Session Start: Tue Aug 17 19:57:23 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'graham.txt'
 ok, you folks ready?
<`Cerberus> sure
 ------GAME ON-------
*** Maddix is now known as [^^Silver^^]
*** Endradi is now known as Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> ---lets run
 ok, you're all at home. or in a bar. or at the amusement park; i don't care, but you hafta be SOMEWHERE
 i mean, that's just physics, right?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---home
 ---home for me
<`Cerberus> --- your the GM, physics don't mean shit
 and you all see a news report on the telecomm
 hey, don't give me a big head here, graham
<`Cerberus> "DREK, I have a telecom!"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---All hail the great and powerful GM, hehe
 It was at approximately 1:30 AM this morning that the Native American Heritage wing of the Seattle Museam of Arts was robbed of one of it's most prized possessions. A small statuette depicting the Snake totem was found missing from its display case after the alarm sounded in the early morning hours. Lone Star officials admit to having few good suspects, and no solid leads.
 ok so you see it in the newspaper.
<`Cerberus> "Damn, it disappeared..."
* `Cerberus shrugs
<`Cerberus> "WOW! I get the paper too!"
<`Cerberus> --- :-)
 you go about your day and nothing really interesting happens
 except that a large purple cow falls on cerberus
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
<`Cerberus> "WOW!  Hamburger on the hoof!"
 fortunately, no bones are broken, and he goes about the rest of the day as usual, after of course, visiting the local butcher shop
 anyway, the next day goes by, and you again see (or read) a news report
 Another bizarre robbery has taken place early this morning, this time in South Belvue. A truck owned by Arctos Inc., a magical research company that is a subsidiary of Aztechnology, was robbed of it's cargo. We've been told the missing item is a ceremonial war mask from the ancient Incan culture and was said to be very valuable. The drivers of the truck were found unconcious by a local resident at about 7:00 AM this morning. Lone Star is keeping
*** CrimsonBaron has joined #shadowmask
 ---sorry I am late 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hey, better late than never
 and that the theives used magic to pull it off (that's the last part of that statement)
 it's cool red. just get in char
 ---want sheet?
 and i'll tell ya what you missed
 nah. it's ok
*** CrimsonBaron is now known as Quentin_M
 ---I apreciate it 
 no prob
* Quentin_M watches this with interest
 so the day goes by as usual again, and you all go to bed that night and sleep peacefully
 till about 4am. and then you get a phonecall (yes graham, you have a fragging phone)
<`Cerberus> --- whoopie!
<`Cerberus> >>> 'lo?
* Quentin_M picks up exhaustedly
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>hello?
 >>>yeah, who is it?
 >>>yes, i'd like you to come to (such and such) restaurant in about two hours. i have a proposal for you
 >>>can you be here?
 >>>Yes... I will be there..
<`Cerberus> >>> Umm, yea, sure 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Yes I'll be there
 >>>ok, later
 >>>thank you. i'll see you then
* Quentin_M hangs up then sits up
* Quentin_M gets ready to go and drives there at the proper time
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>click
* `Cerberus grabs a quick purple burger and heads out in his americar
* [^^Silver^^] gathers gear and heads out
 wait till you see what color it is when you sit on the toilet tonight...
* Shimmers gets her stuff and goes to the meet
 ---Blue let it be blue! 
 ---blue please,purple is better
 ok, you all arrive in front of a restaurant in an upscale part of town at about 6am
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Naaah green
* Quentin_M stumbles in looking like he dressed in the dark
<`Cerberus> --- can we please discuss the color of my shit later?
<`Cerberus> --- never thought I'd have to say that...
 --- LOL that is more a of post run thing 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Promise?
* [^^Silver^^] parks his bike and waits to see who else shows
* Quentin_M says sleepily 1"hello Silver"
 ok, you all walk up to the front door together, and discover that it's locked. but after a suitable amount of pounding on the window, a young boy dressed like a waitor comes and unlocks it
* Shimmers goes in obviously tired
*** Narun has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Narun
 "Hey man, sup?
 hey nar :)
<`Cerberus> --- Oi
 "I am tired very"
 ---Hey Nar 
* [^^Silver^^] walks up and says hi to Quentin and Shimmers
 the boy locks the door behind you as you enter, and then rushes back to the kitchen out of sight
<[^^Silver^^]> ---and Cerberus
* `Cerberus drowsily wanders to the door
 "Hello Shimmers, Cer"
* `Cerberus looks at shimmers
 you wanna get in on this, nar?
* [^^Silver^^] looks as though he has been up for quite awhile
<`Cerberus> "Gunna have to see that shark scar later..."
 ---sorry bro I got an early ass call tomorrow and I think I can actually sleep tonight.
 ok, no problem :)
 "hey Quintin, Cer, Silver who's bright ideas was it to get up this early?
 ---have a good night Nar
<[^^Silver^^]> ---night man
 "I dunno but it better be good I was having a nice dream"
 You walk into a warm, comfortable restaurant that is obviously set to a rustic motiff. The floors are hardwood, and the regularly spaced beams that support the roof and vaulted ceiling appear to be made entirely of pine. The room isn't so much dark as it is pleasantly under-lit; the soft yellow lights from the ceiling lends a refreshing atmosphere. The restaurant is entirely devoid of people, save for one or two workers quickly running around th
 ----btw sorry all bout sunday night lost my server for 2 days I will make it happen fri or sat.
