a guy sitting alone 
* Shimmers goes to the needle
* ^^Silver^^ looks at the J
<^^Silver^^> "You Mr. J
 He is an obvious Elf wearing what appear to be fetishes and other various objects 
* CorruptGM motions for you to sit
* Shimmers looks at the J nods and takes a seat
* ^^Silver^^ takes a seat
 "I have a job for you...."
<^^Silver^^> "Whats the scan Mr. J?"
 he looks very melancholy and sounds sad when he speaks 
* Shimmers listens carefully and tries to asess Mr. J astrally
 "I am going to take you to a place, Where I need something retrieved and placed somewhere else"
<^^Silver^^> "Why can't you retrieve this object?"
 "Where at?"
 "because I have other things to take care of while you are doing this, You come to me highly reccomended"
 "It is on the Meta Planes"
<^^Silver^^> "How the drek am I going to get to the freaking Meta Planes?!"
 "I will take you there"
 "What do we have to retrieve?"
<^^Silver^^> "How?"
 "An item that if you will know when you see"
 "And because I have the ability"
<^^Silver^^> "If you say so. What is the pay?"
 ---what about the astral check?
 "Always about money, Well I will pay you 50k upon completion"
 ---astral check?
 ---scroll up
 ---oh yeah 
 Well he appears to be a magician of significant power 
<^^Silver^^> "Heh, that is why I'm here. That and for the fun." 
<^^Silver^^> "Sounds good"
 "So you are in?"
 "Okay I'll do it"
* CorruptGM nods
 "very well"
<^^Silver^^> "I'm in anybody else coming?"
 "Go to your homes and get some sleep meet me here in the morning 6AM"
 "And no it is only you:
<^^Silver^^> "Gotcha Mr. J cya in the morning"
 "Very well"
* CorruptGM nods and stares into a glass of Scotch
* ^^Silver^^ gets up and offers his hand to the Johnson
* Shimmers goes to the bar to get a drink
* CorruptGM shakes it and goes back to staring
 "Whaddya want?"
* ^^Silver^^ goes to the Eager Beaver
 Oh yes the Eager Beaver 
 "White Russian please"
<^^Silver^^> ---hehe
 he makes it and gives it to you 
 ok you arrive there to see it jumpin 
* Shimmers thanks him and starts to drink
* ^^Silver^^ looks around for Natasha
 the drink is very good 
 you find her waiting a table 
<^^Silver^^> ---first I stopped to get my weapons :)
* ^^Silver^^ takes a seat at a nearby table and waits for her to see him
 she notices you and walks over 
 "What can i get ya handsome?"
<^^Silver^^> "Whats on the menu babe?"
 ---has Mr. J left yet?
 ---he is still there drinking 
 ---I feel so dirty 
<^^Silver^^> "Sounds good I'll take it to go" 
<^^Silver^^> ---don't ya just love this :P
 "I get off in a half hour"
<^^Silver^^> "And then again in another half hour babe"
<^^Silver^^> ---hehe
 "Well I am a little busy right now it will have to wait"
 ---One run I ran a prostitute LOL 
<^^Silver^^> "Til then get me a Long Island Tea"
<^^Silver^^> ---that must have been fun
 she gets it and brings it back 
 ---it was different.... I had 2 monofilament whips which was cool 
 ---And i bet you were the cutest little thing to
<^^Silver^^> ---oooh dominating weren't ya
 ---LOL yep 
 ---should I leave you two alone?
 ---please dont 
* ^^Silver^^ takes the drink and winks at her
<^^Silver^^> ---LOL
 She smiles real big and goes back to work 
 ---since you sound desperate I won't
* ^^Silver^^ sits back and takes a good look at the crowd
 you see everything from the Japanese businessman to the Ganger Troll 
* Shimmers nurses her drink and keeps an eye out on Mr. J
<^^Silver^^> ---anybody I recognize?
 He just sits there staring into his drink with a lil tear forming 
 roll intel Silver 
<^^Silver^^> 6d6
 --- ^^Silver^^ 6d6 ( 10 1 5 1 5 5 )
* ^^Silver^^ kicks the bot and hides
 ---go get him bot
 You see Quentin Mardock and you catch a small glimpse of that Yak guy who hired you 
 ---for the tounrament bit 
* ^^Silver^^ goes over to Quentin and says hi
 "Wassup man?"
<^^Silver^^> ---I know give me time
<^^Silver^^> "Nothing much man you busy right now?"
