Session Start: Sun Oct 03 16:25:01 1999
* Logging #sixth_world to 'twistedgmrun4.txt'
 Hey the more the merrier man
 As for sheets, I'll trust you :)
 is "The Mummy" any good?
 Excellent flick
 nope, good effects, hokie story
<`CourtJester> I like cheese
 I thought it was cool, i like the main characters duffle bag :)
 that part is cool
 heh, I have it playing now
 Okay everyone ready?
 Whoah, an new Dragon Heart?
<`CourtJester> yessirree boberoony
 I loved the first one
<^^^Venus> Yes, and I thought is was a cool movie
 gotta get that one too
 Okay then lets start
 --------------------------Game On-------------------------------
*** Bigrod is now known as _Pita_
<_Pita_> ---woops
 "hey babe, long time no see"
<_Pita_> "Yeah, I've been kind of busy. Little bit of this little bit of that."
 "ahh, I see, then
 Okay you are all chilling at your places of residence when, you guessed it, your phone rings
<_Pita_> "Darius could you get that?"
 "man, I gotta change this number"
<^^^Venus> >>>Hello
* `CourtJester beep on the phone, leaving the vidscreen off.
<`CourtJester> >>>Hello!
 >>>Yes, I was giving your number by a mutual acquantiance who thought you might be interested in employment
 >>>how do you this isn't a Lone Star cop?
<^^^Venus> >>>Go ahead
<`CourtJester> >>>Continue
* Darius_the_Grey taps the phone
 >>>speak man!
 >>>I'll just have to have faith, If you are interested meet me at the Pierced Ork at 8:00pm
 >>>sure thing omae
<^^^Venus> >>>I'll be there
 It is now around noon
* Darius_the_Grey taps on Cjs forehead
<_Pita_> "Who was that Darius? Anyone we know?"
<`CourtJester> ---sorry, got distracted
 "some guy that said something about a job"
<`CourtJester> >>>Sounds good.
* Twisted_GM slaps CJ with a large Trout, "Wake up"
 "ohhh, so you want fish for dinner! why didn't you say so?"
<`CourtJester> ----hee hee
 >>>Fine see you then, CLICK
 !bar off
 "what? you don't like my service? well tough, go home then"
 4,1The10 #sixth_world4 bar is now closed, you can't stay here, but you don't have to go home"
<_Pita_> ---LOL
<^^^Venus> >>>Click
 Gotta love that bot :)
 ---thx :0
<_Pita_> "So what did he say, anything interesting?"
 "so, you want to go get some work? I know I need the money"
 Okay what do you guys and gals do?
* `CourtJester beeps off the phone, and continues watching the 20th Century Cyberpunk Movie Marathon 'til 7.
<_Pita_> "I can always use more money?"
 "I think I am gonna learn how to do that decking thing"
* _Pita_ looks at Darius funny
 "I need a little bit more money to get this sweet deck that Low Tek wants to sell"
* ^^^Venus goes about her business til 7 then gets her stuff and goes to the meet
<_Pita_> "You?"
 "why not? I am the hottest drek mage in town, I need something more challenging"
* `CourtJester enters the bar like a normal customer, sitting far in the corner and making sure not to stick out. (Unless, of course, the Pierced Ork appears to be an Ork-only bar).
* Darius_the_Grey keeps typing at his computer
<`CourtJester> ---woohoo! That means you won't have to retire Dar! Yay!
<^^^Venus> Actually it is'nt
 "Well, let's get ready to go"
<_Pita_> "You a decker, I guess it would be the same watching your back when you jack in like when you go astral."
* Darius_the_Grey takes a quick nap to get ready for the evening, waking at around 6 to get ready
<^^^Venus> the bar is actually a mixed bar that is owned by an ork with several body piercings :)
<_Pita_> "Just think if you could use your magic in the matrix, you would be almost invincible...., do you thin you could do that?"
* Darius_the_Grey then drives with Pita to the bar
<`CourtJester> ----okies.
 "not possible, I have been doing research"
* `CourtJester orders a light beer, but only sips it slightly as he watches for the others.
<_Pita_> "I'm sure that if anyone could find a way it would be you."
 "well, at least it's another skill that would ake me valuable, ever since Tek left, the decker's have gone underground it seems"
 "well, we're here, ready?"
 It is actually a light crowd. There appears to be a well dressed Human at a corner table all by himself
* _Pita_ enters the bar standing to the right of the door and checks the place out.
* Darius_the_Grey walks in behind her and looks for the contact
* ^^^Venus walks into the bar and looks for the contact
* `CourtJester carefully looks over everyone present from his corner
* ^^^Venus is 5'5" 105lbs elven female, long brown wavy hair with blonde highlights, dark brown eyes. She wearing a white danceskin bottom with a white chiffon wrap around skirt, white tank top, and white ankle boots
* Darius_the_Grey wears a grey suit with dark pin stripes. A long black coat covers his shoulders and the glint of sword hilt can be seen beneath. A black raven is perched on his shoulder surverying it's surroundings.
* _Pita_ is a lovely young lady with one blue eye and one greene eye. She is dressed in a tight leather outfit with a loose overcoat. Her long blonde hair is always braided into two pony tails and she is always ready to rumble.
 A well-dressed human male in the corner stands and waves you all over
* `CourtJester is a short human (roughly 4 feet). He wears black dress pants, nice black shoes and blacks socks. He also has on a nice white sweater, and a dressy black coat on over it.
 "I would think that is our man"
* _Pita_ walks over to the well dressed man.
* Darius_the_Grey saunters over and sits down, not waiting to be asked
*** Twisted_GM is now known as WellDressedMan
 "hey there Jester"
* Darius_the_Grey sees the new girl
 "hello there lady"
* ^^^Venus walks to the table nodding at CJ
* `CourtJester walks over to the table, and nods to Darius. He looks over Venus and Pita. "And who are these two fine ladies?"