 ----I aint leaving just yet :)
 sounds like fun
* [^^Silver^^] wonders about what Quent was dreaming about
<[^^Silver^^]> ---no prob
*** NervousGM is now known as Old_Mage^^
*** Old_Mage^^ is now known as Old_Man^^
 a bit tired myself...
 ---Pipe down old man :) 
 ---Nar you still haven't authorized me on your ICQ yet, and you said you would
 "i'm afraid getting you up early was my idea, gentlemen. i apologize for that"
 "Its alright"
* Shimmers clears her throat
 ----heh sorry havent had it up in a couple days
<`Cerberus> "So whatsit?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "No problem, just hope it is worth it"
 btw, he's sitting at a table at the other side of the room. you're all still standing at the front door
 ---well ok, just don't forget :)
* Quentin_M wanders over there
* [^^Silver^^] walks over and takes a seat
* Shimmers goes over and sits down
 when you walk up, you see that there's a chair for each of you and a coffee mug. a hot, steaming pot of black coffee sits at the center of the table, along with cream and sugar
 "please, help yourselves"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Man I could use this right now, thanks"
* Quentin_M takes a mug and drinks perking up
* Old_Man^^ takes a sip out of his own mug as he looks you all over
* Quentin_M sits down
* [^^Silver^^] starts to drink his coffee
* Shimmers starts to sip her coffee
* `Cerberus grabs the rest of the bot and sips away
 "thank you all for coming on such short notice"
<[^^Silver^^]> "So whats up Mr. J"
 "i'm sure you've all heard the recent news reports about the recent robberies that have been going on in the city?"
* Shimmers carefully observes the man
* [^^Silver^^] nods
* Quentin_M nods his head
 "Yes, what about them"
<`Cerberus> "Yup"
 "through some...private investigations of my own doing, i have been able to obtain the identity of the theives that are responsible for these thefts"
* [^^Silver^^] drinks down his coffee and looks for more
* Old_Man^^ sips his coffee
 "And you want us to do what?"
 "and the location of their safehouse"
<[^^Silver^^]> "And?"
 "Wher do we fit in?"
 almost as if on cue, when your coffee mug is empty, the boy you saw earlier comes out with another freshly-brewed pot
 "i would like you to retrieve the items for me"
* [^^Silver^^] thanks the boy and starts to drink
* `Cerberus grabs the new pot on the way in
 "Ok what is the pay?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I really need this, long night"
<`Cerberus> "So we rock they're world and get your little toys back"
 "the theives in question-as the media has come to suspect-are indeed magicians."
 "not my toys, young man."
* Shimmers just shakes her head
<[^^Silver^^]> "How many are they?"
* Old_Man^^ shrugs "hard to tell. i haven't had the opportunity to gather that information yet"
 "but i'm sure there are at least six of them."
* [^^Silver^^] notes that info mentally
 "Well that information is usually rather important"
 "i agree."
* [^^Silver^^] listens intently
 "please be patient, and i'll tell you what i DO know"
 "Alright you have my undivided attention"
<`Cerberus> "shoot"
 "I'm listening"
 "the theives are actually a magical group, a....fanatical, for lack of a better word...dianic coven"
<[^^Silver^^]> "A wha..?
 "What is their skill?"
 "I mean are they good"
 "dianic coven: a women-only magical group."
<`Cerberus> "So we're gunna be waxing a few babes?"
 "Ok, go on"
* [^^Silver^^] nods his head
 "i have reason to suspect that they are an initiatory group: yes, they are probably quite skilled."
 ----welp Im outta here there are children I should be tormenting and fires I should be feeding.
* Quentin_M makes a mental note to pray to the god of nonmanaballed
 ---See ya Nar give em hell 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nite
 "the group has been gathering its own horde of magical items through various illegal and quasi-legal activities over the past few years."
 gnight nar :)
 ---nite, sweet dreams
<`Cerberus> --- night
 ---you too. night all.
*** Narun has quit IRC (Quit: OOps gotta jet. got a confrence call with the voices in my head.)
 "recently, they have stepped up their efforts to include outright theft. this is unacceptable."
 "And when we retrieve these artifacts what then?"
 "And do you want total annihilation?"
 "when you retrieve these artifacts, you will return them to me. i will deal with the rest of the situation as i see fit. and no, if at all possible, i would prefer you did not kill anyone."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay then what is the pay?"
 "i will pay you each forty thousand for your services."
 "assuming, of course, that is acceptable"
<`Cerberus> "Sounds good"
* Quentin_M runs a hand through his unruly hair
 "Ok Ill do it"
* Old_Man^^ nods, sips his coffee, and looks to silver and shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well if they're in, count me in. I trust there judgment"
* Quentin_M laughs nervously
* Old_Man^^ just smiles
<[^^Silver^^]> "What is there location?"
* Old_Man^^ reaches into his coat pocket, and produces a manilla folder, which he places on the table
* Shimmers reaches for the folder and looks at it
 inside the folder, there are arial pictures of a residence, and an address written on a card
<`Cerberus> "When we have your goodies back, how do we get to you?"
