Session Start: Fri Sep 24 21:39:02 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'firstrun.txt'
 I am
*** Maddix is now known as [^^Silver^^]
*** `Cerberus sets mode: +o Endradi
 End, you have my sheet already, right?
 Me too right?
 yep I have all sheets
 now what?
*** Endradi is now known as Golden
*** Golden is now known as GM
 ok, is everyone in character
*** NebtheDestroyer is now known as Joknny_Paradigm
*** Joknny_Paradigm is now known as Johnny_Paradigm
 --- I am OCC and just say: Have fun! I am leaving. Bye
*** Lichtbringer has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
*** GM is now known as Guest44779
*** Shimmers has joined #shadowmask
*** Guest44779 is now known as Strange_GM
 -----------------Game On------------------------------
<[^^Silver^^]> ---want me to bring the bot?
<`Cerberus> --- I got patsy, if needed
 ---Pleas doe Cer
<[^^Silver^^]> ---yeah to many windows open as it is :)
 ok,  we'll wait for the bot
*** `Cerberus has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 ---da da dum dum dum, another one bites the dust!
 yeah, not to good for my first run is it :)
 ---other one eats the luch
* [^^Silver^^] twiddles his thumbs and wonders if there is any biz going on right now
 ---First runs are always doomed, I should have remebered that.
 ---nah, my first one last Sunday went ok.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Tell me about it on my first one no one showed
 I was only waiting on a bot, and some more players are supposed to show up a little later
 ---Well then at least ypu didn't try to keep them all in the same room.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I can still bring in twisted bot
 lets give Cer a few and see
*** `Cerberus has joined #shadowmask
 WB Cer
 thankyou god
<`Cerberus> --- Microsoft POS....
 ---Its MacroShaft Cer.
<`Cerberus> --- Micro$haft
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Cer you want me to bring in Twisted?
 ---thats the one.
*** ``Patsy has joined #shadowmask
<[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee, nm
 ok, one more time
 you're all in you where ever when the phone rings
<`Cerberus> "Whoa, I have a phone.  Groovy"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>>yello
* `Cerberus picks up his newly discopvered reciever
<`Cerberus> >>> Hullo'?
* Johnny_Paradigm will gingerly pick up the reciver and put it to his ear.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>>I have an extremely important and delicate situation that requires your assistance
 ---may want to say that under the GM name. 
 hehe, that was the GM folks
 »»what do you intend to do about your little problem?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I love it when someone else does that 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I'm listening, where and when?
 Where? when? Only in a public place.
 >>>>meet me at  at 7P.M.
 ---What's the addy?
* `Cerberus checks his watch
 »»Very well.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I'll be there
 it's now 5P.M.
<`Cerberus> >>> Be there
<`Cerberus> >>> CLICK
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>CLICK
* Johnny_Paradigm hangs the phone back in the cradle.
* [^^Silver^^] checks his watch and gathers his gear and drives to the addy arriving about 45 mins early and waits in his car for the others
* `Cerberus loads up his duffle bag and gets in The Happier Truck
* Kitten_Player deciding against the skirt, decides to wear jeans and take the bike in.
* Johnny_Paradigm puts on a nice suit. Slips on the Viper and puts the HK under the seat of his car. Arrives two min late.
<[^^Silver^^]> ----awww, wear the skirt
 ---nah, got better idea.
 ok, you all arrive at this beautiful expensive mansion
 ---Ahh the duffle bag....
<`Cerberus> --- no, THE duffle bag....
*** Strange_GM is now known as Mr_Johans
* Mr_Johans meets you on the porch
 "Hello, please follow me"
* Mr_Johans hushers you inside
 ushered that is 
* Johnny_Paradigm follows two steps behind and one to the right.
 ---dang it, I knew I shoulda taken the limo!
* Kitten_Player walks in wearing black 'spray-painted on' jeans and cavalry boots. Her bright red shirt is unbuttoned all the way down, and tied just under her bust-which is covered in some purple lacy material. She wears black fingerless gloves, and wears a dirt-bikers helmet which has obviously been outfitted with special gear. Her sunglasses are tinted real dark, and her lips are painted bright red.
* [^^Silver^^] waits for Cer and Kitten and then walks in
* `Cerberus secures the happier truck (there's no way I'm blowing up 3 of these things) and heads in, bag in hand
* `Cerberus is a fairly tall for a human, but as you see the sculpted features and pointed ears, you realize he's just about the right size for an elf. Although he wears the latest Tres Chic style of clothing and seems overly handsome, it does little to discuise his somewhat blunt manner.
