 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry	F?sWordDocument1CompObjn 4 5 5 4 9 2 2 4 2 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 2 4 5 9 2 5 4 3 2 2 5 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 5 4 3 2 )
 Ok Nathan what do you want to do?
 ---better than last...
* Nathan_W ducks , draws 2 surkiens and looks for the gunner...
 ok you get out of the fire 
 Silver what do you want to do?
* Shimmers dives for cover, draws his Colts, and looks for the source of the barrage
 ok I will say that Silver did that 
 ---sorry about that Silver does that
 And Shimmers roll body 
<[^^Silver^^]> Thanks
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 5 5 2 5 )
 --- CorruptGM 6d6 ( 3 3 2 5 16 10 )
 Ok Shimmers you get down but not before a large piece of wood splinters into your leg 
 M wound 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---ouch, great way to start up a run Shimmers
 ---bite me 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
 ---just kidding
 Ok you all hear screaming as people are mercilessly cut down 
* Shimmers raises her eyebrow at Nathan_W for that last remark
 and a pool of blood is creaping across the floor 
 "yo peeps... there are 8 offenders...."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where at?"
* Nathan_W watches the blood carefully, then points out the situation to the others...
* Shimmers looks to see where the offenders are at
 "4 in front, and 4 in back"
 Shimmers roll quick 
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 2 2 2 2 )
 ---sorry, shimmers... this char is a little disturbed by blood and comments about biteing...
 roll body 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---4 of a kind
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 3 3 11 7 )
* Nathan_W tries to see if he can help shimmers get out of the line of fire...
 a shell whizzes by your forehead just as you make it in 
* [^^Silver^^] looks for the gunners
 ---in what?
 you see them pretty obviously now 
 3 humans in front and 1 troll with a mini 
* [^^Silver^^] fires at the troll
 and in the back 3 humans and an ork with a mini 
 they are heavily armormed 
* Nathan_W lets a surkien fly at the troll
 ok lets see some init here 
 's neck
 --- Nathan_W 2d6+11 ( 20 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+11
 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+11 ( 28 )
 --- Shimmers 1d6+4 ( 6 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 25 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 20 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 29 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 20 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 24 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 23 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 22 )
 --- CorruptGM 3d6+12 ( 22 )
 you notice that the Johnson was practically cut in half 
 "Oh, drek there goes the money"
* [^^Silver^^] starts looking for a way out of here
 odd or even Silver?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---even
* Nathan_W looks for a way to get wounded shimmers, and self out
 --- CorruptGM 1d6 ( 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whew
 ok one human tosses a grenade into the booth in front of you 
 Exploding a sizeable hole into the wall in the booth in front of you
 Looks like the only escape 
 do you all still want to attack?
* [^^Silver^^] tries to grab Shimmers and makes for the hole
* Shimmers goes for the hole
 roll quickness Silver and also str 
 Shimmers roll quick 
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 5 4 4 2 3 1 3 5 4 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 1 3 14 3 2 5 4 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 3 4 1 1 )
 Damn you bot! 
* CorruptBot pimp slaps CorruptGM
* Nathan_W gܥe#	#1 ,0l,0l00

5(000T0>H5 MS Sans SerifSymbol0Courier New
Session Start: Wed Aug 11 22:13:00 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to '#shado.txt'
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Clik
* Nathan_W grabs his helmet, revs his bike and heads for Murphy's Law
* Shimmers hangs up takes a bath, gets dressed, and heads out
* [^^Silver^^] grabs his gear and heads out
 Ok you all arrive an hour early 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---descrips?
* [^^Silver^^] Is 6'2" tall, with black fur, silver hair (which he wears tied back in a ponytail) and eyes. He wears black fatigue pants w/ black t-shirt and lined coat. He seems to have a constant mischevious look on his face, with the way his eyes seem to glint. When he moves he seems to move with grace and fluidty. He has no obvious cyber that you can see, except for his datajack
* Shimmers is a human female, about 5'7" tall, 120lbs, shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes. She is wearing a white tank top, black jeans, black ankle boots, with a black synthleather lined coat.
* Nathan_W sit's in a corner, orders a drink and surveys the place
 It seems to you that everyone looks like a leprechaun 
 Wait staff that is 
 Nathan stands 6"2' With silver hair, and a face mask, covering his neck and face, letting his soft silver hir roll over his shoulders. A black trenchcoat encompasses his body, leaving his front visible to all. He wears a black vest and black pants, a white shirt peaks out from under the vest. Casual black pants partially hide dark blue boots which look heavy, yet make no sound as he walks. He walks with finess, and ease.
 There is a sign on the wall that says 
* [^^Silver^^] takes a booth in the corner and orders a Long Island Ice Tea
 "If you are forward of your position the enemy artillery will always fall short"
  On his hands he wears gloves, tattered leather, but intact. No visible Cyber or weapons.
 you get it Silver 
 ---sorry, irc wouldn't take all of it...
* Shimmers goes to the bar and orders a shot of Tequilla
 you get it including the worm 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Yea, Murphy's Law
* Nathan_W ponders the sign intently
* Shimmers downs it
 ok you all wait an hour?
* [^^Silver^^] nods at Shimmers
* Nathan_W waits till 2 watching each person as they enter...
 an hour and 5 minutes passes when you see a guy you think is the Johnson walk in 
 He makes it more apparents when he waves you to a table 
* Shimmers heads over to the table
* Nathan_W slowly rises and sits opposite of this new face...
* [^^Silver^^] gets up with drink in hand and goes to the table
 he motions you to sit 
* Shimmers sits
* [^^Silver^^] takes a seat
 "Ok I have a job for you"
* [^^Silver^^] nods
 "I'm listining..."
 "I need you to go on a raid of the commerce ship "Trade Wind"
 "I will pay 40k for succesful completion"
* Shimmers listens intently
<[^^Silver^^]> "what are we suppose to grab?"
 roll intel 
 "You are supposed to sink the vessel"
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 2 10 2 2 4 1 )
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 5 2 1 2 5 )
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 9 1 1 5 1 3 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---and the bot strikes again :)
* Nathan_W feels slightly uncomfy
 ---gotta love that laugh 
 "Can you do it?"
 "By when?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "How big is the ship? and where is it docked?"
 just as you say docked the bar gets raked with bullets 
 the fire is ceaseless 
 roll reaction 
* Shimmers ducks
 "What kind of sec?"
* Shimmers draws gun
* [^^Silver^^] dives for cover drawing guns
 --- Nathan_W 11d6 ( 19oes for the hole leting both of the others go first, trying to help shimmers.
 ok you both get caught in the fire 
 ---can the bot be bought :)
 roll body both 
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 5 5 5 11 4 1 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 2 3 5 11 )
 Silver makes it out the hole and Shimmers does too after taking a bullet in the stomach 
 Med wound 
 Roll quick Nathan 
 ---me think 'this would be a perfect time to be in Maui
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 1 2 5 8 1 5 3 )
 Nathan gets caught in the Cross fire as well 
 roll body 
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 2 1 9 3 3 7 2 )
 ok hang just a sec 
* Nathan_W hanging
* [^^Silver^^] hanging to the left
 nathan look at your msg 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hey!!!!
*** grahamdrew has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o grahamdrew
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hoi 
 ---graham you want in?
 --- finally done the first batch
 --- if it isn't too late
<[^^Silver^^]> ---just started
 ---ok I will get you in in a moment 
*** grahamdrew is now known as `Cerberus
 Bullets rip into your body Nathan S damage 
 but you make it out 
* [^^Silver^^] looks over his shoulder for Nathan
 ---I think I made the opposition a little rough for this one 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Can you make it?"
 "Yes, I can"
<`Cerberus> --- you aure it isn't too late?
 ---yep damn sure 
 you see a car in the alley you escape too with the Door open and the keys in it 
* Nathan_W gets out asap, cringing at thepain
 "Knew taking up the rear was gunna hurt"
 The guys are coming out the front 
* [^^Silver^^] shoves Shimmer in and makes sure Nathan is in before getting in
 coming after you 
 ok you get in 
 "Hope i stopped some bullets from hitting you guys..."