* Shimmers notes the addy and passes the folder to Quentin
* Quentin_M takes it and memorizes it
 "i know for certain that the house is guarded by two doberman pincers, and you can be reasonably certain that there will be magical security, including spirits, along with at least one of the female magicians"
* Quentin_M wonders where he could buy Gel rounds at 6AN
 "when you're finished, just call the number on the back of that card
* Quentin_M passes the folder around
 "Sounds good, we will be in touch"
 ---dang, my meets take too long...
* [^^Silver^^] takes the folder and memorizes the addy
<[^^Silver^^]> "We'll be in touch"
* Old_Man^^ nods
 "good luck"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks"
<`Cerberus> "Luck is for amatures"
* Quentin_M gets up
 "Thank you"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'll take what I can get"
<`Cerberus> "CXatch ya later"
* Quentin_M nods and walks to the car
* [^^Silver^^] gets up and heads out
*** Old_Man^^ is now known as NervousGM
 ---May the GM be giving and the dice be good 
* Shimmers gets up and heads out
* `Cerberus follows the others
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hallelujah, brother
* Quentin_M looks for a place to by gel at this time of night
 ok, it's about 6:30 now. ball's in your courte
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well guys what do you think?"
<`Cerberus> "Let's all meat about a block from this place, south side"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Gotcha"
* [^^Silver^^] gets on his bike
* Quentin_M dials his brother Jason
<[^^Silver^^]> "See you there"
*** NervousGM is now known as ^^Jason^^
<^^Jason^^> >>>yello?
* [^^Silver^^] takes off to go to the meet location
 >>>Sorry for wakin ya so early can you get me some gel rounds?
 >>>A bunch too 
 "Okay, see you there."
<^^Jason^^> >>>early? IS it early? damn i don't sleep enough. ya i got some in stock right now. seem to be gettin' popular these days. how many you need?
* `Cerberus pulls out for the meet
* Shimmers rubs her eyes and rides to the meet
 >>>Say a thousand 
<^^Jason^^> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- ^^Jason^^ 6d6 ( 4 5 1 16 8 2 )
<^^Jason^^> ---wow. you lucked out
 ---praise the dice 
<^^Jason^^> you hear a slow whistle over the phone
<^^Jason^^> >>>ok umm....yeah i guess i can swing that. but i can't deliver. you'll hafta come pick em up yerself
* [^^Silver^^] thinks of starting the 'Church of Bot'
 >>>Alright I know where it is be there in a second 
<^^Jason^^> >>>gotcha
<^^Jason^^> >>>click
*** ^^Jason^^ is now known as NervousGM
* Quentin_M drives to get his rounds
 ok, about half an hour later, you are 1000 gel rounds richer, and 3500 nuyen poorer
 "Thanks bro see ya next holiday" *smile* 
 "And tell mom hi for me"
* Quentin_M packs them away in his car and drives to the meet
 "absolutely. later"
 ok, you're all at the meet
 "Hey I am here now"
* [^^Silver^^] is sitting on his bike waiting
<[^^Silver^^]> "about time"
<`Cerberus> --- brb
 the neighborhood seems to be kinda middle-class. not upscale, but no shabby either
<`Cerberus> "A little late, are we?"
 "I got something that will help us"
 "What kept you?"
* Quentin_M loads one pistol with Gel and one pistol with real"
 "I had to go visit my brother"'
 "Anyone want any gel rounds?"
<`Cerberus> --- back
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'll take some if you got any to spare"
<`Cerberus> "Yea, I guess"
* `Cerberus counts off 15
* Quentin_M hands Silver 20
 "Sorry all I gots is a sliver gun, can't use em"
 "I have another pistol you can use"
* [^^Silver^^] takes the rounds and pulls out his narco jet
<[^^Silver^^]> "You want this?"
<`Cerberus> --- narcoject
* Quentin_M hands Shimmers his spare pred
 "Ok thanks"
* Shimmers takes the pred
 well i'll be...he's right. narcoject. been spelling it wrong for two years
* Quentin_M touches her hand as he hands it to her
 "So What is the plan?"
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs and replaces the narco back in his boot, and load up his gun
<[^^Silver^^]> ---me too
* Shimmers smiles
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well first I think we need a little astral recon."
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> "If you don't mind"
 "We can take out what we can from the outside then we can go in"
<`Cerberus> "Well, that means they can kick your ass remotely, right?"
 "I could kneecap some people with my rifle..."
 "I think I can handle that, but shouldn't we be closer?"
* Quentin_M looks
 "Yeah I guess"
 ---how far are we?
<`Cerberus> --- 1 block
 i thought you met a block away
* Quentin_M looks for a good sniping position
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm not up on this mumbo-jumbo drek you're the expert":)
 "Quentin can I sit in your car to go astral?"
 "You sure can just be careful out there"
 sorry quen. no sniping positions. the only buildings around are houses, and they aren't tall enough to give you a good LOS to your target
 "Will do."
<`Cerberus> --- heh, how much you wanna bet "Twilight Time" start playing as soon as she falls unconsious?