<^^^Venus> "Hello my name is Venus and you?
* _Pita_ smirks
 "I am Darius, the Grey, a pleasure"
<_Pita_> "I'm Pita.  Thats what people call me and what I am"
<`CourtJester> "I'm CJ, nice to meet you both."
<^^^Venus> "Pleasure to meet all of you"
* `CourtJester looks to the WellDressedMan and sits down at the chair nearest him.
* Darius_the_Grey looks to the well dressed guy over there
* _Pita_ sits down
<`CourtJester> ---nearest CJ, not nearest the well dressed man
 "Thank you for all showing. Shall we get down to biz, please sit"
 "so, you had a job? I hope it doesn't involve travel"
* Darius_the_Grey is already sitting
* ^^^Venus takes a seat
<`CourtJester> "Especially to some tropical island."
* ^^^Venus perceives astrally
 ---hehe, I would seem mundane with a little cyber
<`CourtJester> ---I would seem 100% real, with no cyberware or bio.
 "The tropics? No I assure you this requires no travel"
<_Pita_> ---I would be the same as CJ
<`CourtJester> "Alright then, we can talk about this business."
* ^^^Venus comes back
<_Pita_> ---err mundane that is
 ---of course, the raven is a spirit, so that might give it away :)
 "Right it is simple really"
 "I just need you to take back a medallion of mine from my former employer"
<`CourtJester> "Religious, personal, or monetary medallion?"
 "how much is it worth to you?"
<^^^Venus> "Is this person male or female?"
<_Pita_> "Why did that person take the medallion from you?"
<^^^Venus> "It is a very personal medallion and it is worth quite a bit to me. And she is a female"
 Damn that was me
 "man, I hate killing women"
<_Pita_> "Doesn't phase me a bit."
* _Pita_ smiles
 "well, that just means there is one less, which kills my odds"
<`CourtJester> "I don't suppose we'd have to kill her Dar. Perhaps just narcojet her and steal it while she sleeps."
 "yeah, but they always seem to wake up"
 "Well, I worked for her group for awhile until we got intimate and broke up. She took it out of spite"
 "and one thing I like less than killing women, is leaving witnesses"
* `CourtJester looks to the man. "Do you have a preference, sir?"
<_Pita_> "You knock her out and I'll take yer out."
<`CourtJester> "Do you want her dead, or is it just the medallion you want."
 "group? this isn't one of those power groups is it?"
 "Whichever is easier for you"
<`CourtJester> "How much?"
 "No it is not a power group"
 "I am prepared to offer you all 75,000¥ each
 "well, where is this lady located, you know, her work, home, all that"
<_Pita_> "75k, hmmmmm."
<`CourtJester> "I need to know more about the group before I can accept."
<^^^Venus> "Do you have a dossier on her,?"
<_Pita_> "Is this medallion magical or mundane?"
* WellDressedMan pulls out a folder
 "Everything you need to know is in this folder, along with pics"
* WellDressedMan slides it to the middle of the table
* Darius_the_Grey takes the folder and starts reading
* `CourtJester checks to see who or what this women works for/with.
<_Pita_> "Any deadlines?"
* _Pita_ reads it with Darius.
 "The medallion is mudane"
 the folder has a picture of the woman, early 30's datajack, she runs a Shadowrunning team out of an old warehouse near the docks
<`CourtJester> ----how many members in the team?
 "hmmm, a decker huh?"
<^^^Venus> "Is there a picture of the medallion in the file?"
<_Pita_> "Darius...."
 "what?! I just like to know my target"
<^^^Venus> In the picture she is wearing a very beautiful platnium medallion. There appears to be only 3 other Sammies that  he knows abut
<`CourtJester> "If she's got runners on her side too, I don't think any of us can do it for less than eighty-kay a piece."
 did it again
<_Pita_> "Oh, ok.  And if we can get rid of her you can get a deck out of the deal too."
<`CourtJester> ---You guys need to get 'dradi's computer hooked up and running
 "Yes she is a decker and very good at her job to"
 Tell me about it
 "there are always bennies to every run"
<`CourtJester> ---I just did tell you about it :)
* _Pita_ smiles
 "She is wearing the medallion in the pic"
 "well, I would think it is worth more, like 80k"
<`CourtJester> "If she's got runners on her side too, I don't think any of us can do it for less than eighty-kay a piece."
 Anyone have negotiation
<^^^Venus> ---nope
 --hehe, I have a 6 charisma
 --can anyone beat that?
<`CourtJester> ---nope, but I've got a 6 char too. HA!
<`CourtJester> ---Can I default to biotech? :)
<_Pita_> ---I have at 4 and a 6 charisma
<^^^Venus> I have an 8
 --let Pita negot.
<`CourtJester> ---pita has negotiation, woohoo!
<^^^Venus> ---I have an 8
<_Pita_> 4d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- _Pita_ 4d6 ( 3 5 3 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- WellDressedMan 5d6 ( 5 1 3 4 2 )
 "Well, I guess I can kick in an extra 5k a piece"
 "works for me"
* _Pita_ smiles at that comment
<`CourtJester> "Alright then, I'm in."
 "Do we have a deal then?"
<_Pita_> "Good, then I think you may have your team, at least I'm in if everyone else is."
<^^^Venus> "I believe we do Mr......."
* `CourtJester finishes her sentence, "Johnson."
<`CourtJester> ---whispered
<^^^Venus> "Mr. Johnson then."
* WellDressedMan stands up
<`CourtJester> "Where shall we contact you when we have the coin?"
 "Call me when you have it, the number is in the folder"
* `CourtJester nods, and stands.