* [^^Silver^^] Is 6'2" tall, with black fur, short silver hair and eyes. He is wearing black fatigue pants, black t-shirt, black combat boots, and a black real leather lined coat. He seems to have a constant mischevious look on his face, with the way his eyes seem to glint. When he moves he seems to move with grace and fluidty. He has no obvious cyber that you can see, except for his datajack
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nice descrip Kitten :)
<`Cerberus> "Hey, you guys get pulled in on this one too?"
 "Hey, fancy meeting you in this place Cerberus.  Dont you normally hand with a different crowd?" 
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Kitten as she walks up scanning her up and down
 ---I knew you wouldnt mind me takin the jeans.
* `Cerberus looks to Johnny
* Kitten_Player crosses her legs and performs a twirl finished with a low bow.
<`Cerberus> "Hmm, been see'n a lot more greenies around lately..."
 "Hi Silver."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey ther Cer, Kitten. Looking as good as always I see"
* [^^Silver^^] winks at her
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we go in?"
* Johnny_Paradigm is wearing a slate grey three piece biz. suit and hat. 5.11 broad shoulders. Thinning brown hair.
 "Sure.  I always love to visit the rich and famous."
<`Cerberus> "Especially when they're jumpin to share the wealth..."
 ---BTW, should I get killed from my server (and I always do) dont wait up for me, I'll log back on as soon as I can.
* Mr_Johans leads you to a parlor where a middle aged man and woman are obviously waiting for you
 You came to see a respective employer wearing blue jeans?
 "Oh yea, you know when they ask for delicate work they are gunna have to pay big time.  More skill in the delicacies then in hte total screw ups."
 "These look blue to you, ere, what's your name?"
 M.Paradigm. I don't think I've had the pleasure.
 everyone inside?
 "Hello Mister Paradigm.  Name's Kitten."
 ---Yea i think we walked in while we were chatting.
 ---What do I see?
 Johnny you need to follow protocol when talking in character, use "when speaking"
 ---Sorry i frogot it all.
 A very big parlor with lots of antique items and really antique furniture
 there's a few paintings on the walls and a french style doors that lead to the back patio
 "Hello, Sir, Ma'am."
 "May I introduce you to Mr. Scott Smithers III and Miss Emily Davenport"
* Kitten_Player nods to each in kind.
* [^^Silver^^] nods to each
* Johnny_Paradigm extends his glove hand.
<`Cerberus> "Hey"
*** Mr_Johans is now known as Miss_Davenport
* Miss_Davenport takes it and curtsies
* Miss_Davenport looks at Kitten obviously jeolous
* Kitten_Player smiles at Miss Davenport.
 "Hello, I'm glad you could all make it, shall we get down to business"
* Kitten_Player , then smiles VERY warmly at Mister Smithers.
* [^^Silver^^] notices this and smirks at the scene
 "Very well, Ma'am."
*** Bigrod has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Bigrod
<[^^Silver^^]> "of course"
<`Cerberus> --- Oi
<[^^Silver^^]> hey there you still wanna play
 ---sure if I can
 yep I'll work you in in a minute
<`Cerberus> --- groovy
*** Bigrod is now known as _Pita_
 ---there a flalafel  waffle in that pita?
 "we are getting married tomorrow...." the door bell interrupts her
* Johnny_Paradigm flexes his knees
*** Miss_Davenport is now known as Mr_Johans
* Mr_Johans goes and answers the door
* Shimmers walks back in with Shimmers and Pita
 that was Mr.Johans
<`Cerberus> "Congrats"
<_Pita_> "So whats goin on?"
 "To make a long story short, we need you to guard them through the services and till the end of the honeymoon"
 "Guard them from what?"
 "comgratualtions, your both very luky."
* [^^Silver^^] nods at Shimms and Pita
* _Pita_ thinks to herself "Another Funeral huh?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Congrats, and you want us to guard you through the honeymoon?"
<_Pita_> "What exactly would we be guarding them from?"
 "You see Mr. Smithers and Miss Davenport are both high ranking exec. in different corps. and the corps are not pleased with this union at all"
 "Where's the wedding and the honney moon take place/"
 "They have in unspoken words made threats"
 "The wedding at Our Lady of Hope and the honeymoon at a island resort"
 "Whoa, you mean you want us to stand between two armies and them?"
 "You will all be greatly compensated for you troubles"
<_Pita_> "So a small group of runners are supposed to 'protect' this couple from the corps?"
<`Cerberus> "So we play babysitter for Romeo and Juliet here..."
 "If they can survive till after the honeymoon all their problems will be over"
 'Even though they my be uncouth me and my counterparts are experts.  Expensive experts."
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Kitten
* Kitten_Player glances at silver then says:
 "Who, pray tell, are you calling uncouth mister?"
<`Cerberus> "And what exactly does 'uncouth' mean?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You know an island resort sounds like fun"
 "I'm interested enough to stay and listen to the rest of your offer, good sir."