 Roll Car Silver 
 --- CorruptGM 5d6 ( 10 5 2 11 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---don't have it. How about bike?
 close enough 
<[^^Silver^^]> 2d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 2d6 ( 5 2 )
 you screach out of the alley and after a hail of bullets you escape 
 The enemies are running to their own vehicles 
 What are you gonna do?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---what kind of car is this?
* [^^Silver^^] turns down the nearest street and keeps going
 You see a hotel that you could hide out in 
* [^^Silver^^] parks behind it
 Ok you park it 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---where are the pursuers?
 ---combing the streets for you 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Can you guys make it in?"
* Nathan_W calls DocWagon, telling them not to come..
 "Yes i can"
 "Yeah, I think so"
 ---by this time there is nothing but a couple pin holes in Nathan 
* [^^Silver^^] gets out and goes inside to get us room
 You get a luxury room 
* Nathan_W follows Silver, helping Shimmers
* [^^Silver^^] lead them to the room
 you get in with no trouble 
* Shimmers thanks Nathan for his help
* [^^Silver^^] locks the door
 Shimmers looks at her pocket sec to see two names jumping off the screen to her 
 Quentin Mardock and Cerberus 
<[^^Silver^^]> "What the hell was that about"
* Shimmers calls them
<`Cerberus> --- heh, bring in the re enforcements.... need Zak's sheet? :-)
 and there is an LTG close by 
<`Cerberus> >>> 'lo?
 ---Zak could handle it alone 
<`Cerberus> --- I know :-)
* Nathan_W walks over to Silver
 >>>Hello, we could use some help if you're not to busy
 >>>Ok where am i going?
<`Cerberus> >>> What and where?
 "Hi, I'm Nathan... Better known as "The_Protector"
* Shimmers gives them the addy
 >>>Gotcha on the way, anything you need? >>>Tell you when you get here
<`Cerberus> >>> Be there
<`Cerberus> >>> CLICK
 >>>bandages, aspirin, and a strong drink
 >>>Ok gotcha 
* Nathan_W pulls the bullets out of his body...
* `Cerberus grabs his duffle bag full of goodies and tosses it in the back seat of the america, heading off to the address
<[^^Silver^^]> "Names Derrick, a.k.a. Silver."
 using surgical tools, that he pulls out from under his coat...
 "nice to meet you."
*** Quentin_M has joined #shadowmask
 "And you? miss"
* Quentin_M knocks on the door
 "House Keeping"
* Nathan_W turning to Shimmers
* [^^Silver^^] goes to answer the door
<`Cerberus> --- pulls bullets out of his own body?  I'm getting a Ronin flashback...
* [^^Silver^^] looks out the peephole
* Nathan_W preps 2 surkiens and readys them to throw...
* `Cerberus walks up right behind Q
 "Hey man wassup?"
 "Names Shimmers, thanks for your help"
<`Cerberus> "People die, you eat pizaa, more people die.  You know."
 "Yeah that last run was something else"
 "No prob, I'm a Bodyguard... habbit."
* Quentin_M knocks again
<[^^Silver^^]> "We didn't ask for housekeeping"
 "But I have some fresh towels and some big guns"
 ---ok did 2 people just join?
<`Cerberus> "Fine, you call any professional killers lately?"
<[^^Silver^^]> LOL"ok come on in"
 ---ok, just checking...
* [^^Silver^^] opens the door
* Quentin_M walks in carrying a big ass bag of stuff
<[^^Silver^^]> "Glad you could make it"
 "Seems like you all are having some trouble"
* Nathan_W tenses up as more people enter the room.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Man we got jumped something fierce"
* Nathan_W finds a chair and sits in the corner of the room.
<`Cerberus> --- anybody ever read the US Army Field Manuals on Urban Combat? some good stuff in there
* `Cerberus walks in and tosses his duffle bag on the couch
* Quentin_M opens his bag and takes out his briefcase his combat shotgun his Ared Pred his Knife a pocket Doc and Some Med And Stim Patches and a bottle
<[^^Silver^^]> "Oh by the way this is Nathan. Nathan? this is Cerberus, and Quentin"
* Nathan_W kick the chair over, and travels to the window."
<`Cerberus> "'lo"
 "Pleased to meet you"
 "What is wrong?"
<`Cerberus> "Bad upholstery or soemthin'?"
 "Hi... The same, sorry, i'm in a bad mood"
* Quentin_M looks at Shimmers
 "You seem to be in bad shape"
 "Those 8 peepole were after me...
* Quentin_M slaps a patch on each wound and hooks the pocket doc to her
 "Looks like it doesn't it"
 "After you?"
 "You kill someone?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What do you mean After you?"
* Quentin_M then hands her a bottle of real aged scotch
 "Thanks your a life saver"
* `Cerberus hands her a Snoopy bandaid and some mouthwash
 "No, I'm a trained bodyguard... And hav pissed some people off. seeing as I foiled them half a dozen times."
* Shimmers uncorks the bottle and takes a swig
 "Who were you guarding?"
 "Thanks. I like Snoopy"
 "A friend of Dunk's, you know... the dragon?"
 "Never met him, know of him"
<`Cerberus> "Well drek..."
* Quentin_M opens his briefcase and assembles his rifle
* Shimmers checks out the Astral
<`Cerberus> "Yea, I hung with the little green guy that killed him a couple of times"
 "Me nither... some friend of mine called in a favor, and I had to guard this guy for a week..."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Great now there is a dragon involved"
 "The dragon is gone my friend"
<`Cerberus> "Was, dead, deceased, pushin' up the daisys"
 "Now what is chasing you?"
 "No, Dunk, didn't even know i existed."
<[^^Silver^^]> "I know, but he had powerful friends and enemies"
 "This was a friend from earlier time, not tied to politics..."
 Shimmers is feeling all better 
 "What do you want to do to stop them?"
 "I don't know who they are, I just know ther callsign... Silver bullets..."
* Nathan_W hols up the bullets he extracted from himself..."
 "What about that ship, 'The Tradewind', that the J mentioned?"
<`Cerberus> "Um, I think the main thing would be not getting killed, but that's jusr a guess"
<[^^Silver^^]> "How the drek do you do that?"
 "I dont care if his name is lofwyr we will stop them"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Nathan
<`Cerberus> "Johnson?  What did you guys get hired to do/"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Mr. J hire us to sink a ship called 'The Tradewind"
<`Cerberus> "And then this load of drek came down on your head?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Then he got geeked"
*** red^baron has joined #shadowmask
 "huh? oh, as a bodyguard, I needed to learn to remove bullets and arrows, comes in handy..."
*** red^baron is now known as CorruptedGM
 graham kick some clones please 
<`Cerberus> "Ohh, well, if there's nobody left to pay ya, job's pretty much a no-go"
*** CorruptedGM was kicked by `Cerberus (`Cerberus)
 "Bet it does, doesn't it hurt?"
*** CorruptedGM has joined #shadowmask
 I am not a clone 
<`Cerberus> --- oopse
*** CorruptGM was kicked by `Cerberus (`Cerberus)
 the others too please 
<`Cerberus> --- bot and q?
*** CorruptBot was kicked by `Cerberus (`Cerberus)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Do you know where these guys hang?"
*** Quentin_M was kicked by `Cerberus (`Cerberus)
*** CorruptedBot has joined #shadowmask
*** `Cerberus sets mode: +o CorruptedGM
*** Quentin_Ma has joined #shadowmask
 now where were we?
<`Cerberus> ---- we gotta make that perm
 --- yes I wish someone would 
<`Cerberus> --- I would if I could, but I ain't got the power
<`Cerberus> --- I'll talk to scy and nar
 --- thanks 
 Ok you all are chillin in the room 
 Shimmers is feelin better 
 "Want to just hunt them down?"