* ^^^Venus gracefully stands
* _Pita_ gets up and goes to the car
* ^^^Venus extends her hand
* WellDressedMan takes it and slightly shakes it
 "well, I say we do some planning here"
 "Good luck"
* Darius_the_Grey goes and brings Pita back
<_Pita_> "Where to?"
* WellDressedMan heads out to the front door
<`CourtJester> "Indeed. Who here has a nice place? Mine's a mess right now."
* ^^^Venus heads out to the car
 "right here is good, nice and noisy, not too many people"
<_Pita_> "Sounds good to me."
<`CourtJester> "I'd rather not do it in a public place, but it's your call."
* WellDressedMan gets into a black stretch limo and leaves
* ^^^Venus returns smiling
<^^^Venus> "Sorry forgot my com-link"
*** WellDressedMan is now known as Twisted_GM
* `CourtJester sits back down at the table.
 "okay, this should be pretty simple, we just snatch and grab"
* _Pita_ sits next to Darius
 You guys plan the describ of the warehouse is in the folder along with pics of it
<_Pita_> "Unless they know we're coming."
 "always assume they know we are coming"
<`CourtJester> ---I assume the warehouse is single level, just a large enclosed area, oui?
<`CourtJester> "And never go anywhere without protection."
 "this is always tue"
 It a onestory building with no skylight with a warehouse on either side about 30 ft from the main one and a dock in front
<`CourtJester> ---Any windows on the sides?
 Brb go ahead and plan
 no windows
 "so, since Jester and Pita can be our muscle, they can go in first, Venus here annd I can pick off from the rear
 "isn't line of sight wonderful?"
<_Pita_> "Just watch out whose rear your picking off."
<`CourtJester> "Why would Venus be able to pick off from the rear any better than Pita or I?"
* _Pita_ looks at Darius with a sly grin
<^^^Venus> "Sounds like fun"
 "cause she probably doesn't have any armor spells, and that screws with concetrantion"
* Darius_the_Grey looks to Venus
 "am I right?"
<^^^Venus> ---she has barrier
<`CourtJester> "Oh, she's a mage. Don't forget Dar, I can't look at people astrally to see."
 "I can always move up and reinforce you guys"
<`CourtJester> ---dar doesn't know that 'dradi
 ---I wouldn't know
<^^^Venus> "I don't know, do I  or don't I?"
* ^^^Venus smiles at him
 "well, either way, you look a little.. fragile to be leading a charge, I wouldn't a lovely thing like you getting hurt"
<`CourtJester> "Alright. I assume one of you magicky-types will check out the warehouse before we enter to see whos there and where they are."
<^^^Venus> "well aren't you the sweet one, thank you"
<_Pita_> "So what are you saying about me, I don't "Look" fragile?"
 "I know you darlin, you can tear the tongue off an troll"
<`CourtJester> "Only one troll?"
* `CourtJester grins.
 "well, at a time"
 "so, we gotta plan, do you want up front with you guys, or picking off from the rear?"
 --me that is
<^^^Venus> "I'm sorry would you prefer to work closer with your husbandd?"
* Darius_the_Grey looks at Venus
* _Pita_ looks confused
<_Pita_> "Who's married?"
 "this is new"
* `CourtJester shakes his head.
<^^^Venus> "you two are married aren't you, you act like my parents"
 "ohhhhh, no we are just old friends"
<_Pita_> "No we just live together!
* ^^^Venus smiles
<^^^Venus> "Oh, sorry "
 "there is no sex involved, except when we both get really drunk.."
* Darius_the_Grey grins
* _Pita_ laughs
<`CourtJester> "Alright, you two pick them off from the rear, Pita and I move in and blast from close range. Sounds good to me, as long as one of you two find out where they're positioned first."
<_Pita_> "Or when you pass out..."
<^^^Venus> "I'll make a mental note of that" 
 "sure thing"
 "who's driving?"
* _Pita_ grins 1"I will!"
<`CourtJester> "I can't. Remember when the cruise liner blew up? My old 'craft was parked on board at the time."
 "ohh yeah, that's right, I guess Pita and I will drive you guys, who's comin with me?"
<_Pita_> "ME"
 ---can't fit four in a dynamit :)
<^^^Venus> "I guess we are"
<_Pita_> "My stuff is in the trunk man
<_Pita_> "
 "but you gotta drive the other car...."
<_Pita_> "Oh, ok, whatever."
<`CourtJester> "If you two wanna ride together, I can drive Venus and I in the car."
 "sure, that works, whichever"
* Darius_the_Grey gets up
 Ijust read up
 "we will meet one block west of the warehouse"
* _Pita_ gets up and goes to the car
* `CourtJester nods, and stands. "Keys?"
<^^^Venus> "I can ride with whoever wants me"
 "Venus meet us here to switch cars, (gives address) Jester can ride with us"
<_Pita_> "Hmmmm, Darius.....?"
 "I do, but Pita already offered"
* Darius_the_Grey grins at Venus
* ^^^Venus smiles back
<^^^Venus> "No problem"
* `CourtJester pays the bartender for his untouched beer, then walks back to the others.
 You can almost see the claw out :)
<_Pita_> "I think it may be better if Court Jester and I ride together so we can get in synch as to how we are gonna go when we get inside."
 "that works, we still gotta meet back at the house to switch cars"
<_Pita_> "Ok."
 meow, sppt, sppt!
* Darius_the_Grey gets up to leave
* Darius_the_Grey goes out to his car to wait for the others
* ^^^Venus gets up gracefully and leaves
* `CourtJester heads for Dar's car as well.
 Who is riding with who?
<_Pita_> ---I thought we were going to pick up my car then...
<`CourtJester> "I'll need to stop off at my place real quick first."
 Okay to cut it short you all eventually get to the meeting spot
<`CourtJester> ---with CJ picking up his shotgun, one kilo of commerical explosives, and radio detonator.