* _Pita_ looks at Johnny...she doesn't recognize him.
 ---John, dont take any of us too seriously, its just a game and we are just playing our characters....
*** GuyverJedi has joined #shadowmask
<`Cerberus> --- Oi
 "Sir expense is not a problem, we will pay you all 200K each, plus transportation, bungalos, and time to yourselves during the honeymoon, plus 20K each spending money for the resort"
<_Pita_> ---GuyverJedi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 --- Hoi all
 hey Guyver, you gonna play, we're still at the beginning
*** GuyverJedi is now known as ThumpperThor
 --- you want me you got me...  what's the deal
* Johnny_Paradigm makes a head count.
<`Cerberus> "Great, can we get those little drinks with the paper umbrellas in them?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sir, You have just hired yourself yourself one bodyguard"
<`Cerberus> "Make that 2"
 "Interesting proposal.  Now just HOW set against this marraige are the corps?"
 "Extremely would be an understatement"
 the doorbell rings again
* ThumpperThor ring's the door bell.
* Johnny_Paradigm rolls his eyes.
* Mr_Johans excuses himself and goes open the door
<_Pita_> ---Snake eyees
*** GM_Nikki has joined #Shadowmask
 "follow me"
 "Hoi dude."
*** GM_Nikki is now known as Kitten-Nikki
 ---sorry, she accepted mission.
* ThumpperThor follows Mr J.
* _Pita_ looks excited to see The one and only Thumper walk in.
 "You're late but the others can fill you in on the job, take a few minutes among yourselves and decide, we'll be back in a moment"
 they all exit
<_Pita_> "Thumper Thor, so glad you could make it,"
 " So what's up ppl... ??"
* Kitten-Nikki finds a corner, and sits in it to listen to the debate.
*** Kitten_Player has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 "Death trap."
 "death trap ??  dat don't sound goot.."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well I think we can do this"
 "Nah, as long as we keep everything quiet, we could get through these 7 days unscathed and 220k¥ richer."
<[^^Silver^^]> "By the way, My name is Silver"
 "Sweeetttttttt  220¥  for what ??  details  ppl.."
 "Howdy Silver call me Thump !"
 "Like I said death trap."
 "Gotta protect these marks from the corps for 7 days.  Gunna go to a secluded spot so they can have a hunnymoon..."
 "They want us to guard them they both work for different corps in high profile positions"
 "How secluded is the spot ?"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Johnny
 "where is it, and what is it ... i.e. easily defended or like a condo ?"
 "Small island with a hotel thing on it.  With as rich as these marks are, they probably rented the whole island-resort."
 "What I don't understand does corp A wan't employe A a widow or join there love in the great beyond?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Aren't you Mr. Sunshine"
 "I think it could be good, if we're careful"
* Johnny_Paradigm flashes his pearly brights.
 ----that's Shimmers
 "hmmmm  how much open land is on the island ?? all forest all desert or mixed or mountainious ?"
<_Pita_> "Corps are Corps, no one person can understand them. Not even the head honcho's cause they're not really in charge either."
 ---oh well
 "Freagin' Bearucrats."
 "I'll do it, what you all gonna do"
 ---true.  major corp's..
 "hmmmm  how much open land is on the island ?? all forest all desert or mixed or mountainious ?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I am in."
 "Its a resort pita.  Prolly just an island city with a beach running around it.  I would doubt its more then 3 miles across in any direction."
 "damn that will be harder to defend...  I'm in if the rest are..?
<[^^Silver^^]> "How about you Kitten? You going to do it?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Could be fun to"
 "I'm in, if only to watch two rich marks get their heads blown off and to relax in the sun and get a tan.  This northern weather is hellish for my skin...takes forever to remoisterize everyday!"
<_Pita_> "Like I've said before, I'll try anything once.
 "Cer, what do you think?"
 "Well ther are enough of you to be cannon food.. guards."
* Johnny_Paradigm goes pale at his mistake.
<`Cerberus> "Well, we haven't seen a map of this place yet"
<`Cerberus> "I say we go for it and worry about the details as we get em"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Johnny with a raised eyebrow
<[^^Silver^^]> "Excuse me?"
 "Your excused."
* ThumpperThor wonders what is going on ...
* Mr_Johans comes back in
* Kitten-Nikki just ignores the rook'.
<`Cerberus> "That brings up a good point, are we going to be alone?"
<_Pita_> "The way we always do things is the new guy is in front around here."
 "Have you all made up your minds?"
* _Pita_ smiles
 "I think so."
 "New only to you."
 "Silver, here will have a lemonade.  I'm going with tequila, you all ready to place your orders?"
<_Pita_> "Thats new enough for me..."