 ---All I want is to look not cap 
* Shimmers gets in the car and goes astral
 nope. no can do. and when you walk up to the house, i'll tell you why :)
 ---You are just mean :P 
 i know. but i honestly have a good reason. really :)
 ---Cause Quentin could rain down wicked amounts of love on all those inside Muwahah :) 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well what now?"
 "We wait"
* Quentin_M looks at his car then back
<`Cerberus> --- heh, e call one of the weapon in Half-Life the "love gun" just for that purpouse....
 ---What kind of weapon is it?
<`Cerberus> --- this alien arm that regenerates ammo and bounces off walls while making  buzzing sound :-)
 without the --
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 3 2 1 3 )
 tis ok
 bad roll though
 ---Sounds awesome 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 4d6 ( 4 3 5 1 )
* [^^Silver^^] waits
* Shimmers goes back her body
* Quentin_M walks over
 "Are you ok?"?
 ok, you'r back
 "Ok guys there are 2 puppies and no spirits outside, but there may be some inside"
 "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks"
<`Cerberus> "Puppies?"
 "yeah, puppies"
 "big puppies"
 "The soft kind or the kind that gnaw?"?
<`Cerberus> "Or the kinda they go splat when you shoot them?"
 "Couldn't tell, probably the kind that gnaw, and they all go splat"
 "Ok we take the dogs get in get the stuff and get out and run"
 "Sound good?"
* `Cerberus slaps a clip in his manhunter
<`Cerberus> "All for it"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hehe, with our luck they'll be cybere up the ying yang. I'm up for it"
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs
 "Ok,  lets do it"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---brb also
 ---ok time out till they return. i need a soda
<[^^Silver^^]> ---anyone else need to do something?
 ---sorry that was me
<[^^Silver^^]> ---back
 ---I'd say back but I never left :) hehe
<[^^Silver^^]> ---did so :)
 ok, resume playing
<`Cerberus> --- well....
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go"
 ---Wait I gotta use the phone real quick.... sorry 
 you're kidding
 ---I wish I were 
 ----Wont take but 2 minutes 
 ok, short break
* [^^Silver^^] twiddles his thumbs and waits
<[^^Silver^^]> ---so, what are you guys up to?
 oh, about 6'1"
 give or take an inch
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hehe, ask a stupid question....
 read any good books lately?
<`Cerberus> --- downloading Troops
<`Cerberus> --- Snow Crash, halarious cyberpunk
<`Cerberus> --- main character is Hiro Protagonist, Mafia pizza delivery guy
<[^^Silver^^]> ---not lately, last one I read was 'The Silent Blade'
*** Quentin_M has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---thinking about checking out Horizon Games this weekend
 i'm gonna try for that myself, if i can talk one of my buddies into going with me
<`Cerberus> --- whatsit?
 of course, i'd just be torturing myself...don't have any money
*** Quentin_M has joined #shadowmask
 ---I pologize for that 
 roleplaying game bookstore
<`Cerberus> --- ahh
 you guys can start whenever you're ready :)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I don't either
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we go?"
 "Yes I believe we should"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well then lead the way"
 "Leader is the first to get shot...."
* [^^Silver^^] starts to screw on the silencers on his Colts
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs
* Quentin_M walks in the direction of the place
 The address you're looking at is a square, two acre lot surrounded by a sturdy, cast iron fence. Lush, well-trimmed bushes surround the outside of the fence and block the view to the house that they seem to be protecting. However, upon examining the front gate, which is closed and locked, you can see that a stone pathway beyond it leads through the small front yard and up to the front door of the house.
* [^^Silver^^] follows
* Shimmers follows
 tall bushes= no sniping positions
 you can't see much of the yard, save for the small sliver that is visible through the front gate
 "Wanna split up?"
 "We can make a pincer movement"
 the gate is fastened with an old fashioned lock of some kind
<`Cerberus> "Sure, whose with me?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'l go with you, radios?"
 "I have one"
 "me to"
<`Cerberus> "Frequency?"
 "I don't"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I do"
 "Ok Shimmers stick close to me"
* [^^Silver^^] sticks the earplug in and sets the channel
 LOL. that's smooth
* Quentin_M sets the channel then gets ready
 "Okay, sticking to you like a stamp on a letter"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Check 1,2"
 "That means someone has to lick the stamp" 
<`Cerberus> >>> Got it
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Check, Quent?
 >>>Roger that 
 if you guys don't get started soon, i'm just gonna blow this place up
 "Born ready"
* Quentin_M sneaks in stealthily
* [^^Silver^^] heads for the back of the house
* Shimmers follows cautiously
 well quen, there is the matter of that locked gate..
* Quentin_M stops sneaking stalthily
* `Cerberus starts looking for the poochs
 "Shall I blow it off?"
* Shimmers bumbs into him
* [^^Silver^^] looks also
 who's going through the front, and who's going through the back?
<`Cerberus> --- back
 ---Shimmers and Q front 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---back
 "Can you do it without noise?"
* Quentin_M puts a silencer on it then fires at the lock
 cer and silver, you find a similar gate in back. you can see a somewhat inconspicuous back door to the house from where you're at
<`Cerberus> --- ... which does nothing as the gel rounds impact...