 "Not really just resting"
 "Is that your woman over there?"
<^^Silver^^> "Yeah, you up for helping me with some payback?"
 "I do not create violence in my favorite drinking establishment it is just something I am against, if he goes outside sure"
<^^Silver^^> "Don't worry I'm sure it won't go down in here"
 "Ok then come with me outside
 he pays his bill gets up and walks out 
* ^^Silver^^ follows after telling Natasha he has some biz to take care of and he will give her a call
 she smiles sweetly explaing that she understands 
* ^^Silver^^ gives her a kiss an goes outside
 You meet Quentin at his car where he opens his trunk to reveal a suitcase 
 he opens that and assembles the most bad ass sniper rifle you ever seen 
* Shimmers orders another White Russian
 you get it 
 Johnson "Why are you still here?"
* ^^Silver^^ gives him the low down on what happened before
 he loads his rifle and nods 
 "He certainly needs an ass whippin"
 "Well, I rarely go bed this early. Just unwinding. You okay?"
 "Yes I will be fine thank you for asking, you are welcome to sit if you like"
 "I will thank you"
 he motions 
* Shimmers follows and sits
 "So I see you are magically active"
<^^Silver^^> "You the sniper where do you think would be the best locale?"
 "I will do it for you, you just lead him out here"
 "Everything is magically active if you just know how to look"
<^^Silver^^> "Gotcha, how much time do you need?"
 he checks the site and walks across the street scales up a wall and then you cannot see him anymore 
 "All I need is a shot"
<^^Silver^^> "No prob."
 he looks at you "Only if it were"
* ^^Silver^^ heads back in looking for the Yak
 you find him drinking with a woman 
 "What troubles you so?"
 he looks at you not recognizing you 
* ^^Silver^^ walks up to him
 "May I help you?"
 "The fact that I have so much knowledge and I have seen so much but can do so little"
<^^Silver^^> "Yes, I would like to discuss some biz with you if you're not to busy"
 "There is always time for business"
 "What do you need to speak about?"
 "Sounds like you carry the burdens of the world on your shoulders"
 he gives a little laugh "More than one, Sometimes I feel like Atlas"
<^^Silver^^> "If you don't mind could we talk outside. It is very confidential and they are to many people around"
 "Whatever I hear she can too, they both get up and walk outside with you
 "Sometime it helps to talk and I am a good listener."
 "Thank you"
<^^Silver^^> "Thank you"
* ^^Silver^^ follows them
*** CorruptedGM has joined #shadowmask
 ---I speak for all when i say damn 
<^^Silver^^> ---did you leave?
*** CorruptedBot has joined #shadowmask
 ---got dropped 
 ---what I miss?
<^^Silver^^> ---hehe again?
 ---happens all the time 
*** CorruptedBot is now known as CorruptBot
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 3 )
<^^Silver^^> ---What was the last thing you remember?
*** CorruptGM has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 ---Shimmers said thank you then I said something then pop 
<^^Silver^^> ---ok well it wasn't suppose to be Shimmers. I said Thank you to the Yak and followed
<^^Silver^^> ---we didn't get your message
 ok you are all 3 outside 
 ---I cant remember it so it must not have been important 
 ok you are all 3 outside now what?
* ^^Silver^^ stands with his back to the door facing the Yak making sure not to be directly in front of him
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 5 5 5 1 5 4 )
CorruptedGM> he looks at you 
 "Havent I seen you somewhere before?"
<^^Silver^^> "No I don't think so."
 he looks again and realizes who you are then pulls a gun and grabs the woman and puts it to her head 
<^^Silver^^> "I hear you are very well connected and I have a problem"
 "What do you want from me?"
 he says fantically 
 --- CorruptedGM 14d6 ( 1 4 1 1 5 3 4 8 5 1 4 8 3 1 )
<^^Silver^^> "All I want is your help with a certain pressing matter, that is all"
 --- CorruptedGM 14d6 ( 5 10 7 2 5 2 2 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 )
<^^Silver^^> "All I want is your help with a certain pressing matter, that is all"
CorruptBot> --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 5 3 1 8 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 10 3 2 1 )
 Ok you hear a bullet his the woman square in the throat pass through that through his chest and striking the wall behind them 
 they both slump to the ground together 
<^^Silver^^> ---good shot 
* ^^Silver^^ checks for vitals
 They both real dead 
 ---thank you 
* ^^Silver^^ walks back into the bar
 you turn to see that Quentin's car is gone 
* ^^Silver^^ heads to the bathroom
* ^^Silver^^ calls Quentin
<^^Silver^^> >>>ring
<^^Silver^^> >>>Good shot how much I owe ya?