* Kitten-Nikki smiles happily
<`Cerberus> "Somehting with a little paper umbrella in it"
 "You will also have to be part of the wedding party, and the yacht will take a day and night to get to the island, is that still alright with you all?"
 "Yes, sir."  "I do believe you have a team."
* ThumpperThor chuckles to himself.
* [^^Silver^^] nods in approvement
<[^^Silver^^]> "When do we start?"
 "boat huh,  sure count me in.."
 "Excuse me, and why not may I ask?"
 "I knew a man once who didn't last through his trip."
 "Poor Vinny."
 "And I should tell you that I'll give you a map of the island tomorrow when you start, it's small and secluded island off the Hawaiian Isles"
<_Pita_> "If I may, could I take my own boat to scout ahead to make sure the waters are clear?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What are you talking about Johnny?"
<`Cerberus> "When does the boat leave for the island?"
 "Good idea Pita.  I am sure if we send 2 people ahead with you, and the rest of us stay to secure the party we'll be all set."
* Johnny_Paradigm staitens his tie.
 "I would like to see the boat before we leave oneit.."
 "You'll start tomorrow and the wedding is the day after followed by the reception, then the limos will take us to the docks and to the island"
 "You may go ahead to the island if you like and you may check the boat out, after all that is why we're hiring you"
* _Pita_ gets the information so she can take her boat to the dock where the yacht is."
 "What's preventing "termination" before the wedding?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay that sounds good, who is checking out the boat?"
<`Cerberus> "I wouldn't know a bomb from a bongo drum, I'll stay with the kids"
 "How about you and I, Mister Silver."
 "I'll check the boat, and meet up with yall at the reception"
 "I'll be with them til morning and everyone still thinks they're out of town, you just worry about keeping them alive till after the honeymoon"
<_Pita_> "Thumper you want to go with me, to scout out the area?"
 White suit or black for the wedding?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Na thump, me and Kitten have the boat you go ahead with Pita"
 "One question.  What is the probability of the corps knowing where they are going to be spending their hunnymoon?"
 "looks like i'm all your's lovly pita "
*** Balishak has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Balishak
<`Cerberus> --- Oi
 "Everything will be taken care of, you can all go home till tomorrow morning and be here for 8A.M."
<`Cerberus> "Ok, I'll go with Pita too"
 hey Bal, you ready to join
<_Pita_> "Mr Johans, I need some direcions so we can pre-scout...."
 ---suregimme a few
 ok, I'll work you in
<`Cerberus> --- 8 chars... wow
*** Balishak is now known as Darius_the_Grey
* Mr_Johans gives her detailed directions and the map to the island
 ---what's the meta make-up?
* _Pita_ calls her place to see if Darius can bring her boat to the dock.
 >>>Sure, but uhhh.... where's the gas pedal?
 ---cant tell, I could be human or elf...but in either case, I am short, and REAL good looking.
 ---you thinkest I jest?
<`Cerberus> --- elf
* Darius_the_Grey wears a grey suit with dark pin stripes. A long black coat covers his shoulders and the glint of sword hilt can be seen beneath. A black raven is perched on his shoulder surverying it's surroundings.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---elf here
<_Pita_> >>>Just hook it to the back of my car and bring it down, I had it rigged up for that.
* _Pita_ is a lovely young lady with one blue eye and one greene eye. She is dressed in a tight leather outfit with a loose overcoat. Her long blonde hair is always braided into two pony tails and she is always ready to rumble.
 ---oh and human
 ---- I'm big enough to ignore that question and strong enough to stomp you if you bug me about it..
* Shimmers is a human female, about 5'7" tall, 120lbs, shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes. She is wearing a white tank top, black jeans, black ankle boots, with a black synthleather lined coat.
* ThumpperThor stand's omniously, a hulking figure with noticable bulge under his long black coat and a mean and unhappy look on his face. Makeing you wonder if you felt lucky or if he's haveing a bad day.
* [^^Silver^^] Is 6'2" tall, with black fur, short silver hair and eyes. He is wearing black fatigue pants, black t-shirt, black combat boots, and a black real leather lined coat. He seems to have a constant mischevious look on his face, with the way his eyes seem to glint. When he moves he seems to move with grace and fluidty. He has no obvious cyber that you can see, except for his datajack
 ---5'3" here.
 >>>oh sweet be there as soon as I figure this tow knob thing out
* `Cerberus is a fairly tall for a human, but as you see the sculpted features and pointed ears, you realize he's just about the right size for an elf. Although he wears the latest Tres Chic style of clothing and seems overly handsome, it does little to discuise his somewhat blunt manner.
<_Pita_> >>>I'll be waiting...
<_Pita_> >>>Click
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Kitten
 >>>clickity cluck
* Kitten-Nikki shrugs as if to say, 'what?'