*** Nathan_W has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 "Well I think we should get some rest for now, then decide later"
 "Ok I will sleep in the bed with shimmers" *laugh*
<`Cerberus> "Well, there's no job to do if the Johnson's geeked, so might as well just work on defence"
 "Or um I mean I will stand guard"
<`Cerberus> "We wait for soembody to try to kill ya, and we kill them, any questions?"
 "Nope we just need to set up a guard system"
 "Thats better"
* Quentin_Ma loads his Shotgun his Pistol and his Rifle and sits down
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well Shimmers and Nathan should get some rest for now."
<`Cerberus> "Well, sounds like you guys had a worse day then I did, so I'll take watch"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nathan, do you know where these guys hang out"
 he doesnt answer 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe forgot about that
 ok just chill til he returns 
* `Cerberus pulls out his heavy pistol and places it on the coffie table. He then pulls out a large sword and places that at his side
* [^^Silver^^] checks his weapons
 if he doesnt come back this will throw a wrench in the plans 
 but I can adlib 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yo Cer, remember that Yak that hired us awhile back?"
<`Cerberus> --- he can fall unconmsious from blood loss or something
<`Cerberus> "Yea, nasty fragger"
<`Cerberus> "You shoot him yet?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah Quentin got him for us"
 "What are you talking about?"
<`Cerberus> "Oh, thanks"
<[^^Silver^^]> "That little biz at the Eager Beaver"
 "The run we went on a couple weeks ago was wild"
* Quentin_Ma side steps this every chance he gets
* [^^Silver^^] lets it drop taking the hint
<[^^Silver^^]> "It sure was"
 how much longer should we give him?
<`Cerberus> --- he's not on ICQ
 ok then we move forward?
 all in favor say yay 
<`Cerberus> yay
 ---he can rejoin later can't he?
<`Cerberus> -- I'd think so
<[^^Silver^^]> yay
 ---well yeah but the storyline will change a lot 
 ok then 
 the night passes uneventfully 
 You all are greeted by the sunrise 
* Quentin_Ma yawns and stretches
<`Cerberus> "Ahh, Nuke, duck and cover!"
* [^^Silver^^] wakes and check on Shimmers and Nathan
<`Cerberus> "Oh, wait, that's that thing they call the 'sun', isn't it?"
 Nathan is gone 
 "Yes it would be the sun"
<`Cerberus> "I'd heard rumors, but..."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Drek, the fragger took off on us"
* `Cerberus looks for a blood trail
* Quentin_Ma goes and changes into some clean cloths
 You see no blood trail 
* Shimmers gets up stretches, and says good morning to everyone
* Quentin_Ma walks into the room shirtless bearing a large scar across his torso
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well now what?"
 "I dont know, but if they were after him and he went off alone he is a brave man"
<`Cerberus> "Well, only lead we got is this boat"
 "Where you get the scar?"
* `Cerberus checks the bathroom for Nath
 "A sword"
 Not there 
* [^^Silver^^] sniffs his underarm
* `Cerberus shrugs
 roll intel 
<`Cerberus> "Or really stupid"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I think I need to get a change of clothes"
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 3 5 4 5 5 5 )
<`Cerberus> --- You deduce that your 'unsure'
 your underarm smells very bad 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 "I've got to go by my place and get a change of clothes and shower"
<`Cerberus> --- he get karma for that?
 ---Speaking of that I take a shower so I am not unsure 
 "Want me to drive you?"
* Quentin_Ma puts on a shirt and puts his pistol holster under that
<[^^Silver^^]> "What do you guys say? Meet back here in 2 hours?"
* Quentin_Ma drives Shimmers to get her clothes and she gets em
 "Yes fine with me 
*** Nathan_W has joined #shadowmask
* `Cerberus a scouring bad from the kitchen and does a quick rubdown
 "Sounds good"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---welcome back
 ---that is what I said 
 ---HATE MY ISP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god for 24 hr tech support...
 ---can i come back?
* [^^Silver^^] grabs his gear and goes in search of his bike
 ---hehe, sorry had to vent...
<`Cerberus> --- heh, beware programmers who carry hammers...
 ---Yep you can 
 ---we are all gone so when we come back you will be there 
 ---Phew... what i miss?
<[^^Silver^^]> "See ya in 2"
 ---Nothing really 
 --- Quentin_Ma 2d6 ( 1 2 )
<`Cerberus> --- everybody doing a pit check
<[^^Silver^^]> ---yep
 ---we still in da hotel? herd any new info?
 Ok when Q and shimmers are on the way back they can ran off the road by 2 of the enemy 
 ---init you two 
 --- Quentin_Ma 2d6+6 ( 10 )
* `Cerberus is in the lobby helping himsewlf to the contental breakfast
 --- Shimmers 1d6+4 ( 5 )
 --- CorruptedGM 3d6+12 ( 21 )
 --- CorruptedGM 3d6+12 ( 23 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 1 )
 ok a guy fires at Quentin 
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 1 8 1 16 11 10 )
* Nathan_W pull's out his phone and mumbles into it while walking down to the lobby, joining cerebus...
 ---holy..... I would hate to kill him off myself 
 ---Then don't :)
 --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 14 2 2 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 1 4 17 5 2 4 )
 ---you're the GM
 ---yeah but even I have to follow rules :P 
 Quentin catches a shell in the shoulder M wound 
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 8 )
 another fires at Shimmers 
<`Cerberus> --- why?
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 5 5 1 10 1 4 )
 quick then bod 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 1 1 4 2 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 5 2 10 14 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---that bot just doesn't like her 
 the shells miss 
<`Cerberus> --- no, the breakfast eaters.  I GOT DIBS ON ANYTHING CREAM FILLED!
 ---Shimmers pouts
* Quentin_Ma draws his pistol and pumps 2 shells into a baddie
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 2 2 3 1 1 2 8 2 5 10 1 1 3 3 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 1 2 11 3 3 3 8 15 5 1 2 8 2 5 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 10 2 3 3 9 2 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 3 3 5 5 5 8 )
 that bad guy takes a shell in the chest and one in the throat 
 go Shimmers 
* Shimmers prepares to cast Manaball
 ---force 4, 2mp
 --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 4 3 1 8 8 8 )
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 7 1 1 4 7 1 )
* Nathan_W leaves cerberus, and gets his bike from the shot up meet...
 you both get your bikes 
 ---which att. do I use for that again?
<`Cerberus> --- will+mp
 ---added together?
<`Cerberus> --- ohh, I just found a site with every unrestricted US Military field manual available
 --- Shimmers 11d6 ( 8 5 4 2 1 7 3 8 4 2 5 )
 ---that is cool 
 ok no drain and he is real dead 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---what is the site
* Quentin_Ma gets back in and drives back to the hotel
<`Cerberus> --- anybody want the URL, just found the one on sniper training :-)
* Quentin_Ma escorts Shimmers to the room and flops over on the bed
* [^^Silver^^] gets on his bike and goes to his doss
 ----URL FOR ME 
 ok you arrive there 
 "You okay, want me to Heal ya?"
<`Cerberus> --- http://www.adtdl.army.mil/cgi-bin/atdl.dll?type=fm
<`Cerberus> --- some in adobe, some in html
* Quentin_Ma clutches his shoulder
* [^^Silver^^] showers, changes, and checks messages real quick
* `Cerberus sneaks out of the lobby with a duffle bag full of bagles and orange juice pouchs
 5 messages from Natasha 
 asking for a vall 
 call even 
* Shimmers casts Heal Force 5
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 5 5 5 11 8 )
* [^^Silver^^] calls her
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
<`Cerberus> "Whoa, ANthan, your like, back man"
 --- Shimmers 11d6 ( 7 4 4 5 1 5 3 9 7 1 1 )
 >>>Hello? Derrick? Where have you been?"
 he is healed 
<`Cerberus> --- umm, have I mentioned you don't use ALL the magic pool?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>"Sorry babe, ran into some trouble 
* Quentin_Ma works his shoulder
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 2 3 3 3 2 )
 >>>What kind of trouble?