 ---sure, and I bring my HK, just in case
 allrighty you are a block west of the warehouse right?
 "okay guys, you ready?""
* Darius_the_Grey gets out, locking his SMG and hiding it under his coat
<^^^Venus> "Yes sir, always"
*** _Pita_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<`CourtJester> "Wait. One of you mage types needs to check out the building from here, and see where they all are."
* Darius_the_Grey looks at Venus 1"you gonna want to do the astral check?"
*** _Pita_ has joined #Sixth_world
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o _Pita_
<^^^Venus> "Okay watch my back"
<_Pita_> ---sorry
* ^^^Venus goes astral
* Darius_the_Grey watches more than her back
<`CourtJester> "Eww! Dar, there's no soul in there. That's as bad as feeling up a corpse!"
<^^^Venus> "ok, no magic, cameras in all corners, 7 lifeforms inside, 6 with lots of cyber and 1  with little cyber"
<`CourtJester> "Where were they positioned in the building?
* _Pita_ listens
 "They were all seated around a long table in the center, looks like somekind of meeting"
 "cool, good way to surprise them"
<^^^Venus> "hmmm, does anyone know this Johnson, I really don't trust them"
<`CourtJester> "Alright. I'm going to place some explosives at the doorway. If the big guns charge us, we can always back out, and blow the bomb when they come out the door."
 "either do I, but I usually make it through the runs"
 "that my friend, is a good idea"
<`CourtJester> "Yeah. I've only been doublecrossed by a Johnson 4 times, and I survived every one of them."
* ^^^Venus smiles at CJ
* `CourtJester nods, and starts prepping the sticks of dynamite.
 "heh, only 4? you are such a rookie"
<^^^Venus> "Guess that means you're good, that's good to know"
<`CourtJester> "Now, I can't say as much for the Johnson :)."
<`CourtJester> "No, after the fourth time they started to learn not to doublecross /me/."
* `CourtJester gets out his shotgun, loads in some flechette rounds, and cocks the gun to load in the first round.
* Darius_the_Grey waits for him to finish with the demo job and places himself accross the street
* `CourtJester places the explosive to explode inward, towards the building.
* _Pita_ gets her helmet on and checks the coms
<_Pita_> >>>Check
<`CourtJester> ---I suppose you'll want me to roll demo to shape the explostion direction
* ^^^Venus goes across the street and get's ready
* Darius_the_Grey looks to Venus
<_Pita_> ---does everyone have comms?
 "I have never seen you before, you must be new here"
 --I do
* Darius_the_Grey puts the comm in his ear
<`CourtJester> ---oui ou non, monsieur Melancon?
<_Pita_> >>>Check? Hello anyone there?
* `CourtJester hasn't a com.
 >>I'm not in right now please leave a message....BEEP!
* _Pita_ is watching Court Jester's back
<_Pita_> >>>Ok Dar.
 >>>comon, a little humour here
<_Pita_> "CourtJester, do you have a com link?"
<^^^Venus> >>>Check
* Darius_the_Grey hears that in stereo
 "cool... stereo"
<`CourtJester> "Nope, but if you've got one, you can just inform me of the pertenent details."
<^^^Venus> "Yes I am, I'm from the tropics"
<_Pita_> "Uhhhm, there's one in the car if you want to use it."
 okay were is everyone?
 "ahhh, an exotic woman, defianately makes things more interesting"
<_Pita_> "Nevermind....I'll inform you."
 ---dammit definately
* `CourtJester and Pita are in front of the warehouse, placing the explosive charge.
* Darius_the_Grey and Venus are accross the street ready to start picking off baddies
<`CourtJester> ---And I still need to know if you want me to roll Demo to see if he can aim the charge towards the building instead of in a general blast.
 okay holdon
 roll it CJ
<`CourtJester> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 5d6 ( 4 7 5 1 5 )
<`CourtJester> ---it'd be 7 if I used c4 or c12, but we only want to kill some of the people, not turn the house into a crater
 ---awww comon, craters are cool
 Okay you think you succeed
<`CourtJester> ---not when it destroys a medallion we can sell for 80k a piece
<`CourtJester> ----Of course, I always think I succeed
* `CourtJester whispers, "Alright, it's ready."
 ---man,I should pay more attention to what I do, just lit a ciggarrette, backwards
* `CourtJester stands, zips up his armored coat, and holds his shotgun in hand. "May I have this dance?"
<_Pita_> >>>Ready
<^^^Venus> "I've lived in the tropics for the last 2 years. I'm originally form Ireland"
 "oooh, even better"
<`CourtJester> ---You mean you lit the filter after sticking the other end in mouth, or you put in in your mouth right, you  just lit the filter WHILE it was in your mouth
* Darius_the_Grey spouts off some Gaelic
 Just about then you hear a voice on a loudspeaker coming from the camera
 "a hobby of mine you see"
 "uh oh"
 "Excuse me What the hell are you doing to our front door?"
<^^^Venus> "We'll pick this up later"
 ---that leaves such a nasty taste
* _Pita_ looks at CourtJester
 "You have 5 mins to leave before we take action
<`CourtJester> "We're supposed to pick up some crates here. Is this 1440 Dockfront Lane?"
 ---actually I once burned my mouth with a cig, but that is a whole other story
 "With plastiques I don't think so"
 roll percep all
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 3 2 10 1 4 3 )
<`CourtJester> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 6d6 ( 5 10 1 1 2 2 )
<^^^Venus> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 5d6 ( 2 1 7 3 3 )
<_Pita_> >>>6d6
<`CourtJester> ---actualy it's dynamite, not plastique, but okay
<^^^Venus> try again Pita
<_Pita_> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- _Pita_ 6d6 ( 8 3 4 2 4 4 )
<^^^Venus> without>>>
<_Pita_> ---doh
 You notice movement in the alleys on both sides of the warehouse
 >>>have him light off the bomb Pita
 "You now have 2 mins"
* Darius_the_Grey looks that way with his low-light
<_Pita_> "Fire the door"
<`CourtJester> "Get away from the door."