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go see this boat."
 "Sure. I always liked boats."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sir could you show us to this yatch?"
<_Pita_> ---I HATE BOATS
 "I'll wear a white tuxto the weading Johans."
* [^^Silver^^] looks johans
 "You'll wear Black Mr. Paradigm"
<`Cerberus> "Hmm, I guess my olive green is out too then..."
 "here are the directions and dock # to the yatch"
 "Ahah an answer you spindly fiend!"
 "I'm afraid I must stay here and tend to some details"
 "Thank you sir."  "Hun, after we check out this boat, you wanna give me a lift and help me pick out a dress for this escapade?"
 "No problem, we'll see you tomorrow morning"
<[^^Silver^^]> "It would be my pleasure my dear" 
<[^^Silver^^]> does anyone have any other questions about their parts in the actual wedding itself?
 ---sorry that was me
 ---we have a part in the wedding?  I thought I was supposed to just blend.
* _Pita_ awaits for Darius to show up with her boat and she, Darius, and Thumper scout ahead.
* Darius_the_Grey arrives about the same time towing Pita's boat behind a beat up Americar
 ---ask Mr. Johans
<`Cerberus> --- any Cerb, cerb is scouting
<_Pita_> "MY CAR!!!!!!! WHAT Thats not my car!!!!!"
 "Oh wait this a Christian wedding or some bellyrubber shit?"
 ---no, I wont.  If he wants me to play a role, then he will just have to ask. 
 "hey, I figured I'd drive my beater
 he already said you'll all have to be part of the wedding
 "didn't wan'nt to scratch your paintjob, you know what a clutz I can be"
* ThumpperThor shakes his head at the hochie of Darius's..
 "Yo, Dar.  How much they pay you to drive that thing off the lot?"
<_Pita_> "Whew, I got worried."
 "Sir, what part exactly did you want me to play?"
 "you know, this car was my first car, long ago"
<_Pita_> "Back when we first met ou mean?"
 you all notice that Miss Davenport is not at all pretty or nice,  unlike her counterpart Mr. Smithers
 "yup, this car got through many runs"
<`Cerberus> "I wanna be the guy who carrys trays of little inedible hard things"
 "besides, who would expect a big bad sadowrunner to be driving this?"
 "that is true...  yup  that is true..."
 "Miss Davenport comes from a small family and for... some strange reason, she doesn't have friends really, so you ladies would be required to play the role of Bridesmaid"
 me puts a reasurring hand on Johas and start to pullg him for info."
 ---goody, I get to play Bride diversion!   
 did you catch that Pita
 "D'oh, ok, where is this gawdy, tacky dress she wants me to get fitted in under 24 hours?"
 ---do I get to be the guy who objects?
<_Pita_> "You want me to put the boat in the water or do you want to..."
<[^^Silver^^]> "And what part wil the gentlemen play"
<_Pita_> "DRESS?!"
 ---nothing like The Usual Suspects soundtrack playing in the background of a shadowrun game..
 a real pretty bridesmaid dress
 "Yes Pita, its that thing rich girls wear when they want to impress men, why that would be important only the maker would know."
 ---I usually got NIN on.
 and no one will object
 "you should try wearing them more often you know"
<`Cerberus> --- I got head like a hole playing now
 "And gentlemen you will be ushers"
 ----hehe Yes is playing here
<[^^Silver^^]> "Ushers, I can handle that"
*** Johnny_Paradigm has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 ---yea right, that's a first.  A bridesmaid dress that doesnt make your hips seem wide, or isnt some weird shade of green that you can never wear again, or that doesnt make your tummy look fat...please.  I've done this bridesmaid stuff before, its $400.00 of wasted material.  (or more as the case may be here)
*** CrimsonDeity has joined #shadowmask
<_Pita_> "So where do I need to go to get fitted for this dress?"
<`Cerberus> --- ACK, more people!
 "Well you can do the final fitting tomorrow, we have been watching you for a while so we know your sizes"
 hey CB, you gonna play
 ---sure is it too late?
<_Pita_> "I plan to be out on the water tomorrow"
 nope not at all
 "We really need you to be in the wedding and tomorrow isn't the wedding, just preparation for it"
 Ok you are all free to go
*** CrimsonDeity is now known as Quentin_M
* _Pita_ gets her boat in the water and walks over to Darius
<_Pita_> "Take me home, I'm tired."
* Kitten-Nikki gets a little ticked off look across her face at the mention of having been watched for a while.
<_Pita_> "I gotta wear a Friggin Dress!"
 " I'll stay and watch your boat Pita... till morening "
<_Pita_> "Oh thump, you're so sweet."
* Shimmers goes home and finds Quentin
* `Cerberus heads home and has a purple burger or three
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we go Kitten?"