<`Cerberus> --- heh, one of the only times you can listen to your husband talk to his girlfriend.....
 "thanks now you are the life saver"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Just biz, nothing to worry about
* Nathan_W returns to the hotel... forgot his room key... and knocks on the door.
 >>>Well I have a question for you
 "Feel better?"
* Quentin_Ma nods
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Shoot
 "yes thank you"
* Quentin_Ma smiles
 >>>Would you like for me to move in with you?
 "You are quite welcomed"
* Nathan_W knocks agian...
* Quentin_Ma walks up
 "Who is it?"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>"Sure, how about this weekend?"
* Quentin_Ma draws his gun
 >>>Sure baby kisses until then
 "Tis me.. Nathan, had to get my bike and some stuff..."
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>See ya babe
* Quentin_Ma opens the door putting the gun away
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
 ok are we all in the room?
* Nathan_W enters quickly...
* [^^Silver^^] gets his gear and heads back to the hotel
 "Where have you been Nathan?"
 ok we are all i n the hotel 
 and there is a knock at the door again 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---am i there yet?
 "sorry, had to go get ny bike and some more surkens..."
* Nathan_W approaches the door...
<[^^Silver^^]> "Who is it?"
<`Cerberus> "Who is it?"
 "Who is it?
 "Its Mr Johnson"
 ---you get the idea 
 "Damn my bike is still at the bar!!!"
* Nathan_W looks through the peephole, motioning for all other people in te room to get ready...
<[^^Silver^^]> "Which one?"
 it is the one you could have swore got whacked 
* [^^Silver^^] draws his guns and crouches down ready
* `Cerberus whispers "Can someo\body check him out magically?"
* Shimmers checks him out astrally
* Nathan_W looks astral
 he is a man 
 a regular man 
 "a mundane..."
 "Please open the door"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---is he a manly man?
 ---a man in tights 
* `Cerberus puts his hand on the knob, tabs his foot three times, then opens the door"
* Nathan_W slowly opens the door...
<[^^Silver^^]> ---tights, tights
* [^^Silver^^] takes aim at the doorway
* CorruptedGM walks in
 "You have passed your test"
* CorruptedGM seems oblivious to the guns
<[^^Silver^^]> "TEST!!!!"
* Nathan_W looks intently into this characters eyes...
 "Now do you still want to do the real job?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "We almost got geeked you fragger!"
 ---man silver... you and quen have it rough with tests...
* Shimmers shakes her head obviously ticked off
<[^^Silver^^]> ---tell me about it
* Nathan_W frowns at the man

Session Time: Thu Aug 12 00:00:00 1999

 "Well do you want to go? I am prepared to doublt the price"
 "Whats with these?"
* `Cerberus still grips his katana tightly
* Nathan_W holding up the bullets...
<[^^Silver^^]> "For us all?"
<`Cerberus> "You know, I'm thinkoing of going for extra credit..."
* `Cerberus taps the side of the blade against his thigh
 "Those are a little extra:
 "Just to make sure you had what it took to survive"
 "90k each what do you think?"
 "What about when we got ran off the road?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "For sinking a ship?"
 "Yeah we had to kill 2 of your fragging guards"
* [^^Silver^^] puts up his Colts
* Nathan_W licks his lips
 "That was a.... misunderstanding"
* Nathan_W stares into mr. J's eyes
 "That misunderstanding almost killed us"
* CorruptedGM taps something on his finger
 "Do not try to threaten me, do you want the job? 100k then"
* Nathan_W relaxes
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where is the ship docked, and what kind is it?"
 he avoids your eye contact 
 "In Puget Sound and it is a Freighter"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What kind of security?"
 "10 crewman at most"
 "One Deck Cannon"
 "Two Mini guns in support"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You want them dead?"
<`Cerberus> "Joy, spray and pray..."
 "I feel that the ship exploding will cause that so it does not matter"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Why is this ship so important?"
 "It is anchored in the harbor you will go in by Zodiac"
 "Because it carries..... cargo"
 "What kind?"
 "That is not important"
 "any magiks?"
 "No these are average sailors"
 "They will probably jump overboard at first site of you"
<`Cerberus> "Any civilians on the boat besides the crew?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm in if everybody else is"
 "Right, it isn't, is the cargo hazzardus in any way?"
 "I'm in..."
 "But that doesn't make me like you any more, Mr. J."
 "Not hazardous at all"
 "And the 10 men will be all that is aboard"
 "You do not have to like me"
<`Cerberus> "Once we blow the boat, how do we get back to you?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Good. Cause I sure in the hell don't like ya"
 "Call this LTG"
* Nathan_W smiles at silver
* CorruptedGM hands you the LTG
 "Since we don't have to like you, I guess I'm in"
 "You in Quentin?"
* Quentin_Ma looks at him closely
* [^^Silver^^] grins back
 "Yeah I guess"
<`Cerberus> "I guess I'm in"
 "Good get is done asap, I suggest cover of darkness"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Then it is unamious"
 "Yo, Mr. J., you may go... we gotta stru our stuff..."
* CorruptedGM winks at Nathan at the word darkness and walks off
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where should we meet you for the Zodiac"
* Nathan_W looks angry through his face mask...
 you magically know 
<`Cerberus> --- face mask?
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Nathan questionly
<[^^Silver^^]> "What was that about?"
 "Can I trust you guys?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Of course"
<`Cerberus> "Umm... yea"
 "Cer, I don't like your hesitation
* [^^Silver^^] waits patiently
<`Cerberus> "I didn't like getting woken up in the middle of the night only to find out it was some kind of fraggin' test, deal with it"
* Nathan_W brushes his silver hair nervously...
 "Sorry Cer, didn't know."
 Nathan stands 6"2' With silver hair, and a face mask, covering his neck and face, letting his soft silver hir roll over his shoulders. A black trenchcoat encompasses his body, leaving his front visible to all. He wears a black vest and black pants, a white shirt peaks out from under the vest.
 Casual black pants partially hide dark blue boots which look heavy, yet make no sound as he walks. He walks with finess, and ease. On his hands he wears gloves, tattered leather, but intact. No visible Cyber or weapons.
<`Cerberus> /me  is a fairly tall for a human, but as you see the sculpted features and pointed ears, you realize he's just about the right size for an elf. Although he wears the latest Tres Chic style of clothing and seems overly handsome, it does little to discuise his somewhat blunt manner.
* Nathan_W removes his facemask, evealing his abnormally pale skin...
 "Ok you dont see much sun"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Drek, don't tell me your a vamp"
 umm, yeah thats it... Shimmers? you know what I am yet?
 "Thought so"
* Quentin_Ma reaches under his jacket instinctively then stops and returns to normal
 ---figured out awhile back
<`Cerberus> "Well drek"
<[^^Silver^^]> "How long you been a vamp?"
 "look, I'm just a bodyguard, who wanted to become the "ultimate Bodyguard"
 "How do you survive?"
 "Do you take blood?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Great price to pay, your soul"
<`Cerberus> "Sucking off the clients doesn't look too great on a resume"
 "I got pretty good, and got good jobs... till I got fatally shot... I had to play like I died, or risk letting people know i was a vamp..."
<`Cerberus> "I thought we all discussed the whole soul-selling thing last run..."
 "It doesn't matter, you helped me when I needed it and you didn't even know me. That is what counts in my book"
 "Yeah, I suck blood, but only from my willing, closest friends..."
* Shimmers rubs his neck
<`Cerberus> "I don't know you..."
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry that was me
<`Cerberus> "Not my firend..."
 The Sun is setting outside 
 "It has little to do with him being a vamp or not"
 "I am helping Silver and Shimmers"
* [^^Silver^^] rubs his neck
 "And making some money"
 "So, I won't suck your blood... Look, I won't need food for 3 months or so, so drop it, we have a job..."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks Quen"
 "So who wants to go blow something up?"
* [^^Silver^^] raises his hand
* Nathan_W puts his mask back on
<`Cerberus> "Let's rock"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I do! I do!"