 >>>Not a thing and I was aiming for his head.....
<^^Silver^^> >>>It did the trick, I owe ya one man
 >>>I will remember that my friend 
<^^Silver^^> >>>I'll even forget about the sperm bank
 you hear a slight groan in the background 
<^^Silver^^> ---HeeHee
 >>>I got stuff to do you take care of yourself 
<^^Silver^^> >>>Will do man, thanx again
<^^Silver^^> >>>CLICK
* ^^Silver^^ splashes some water in his face feeling much better about himself and goes in search of Natasha
 she has already gone home 
* ^^Silver^^ gets on his bike an heads for her place calling her from his bike
<^^Silver^^> >>>Ring
<^^Silver^^> >>>You still up for some fun?
<^^Silver^^> >>>Be there in 10
 >>>Ok see you then
<^^Silver^^> >>>Click 
* ^^Silver^^ goes to Natasha's place
 ---we been at this an hour and a half and we arent anywhere close to the objective LOL but that is fine 
<^^Silver^^> ---isn't though
 ---it is kinda fun 
<^^Silver^^> ---isn't it though even
 ---What about me?
 ---you can act whenever you like 
 ---I am a GMing prodigy I can run 2 scenes at once do something if you want to 
 ---I did I am waiting for Mr. J's response
 ---What did you ask?
 she answers the door wearing something sexy and jerks you in 
* Shimmers said "Sometimes it helps to talk and I am a good listener"
<^^Silver^^> ---Woohooo!!!
 I answered that 
<^^Silver^^> ---no you didn't
 --what he said
 ---And since I am not gonna act that scene out you can imagine whatever you want and you wake up at her place in the morning 
 "Well there are some things that are better left unsaid"
 "It is partially what your job is about"
<^^Silver^^> ---aww but I want to!!!
 ---Aww but I dont care LOL 
 by this time the Johnson is sufficiently plastered 
 "What magic do you practice?"
<^^Silver^^> ---LOL
 "All magic comes from within"
<^^Silver^^> ---that would have been....interesting to say the least
 "I agree"
 ---and I would have felt so dirty that I would have needed a shower and scrubbing of my fingers reah hard 
 "It comes.... from the heart and the soul"
<^^Silver^^> ---LOL  Where is Nymue when you need her? She would really get a kick out of this :)
 ---I am sure she would 
 "Tell me why do you use the power?"
 "I was taught that the magic is a part of me and must not be denied"
 he parts a little grin "I am glad that you didnt tell me that help all mind kind crap"
 ---man kind 
 "no nothing like that, you have something against mankind?"
 he gets up and puts his overcoat on "Do you need a ride home?" he stumnbles a bit 
 "It is just that we are doomed"
 "No thank you, I have a ride. Do you need one?"
 he laughs "I think I might"
 "But I can call a cab"
 "Well if you don't mind the wind in your face I've got a bike."
 "Alright that is fine"
 "Where to?"
" * Shimmers takes him there e you pull up to a rather nice hous * Shimmers observes the location "Thank you, very noble of you" there is a fountain and a pool in the back just a neato lil house he stumbles to the front door and goes in "You are quite welcome. You get some rest and I'll see you in the a.m." "he smiles then goes through the door and closes it * Shimmers watches him attempt to enter shaking her head * Shimmers goes to her place ok you all sleep well and here it is 5 AM *** ^^Silver^^ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Recover command used by ^^silver^^^))) ---whoops hold on *** ^^Silver^^ has joined #shadowmask <^^Silver^^> ---that was weird ---it happens IRC is fickle *** ^^Silver^^ is now known as [^^Silver^^] <[^^Silver^^]> ---as I was saying * [^^Silver^^] wakes up just feeling dandy all over, showers, dresses, kisses Natasha goodbye and heads to the meet whistling she is kinda mad at you for waking her up this early but loves you for the gesture * Shimmers gets up, showers, dresses, and goes to the meet with no whistle in her step ok you meet the Elf guy there who looks amazingly good "Shall we go?" * [^^Silver^^] shrugs and says "Who luvs ya baby" to Natasha "Lets" a limo pulls up and he opens the door and gets in * [^^Silver^^] arrives with a big grin on his face and says "Lets do this" * Shimmers gets into the limo * [^^Silver^^] does to whistling the entire time * [^^Silver^^] looks at Shimmers you all get in to find that you cannot see out The driver hits it and you are off <[^^Silver^^]> "Met a old friend of ours last night" "Who?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Remember the Yak who hired us for that tournament?" "Yeah, did you give him my regards?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Sure did, we had a nice talk about him retiring" "And will he?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks to a little help he did. I don't think we will hear from him anytime soon." * [^^Silver^^] winks at Shimmers "What kind of help?