 ---nope 1 pistol real 1 gel 
 ---I specified that 
 roll the shot, quen
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 12d6 ( 1 5 1 4 2 1 4 2 3 11 4 4 )
* `Cerberus pulls pout the katana and tries to cut the chain holding the lock
* [^^Silver^^] stands guard looking for poochies
 the lock blows real pretty, but there is a definite noise as the bullet richoches of the metal
* Quentin_M looks for dogs
 the hear the sound of dogs barking, and it's coming your way
 ---can I see that?
<`Cerberus> --- who?
 that last statement was for quen. the dogs are coming to the sound
*** ChanServ changes topic to '{Run Cave} Nymue's at 7 on Saturday after that who knows. (Nymue)'
*** ChanServ sets mode: +rtn
#Shadowmask url is
 roll for your action, cer
<`Cerberus> --- no, who hears the dogs?
 you all do
<`Cerberus> 7d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 3 1 3 7 1 7 4 )
* Quentin_M gets his guns ready and looks for them
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 4 5 2 17 2 )
* Shimmers readies her gun
 the chain is pretty heavy. your sword is sharp though, and it puts a chip in it. but the chain don't break
<[^^Silver^^]> "Want me to shoot it?"
* `Cerberus shrugs and tries again, putting a little more umphf in it
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>you okay Quen?
 quen, the dogs come into your field of vision. you're still on the other side of the gate and it's still closed, so they can't get to you. but they're making alot of racket
* Quentin_M shoots them both
 ok cer, put some more umph in it
* `Cerberus puts 2 cp worth of umpf into it
<`Cerberus> 9d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 9d6 ( 8 3 5 3 2 4 8 2 2 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---thats better
 *clink! clatter clatter* the chain falls off
 quen, roll for your shot
 ---can I do both?
 and then roll quickness
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 2 3 1 2 1 )
 ---I mean shoot both dogs 
* [^^Silver^^] slowly opens the gate
 the other dog runs of before you get the chance to cap em both. it heads toward the back yard
 >>>Animal coming your way 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 12d6 ( 4 3 3 11 5 5 10 3 2 11 3 9 )
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Check
* [^^Silver^^] gets ready
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 4d6 ( 3 5 4 4 )
* `Cerberus swings around and goes into a combat-ready crouch
 quen, the dog leaps up as if to ram itself into the gate, but you put a bullet right between it's eyes before all of its feet even leave the ground
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 4d6 ( 2 5 5 5 )
 it's deaed
 "See ya in hell Lassie" 
 cer and silver, what are you doing?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---waiting for the pup
<`Cerberus> --- waiting for the incomming pooch
* Quentin_M opens the door carefully
 i see silver opened the gate. 
 here comes the dog, right on time
* [^^Silver^^] shoots
 roll quickness
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 6d6 ( 1 7 4 5 2 2 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 12d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 12d6 ( 5 2 4 4 9 2 9 4 9 2 2 2 )
 ok roll for your shot
<`Cerberus> --- both?
 yeah you too cer
<[^^Silver^^]> ---3cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
<`Cerberus> 5d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 5d6 ( 3 4 5 1 1 )
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 14 1 2 3 3 1 9 5 1 4 2 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 4d6 ( 5 3 4 5 )
 that shot was silenced, right?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---yep
 pooch is dead
 ok, you're all through your respective gates and there are no enemies in sight
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Scratch one pooch
* Quentin_M walks cautiously keeping his guard up
 >>>Quiet, Too Quiet 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Does Shimmers see anything?
 "Hey anything in the astral?"
* Shimmers follows cautiously
* Shimmers perceives astrally
 roll me some magical theory
 fraid not
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 7 5 5 9 )
 you see something strange near the area of the door. it's not a spirit; you know that for sure.
 but you're not really sure you recognize what it could be
 "There is something by the door, can't tell what though"
 "Does this mean we run?"
* Quentin_M looks for alternate roots
 "Not a spirit for sure. Don't know"
 there are plenty of windows, all with the shades drawn
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Anything?
* `Cerberus goes for the happy looking door
<[^^Silver^^]> ---sorry yet again
 cer going toward the back door?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>thanks
* Quentin_M waits to see if Cer blows up
* `Cerberus goes for the happy looking door
 cer, you get to the back door and....
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hold up Cer, that might be a bad idea
 nothing happens
* [^^Silver^^] winces in anticipation
* Quentin_M tosses something inanimate up toward the front door
 nothing quen
<[^^Silver^^]> "Is it locked Cer?"
* Quentin_M creeps up to the front door
* `Cerberus tries to open the door
 it is locked, yes
 >>>If you hear a boom I am dead 
* Quentin_M tells Shimmers not to follow
* Shimmers hangs back
* `Cerberus slices the door in half, vertically
 "Be carefull"
 roll that cer
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Gotcha
<`Cerberus> 7d6
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 4d6 ( 8 5 3 4 )
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 1 2 15 1 3 2 3 )
 quen, you walk up to the front door and...nothing happens
<[^^Silver^^]> ---BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<[^^Silver^^]> ---HEHE
 >>>Ok I am not dead yet 
* Quentin_M checks the lock
 ---Thank you Captain Chuckles 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Glad to hear it same here
 you slice it cer, but not in hald
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 it ain't locked
* `Cerberus kicks the door
* Shimmers proceeds cautiously
 roll strength
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 4d6 ( 1 4 4 2 )
<`Cerberus> 4d6
* Quentin_M opens the door then jumps away from it
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 4d6 ( 5 5 5 3 )
 roll willpower, quen
 cer, the door flies open
 ---I knew this was coming 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---oops!