* [^^Silver^^] offers his hand to Nathan
<[^^Silver^^]> "You're okay in my book"
* Nathan_W shakes it
 "Lets do this. Who's car are we taking?"
 "I can drive"
* Quentin_Ma changes into his combat clothes comes out looking sleek and deadly with his rifle Shotgun and Pistol
 "thank you, the last people I trusted, turned me in for the reward... But I got away, and they are long gone, so don't get any ideas...
<`Cerberus> "There's a reward?"
* `Cerberus 's voice sounds a little eager
 "Dont worry man if I wanted a reward I would have killed you a while ago"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go"
* Quentin_Ma goes down and hops in his car
* [^^Silver^^] gets in the back seet
* Shimmers follows everybody down and gets in
* Nathan_W hops in with silver
* `Cerberus slides in next to sombody human...
<[^^Silver^^]> "You know we don't have to board to blow this thing
<[^^Silver^^]> ---the passenger seat is open
 "But what do we have that will do it?"
 "I only got C-12"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I got some C-12 to"
<`Cerberus> "Hmm, freighters carry a lot of fule, right?  100K is more then enough for a nice armor penetrating desposable canister rocket..."
 "I say we jump on but it in the boiler and jump off"
 "Hey, I can move real fast, and can jump real high..."
* Quentin_Ma nods
 "And I can shoot real good"
* Quentin_Ma drives
<`Cerberus> "I make thousands of julien fries"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I you want. I can rig it with a radio det. and place some others on the outside just in case"
<`Cerberus> "How about we just chuck it and run?"
 you arrive 
 the Zodiac is waiting 
 In passing all kinds of women are drooling over Quentin 
 "good, cuz i can't rig explosives... but i can carry them...
 "Okay you're all good"
* Quentin_Ma waves to his admirers and gets out
 ---dream on Quent
 ---way to be discreet :)
 Oh no what is that ICBM doing aimed at Shimmers?
* Nathan_W shies away from the water...
 "Argh, I hate water..."
* `Cerberus checks to see if it's Enzo's
<[^^Silver^^]> "Let me rig these before we get on the boat"
 "Well we dont have a choice lets get this over with"
<`Cerberus> "ASuck it up"
* [^^Silver^^] starts to rig the x-plosives
* Shimmers checks the astral
 Roll it 
 clean and clear 
 "Drek, I cant swim... Howd you like it if you had to spend days walking along the bottom of the ocean..."
<[^^Silver^^]> 4d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 4d6 ( 2 3 10 2 )
 2 charges succesfully rigged 
<`Cerberus> "Well jump accross the gap or something"
* Quentin_Ma looks at the Zodiac
 "Hey is says Enzo"
 "I know that guy
<[^^Silver^^]> "but if you don't have oxygen don't you go into a coma or something, Nate?"
 no, thats just a myth..."
<[^^Silver^^]> "You think two is enough?"
 "Who is he?"
 but it is really hard to move with all that pressure on your body... 1 mile a day...
 "An Old friend who never made it all the way back"
<`Cerberus> --- oh, I guess cerb doesn't knowe Enzo.  Zak did
 ---yeah I miss him a lot 
* Quentin_Ma pushes it in
* Quentin_Ma holds onto the line
 "Get in"
* [^^Silver^^] double checks the charges, gets his gear, and gets in
* Shimmers gets in the Zodiac
* Quentin_Ma gets in after everyone else
<[^^Silver^^]> "You coming Nate?"
* Nathan_W gets in Zodiac, looking destressed
 "Who is driving this sucker?"
* `Cerberus gets in, holding his duffle bag od weapons and bagles
* Quentin_Ma pushes off
<[^^Silver^^]> "I can try, but I never done it before"
 ok roll str 
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 3 5 2 2 4 1 3 )
 you try to start it but full overboard 
 I' can do it best... strongest...
* Nathan_W pushes off
 ok roll str 
 --- Nathan_W 16d6 ( 1 4 9 11 2 10 2 4 9 4 1 4 2 10 5 2 )
 it starts 
 "Someone pull Silver back in
* Quentin_Ma pulls Silver in
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks, how embarrising"
 Ok Silver drives us to 100 yards of the vessel 
 When they notice us 
 and you see something boom on the deck of the boat 
 Even or odd Cer?
 "Sok, just yesterday i tried to pick a guy up and missed...
<`Cerberus> --- even?
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 2 )
* [^^Silver^^] takes evasive actions
 The shell strikes your ship 
<`Cerberus> --- odd?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---good choice
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 2 5 3 1 )
 The boat is going flat and has a tremendous hole in it 
 Body all
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 5 2 1 1 2 3 )
<`Cerberus> --- 2 cp
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 4 10 5 2 1 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 1 1 2 11 4 5 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 14 4 10 4 )
* Shimmers blows the bot a kiss
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 2 1 3 2 8 8 2 )
* Nathan_W bites the bot
 Shrapnel goes into Silver M wound 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---owwwwwww!
 Cer takes a L 
 Quen takes an M 
*** withstyle has joined #shadowmask
 Shimmers is fine 
 Nathan takes an M 
 "Hey guys we are riding a sinking boat"
 "lets jump for it and swim"
* Quentin_Ma takes his rifle and aims it
 --- Quentin_Ma 7d6 ( 9 4 5 7 10 5 1 )
* Nathan_W shrugs off the wound, and looks for the source...
<[^^Silver^^]> "What about Nat?"
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 4 5 4 3 5 1 1 2 5 1 4 2 4 5 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 2 8 1 2 )
* Nathan_W looks franticly for somthing to keep him afloat...
<`Cerberus> ---  heh, nothing on Zak....
*** withstyle has left #shadowmask
 ---can i see the source?
 You see Quentin fire his weapon and a muffled scream from on board the ship 
 "That takes care of the gunner"
 Roll intel Nat 
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 2 1 3 1 5 3 7 )
* `Cerberus thows Nat a couple of bagles....
 " good shot
 The motor is pushing it forward very slowly 
* [^^Silver^^] looks for a life-jacket for Nate
 "We are about to be slammed by mini guns"
 you see some bagels 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
* `Cerberus dives, and tries to swimp right up next to the hull
<`Cerberus> "COME ON!"
* [^^Silver^^] dives and swims for it
 ---stupid stupid people 
* Nathan_W uses his grapple gun to try and afix himself to the boat...
* Quentin_Ma follows the croud and dives in
 Ok lets see some quickness 
* Shimmers dives in and swims
* Nathan_W screams "SHARKS!!!!!!!!"
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 4 2 1 5 2 )
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 4 1 5 5 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 2 5 2 4 4 5 4 2 5 1 )
<`Cerberus> "Do they go for second hand blood?"
 you fail to grapple cause of the flattened stuff 
 --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 3 1 3 4 )
 Ok Cer Shimmers I want to see even or odd guesses 
 I guess odd 
<`Cerberus> -- even
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 1 )
 Damn it 
* Nathan_W cuts himself trying to get the sharks atten...
<`Cerberus> -- wait, you get to guess too?
 ---yes Q is in the water I guess for him 
 ok Q and Shimmers bod 
<`Cerberus> --- that totally throws off the indecisive system.....
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 2 3 20 4 )
 ---nah not really I do not know what the outcome is gonna be 
 ---so my guess goes for him 
 ---And since he is being eaten I guessed wrong 
 --- Quentin_Ma 6d6 ( 7 2 1 3 11 3 )
* [^^Silver^^] looks for a ladder
* Nathan_W starts to thrash, trying to keep afloat and get the sharks attention
 The Shark takes a tremendously large chunk out Shimmers and Q 
 Nat roll bod 
 S wounds each 
 --- Nathan_W 7d6 ( 3 3 2 5 1 3 2 )
* Nathan_W punches the bot
 --- CorruptedGM 8d6 ( 3 3 3 8 10 5 16 3 )
 The shark grabs Nat and drags him down 
 Cer Silver Q and S make it to a ladder 
 and needless to say Q and S are feelin bad 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hope he doesn't get your head dude
* Nathan_W tries to fight with the shark using his str to try and get an upper hand
* [^^Silver^^] starts up the ladder
 ---least of my worries...