* _Pita_ moves away from the door.
* `CourtJester back away from the door by about 20 meters, then blows the door (assuming Pita moves too)
<_Pita_> ---thats me
 >>>enemies right and left
 Okay the do is blown in
 yes init all
<_Pita_> >>>Gottem
 15,5 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6+6 ( 26 )
<^^^Venus> 1d6+4
 15,5 --- ^^^Venus 1d6+4 ( 9 )
<`CourtJester> ----did it blow out to the side any, or just forward?
<_Pita_> "We got company to the right and left."
<`CourtJester> 1d6+6
 15,5 --- `CourtJester 1d6+6 ( 11 )
<_Pita_> 3d6+7
 15,5 --- _Pita_ 3d6+7 ( 18 )
<^^^Venus> 3d6+6
 15,5 --- ^^^Venus 3d6+6 ( 17 )
<^^^Venus> 3d6+6
 15,5 --- ^^^Venus 3d6+6 ( 14 )
* Darius_the_Grey celebrates
 --I actually won init guys wooo-hooo!
<_Pita_> ---uhhm you should
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 18 )
<`CourtJester> ----with 4 init dice and a rea of 6, I should hope so
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 20 )
 --I ususally get 12 or 13
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 17 )
<_Pita_> ---I know
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 15 )
 go Dar
<`CourtJester> ---and as usual, flesh-boy is last to go.
 6 targets coming out the alleyways 3 on either side
 hmmm, I cast manaball at the group closest to Pita
<^^^Venus> ---nope Venus is last to go :)
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 8d6 ( 17 5 5 5 4 10 11 1 )
 --uhhh git some!
 --centering for drain BTW
* Darius_the_Grey chants something in Gaelic then casts the old manaball
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 4d6 ( 5 4 1 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 4d6 ( 4 1 4 3 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 4 3 5 3 7 )
 ---scratch three sammies!
 They all fall down
<`CourtJester> ----Splat
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6 ( 4 2 2 1 )
 --lucky roll for me
 --6 mp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 4 3 1 1 9 1 1 4 5 3 3 2 )
<^^^Venus> "Impressive Mr. Dar"
 --L drain
 "thanks, I have worked hard on that"
 one on the left of CJ open up on
 ---of course, now I have just made myself a huge target
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 4 )
<`CourtJester> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 5d6 ( 4 3 5 3 2 )
<`CourtJester> ---armor is 4/2
<_Pita_> ---Dont worry Dar.
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 2 1 5 1 22 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 8 2 1 2 3 )
 roll body CJ
<`CourtJester> ---I already did
<`CourtJester> ---want me to roll again?
 no that is okay
 You take a hit to your
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 5 )
 chest knocking you down with a L wound
 Go Pita
<_Pita_> ---how far away are the others?
<`CourtJester> ---yeah. Go pita, go pita, go go go pita
 about 15 feet to the left 3 targets
<_Pita_> ---how far are the targets I mean?
 15 feet from your location
* _Pita_ swings at the target that shot CJ
 Roll it
<_Pita_> 11d5
<_Pita_> 11d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- _Pita_ 11d6 ( 1 4 4 5 5 4 11 14 1 3 9 )
<_Pita_> ---even
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 3 1 17 2 3 5 )
<_Pita_> ---7d damage
 He is knocked down dazed
<`CourtJester> 61d2
<`CourtJester> ---heehee
 The one next to him opens up on 
<`CourtJester> ---that's some body
<`CourtJester> ----Dar dar dar!
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 4 )
 CJ again
 ---hehe, they don't like you CJ
* Darius_the_Grey hands the bot a thick envelope
 "hey I am easy but not cheap!"
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 8 4 11 4 3 )
<`CourtJester> ---it's caues I blew open their door, that'll cost them a lot to repair :)
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 2 5 4 9 4 )
 roll body CJ
<`CourtJester> ---cp?
 go ahead if you want
<`CourtJester> 6d6 --1 cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 6d6 ( 7 2 2 2 11 1 )
<`CourtJester> ---I know the way the bot is towards me tonight
<`CourtJester> ---4/2 armor still
 You get hit but the armor absorbs the damage
<`CourtJester> ----woohoo! finally
 and the last one fires at
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 4 )
<`CourtJester> ----NARGLE!!!
 Guess who!!!!
* `CourtJester 's head explodes
<_Pita_> ---uhhm?
<`CourtJester> ----:)
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 2 1 5 4 8 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 3 2 1 3 17 )
 roll body
<`CourtJester> 5d6 -2 cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 5d6 ( 8 4 2 1 2 )
<`CourtJester> ---whoops, 5d6 is 0 cp, not 2
 do it again then
<`CourtJester> ---no, I didn't want to use any cp
<`CourtJester> ---And I'm still wearing the same armor as the last two times
 You are knocked back but the armor absorbs it. You are going to be sore in the morn
 Go CJ
<`CourtJester> ----what do I see in the warehouse, now that there's no door?
* Darius_the_Grey couchs politely
<`CourtJester> ----crouches politely :)
 You can see a long table some cots to the side but noone else
<`CourtJester> ----nobody is in the building?
 Not that you see
* `CourtJester stands and hurries into the warehouse
 roll quickness
<`CourtJester> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 6d6 ( 1 9 10 1 8 1 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 4 4 1 4 1 16 )
<`CourtJester> ---woohoo, definetely three successes there
<`CourtJester> ---well, maybe two....