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Our old friend Quentin. You know how he loves to get his point across from a distance" "Actually, no. But I understand" <[^^Silver^^]> ---btw CB, thanx for letting me take care of that ---np and you get karma point for mentioning Quentin in a nce way <[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee * [^^Silver^^] sits back enjoying the ride whistling "Time is on my side" ok after quite a drive the limo stops "Where are we?" the Johnson hands you each a blindfold CorruptedGM> "Put these on please" "I'm scared of the dark do I have to?" "Yes" * [^^Silver^^] looks at the J <[^^Silver^^]> "YOu sure about this?" "Yes" * Shimmers puts on the blindfold * [^^Silver^^] puts on the blindfold trying to arrange it so he can see a little "Good" ---cheater ---you will pay for that later Muwahahah ok he opens the door and takes you out "Sit down" * [^^Silver^^] changes his mind and covers his eyes completely * Shimmers does <[^^Silver^^]> ---me too Ok you sit there for quite a while and all the time smelling candles and other things and it is in the sand I might add ---can we hear the ocean ---nope ---how about water of any sort ---nope Some more time passes "I am finished" * [^^Silver^^] sits patiently straining his ears to hear anything "Now stand" * Shimmers stands * [^^Silver^^] does too "Now you may take the blindfolds off" * Shimmers takes off blindfold "Walk in a circle with me " he starts walking chanting something * [^^Silver^^] does to and follows * Shimmers follows he keeps chanting and then the world around you changes and you are each alone with a being standing before you ---WHoa I almost forgot REWIND ---okay ok when you were in the car you were each given a sword and instructed to keep it with you now I want to know what you all are taking across * Shimmers observes the sword astrally it is magically active <[^^Silver^^]> "What can we take?" "Anything Magical that you have, and yourselves" <[^^Silver^^]> "Then I guess just the sword and myself" "The sword, my dagger, an me myself and I" he nods and you are back where you were before we rewound <[^^Silver^^]> "oh yeah my dagger to" you all are standing on a plane with a being in front of you <[^^Silver^^]> ---what kind of being? we shall act with Shimmers first ---So Silver you are out for the moment * Shimmers checks out the being <[^^Silver^^]> ---k "Why have you come?" "It is my destiny" she laughs loud and long "What do you know of your destiny?" * Shimmers takes a step closer not amused "Is your destiny to run like you did from me?" "Like you are still doing?" "I never ran from you, and I am not now" "I know all that you know and I know that you do not want to be found by us. To lie to me is like lying to yourself" "Are you worthy to pass?" "I do not lie to you and I do not wish to be found by you yet" "Yes" the image changes to your father "Why has my little girl not accepted who she is?" " I have embraced who I am" "Oh have you.... then why do you deny your blood?" "You blame a corperation for all of your problems but the blame is with you and not them" "I do not deny my blood, The blood of my family runs within me. I am just not as corrupt as you" "Working to provide for a family does not corrupt it is all we could do so we did it" "No the blame lies with you. You wanted to use me to further your standing with the corp. You put the corp above the family. Your blood is tainted not mine" "Your family is the corp." he nods solemnly and his image changes to you "Go and finish what you started and make me and them proud" it fizzles and you are on the meta planes "I will do my best" <[^^Silver^^]> ---oh boy ok now for Silver An image of you appears "You have won great clarity in your life, are you worthy?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Yes, I am" * [^^Silver^^] says proudly the Image changes to Natasha <[^^Silver^^]> ---great!!! "If you love me and are worthy of life then you will pass this test" a large demon type thing appears Init 3d6+8 --- CorruptedGM 3d6+8 ( 16 ) <[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+10 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+10 ( 20 ) ok act first * [^^Silver^^] draws upon an image of Natasha delays his action <[^^Silver^^]> ---and delays his action the demon strikes out his claws and draws them across your chest 8d6 --- CorruptedGM 8d6 ( 4 16 1 4 4 5 19 10 ) body <[^^Silver^^]> 6d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 3 1 1 3 1 5 ) ---oh shit <[^^Silver^^]> ---what is with this bot!!! <[^^Silver^^]> ---no parry? ---with that kind of roll? no <[^^Silver^^]> ---kp you may <[^^Silver^^]> ---thank you <[^^Silver^^]> ---can i use any pools to help? ---just karma <[^^Silver^^]> ---k 2kp <[^^Silver^^]> 8d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 8d6 ( 3 1 3 1 10 3 1 3 ) ---well shit here is what happens <[^^Silver^^]> ---damn 3's and 1's again The demon tears through your chest and takes hold of your heart <[^^Silver^^]> ---well i'm gone it looks into your eyes and you see what pure evil looks lke as it holds your life in its hand * [^^Silver^^] looks into its eyes showing no fear then it begins to ever so slowly squeeze when there is a flash behind you and the demon vanishes the image of Natasha takes you in her arms and heals your wounds <[^^Silver^^]> ---whew <[^^Silver^^]> ---gotta luv her "I see that you truly do love me and are worthy, you may go" it vanishes ---you are lucky you said that cuz I should have killed you ;) <[^^Silver^^]> ---Let me hear an AMEN brothers and Sisters <[^^Silver^^]> ---what else could I do. I decided to go down valiantly ok you are standing together on the MetaPlane witht he Johnson Elf guy ---you could have attacked first turn.... <[^^Silver^^]> "Well that was interesting" <[^^Silver^^]> ---true. I thought that there was a hidden meaning there ---nope it just wanted to kill you..... LOL the Johnson stands in front of both of you <[^^Silver^^]> ---Its good to be loved :P he points in a direction * Shimmers nods to him * [^^Silver^^] nods and heads in that direction "You will travel this way until you reach a city a grand city from there you will go to the throne room of the castle and take what is in there" "You will know it when you see it " he flies away "Where do we bring it once we have it?" oh yeah he comes back "You will continue to a grove of trees where you will see an alter" * [^^Silver^^] waits "Place it on that alter and something will come in its place, bring it back here" "okay" * Shimmers heads into the direction he told us he flys away * [^^Silver^^] follows you find that you can move in the speed of thought You travel for days or maybe only minutes * [^^Silver^^] thinks of the location we must go Seeing many cites When you come to a grove where some dark knights are camping * [^^Silver^^] approaches carefully they see you and draw weapons and attack you init please 1d6+8 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+8 ( 13 ) --- CorruptedGM 1d6+8 ( 11 ) 1d6+8 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+8 ( 12 ) 1d6+4 1d6+8 --- Shimmers 1d6+4 ( 8 ) 1d6+4 <[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+10 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+10 ( 14 ) Silver go <[^^Silver^^]> ---how are the baddies arranged? ---in a small skirmish line trying to flank you <[^^Silver^^]> ---okay cross-slash on one and a return slash on the one next to him roll twice <[^^Silver^^]> ---2cp <[^^Silver^^]> 9d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 1 5 3 11 1 1 2 11 5 ) <[^^Silver^^]> 9d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 8 4 4 3 3 3 4 7 4 ) 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 14 1 8 2 4 1 ) 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 9 3 3 2 4 3 ) you slice into one taking him down not killing him but he isnt going anywhere 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 8 4 1 5 4 5 ) 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 11 5 1 1 5 2 ) And you kill the other 1d6 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 2 ) <[^^Silver^^]> ---yea me Another strikes at Silver 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 2 1 9 2 5 8 ) roll armed 7d6 --- Shimmers 7d6 ( 7 4 3 4 3 2 9 ) ---no Silver <[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry <[^^Silver^^]> 7d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 2 2 3 1 3 2 4 ) bod <[^^Silver^^]> ---like the other one better <[^^Silver^^]> 5d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 5d6 ( 2 2 11 10 9 ) It deflect off of the armor you are wearing The other one strikes at Shimmers 6d6 <[^^Silver^^]> ---okay, cool --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 10 1 1 5 1 5 ) armed Shimmers 7d6 --- Shimmers 7d6 ( 2 3 4 1 9 1 2 ) you deflect the attack Go shimmers ---cross-slash spin and return slash on the same one roll it twice 7d6 7d6 --- Shimmers 7d6 ( 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 ) --- Shimmers 7d6 ( 1 5 3 4 5 1 1 ) 6d6 ---ewwwww --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 3 4 11 3 3 1 ) 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 3 2 4 2 3 4 ) The first slash cuts him deep the second strikes his armor S wound Go Silver <[^^Silver^^]> ---low slash to the legs and an upward slash between the legs Eeeek roll it <[^^Silver^^]> 7d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 4 2 1 5 2 5 4 ) <[^^Silver^^]> 7d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 8 1 2 4 1 4 5 ) 