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 5 2 2 7 3 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 6d6 ( 4 3 4 5 3 2 )
* [^^Silver^^] steps to the side
* `Cerberus extracts his sword from the door
 if i were you quen, i'd spend a karma point and reroll 5 of those dice
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Door open
 ---I think you are right my good man, can I use CP as well?
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 5d6 ( 5 1 2 3 5 )
 that's better
<[^^Silver^^]> ---there ya go
* [^^Silver^^] peeks in carefully
 quen, you feel your bones rattle and your joints shake as your whole body convulses in pain. you take a moderate stun wound
 shimmers, you think his hair is on fire. better put it out!
* Quentin_M screams internally
* Shimmers starts patting her hair
 silver and cer, your door opens to reveal a room full of weird-looking stuff
 ---his hair that is
* Quentin_M stops drops and rolls if he is on fire
 nah, it was just your hair
 "Check to see if that things is still there Shimmers 
* Shimmers checks the astral
 it's gone
* Quentin_M waves her ahead
<`Cerberus> --- brb
* Quentin_M sneaks in slowly
 "Nope, Its gone. You okay?"
 >>>I just got burnt 
 cer and silver: your room appears empty of any ppl or frightening animals
 >>> What you all seeing?
* [^^Silver^^] enters cautiously
 "I will live, but it hurts"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>alot of weird shit, but no people
 quen and shim, you walk what looks like a living room
 there's a sofa in front of you and a tv near the wall
* [^^Silver^^] looks around for the artifacts
 and other stuff like that
 >>>I suggest we relocate to your place 
 "Want to go to the back?"
 "They seem to be free and clear"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>We'll be waiting
 roll perception, silver
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 2 1 1 3 1 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Doh!
 ---can you see your shoelaces?
<`Cerberus> --- back
* Quentin_M continues sneaking working his way to the back
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Duh, don't know duh!
 silver, you see a couple of doors off to your left
* Shimmers checks the astral
 doesn't look to you like there's anything interesting in this room
 shim, you don't spot anything peculiar
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Don't see our stuff here
* Quentin_M continues sneaking looking for the stuff
 >>>I suggest we link up more firepower
 "Astral clear, for now"
* Shimmers follows looking around
 quen, there's a door right in front of you
* Quentin_M checks the handle
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Gotcha, head for the back
<[^^Silver^^]> "Cer you see what we're looking for?"
 silver starts to wander around the room, looking kinda lost
* `Cerberus checks to see if he does
<[^^Silver^^]> "Cer? What are we doing here "
 quen: the handle doesnt seem to bite you this time
*** drake_ has joined #shadowmask
<`Cerberus> "Trying to fnd the J's toys"
* Quentin_M opens it guns ready
<[^^Silver^^]> "Wow the pretty colors"
 silver walks over to a doorway to the left
 he opens it, walks into the closet, and closes the door behind him
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Hi, who are you?
* `Cerberus shakes silver
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nappy time"
 >>>I am the man who controls the bright colors what are you seeing?
 silver is in the closet, cer
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Dark
<`Cerberus> >>> He's out
 ---When is he coming out of the closet? 
* `Cerberus pulls silver out of the clost and shakes him
<[^^Silver^^]> ---NEVER!!!!
<`Cerberus> --- heh
 whenever you figure out what's wrong with him
 >>>I think he is under a confusion spell 
* Quentin_M works towards Cer and Silver
 cer and quen, roll perception
 "Whats going on"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Wheeeeee!"
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 6d6 ( 1 1 5 5 2 3 )
 "He has in a word flipped"
<[^^Silver^^]> "La, dee, da"
* Shimmers follows Quen
<`Cerberus> 4d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 4d6 ( 4 2 1 10 )
<[^^Silver^^]> "Time to talk to the dolphin"
<`Cerberus> --- sorry, was in another window
* `Cerberus bitch-smacks silver
 cer and quen, you look around to see that shimmers appear
 shimmers seems to have disappeared, that is
<[^^Silver^^]> "You mean, want my mommy"
* Quentin_M looks for her
 she's gone. nowhere to be found
 "Oh they pissed me off now"
 "Lets leave him in the closet he will be fine"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where the pretty lady go?"
 "I don't like you"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I don't like you"
 "Thats fine" 
* Quentin_M takes Silver's guns away
 ---Is Cer here?
<`Cerberus> --- yes
 the only one missing is shimmers
 "Lets go look for her"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Give me!!! mine!!!!"