 "Here's the big question Pita.  How you gunna fit a 9mm slug-thrower into a dress and not make it obvious?"
* _Pita_ runs up and kisses Thumper on the cheek... then shows him where she hides the food."
 "Sure thing, Silver."
 "she has room"
* Quentin_M is waiting as if he knows whats up
* ThumpperThor crawl's in to the boat get's some chow and takes a nap till morning..
 "Hey, what you doing?"
* `Cerberus calls up his Fixer
 "Hey what you doing?"
<_Pita_> "Guns, Who needs guns...when it comes right down to it I'd rather use my fists...they're quieter and in some cases more deadly"
 "Nothing at all, I suspect I will now that you are here"
* [^^Silver^^] leads Kitten out
 "Looks like ol' shiny has to come and play again...dang it.  I wish they made smaller weapons with more punching power."
 "Well we have a job protecting to corp big wigs from their different corps, and the pay is unbelieveable"
 "How much is that?"
 "What do you think, we need to be there at 8A.M."
<`Cerberus> "But ya gotta wear a tux"
* _Pita_ rubs her hands together, then gets in Darius' beautiful car to go home."
* Quentin_M checks his calenday
<`Cerberus> --- err, I'm haveing trouble rembering where I am
 "Kind of short notice, count me in"
* Darius_the_Grey cranks it up and drives off, trailing blue smoke
 "200K each, plus bungolo, plus yatch there, plus 20K spending money and time to ourselves"
* `Cerberus gets in his truck and drives home
<_Pita_> "So what have you been up to since I've been out on my errands honey?"
* Quentin_M runs off to pack then heads to his car
 ---Shim accept that chat request I send Mr J.
 "well, a little of this and a little of that, start a war, that was pretty cool"
 "Uh, we don't have to be there til morning"
* Shimmers giggles
<_Pita_> "Well I got in late last night and who was the little person there, one of your long lost relatives?"
 "you could say..."
 "Oh.... *slows packing* 
 "I say this little person needed help and a can't resist a pretty face"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---brb
 "hope you don't mind, she doesn't eat much"
<_Pita_> "I've heard that line before...except when I heard it ...oh well I'm reminiscing"
 "hey now, it's not my fault you disappeared, besides, you're back now"
* Darius_the_Grey smiles
<_Pita_> "So she needs a room? I'll have to get someone to fix her up one while we're gone... I think we have a couple extra."
 "So what you wanna do?"
 "I aleady fixed her up one, the one facing the street, with the big window"
<_Pita_> "
 --we gonna make it to morning soon
 and morning arrives
<_Pita_> "Ahhh, good thats good, one less thing to worry bout."
* _Pita_ gets ready to leave, showers puts on her normal attire and awaits for Darius, then goes and hurries him along.
* Darius_the_Grey gets up gets ready, wearing his usual gray suit and walks down
* Quentin_M dresses in casual but easy attire and prepares his things
<_Pita_> "Well, we takin blue smoke? or one of the other vehicles?"
* Darius_the_Grey arrives wherever we're sposed to be and waits for the team
 "oh defiantley the Dynamit, it's a wedding after all"
 ---thats definatley, hehe
 ---funny how a staement is changed by one dislexic mistake
* Shimmers gets up and gets dressed
*** `Cerberus has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 ---what's the deal, people are dropping like flies
<_Pita_> ---the bug buster is drawing them away
<[^^Silver^^]> ---its late some have to get up early
 ---like myself..
 ok, everyone arrives at the mansion
* Darius_the_Grey arrives
 ---And others played a football game tonight 
* _Pita_ arrives if Darius does
* Quentin_M arrives with SHimmers
 "Come on in we're kinda in a hurry to get things ready"
* _Pita_ starts dreading the dress crap as she hurries along."
* Darius_the_Grey hurries into place
 for times sake we say your all fitted and the day passed uneventful
* Darius_the_Grey watches the day pass uneventfully
 it's now 9P.M. take it from there
 ---oky doke.
<_Pita_> ---what time do we leave for the island?
* Darius_the_Grey doesn't exactly know the plan, so he follows Pita's lead
 What's everyone doing?
<_Pita_> ---what time do we leave for the island?
 ---where exactly did you fast-foward us to?  The yacht or the wedding?
*** ThumpperThor has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
 the wedding
* Darius_the_Grey is ushering
<_Pita_> ---the wedding is Tomorrow? or Tonight?
* Kitten-Nikki shows up in the wedding dress, her hair all done up nice and neat so you can see her elven ears. In her garter is the only weapon small enough not to be seen or noticed by onlookers and isnt a knife. She feels really unprotected.