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 17 5 4 5 2 9 ) 6d6 6d6 <[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe thought you would like that 1 slash does no damage second slash kills him 1d6 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 1 ) <[^^Silver^^]> ---yea me again <[^^Silver^^]> ---good roll the one that Shimmers wounded swings around with a slash right as the neck 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 4 3 5 5 8 1 ) roll armed Shimmers <[^^Silver^^]> ---3cp <[^^Silver^^]> 10d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 11 5 8 1 2 4 9 25 2 5 ) ---wow 6d6 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 4 1 4 4 1 5 ) ---thank you you deflect it then run him through killing him Combat over * [^^Silver^^] checks to see if Shimmers is okay and motions her to follow ---you sure you dont want to seach them? ---search even * Shimmers searchs the bodies * [^^Silver^^] decides that that is a good idea and does so also You find their 4 swords 4 daggers on each of them a saco of coins on each of them and a bow and a quiver of arrows you also find their horses * [^^Silver^^] takes two sacks of coins and a hors * [^^Silver^^] takes another dagger to * Shimmers takes two sacks of coins, a horse, and a dagger to judging by the amounts of coins they were either very rich or they robbed a bank And the horses are strange they are clad in black armor and breath fire <[^^Silver^^]> ---cool ---as long as they don't burn me we're cool so you keep going? <[^^Silver^^]> ---yes <[^^Silver^^]> ---on the horses ok you ride faster than you could possibly fathom until you reach the outside of the city It is walled and it seems to glow. It is a city of spires and there are guards every so often The drawbridge goes across a mana mote and there is a market place just inside * [^^Silver^^] crosses the drawbridge <[^^Silver^^]> ---cautiously the guards dont take too much notice as you enter to a busseling market scene with everything you could imagine and some things you couldnt for sale * Shimmers cautiously crosses the bridge * [^^Silver^^] ignores it all keeping a carefull eye out and heads for the main building There are beings of all types around from humans to dragons * Shimmers observes everything ---is there anything we could use? You see like I said a lot of stuff for sale anything you could ever want ---if there is something that you want it is probably there * Shimmers head to the main building you ride to a castle within a castle The gate is closed and a guard stands over it with the controlling lever "Who goes there?" * [^^Silver^^] looks around carefully "State your business" <[^^Silver^^]> "Just weary travellers my friend might I have a word?" "You can speak to me right here" <[^^Silver^^]> ---anybody else around? ---just other guards and people busseling about you see a troop column move by every now and then "Who's castle is this?" ---they are all wearing shining white armor "The King of Serentalies" <[^^Silver^^]> ---how far away is the guard about 10 meters up and 50 meters away the guards on the walls all have bows and arrows ---maddix will be right back (bathroom break) with the amount of military might about you guess that there is probably a war on ok ---like it so far? ---yeah alot ---cool ---so far I think all your runs have been cool even though this is only the 2nd I've been in ---Thanks, I try ---I still want to read that one about Camelot that you did, that one sounds really cool --he's back ---ok ---continue <[^^Silver^^]> ---Is there a night and day in this plane? ---yes <[^^Silver^^]> ---how long til night? ---a long time <[^^Silver^^]> "Excuse me my friend but we are on a mission of utmost urgency and would like an audience with your sovereign" "very well you may enter" he hits the lever orruptedGM> and the gate opens <[^^Silver^^]> ---open sezme ---any more comments like that will cause me to send an army after yo u ---note I didn't say that <[^^Silver^^]> ---chicken <[^^Silver^^]> ---Shimmers, not GM the gate remains open <[^^Silver^^]> ---:) * [^^Silver^^] goes in cautiously * Shimmers follows you are surrounded by about 12 troops and taken to the throne room the king is discussing strategy with some advisors "You wish to see me?, why?" "Your majesty forgive us, is there a battle of some sort going on?" * [^^Silver^^] closely observes the room "The enemy is preparing to attack the city" "The enemy would they be black knights?" you see what you are looking for in a case by the king <[^^Silver^^]> ---what does it look like? "They are not knights they do not live by any code, they are demons. And judging by your weapons you have met a few" he points to your daggers It is a jewel a large jewel "Yes we met a few of them aways back, but dispatched