 ---Cer you can hear me 
* [^^Silver^^] trys to get the guns
 you all notice that the door beside you opens and then closes...all by itself
* Quentin_M checks the door
 roll perception
<`Cerberus> "That's.... strange"
<`Cerberus> 4d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 4d6 ( 11 1 9 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 6d6 ( 7 10 3 4 1 11 )
 damn smart bastards....
 you see the faint outline of shimmers as she seems to come back into reality a little bit
<[^^Silver^^]> "MINE!!!! MY TOYS"
 quentin, she reaches out and touches your hand
* Quentin_M pimp slaps Silver
* Quentin_M touches it back
* [^^Silver^^] slaps him back
 "Is that you?"
 she becomes fully visible once you touch here
* Quentin_M holds her hand
 "That was really weird"
 ===Is Silver back to reality?
 "What happened?"
 "Don't know
 he still looks as lost as ever
<`Cerberus> --- alaination power?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey pretty lady"
 "Can you do something about poor silver  here?"
 like i'm gonna tell you that????
 "Hey, Silver"
* Shimmers ponders Silvers dilemma
 think shim think
<`Cerberus> "Can you at least knock him unconsious?"
* Shimmers thinks hard
 "I could do that"
 roll magical theory
* [^^Silver^^] runs away
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 3 9 4 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> "Nooooo!!!!"
* `Cerberus runs after him
 you get this tremendous brainstorm. hearth spirits have the power to alienate AND confuse somebody!
 where you going, silver?
<`Cerberus> --- damn I'm good...
<[^^Silver^^]> ---upstairs
 roll willpower
* Shimmers explains to others what is going on
* Quentin_M nods at this
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 3 2 2 2 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 1 1 5 2 4 2 )
* Quentin_M lets go of her hand to see if she vanishes again
 she doesn't. and suddenly silver seems to come to his senses
<[^^Silver^^]> "What the hell?"
 right as two small ppl in antique clothing appear in front of you, both brandishing frying pans
<[^^Silver^^]> "What happened?"
 roll init ALL
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+12
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 3d6+10 ( 21 )
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+12 ( 20 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 1d6+6 ( 7 )
<`Cerberus> 3d6+4
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 3d6+4 ( 17 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 1d6+15 ( 19 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 1d6+15 ( 20 )
 quen gets the drop on them
* Quentin_M puts a gel shot in each one
 ---2cp each 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 14d6 ( 4 11 3 5 5 1 2 5 2 4 9 3 1 3 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 14d6 ( 5 2 5 1 4 2 11 5 3 2 2 3 3 9 )
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where the hell are my guns?"
 well that didn't work. silver, i'll let you go next
* Quentin_M points to where he put them as he is shooting
* [^^Silver^^] gets his guns
 you tell me
 ---I say yes 
 the bullets passed right through them easily enough
<`Cerberus> ---, with +15 init they better be
<[^^Silver^^]> ---never mind the guns
* [^^Silver^^] attacks them hand to hand
 roll unarmed, then roll willpower
<[^^Silver^^]> ---3cp
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 1 16 4 17 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 3 1 1 4 5 4 3 1 4 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 7 2 2 2 2 3 )
 well that didn't do too much
 you hit him, but....
 he swings at you with a frying pan
 roll unarmed
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 9 3 2 5 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 7d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 7d6 ( 3 5 16 4 4 4 2 )
 roll willpower
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 4 4 3 1 5 2 )
 you duck the frying pan manuever, and smack him in the head with your fist, and he looks kinda tipsy
 the other one heads straight for shimmers
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 8 3 5 3 5 )
 roll unarmed, or if you want, conjuring
 well....normally it aint allowed
 but what the heck. go for it
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 8d6 ( 5 10 2 4 5 3 2 3 )
 roll willpower
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 4 4 5 4 1 10 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 5d6 ( 1 3 5 1 1 )
 ---better the first time
 shimmers executes a what looks to the rest of you like a complicated slight-of-hand manuever, and the spirit is pushed back a bit
 but not hurt
 i shoulda made these guys a little weaker...
 cer, your turn
<[^^Silver^^]> ---we can handle it :)
 maybe, but you'll all have headaches from those frying pans afterwards
* `Cerberus runs for one with a high overhead katana-swoop
 roll armed, then willpower
<`Cerberus> 7d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 7d6 ( 7 5 1 2 3 5 2 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---kawasaki!!!!!!!
<`Cerberus> 3d6
<``Patsy> --- `Cerberus 3d6 ( 2 5 2 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 3 2 2 5 2 )
 you cut off the arm that holds the frying pan
 it seems to fall into space, then disappear
 quen, your turn
* Quentin_M drops a gun jerks out his dagger and shoves it into one
 armed, then will
 ---2 cp 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 8d6 ( 1 3 2 4 2 2 4 5 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 6d6 ( 10 8 3 3 1 3 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 8 1 1 5 3 )
 it goes in clean, and looks like it hurts
 silver, your turn
<[^^Silver^^]> ---kick to the face 3cp
<[^^Silver^^]> 10d6
 unarmed then will
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 10d6 ( 3 4 1 4 3 2 2 7 1 5 )
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 1 10 4 11 2 1 )
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 2 2 3 4 2 )
 ow. that one's gone
 the one-armed guy reaches behind his back, and pulls out what looks like a rolling pin...
 it runs screaming at...