* Quentin_M shows up in a tux
 ok, I'm sorry if this is confusing, this is the day of the wedding then you'll go to the island after way
 ---not the wedding dress..rather that other dress thing the bride picked out..excuse me, its been a LONG day.
* [^^Silver^^] gets ready for the wedding and goes where he is suppose to
* Darius_the_Grey is wearing a tux, unarmed
 ---I know what you mean
* _Pita_ shows up in her dress, still upset that she had to wear it but she made herself wear it. Her hair is fixed and she even wore makeup. Pita is Totally Unarmed (except for the ones attached at her shoulders)
 ---you guys have no idea
 "Gentlemen we will all leave in the first limo and the ladies will follow int the 2nd limo"
 ---yeah I know 
 ---No you dont.   I had to do my job for 5 hours this afternoon while some stuck up general and his staff hovered over me asking me questions.  The idiots didnt realize that one computational mistake and our bird woulda been one with the earth.
* Quentin_M gets in the front limo
 "Oh goody, I get to ride in a limo."
* [^^Silver^^] gets in the limo
* Kitten-Nikki acts like its some big thing...even though she drove one for years and rode in them for many more years as a kid.
<[^^Silver^^]> ok, are all the guys in the limo
<_Pita_> ---well Kitten sometimes ya gotta let them know these things
 ok the 2nd limo arrives for the ladies
* Darius_the_Grey sits in the front limo
* Shimmers gets in the limo
* _Pita_ gets in the Girls Limo
 ---trust me Kitten, mine was worse
 ok, are all the ladies in the limo
 ---I couldnt, he was a general.  You dont just talk to a general when you are only a mere 1st LT. hehe.  Besides, I just ignored him mostly, he didnt seem to notice as he was trying to impress his staff with his own importance and making alot of mistakes.
 ok everyone arrives at the church and goes in
* Kitten-Nikki gets in the back of the second limo, stretching her legs as she knows it will be a LONG evening.
 ---generals, supervisors, mothers-in-law, there's a difference?
* Darius_the_Grey walks in to the church taking his place
 you're all in the church, girls go with Miss Davenport til the music starts
 guys what you doing
 ---mothers-in-law know better, they just refuse to use their knowledge.
 ---generals are more like spoiled brats
 ---you obviusly haven't met mine, remember my life is hell because my m-in-law can't hold down a job at 7=11
* [^^Silver^^] looks around the church
 guys roll percep
<``Patsy> --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 8 1 4 3 2 5 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 6d6 ( 4 5 4 5 11 8 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 8d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 8d6 ( 9 3 3 7 5 8 5 3 )
* _Pita_ percieves the area as she looks around
 ---spoiled brats is an understatement.  I would say spoiled rotten mischevious brats with no clue as to their enviroment or their own ability to really mess something up big-time and no forethought to actually care or understand what is being said to them at any given moment because they are so self-conceeded.
<[^^Silver^^]> where the ladies are is fine
 ---okay, that is my in-law, tell about the general now.... :)
 ---LOL...acutally, the general was a bit worse.  I had to knock him out of the way twice to get at the COLA.
 --okay, let's let this go, get back to the run (sorry Endradi)
 ---Hey can we keepo the OOC to a minimum?
 ---no that is NOT a soda.  It means Computer Operated Lowest Altitude....but go on Endradi, I am listening, you just didnt tell me to do anything yet.
* Quentin_M points out the big people to Darius
 come on everyone pay attention
* Darius_the_Grey sees them and looks again
* [^^Silver^^] keeps an eye on them
*** Mr_Johans is now known as Strange_GM
 the biggest one walks down the middle of the aisle looking at the people
* Quentin_M waves to him
 the others fan out
 looks at you as if assessing you and continues to look around
* Darius_the_Grey keeps looking in the crowd
* [^^Silver^^] watches the big guys everymove
* _Pita_ checks the door
 he spots Mr Smithers and heads towards him
 it's now locked
* Kitten-Nikki keeps a watchful vigil over Mrs whatshername.
 ---yea sorry,. my mind is like fried.
* [^^Silver^^] heads to intercept him
 ---I know the feeling
<_Pita_> ---are there any windows in this door>?
 "What's wrong, Pita"
 nope solid oak
<_Pita_> "The Door's locked."
 he sees you and snaps his fingers, the others seem to jump into action and head toward you
 "Well drek"
* Quentin_M moves to them
<_Pita_> ---what kind of lock?
* [^^Silver^^] rushes to Mr. Smithers and trys to get him out of the church
*** Johnny_Paradigm has joined #Shadowmask
 ---d'oh, we forgot to get invisi-coms.
 bolt lock

Session Time: Sat Sep 25 00:00:00 1999

 ladies perception
<_Pita_> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 6d6 ( 5 3 2 2 3 3 )
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 5d6 ( 5 5 11 1 5 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 5 10 4 4 1 5 )
<_Pita_> "Do you think we could pick it?"