 Um lets see Would this be armed combat Graham?
 or unarmed or S?
* `Cerberus pulls out the katana, does the thumb rubby happy thing, and tries to cut a hole in the side of the boat
 roll Armed Cer 
<`Cerberus> --- for what?
 ---silver posining.... kick in in a day unless i sleep... if i end up under water... I'm gonna be hurting...
<`Cerberus> 7d6
 --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 9 3 7 1 5 2 2 )
 fighting a shark 
<`Cerberus> --- oh, probably armed
* [^^Silver^^] holds up to see if he cuts through
 Ok Cer cuts a hole 
 big enough for us to slide in 
<`Cerberus> --- well, depends on the weaponry
 bare hands it looks like 
<`Cerberus> --- in SR3, your probably need the knowlage skill "Not getting eaten by a shark"
 ok unarmed combat 
* [^^Silver^^] waits for everybody to get in then follows
 Followed by Str 
<`Cerberus> --- ok, I thought he had a knife
* Quentin_Ma crawls in lays down and bleeds
<`Cerberus> --- no, it's the wall fighting back :-)
 unarmed, 8cp
 --- Nathan_W 16d6 ( 5 4 3 3 2 4 16 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 5 1 )
* Shimmers crawls in and casts heal on Quent force 5
 Now Str 
 --- Nathan_W 17d6 ( 1 1 3 5 5 3 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 1 11 1 5 )
 bad time for bot to suck 
 --- CorruptedGM 12d6 ( 11 1 3 1 5 9 3 3 10 1 4 5 )
 --- CorruptedGM 12d6 ( 4 2 7 1 1 2 3 5 11 1 13 2 )
* [^^Silver^^] crawls in draws his guns and looks around using his night vision
 you see crates filled with things 
 and a guard asleep 
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 2 5 7 2 8 )
 can i use karma to reroll?
 ---how much karma you have?
 5 in my pool.
* `Cerberus whispers "There wern't supposed to be any guards
* [^^Silver^^] sneaks up on him and slashs his throat with his knife
 ok but you get one shot 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---what
 roll armed Silver 
 And roll drain Shimmers 
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 1 8 2 1 3 9 4 )
 which roll?
* `Cerberus walks up with silver and prepares to shop the whole head off if the trought thing doesn't jive
 --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 5 1 5 2 5 )
 Do armed 
 Ok L drain Q is down to a M wound 
 ---u mean unarmed....
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 4 1 5 5 )
 The guards throat is slit 
 and he is dead 
 --- Nathan_W 16d6 ( 2 2 5 2 2 5 17 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 5 9 )
* `Cerberus pushs a crate into the water for Nathan to grab on to if he ever gets back up
 the crate pops open to reveal drugs and chups 
 ok body 
* [^^Silver^^] goes to shimmers and takes out his medkit to check out her wounds
 2 cp
 --- Nathan_W 9d6 ( 1 1 9 10 1 1 3 1 2 )
* CorruptedGM does a sit up and checks her too giving her a little kiss ont he cheek
 ---Q does that 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---ewwww!
* Nathan_W pulls out a bazooka and obliterates the bot
 ---how bad am I?
 --- Quentin_Ma 7d6 ( 4 1 5 3 4 5 3 )
* Quentin_Ma looks at her
<`Cerberus> --- we've tried that, TN is too high :-)
<`Cerberus> --- S?
 you are hurt bad but you will live"
 ---yes S 
* [^^Silver^^] turns on the medkit and inputs the info for the auto-doc
 ---concious or unconcious?
<`Cerberus> --- con
<`Cerberus> --- at least you should be, from an S
 ---enough to move?
 Yes Con 
 She will be fine to move 
 She just will be out of action for a lil 
* Shimmers sits up slowly
 "Thank you for saving me"
* [^^Silver^^] waits for the feedback from the medkit
 "You are quite welcomed"
* Shimmers grins weakly
 The Sharks grab Nate and drag him under 
* `Cerberus looks for a hatch to the upper decks while the other heal up
 and you never see him come back up 
* Quentin_Ma stands
<`Cerberus> --- you know he'll pop up again in a minute, when we all have 9 boxes of amage
* Quentin_Ma pulls out his shotgun and follows Cer
<[^^Silver^^]> "Could you two stand guard while i fix her up?"
 You see a hatch down and one up 
<`Cerberus> "Sure"
 "Whoa guys how are we getting out of here?"
<`Cerberus> "You get the topside one, I'll take the lower"
* Quentin_Ma grabs his sides
<`Cerberus> "They gotta have a life raft.  We just gotta clear the u[pper deck"
* Quentin_Ma goes up to the deck
* [^^Silver^^] picks up the medkit, draws his guns and follows
<`Cerberus> --- no, just guard the hatch was what I meant
<[^^Silver^^]> ---okay
* Quentin_Ma guards the hatch
* [^^Silver^^] goes back to work
* `Cerberus waits for the autodoc to finish up
 it finishes with a whir and begins smoking 
<`Cerberus> --- any result?
<[^^Silver^^]> "What the heck?"
 It says
 "Patient Stabilized seek medical treatment"
* [^^Silver^^] picks it up
<`Cerberus> "Stabalized... well you take what you can get.  Shimmers you stay here and watch for Nathan.  We'll clear the upper deck"
 "I will guard her"
* [^^Silver^^] draws his guns and nods
 "Will do"
 "Good luck"
 "Good luck"
 >>>If you need help just hollar
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks"
* `Cerberus drains the water out of his manhunter and sticks it in his belt, katana at the ready
* `Cerberus clips on his radio and earplug
<`Cerberus> "Ok, I'll throw open the hatch, you cover me.  On 3"
* [^^Silver^^] takes out a stimpatch from the medkit and slaps it on his wound, and puts in his radio earplug
* `Cerberus loosens the hatch a bit
 "Be careful guys"
<`Cerberus> "1"<`Cerberus> "2"
<`Cerberus> "3"
 ---ok 1 up 1 down?
* `Cerberus throws the hatch open and rolls up over the ladder
<[^^Silver^^]> ---both up
<`Cerberus> --- I was thinking 2 up
<`Cerberus> 3d6+4
 --- `Cerberus 3d6+4 ( 14 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+11
 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+11 ( 17 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 10 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 12 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 7 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 7 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---what do I see?
 ---4 guys 2 on mini guns and 2 with Old AK rifles 
* [^^Silver^^] take aim on one of the guys on the mini guns and fires two shots, 2cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 2 13 4 5 3 5 4 3 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 4 2 2 22 9 5 3 2 2 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 4 2 5 1 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 10 11 5 2 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Three for me :)
* `Cerberus charges the other minigun-using guy. He tries to position himself behind the dude so at least one of the AK guys would have to fire through the gunner
 Roll quick 
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 4 1 16 5 3 )
 You make it behind him 
 Do you get another action 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---break his nece:)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---neck that is
* `Cerberus brings his katana up above his head and slashs down across his shoulder blade, trying to cleve him across the chest
<`Cerberus> 7d6
 --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 4 5 1 4 1 4 3 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 4 1 2 5 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---that'll work too :)\
 You slash across his chest spillin his guts onto the deck 
 he isnt dead 
 but in tremedous agony 
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6 ( 1 )
 One guy fires at Cer 
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 2 3 3 2 1 1 )
 He misses 
 The other fires at Silver 
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 9 3 2 4 8 5 )
 Roll bod 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---eeep
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 2 8 4 8 10 5 )
 he misses barely 
 go Silver 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---2 shots at one of the guys with the AK
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 3 1 14 1 9 1 10 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 5 5 8 3 5 2 2 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 5 5 4 16 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 4 2 5 3 )
 A bullet hits him in the Stomach 
 M wound 
 The other guys runs away quickly to the other end 
 Combat Over 
* [^^Silver^^] puts a bullet in the guys head
* `Cerberus has his foot up against the gunner's chin, trying to dislodge his sword from the dude's clavical
<`Cerberus> --- this was the main deck?"