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 1d6 ( 4 )
 roll willpower, silver
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- NervousGM 5d6 ( 3 3 5 9 7 )
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 7 4 2 1 4 11 )
 you close your eyes as the thing moves in and your hands flail wildly. when you open your eyes, the thing is gone
 combat over
<[^^Silver^^]> "Whew, that was interesting"
* [^^Silver^^] retrieves his guns
 "Yes it was"
 "Everyone okay?"
* Quentin_M gets his other gun and keeps the gel gun and the dagger out
 "I am fine"
* [^^Silver^^] nods
<`Cerberus> "Umm, that was... styarage"
 "Sorry bout that Silver it was for your own good"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah, thanks"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Null sheen, What did I do?"
 "You lost it"
* Shimmers goes to the table and picks up the statuette
 "Does this look familiar guys?"
* Quentin_M checks to see if it does
 it do
<[^^Silver^^]> "How?"
 there's a strange looking mask on the wall
* Shimmers examines it
<`Cerberus> "I guess that's one of the toys"
* Quentin_M takes it
 "This is one too"
 "Shall we go?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Can we leave now? i really don't like this place"
 "Yep, lets go"
* [^^Silver^^] looks anxiously at the door
* `Cerberus stuffs the artifacts in his duffle bag and heads out
* Quentin_M holsters his gun and sheaths the knife and leaves
* [^^Silver^^] follows
 you make it out no problem
* Shimmers heads out
 and you're back to your cars before you know it
* Quentin_M calls the Johnson
* [^^Silver^^] gets on his bike and waits
 >>>We have your artifacts 
*** NervousGM is now known as Old_Man^^
 >>>good. good. bring them to the restaurant
 >>>Alright be right there
* Quentin_M gets in his car and starts it
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well?"
 "We go to the food type place"
 "And deliver"
* [^^Silver^^] nods and starts up his bike to go
* `Cerberus steps on it
* Quentin_M drives to the place
* Shimmers gets on her bike and goes
 you pull up to the place at about 9PM, and go right into the front door. the place doesn't seem to be open yet; you and the old man are the only ones there
 9AM that ios
 "Hello, We have your parcels"
* Old_Man^^ is sitting right where you left him
* [^^Silver^^] walks in behind Q
* Shimmers walks in
 there are four credsticks sitting right on the table
* Quentin_M motions to Cer to give him the goods
* Old_Man^^ smiles "good job. you were luckier than i thought you'd be."
* `Cerberus empties the bag onto the table
<[^^Silver^^]> "Thanks, no problem"
* Old_Man^^ glances at the items, but doesn't seem to give them any particular interest
* Quentin_M takes a stick nods and walks away
* Old_Man^^ smiles "it's been a pleasure doing business with you. good day to you all."
* [^^Silver^^] takes a stick and walks toward the exit
* `Cerberus snatchs his credstick, and another pot of coffie on the way out
 ---GAME OFF----
 good one 
*** Quentin_M is now known as CrimsonBaron
 That was fun
*** Old_Man^^ is now known as windmill
*** `Cerberus is now known as grahamdrew
*** Shimmers is now known as Endradi
 that was good
 hope you liked it. took a little longer than i thought it would....
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
*** drake_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 Pretty colors
 K A R M A 
 ok, i know you want it...
 we want it bad
 endradi and baron get 6
 maddix gets 7 for really good roleplaying
 thank you
* Maddix bows
 I try
 graham gets 7 cus he figured out my little pranks were hearth spirits
 and cerb gets 10 for just being groovy....
 you wish graham
 That was....different
 Did I do good?
 i've never used any of those spirit abilities before. thought i'd give it a try :)
 try accident, accident can be fun
 yeah it's alot of fun, but hearth spirits don't have that power :(
 but they had concealment, alieanation, and confusion, all of which came in handy :)
 I thought the whole thing was funny
 well folks, i gotta go to bed. thanks for putting up with me tonight :)
 oh i was laughing nonstop :)
 Night, great game
 Nighty Wind 
 gnight ya'll
 me too, night
*** windmill has quit IRC (Quit: AMF: Adios My Friends!)
 I better get going
 trying to build the virtual loose moose bar again
 later man
 See ya graham 
 Did you talk to Nar bout ops?
 the bar Zak owns
 trying to make a virtual 3D version of it
 I haven't seen him around
 That'd be cool 
 rember, I just got back this afternoon from NY
 Make an image of Q in it! 
* Maddix says to himself no DT tonight
 you get me the pic and anything's possible
 I am going to bed I got stuff to do 
 Night everyone 
*** CrimsonBaron has quit IRC (Quit: Bringing back the Old School)
 all I gotta do now is figure out how to get this 3D rendering app to use my VooDoo
 sounds cool
 hey graham real quick how do i bring up my init without adding cyber or enhancements
 1d6+ (int+quick/2)
<``Patsy> --- grahamdrew 1d6+ ( 5 + )
 I know but I'm at 1d6+6 how can i raise it to like a 2 or 3 d6
 can't really
 get a increase reflexes spell and lock it
 ok, just  thought I'd  check
 Well I gotta go, night,thanks  later
*** Endradi has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 Me to, later man
Session Close: Tue Aug 17 22:58:36 1999


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