them." "Then you must be skilled warriors" <[^^Silver^^]> "If your Majesty thinks so" * [^^Silver^^] bows "Now why are you here?" "That is a rather large jewel. May I ask what it is?" "That" he looks at is "Is the crown jewel of our city" "It is very beautiful" "Yes and very powerful " "But why are you here?" <[^^Silver^^]> "Your majesty, we have been commisioned to retrieve an artifact and return it to its proper place to save mankind" "A noble act but what has this to do with me?" as he says this a young knight clad in beautful shinging white armor bursts in "Your majesty....." "Yes?" * Shimmers trails off at this interruption knight "Sir the enemy is preparing to attack!" "Ring the bell and ready the army " knight "Yes your majesty" he runs off and a few moments after that a bell is ringing and you hear much commotion outside <[^^Silver^^]> ---anybody left in the room ---The king a general type guy and 4 guards ---His elite royal guards you hear some booming outside and some loud voices screams shouts metal clashing * Shimmers goes to check the hallway turns to face the king the hallway is clear save a knight running through every now and then "Is there someplace safe to take you?" "Oh Gods they really mean it this time" "This is the safest room in the entire castle" <[^^Silver^^]> "What are they after?" "The destruction of our race, and this jewel" the battle seems to heighten to a roar outside you hear a boom then a rumble and the sounds of battle get louder <[^^Silver^^]> "Well you majesty we do not seek the destruction of your race. But I think that the jewel may be the key to stopping this war" "What do you mean? This war will go on and on" "Has the jewel ever rested elsewhere?" "Yes" <[^^Silver^^]> "Where?" "In a place far far from here" a knight rushes in covered with blood and gore "Your majesty we are being thrown back they are winning" then he runs off to join the fray "Your majesty, as difficult as this may be perhaps replacing the jewel to where it came from will be the only thing that saves your race and all mankind he sighs "Take it" <[^^Silver^^]> "Thank you, your majesty" * Shimmers takes the jewel Shimmers roll body then Willpoer power even 3d6 --- Shimmers 3d6 ( 2 1 5 ) 5d6 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 3 1 4 9 4 ) you take it in your hand and it fills you with a radiance and power you have never felt It transforms your clothing to a flowing gown and you glow in a golden ambiance * [^^Silver^^] watches in awe ---do I still have control of myself? ---yep and feel power that is incomprehensible this jewel adds 8 dice to all of your rolls What you gonna do? * Shimmers turns to the king "Just go and hurry before they over run us" "your majesty, returning this jewel to its rightfull place will restore the balance" * Shimmers heads out of the palace * [^^Silver^^] follows cautiously ---cautiously Ok now let me describe the scene outside this will take a sec Out side of the castle you see a battle with thousands of Black Clad warriors fight Thousands of White Clad Warriors One wall of the City of Spires has collapsed the Black Warriors have made significant gains but the White Warriors are holding valiantly and fought them to a stalemate and on some fronts have gained back somr room Magicians Blast spells as arrows from outside as well as catapults rain down on inncents friends and foe alike <[^^Silver^^]> ---is there a way out for us Archer groups inside of the city are raining arrows on the enemy troops and pots of boiling oil are dumped every now and then Intel both <[^^Silver^^]> 6d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 1 2 1 4 4 2 ) 13d6 --- Shimmers 13d6 ( 5 2 1 11 5 2 5 3 9 2 4 1 2 ) Shimmers you notice that your horses are still there and an opening in the lines is forming you can make it through the battle and out the hole in the wall * Shimmers hops on the horse and rides for the hole * [^^Silver^^] follows roll um quickness both 12d6 --- Shimmers 12d6 ( 5 5 1 3 5 3 4 1 4 5 5 3 ) <[^^Silver^^]> 10d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 11 10 1 4 10 2 1 14 1 4 ) Shimmers makes it through but Silver is trapped <[^^Silver^^]> ---but I rolled better :( ---I am the GM <[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee * [^^Silver^^] looks around for another way nope you are totally trapped * Shimmers looks back to see if she can help ---if you have an area attack you can Silver roll body <[^^Silver^^]> 6d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 1 3 3 4 5 1 ) 4d6 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 1 4 16 5 ) ---manaball a stray arrow pierces your armor and into your body S wound roll it ---will it get Silver? ---maybe ---only one way to find out ---force 6 6d6 --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 