 You dislodge it with a sickening thud 
 --- yes 
 And the other one dies 
* [^^Silver^^] looks for where the other dude ran
 Towards the front of the boat 
<`Cerberus> "Well, 4 guys here, the one Q took out, and the guard downstairs only makes 6"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>"you two okay down there?"
 --- Quentin_Ma 2d6+6 ( 9 )
<`Cerberus> "Must be a couple below decks"
 you also notice an engine room 
 --- Quentin_Ma 2d6+8 ( 16 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 8 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 11 )
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Hello?
<`Cerberus> >>> Just took out the turrent gunners, deck is almost secure
 Shimmers roll init 
 >>>We have men coming in here 
 --- Shimmers 1d6+4 ( 5 )
* `Cerberus looks to Silver
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Need help?
* Quentin_Ma fires a shotgun blast in each man
<`Cerberus> "You take out the stragler
 >>>I will tell you in a sec 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Got it"
* `Cerberus jumps down the hatch
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 4 5 13 1 2 5 1 5 1 4 5 4 5 8 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 1 13 5 1 4 7 9 1 9 5 2 5 4 16 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 14 1 1 3 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 2 3 1 2 )
* [^^Silver^^] goes in search of the straggler
 They both die horrible deaths 
 >>>Situation resolved 
 Ok roll intel Silver 
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 1 5 3 3 3 5 )
* `Cerberus continues to search out Shimmers and Q
<[^^Silver^^]> ---doh!
 you find em with 2 dead sailors 
<`Cerberus> "Times for a little move guys"
 your search leads you to the pilot house 
* `Cerberus tried to life Shimmers with Q's help
 With the straggler and the pilot 
<`Cerberus> >>> We're comming up
* Quentin_Ma helps
* [^^Silver^^] approachs carefully
 ok Str 
 init Silver 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Found our guy
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 7 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 10 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 10 3 5 1 3 5 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry
 --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 3 1 5 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+11
 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+11 ( 24 )
 ---str Cer 
 ok go SIlver 
<`Cerberus> 4d6
 --- `Cerberus 4d6 ( 1 5 1 5 )
 ok she is lifted 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---two shots at the straggler, 2cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 7 9 2 3 2 2 5 1 4 )
 ---ok roll 
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 1 2 3 5 2 3 3 4 1 )
* `Cerberus tries to get her over to the hatch and up onto the deck
<[^^Silver^^]> ---ewww!!
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 2 2 3 3 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 4 1 1 7 )
 He dies 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Found him, pilot house
 The other turns and fires 
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 5 5 3 4 9 7 )
 you carry her to the deck 
 ---You guys need to work outmore
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 4 1 9 5 1 3 )
 the bullet passes through your wrist 
 L wound 
<[^^Silver^^]> --which one?
<`Cerberus> --- well excuse me Mrs Missing halof my internal organs because of a shark attack....
<`Cerberus> -- :-)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---1shot 5cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 12d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 12d6 ( 3 1 5 1 3 13 1 3 3 3 4 2 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 2 2 4 3 )
 he dies 
 ok you arrive on the deck with SHimmers 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Got two more, Pilot and our straggler
* Quentin_Ma sits down and rests checkin on Shimmers
 "You alright?"
 >>>Ok THat makes 10?
 ---Shouldn't be that hard to lift one small female
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>there may be more
<`Cerberus> "That 4 gunners, 2 below decks, the pilot, and the one Q took out.... 8"
 ---it is when you been hit with artillery and bitten by a shark 
 "I took 2 out that is 9"
 "There has to be one more"
 "I'm allright, Thanks"
<`Cerberus> --- well, it's you and the bagels
* [^^Silver^^] looks around
 ---poor bagels 
 no one on the top 
 "Lets just blow the thing"
* [^^Silver^^] wraps up his wrist and puts up one of his Colts
<`Cerberus> "Well, le's set this puppy to blow.  LAst guy can just fry"
 ---Wait I killed 3 
 ---That is 10 
<`Cerberus> --- can we see through his hand like From Dusk Till Dawn?
 his wrist not his hand
<`Cerberus> --- the initial snipe and the two below decks, I counted themall
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Good flick
<`Cerberus> --- it had it's little moments, almost the exact same cast as Desperado without Antonio Bandarez
<[^^Silver^^]> "There could be more than ten, how do we know this guys intel is correct?
<`Cerberus> "Let's run now and not have to worry about it"
 "We dont, Lets just blow thing thing up we have been shot up enough"
 "Lets find the life rafts first. I don't want to be snack food again"
* `Cerberus starts looking for the life rafts
 you see a life raft hanging on the side of the pilot house 
 oars though no motor 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Quentin and Shimmers stay up here and me and Cer will go look for the engine room"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay"
<`Cerberus> "Righto"
* `Cerberus drags the raft back to Q and the others
 "ok g'luck"
 "Okay, I'm not going anywhere"
* [^^Silver^^] nods to Cer
<[^^Silver^^]> "Ready?"
* Quentin_Ma lifts Shimmers into the raft carefully
* `Cerberus also starts looking for one of those underwater dye packs, like the kind they use for rescues
<`Cerberus> "Sure"
 --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 2 3 9 10 )
 I life you in softly 
 you cannot find one 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go"
<`Cerberus> --- bugger
<[^^Silver^^]> ---ain't that sweet :P
* Quentin_Ma gets in and finds the rope to lower it
* `Cerberus heads off after Silver, katana at the ready
 "Thank you"
* Shimmers winces in obvious pain
 Ok you find the engines 
 and guess what?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---more combat :)
 There are 6 uzi III toting no sailor types down there 
<`Cerberus> 3d6+4
 --- `Cerberus 3d6+4 ( 14 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+11
 "You are most welcome"
 --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+11 ( 25 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 12 )
<`Cerberus> --- 6 is... a lot
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 11 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 7 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 9 )
<`Cerberus> >> Umm, drek!
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 11 )
 --- CorruptedGM 1d6+6 ( 9 )
 >>>Need assistance?
 Go Silver 
<`Cerberus> "I'd think it might be kinda useful;"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>If you don't mind
 "I will be back"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---two shots 2cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 1 1 2 8 1 3 5 2 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 9d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 9d6 ( 5 9 3 15 9 2 2 3 10 )
* Quentin_Ma dramatically leaps out of the boat and down to where the combat is
 --- Quentin_Ma 2d6+8 ( 17 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 3 3 5 4 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 1 2 2 1 )
 "Go I'll be fine, No sharks here"
 A man dies 
 Go Quen 
* Quentin_Ma fires 2 blasts into a man
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 10 3 3 3 3 10 1 3 5 2 1 4 11 10 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 14d6 ( 5 5 7 15 3 1 2 1 3 5 8 11 5 8 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 9 2 8 5 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 1 4 3 4 )
 He dies 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---cer, yes cer!!!