<^^^Venus> ---he didn't say no one was there he said not that you see
<`CourtJester> ----I know that, that's why CJ's going in to investigate
<`CourtJester> ---we've seen 6 so far, but no decker girl
 You manage to dive away as the spot you were standing at is sprayed with bullets
 from the left of the door
<`CourtJester> ---Yikey shnikeys!
 Go venus
<`CourtJester> ---dive behind a crate, or back out of the warehouse?
 Just forward the only cover is behind the table
* Darius_the_Grey coughs a little less politely
<^^^Venus> "Are you all right"
<`CourtJester> ---umm, please kill those things instead of talking, we're in the middle of combat
* ^^^Venus casts mana bolt on the nearest one force 5 3mp
<^^^Venus> 8d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 8d6 ( 1 11 5 2 1 1 5 1 )
<^^^Venus> 4d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 4d6 ( 4 1 5 5 )
 Okay one of them holds his head and falls
 Roll Init again please
<`CourtJester> 1d6+6
 15,5 --- `CourtJester 1d6+6 ( 12 )
<_Pita_> 3d6+7
 15,5 --- _Pita_ 3d6+7 ( 24 )
<`CourtJester> --woohoo! max init for me!
<^^^Venus> 1d6+4
 15,5 --- ^^^Venus 1d6+4 ( 9 )
<`CourtJester> ---just when I need it, too
 15,5 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6+6 ( 24 )
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 14 )
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 3d6+6 ( 15 )
 15,5 --- Twisted_GM 2d6+5 ( 13 )
 Go Pita
* _Pita_ runs inside the warehouse 1>>>Darius you got these three?
 >>>sure thing honey
<`CourtJester> ---two, venus manabolted one of them
<_Pita_> ---uhhm ok
<_Pita_> ---do I need to roll anything?
 no, you get in there and see the decker with a Vindicator on a tripod
<_Pita_> ---how far away?
 ---hey that sounds familiar!
 About 10 feet
 Doesn't it
* _Pita_ punches at her face at full strength
 ---when I become a decker, I have to carry one of those :)
 Roll unarmed
<_Pita_> 21d6 ---11 cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- _Pita_ 21d6 ( 1 5 15 2 10 5 4 17 10 1 1 3 5 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 8 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 4d6 ( 9 4 1 4 )
<_Pita_> ---damn that sucked
<`CourtJester> -----AHHHHH!
<_Pita_> ---7d damage
<`CourtJester> ----21 DICE?!?!?!
 She is down and out
 ---hehe, can't use more cp than skill
<_Pita_> ---11 unarmed and 10 cp
 Go Dar
* Darius_the_Grey fires auto at the other two, 5 rounds on the first guy, walk one round, then 4 on the other
 Roll it
 --it's one roll right?
 uhh, yeah
 ---6 cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 3 2 2 5 2 9 4 5 1 10 5 10 )
 --damamge is 12S on the first guys, 11S on the second
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 9 3 2 3 7 11 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 3 4 5 3 4 2 )
 Both are hit and knocked back bleeding
<`CourtJester> ----I should hope so
<`CourtJester> ---combat over?
 One returnds fire
 "now I know why I quit using guns, not a big enough punch"
 Not yet
<`CourtJester> ---oh
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 3 17 1 5 8 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 4 2 5 2 2 )
 Roll body Dar
 ----3 cp, and I have 4/2 armor
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 13d6 ( 2 2 5 2 4 2 3 5 1 5 3 4 5 )
<`CourtJester> ---he only hit once with rolls like that
 Just a nick
 GO Pita
* _Pita_ dashes to the decker and looks for the Medallion
 You find it around her neck
* _Pita_ takes it
* Darius_the_Grey finishes off the two sammies
 and what?
<`CourtJester> ---and is happy he kills them?
 roll it
 --same deal, but no cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 4 1 2 1 3 2 )
 ---ewwww, all misses
 amazingly you miss all shots
 one fires back
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 5 2 5 3 4 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 2 1 10 4 4 )
 roll body once
 ---heh no cp
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 10d6 ( 1 3 5 2 2 5 2 5 2 21 )
 Yea, armor
 no damage
* Darius_the_Grey grins
 Go CJ
 "one would think one is immortal"
 But not quite :)
 ---I can dream can't I
* `CourtJester grabs the vindicator by the tripod, and starts dragging it towards the door.
 Roll strength :)
<`CourtJester> 4d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 4d6 ( 10 5 1 2 )
<`CourtJester> ---only 15 kilos, so I should hope he can move it
 Okay you drag it
 go venus
* ^^^Venus fires one shot into each
<^^^Venus> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 5d6 ( 3 1 3 1 5 )
<^^^Venus> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 5d6 ( 1 5 3 1 3 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 4 9 11 3 3 4 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 6d6 ( 5 7 4 2 4 4 )
<`CourtJester> ---lemme guess. CJ, roll body :)
 They shrug it off
 one fires at 
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 11 )
<`CourtJester> ---The gm?
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 3 )
<`CourtJester> ---whew, at least it's not me this time
<_Pita_> ---you're inside
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 3 5 1 5 9 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 1 1 5 3 3 )
<`CourtJester> ---you never know, they might run for me...and find me with a brand new vindicator in my hands.
<^^^Venus> roll bod twice venus
<^^^Venus> 3d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 3d6 ( 3 2 4 )
<^^^Venus> 3d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 3d6 ( 9 4 3 )
<`CourtJester> ---see, we knew she was fragile
 You are knocked back on you butt with a L wound
 Go Dar
* Darius_the_Grey drops the gun and manaballs the two uglies
<^^^Venus> ---give her time
* Darius_the_Grey chants some wierd language crap as usual, while he casts
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 8d6 ( 7 1 4 1 10 5 5 2 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 4d6 ( 2 11 2 1 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 4d6 ( 5 3 4 5 )
 --see ya!
 ----drain time...