5 4 9 2 8 7 ) ---extra dice <[^^Silver^^]> ---yipe ---It becomes force 14 14d6 --- Shimmers 14d6 ( 3 1 4 4 10 5 2 5 2 5 3 5 5 17 ) ok Silver Even or Odd? <[^^Silver^^]> ---odd? 1d6 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 1 ) * [^^Silver^^] prays * [^^Silver^^] prays ---roll body <[^^Silver^^]> 6d6 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 4 2 2 5 1 11 ) the mana ball descimates all in front of you The horse Sensing its iminant danger <[^^Silver^^]> ---pleeeease throws up a shield and blocks most of the blast M wound <[^^Silver^^]> ---so that makes me? you are feeling your world go black but you have time for 2 more actions ---thats makes you almost dead ---you are on the fringe * [^^Silver^^] rides for Shimmers in hopes to have her heal me * Shimmers gets heal ready for Silver you both bust out and get out of there where the horses go into that blinding speed ---casts Heal on Silver Force 13 ok roll 13d6 --- Shimmers 13d6 ( 2 4 2 5 1 1 5 2 3 4 3 3 7 ) ---kp go for it ---3mp --- Shimmers 16d6 ( 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 1 5 ) Drain you heal him but the arrow is still in him ---how do I roll for it? ---sorc plus 8 14d6 --- Shimmers 14d6 ( 4 8 4 5 3 11 9 3 5 5 1 1 10 3 ) no drain you keep riding til you see what has to be the alter * Shimmers gets off the horse and walks to the alter it is kinda like the Parthanon * [^^Silver^^] slides off the horse to stand guard only still aloft and the alter in the middle is an oracle * Shimmers says a prayer and places it on the altar ---wait ---k ---an oracle boys and girls is a woman who can answer questions "Are you sure you want to give that power up?" * [^^Silver^^] longs to be gone from this place "It makes you one of the most powerful magicians on any plane" "You could take it" "And keep it for yourself" "Think of what you could do" "This of the power you would have" ---think "No, this is where it belongs" "You could destroy all that would stand against you, even Fuchi" "The ones who wanted to take you into slavery" "Think of how better the world would be" "Knowing that no more children would be taken like you almost were" "But at what cost? This is where it belongs" "The cost could be nothing" "Think of the power.... all for you" "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" "But not if that power could bring peace to the world" "The power is not mine, it belongs to all" "And if you use it it would benefit all " "No, this is where it belongs" "You may place it in my hand but think of the world with out it and then the world with all the benefit you could do" She holds out her hand * Shimmers places it in her hand she nods and places it on the alter and waves her hand over it and it vanishes Then the temple and her vanish and you are standing on a slab of earth * [^^Silver^^] looks around in wonderment ok now what? * Shimmers looks around you see forests around you and your horses and that is it <[^^Silver^^]> ---we still on the Metaplanes? ---yep * Shimmers gets on her horse and heads to where we are to meet the Johnson * [^^Silver^^] follows you arrive "Did you get it?" <[^^Silver^^]> "I'm confused" "Yes we did" "Did you place it?" "yes I did" "And what came across?" * Shimmers relates everything that happened he nods solemnly "It was as I had expected" "Are you allright?" "Meet me back in the Space needle for payment" he snaps his finger and you are back in your bodies at Shimmers' house <[^^Silver^^]> "Whoah" "Lets go" You are sooo tired and sooo bruised on your telecom you realize it is 8 days from when you started <[^^Silver^^]> "Can I rest a bit please?" * Shimmers nods and lets Silver rest on the couch for a bit. While she sits and ponders what has happened ok you rest for a while But feel pounded still * [^^Silver^^] lays on the couch and goes to sleep quickly but have enough strength to get the money <[^^Silver^^]> ---do I still have an arrow in me? <[^^Silver^^]> ---:) ---nope you lost that when you came back <[^^Silver^^]> ---cool, what about the weapons? ---they are gone and you are in your normal outfits * Shimmers wakes Silver and tells him it is time to go you go to the meet "Here is your money" He hands you each a stick "You did a nice job" * [^^Silver^^] takes his and checks it, nodding to the J 50k as stated "Thank you." * Shimmers asks him "No, Thank you" asks him what? "Is your faith in mankind restored?" <[^^Silver^^]> "You ared quite welcomed" "Somewhat but you should have gotten something back so that that same enemy that you faced does not come" "So I am back to square one for finding it" "Sorry, but I was not given anything" "You all look terrible get some rest" He walks away ___GAME OVER___


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