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe
 ---oh lost a karma for that 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---:P
* `Cerberus rushs the nearest guy and goes for a deep slash across the midsection, exposing the organs for all to see.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---drat!!
 roll it 
<`Cerberus> --- 2 cp
<`Cerberus> 9d6
 --- `Cerberus 9d6 ( 3 2 1 2 2 1 10 5 3 )
 --- CorruptedGM 4d6 ( 1 5 4 2 )
 You slash him and he is hurt S wound 
 Intel you 3 
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 3 5 3 11 2 10 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 7d6 ( 5 2 9 3 5 5 4 )
<`Cerberus> 3d6
 --- `Cerberus 3d6 ( 1 3 3 )
 Ok you all feel a loud boom and the ship shakes 
<`Cerberus> --- oopse, that shiuld be 4d6
<`Cerberus> "Did you plant the charges already?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "nope"
 "I suggest that we run"
* Quentin_Ma runs to the boat
<[^^Silver^^]> "Good suggestion"
* `Cerberus runs for the side of the ship and cuts another hole in the hull
 roll it Cer 
<`Cerberus> 7d6
* [^^Silver^^] runs dropping the charges on the way
 --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 2 11 2 3 4 3 5 )
 --- Quentin_Ma 4d6 ( 4 3 4 2 )
 quick Cer 
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 2 2 3 4 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 2 5 1 3 8 2 2 1 1 4 )
 ok you make it to the boat 
* CorruptedGM lowers us in
 ---er Q does 
 A hole is cut in the boat 
 And we all see Military jets slamming the ship with missles 
*** Riana has joined #shadowmask
* [^^Silver^^] takes the oars and starts rowing
* `Cerberus leaps for the raft
* Quentin_Ma waves Cer in
 Roll quick Cer 
 ---everyone... meet my girlfriend... she plays too
<`Cerberus> --- Oi
* Quentin_Ma takes an oar and starts passling
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nice to meet ya
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 3 1 5 5 4 )
 Ok Cer you get in the boat just as the freighter explodes 
<[^^Silver^^]> "What the hell, Mr. J didn't trust us?"
<`Cerberus> "Umm, do I really need to answer that uestion/"
 "I really hate that guy"
 "Hey didnt you guys see the drugs and the chips in that crate?"
* `Cerberus looks for floating vampires...
 "Could be why they hit it"
<`Cerberus> "Yea, was gunna use one so Nath could grab on to it
 ---vampires don't float...
<[^^Silver^^]> "No, I can figure it out. And yeah I did see it"
<`Cerberus> --- by whose rules?
 We Paddle to the beach after about 8 hours 
 And we see a vampire standing there to greet us 
 "Hey man I thought you bought it"
* [^^Silver^^] collapses after rowing for 8 hours
<`Cerberus> "Wecome to the party"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nice to see ya made it"
 "yeah... umm
 "DAMN WATER!!!!!"
 "DAMN Mr. J."
* `Cerberus pulls his cellphone out of a soaked pocket, wacks it against a nearby post a couple of times, and dials the LTG the Johnson gave him
 DAMN SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 >>>Ring Ring
 "Glad you didn't bite the big one."
<`Cerberus> "More like the big one bit him"
<`Cerberus> >>> Go boom
 "Thanks, glad people care."
 >>>Good, GOod come get your money at 
<`Cerberus> >>> CLICK
 "You saved my life man"
 "I am in your debt"
 "I'm gonna rip him a new one...:
* `Cerberus trows the phone into the pourget sound rather then put it back in his pocket
 "Who save your life?"
 "You did"
* Nathan_W is missing an arm...
 "That shark would have had the blue plate special with me"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go get this S.O.B.!!!"
 "You going to kill him?"
* `Cerberus wrings out his duster and hangs it out the window of the car
<[^^Silver^^]> "Uh, anbody know how to get home?"
 "oh, well your welcome... I cut myself knowing i was already going down... tried to save you all in the process, even you cer...
<`Cerberus> "Hey, I tried to help you, really did..."
 Oh you miraculously ended up in the same place you started 
 "I plan on getting fed on Mr. J...."
 Your cars are waiting 
 or my car 
* Quentin_Ma gets in his car
 "We should take Shimmers to the hospital...."
* Nathan_W gets on his bike
<`Cerberus> "Would you rather I threw a pistol at you?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What are we going to do to this guy?"
 "Whoa there guys lets just get our money and part"
<`Cerberus> "Cuz' that's pretty much your selection right there"
* [^^Silver^^] nods in agreement with Q
<`Cerberus> "I went for the crate later... really did"
 "hehe, umm no... waste of a pistola... You couldn't do anything for me... it's ok."
 "Whatever, lets just go"
* [^^Silver^^] gets in Quents car
* `Cerberus tries to find a towel to sit on
 "I hope you wet people dont think you can ride with me...." *smiles*
* Shimmers slides into the back seat
* Nathan_W drives on his bike to the bar...
 "Want me to get out?"*smiles*
* Quentin_Ma takes Shimmers to the hospital and admits her then goes to get the money
 And yes he does do that 
 We are all at the bar save Shimmers now 
 and me...
 wating outside...
<`Cerberus> --- I thought you went on the bike...
 yeah we includes you 
 silver... would you get my money for me?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets do this"
* Nathan_W waits outside of the bar, for Mr. J.
* Quentin_Ma walks in finding the Johnson and sittin gown
*** Riana has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 ---down evem 
* `Cerberus walks in and sits right next to the johnson in the booth
 "You all did a good job" 
<`Cerberus> slides over so his wet jacket is in contact with the Johnson's expensive suit
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanx, what was with the jets?"
* [^^Silver^^] glares at the J
 "I assure you that I have no jets"
 ---i like that move cer...
 "The UCAS military must have hit it"
<[^^Silver^^]> "If you say so where is our Yen?"
* `Cerberus pulls a small fish out of his sleave and places it in the Johnson's lap at the sound of that last part
* CorruptedGM pulls out 5 sticks and places them on the table
* CorruptedGM then backhands Cer
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 9 3 1 10 5 11 )
 body Cer 
* [^^Silver^^] takes his, Nates, and Shimmers
* `Cerberus picks up the fish and wacks the J with it
<`Cerberus> --- 2 kp
<`Cerberus> 5d6
 --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 1 2 4 2 5 )
 he hit you pretty hard that is going to be a black eye 
 Roll armed combat 
<`Cerberus> --- does kenpo apply to sea creatures? :-)
* Nathan_W enters, sees the action and comes up behind the J
<`Cerberus> 7d6
 --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 5 10 5 1 5 3 1 )
 --- CorruptedGM 6d6 ( 4 3 8 2 1 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---din, din time
 The fish hits the Johnson 
<`Cerberus> --- I can see it now, Broken Macrel
 And he is knocked out under the table 
<`Cerberus> "Cheack please"
* [^^Silver^^] throw Nate his cred
* Quentin_Ma pockets his cash wand walks out
<[^^Silver^^]> "here ya go"
* `Cerberus takes his credstick and pockets it
* Nathan_W picks up Mr. J. gently, and takes him to the ally
* [^^Silver^^] pockets his and Shimmers
* Quentin_Ma then Delivers 2 doezen roses to Shimmers' room then checks himself into the hospital
* Nathan_W catches it, "thanx"
* `Cerberus goes to a Stuffer Shack and buys a thick T-Bone
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well guys I am out of here"
 ___GAME OVER___
<`Cerberus> "See ya again soon"
 ---scratch that...
*** Quentin_Ma has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
*** CorruptedBot has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
<[^^Silver^^]> cool game
<`Cerberus> oh yea
*** CorruptedGM is now known as Crimsonbaron
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
* Nathan_W waits till J is awake then drains him dry...
*** Nathan_W is now known as The_Sayer
 It was weird playing and GMing at the same time 
*** Shimmers is now known as Endradi
<`Cerberus> and from the hills the cry emerges, KARMA KARMA
 Quentin gets 25 
 Cer gets 7
 Shimmers gets 8 
 Maddix gets 7 
 Nat visited Shimmers and Quen in the hospital, brining them good food, other than the crap they serve there...
 And Vampire man gets 7 
 hehe, thanx, considering that i was at the bottom of the ocean for a while...
* `Cerberus visits the Johnson in the hospital, brining his a fresh carp every day....
 Jonson is dead...
 you should get more for saving my chars life LOL 
 good I like real food and visitors
* `Cerberus shows up with a large carp for the funeral then....
 so did you like?
<`Cerberus> yup;
 good, my char liked yours, as he did silver and quen... argh i forgot that quen is your char, baron...
 yeah i liked to...
 good game
 there was a lot of confusion in the opening 
 yeah, although after this I'm really gonna hate water...
 And for a while there I thought it was going to blow my right and left nut 
 going to bed cya guys
 night man 
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Aug 12 02:01:20 1999

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