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6 ( 1 1 3 3 )
 ---6 mo
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 4 1 8 5 8 )
 They both go down, but as one hits he squeezes of another round at
 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 1d6 ( 3 )
 --that is another box o damamge BTW
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Twisted_GM 5d6 ( 9 3 2 4 9 )
<^^^Venus> 3d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 3d6 ( 2 5 1 )
 You hear the bullet wizz by your ear
 ------Combat over--------
* _Pita_ looks around the warehouse for anything interesting she may want or need.
* Darius_the_Grey goes into the warehouse, looking for the decker's deck
* `CourtJester keeps dragging the vindicator, "Anyone mind if I keep this for my hovercraft?"
<_Pita_> >>>"Everything going ok out there?  I got the Medallion."
* ^^^Venus gets up, rubs her back side and heads to the warehouse
 >>>all gone
<_Pita_> >>>Good.
<`CourtJester> ---I know only Pita is there, but I'm sure my voice'll carry over the comlink somewhat
 Okay Pita you find some extra ammo for the Vindicator and a gyromount for it
 "hey Jester, I see you got a new toy"
* _Pita_ takes it for the time when Darius gets his.
<`CourtJester> "Yeah. The new hovercraft is gonna need some protection, this should do."
 ---do I find her deck?
 Dar you do find a Deck, a Fairlight Excalibur to be exact
 "nice toy!"
* Darius_the_Grey tucks it under his arm
 "shall we leave?"
 I figured you would like it
<_Pita_> "Sure."
* _Pita_ takes her helmet off
 Do you look for anything else?
* Darius_the_Grey starts walking out
<_Pita_> ---anything I can find
<`CourtJester> "You need that stuff Pita?"
<_Pita_> ---guns, money
 "let's hope the Star isn't out there"
* ^^^Venus looks around for anything
 you find nothing in the warehouse
<_Pita_> "not yet, but Darius has a wish list, and these are on it."
<_Pita_> "You can have the ammo
<_Pita_> "
 What are you guys doing?
 "naw, leave him the mount"
<`CourtJester> "Thanks."
* Darius_the_Grey walks out to his car
<_Pita_> "Ok, I'll carry it for ya."
* Darius_the_Grey tosses the Failight X in the back seat 1"let's rock people"
* ^^^Venus follows everyone
* `CourtJester is moving his new fun toy out to Darius's car. "Could you pull the car a little closer Dar? This gun is a little heavy."
* _Pita_ walks out to her car.
 ---you mean Pita's car?
<_Pita_> "Want me to carry it?"
<`CourtJester> ---CJ doesn't know who's car it is
<`CourtJester> "No, I  got it."
<_Pita_> ---its black with flames going down the sides
* _Pita_ helps CJ with the gun
<^^^Venus> "Hey did anyone check the pockets of the baddies for anything useful?"
 Roll perception all
* Darius_the_Grey digs in his glovebox looking for packet with that number in it, he makes sure to brush up on Venus's leg :)
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 3 7 3 2 1 5 )
<_Pita_> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- _Pita_ 6d6 ( 1 3 5 5 29 5 )
<_Pita_> ---damn a 29?
<^^^Venus> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ^^^Venus 5d6 ( 1 2 4 3 2 )
 --I think that is one success
<`CourtJester> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- `CourtJester 6d6 ( 3 4 13 9 3 1 )
<`CourtJester> ---yes?
 Okay you all hear sirens in the distance getting closer
<`CourtJester> "Let's move people!"
* Darius_the_Grey is already in his car
* _Pita_ grabs the gun and runs to her car
* Darius_the_Grey guns the engine, waiting for venus
<^^^Venus> "I think we should check the bodies"
* `CourtJester races after her, marvelling at how strong she is."
 "you guys jet, I'll wait for Venus"
<^^^Venus> ---you all are dense
 "go ahead, I got you back Venus"
<`CourtJester> ----You want to get arrested?
* ^^^Venus runs quickly to check the bodies
 Which ones?
* _Pita_ puts the gun in and cranks up, and floors it back to the meeting place.
* Darius_the_Grey pulls a u-turn so Venus has the door near her
* `CourtJester dives into the passenger side after opening the door, slams it shuts, and buckles up.
<_Pita_> >>>Darius meet back at our place
 >>>sure thing
<^^^Venus> ---all starting with dthe decker
 ---how close are the Star GM?
 After searching Quickly you find a credstick with about 100k on it
<_Pita_> >>>Dar, if you get put in the slammer I'll make you cake with a mag card in it dear.
 About 5 mins Dar
 >>>thanks I preciate it
* ^^^Venus runs to the car and gets in
 "we got company comin Venus, better get the groove on!"
<^^^Venus> "Lets go "
* Darius_the_Grey floors it, not leaving marks
<^^^Venus> "Looky what I find"
* Darius_the_Grey sees the stick
* ^^^Venus shows him the credstick
 "cool, that'll cover my share of the deck I took"
* Darius_the_Grey points to the back seat
 Okay Dar you get around the corner as the Star pulls up to the warehouse
* Darius_the_Grey takes off trying not to look conspicuous
<^^^Venus> "nice, you know anything about those"
 "not yet"
* Darius_the_Grey grins
 "I know that they are the key to the matrix"
<_Pita_> "So, CJ what exactly is your specialty?"
* Darius_the_Grey digs in his glovebox looking for packet with that number in it, he makes sure to brush up on Venus's leg :)
* Darius_the_Grey then calls the Johnson
<`CourtJester> "Demolitions, Medic, and used to be Designated Driver."
*** _Willow_ has joined #sixth_world
<`CourtJester> "With the cred from this run, I should be able to get a new 'craft and take over for my former role again."
<_Pita_> "Cool, then I won't have to use my car for runs.  This is my baby."
*** _Willow_ has left #sixth_world
<`CourtJester> "Yeah. Especially if I mount this new gun with the tripod in the rear of the 'craft."
 ---YO GM!!
 sorry about that
 >>>yeah man, we got the coin for ya
<_Pita_> "Well, I hope you can get it."
 >>>Great and the adversaries?
 >>>what adversaries? ohhhh the decker and her friends, well, they won't be bugging you anymore
<`CourtJester> "So do I. The guy I bought my last craft from got killed when his company found out the information I gave was fake."
<_Pita_> "Heh, that sux for him."
 >>>They won't good, good. Keep the damn thing and thanks for killing my wife for me
 >>>uhhh what?
* _Pita_ looks at the medallion closely when she gets home
* Darius_the_Grey pulls into the house where Pita and Jester should be waiting
<`CourtJester> "Yeah. But Docwagon's selling they're old vehicles right now, and I'm sure I can get the extras done by a street mechanic."
 "well, let's the break the news to them Venus"
<_Pita_> "cool."
* Darius_the_Grey gets out
<`CourtJester> ---heh. What he doesn't know is we didn't kill her, we only knocked her out with a very hard punch.
<_Pita_> ---taht was killing hands... I don't know
<`CourtJester> ---oh
* Darius_the_Grey leads Venus up into the house
 "guys, bad news:
<_Pita_> "What?"
 The medallion looks expensive worth at least 320,000¥
<_Pita_> "Bad News?"
<`CourtJester> "Lemme guess: They ran out of vanilla milkshakes?"
* _Pita_ stands up."
 "nope, we ain't getting paid"
<_Pita_> ---WOW friggin WOW
 "bastard just had us assasinate his wife for free"
<_Pita_> "WHAT why?"
<^^^Venus> "What about the medallion?"
<_Pita_> ---do I know the approximate value?
<`CourtJester> "Yeah, I bet we could sell that and make back at least some of the pay we missed."
 "that's cool"
<`CourtJester> ---I bet we know a platinum medallion is worth just a tad
<_Pita_> "Looks to be pretty expensive."
 No but I will tell you you can get at least 320,000¥ for it 
 You should be able to to get you fee from it
<`CourtJester> "Anyone here know a good guy or gal to offload something like this to?"
<_Pita_> "We need to find someone to sell this to."
<_Pita_> ---what kind of inscriptions does it have.
 "I know a talismonger, it looks like something he might be able to use"
 No inscription
<`CourtJester> ---just a blank platinum coin?
<_Pita_> ---its just a plain platinum coin?
 ---I have like 5 mins left
<`CourtJester> ---okay, let's just have Dar call up his talismonger friend, Pita negotiates a price, and we're off, 'kay?
<_Pita_> "I could give you guys your 85k and settle up with Darius when I sell it, if you want."
<`CourtJester> "That sounds good to me.
<_Pita_> "Venus?"
* _Pita_ goes to her room and comes out with 2 credsticks with 85k on each
<^^^Venus> "Works for me, as long as I get paid"
* _Pita_ offers one to CJ and one to Venus
* `CourtJester takes the stick and pockets it. "Thanks. Mind if I use your phone to call a cab?"
<_Pita_> "Go ahead."
* ^^^Venus takes one and offers the credstick she found
<^^^Venus> "What about this?"
<_Pita_> what?
<_Pita_> "
<`CourtJester> "Where'd you find that?"
<^^^Venus> "On the decker"
<`CourtJester> "Shall we just split it four ways?"
 "I need none of that, I have what I wanted from her"
<^^^Venus> "It has 100k on it "
* Darius_the_Grey pats his new deck
<_Pita_> "You two split it"
<`CourtJester> "Alright."
<^^^Venus> "Okay, 50k each
* `CourtJester calls up a cab.
* `CourtJester gets out the stick with th 85k on it, and let's Venus transfer 50k over.
* Darius_the_Grey turns the deck on and off, watching the lights
<^^^Venus> "Are you having fun?"
* ^^^Venus smiles at Dar
 "not as much as I could"
<`CourtJester> "You guys have a garbage bag I can use to hide the vindicator?"
* Darius_the_Grey smile directly at Venus
* _Pita_ looks for the big trash can
* Darius_the_Grey tosses some keys to Jester
 "here use the spare car"
 --it's the beat up America
<^^^Venus> "If you ever need my assisstance with anything her is my number"
<_Pita_> "Not old Smokey!"
* ^^^Venus gives them her number
* Darius_the_Grey takes the number
 "leaving so soon?"
<`CourtJester> "I'll get it back to you guys, don't worry."
* `CourtJester jots down her number.
* _Pita_ looks at it
<^^^Venus> "Yes, I'll leave you two alone now. I'm sure we will meet again"
<`CourtJester> "As will I."
 "I hope"
* ^^^Venus winks at Dar
* `CourtJester calls up the cab company, cancels the cab, and heads out in the beat up little ford.
* ^^^Venus turns to leave and walks out
 Okay then
<`CourtJester> ---obviously taking the vindicator and such with him
 ------------------Game Off------------------------
*** _Pita_ is now known as Bigrod
*** Twisted_GM is now known as Maddix
*** `CourtJester is now known as ```CJ
*** ^^^Venus is now known as Endradi
*** Darius_the_Grey is now known as Balishak
 Okay Bal I know you need to go so K A R M A
 thx man
 BTW, excellent run
<```CJ> Yeah, great run
 I'll say 7 all around
 nice one...
<```CJ> Any run where CJ doesn't get hit with artillery has got to be a nice run :)
 Good run
 heh only ten more to go and I can raise that sorcery up woo-hooo
 Next run will be better planned out
 on that note I must leave
<```CJ> How much ammo for the vindicator, in total?
 laters all
 cya Bal
*** Balishak has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 l8r bal
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 I messed up on the combat though
Session Close: Sun Oct 03 19:09:46 1999


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