* Kitten-Nikki opens the door. If the door dont open, KICK IT OPEN.
 "Out, now.  Lets go.
 roll strength Kitten
<_Pita_> "What about Miss Davenport?"
 she's in there with you all
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 5d6 ( 3 1 3 2 3 )
 ---Oooo broken leg 
 nope it didn't open
<_Pita_> ---which side are the hinge pins on?
 ---ouchy...I need boots, I cant kick like this.
* Kitten-Nikki tries again with her shoulder thsi time.
 roll strength
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 5d6 ( 11 4 4 3 5 )
 Pita you smell the gas now
* _Pita_ looks around for something to jimmy the hinge pins out
<_Pita_> "ok Ladies there's gas coming in now."
 "I know that, help me open this bloody door!
 the door cracks but doesn't open,  ladies you all start to feel light headed
<_Pita_> "One more time kitten, I'll help"
* _Pita_ elps kitten
 guys what you all doing
* Kitten-Nikki holds breath. Gives it one last heave.
 both roll strength
<_Pita_> 7d6
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 7d6 ( 4 3 1 2 10 5 8 )
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 5d6 ( 3 4 8 4 5 )
 okay the door busts open
* Darius_the_Grey is watching the crowd, oblivious to what's going on
<_Pita_> "ITS Time to get the show on the road!"
 ladies as you exit the room there are 4 big bad uglies waiting
* Kitten-Nikki draws that pittly little thing they call a weapon, and leaves the room.
* Kitten-Nikki fires towards the head of one of them.
<_Pita_> ---how far away?
 ladies roll init
<_Pita_> 3d6+7
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 3d6+7 ( 17 )
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 3d6+10 ( 25 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 1d6+6 ( 8 )
 go Kitten
 ---two rounds at the lead guy.  +4 from CP on each shot.
 ok roll it
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 11d6 ( 2 4 3 5 2 4 5 1 3 1 10 )
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 11d6 ( 4 4 4 3 10 4 10 1 7 2 2 )
 ---that wonderful HEAP ammo...
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 2 5 1 5 3 1 7 8 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 5 1 3 14 1 5 4 5 )
 ---there goes half a clip, believe it or not boys.
 ---you went kidding about the weapon
 he takes a S wound
 he's also knocked down
 Pita go
<_Pita_> ---how far away are they?
 right there in front of you
* _Pita_ swings at one of them with her fist (killing hands)
<_Pita_> 13d6  3 cp
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 13d6 ( 1 4 7 8 1 2 11 1 1 1 4 9 5 )
 ok roll it
<_Pita_> ---eeeeeewwwwwww
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 4 3 4 5 1 1 1 8 )
 and you hit him hard in the face  breaking his nose, he's holding it
 Shimmers go
 takes a swing at one of them
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 7d6 ( 3 3 5 1 5 5 4 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 8d6 ( 4 1 5 8 3 3 4 5 )
<_Pita_> ---for what?
 she misses
<_Pita_> --oh, that sux
 guys that big guy is almost to Mr. Smithers what you gonna do
* Darius_the_Grey goes ove to intercpet him
 "bride of groom?"
* Quentin_M draws a gun and busts a cap in his ass
 ---or even
 roll init guys
<``Patsy> --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6+6 ( 13 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 3d6+12
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 3d6+12 ( 23 )
 ---can I?
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 3d6+10 ( 19 )
 ----4d6 and all I get is damn 7
* Darius_the_Grey gives ``Patsy a good swift kick
 yes johnny
 ---Is there something I'm missing?
 just 3d6+8, no ---
 ---no ---s in front
 ---all the badies dead?
<``Patsy> --- Johnny_Paradigm 3d6+8 ( 15 )
 ---aaargh I have 4d6 init and I go last! it's a conspiracy
 ---30 min warning til I really have to hit the rack.
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 19 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 19 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 17 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 18 )
 go silver
* [^^Silver^^] rushes to Mr. Smithers and gets him out of danger
 roll quickness
<[^^Silver^^]> 13d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 13d6 ( 5 4 11 4 1 4 4 5 4 3 5 5 2 )
 Okay you reach him but you don't get him ou
 go Q
 Quentin go
* Quentin_M caps the biggest threat
 roll it
 ---they shootin the same people we shootin?
 hehe, nope
 ---2cp each 2 shots 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 15d6 ( 3 2 5 1 4 4 8 3 3 23 1 8 4 4 4 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 15d6 ( 2 5 4 5 2 8 9 5 2 2 2 14 8 1 4 )
 ---Good, was gunna say if they are I am letting their missed shots have the right of way.
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 14 5 3 2 4 3 2 8 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 2 4 9 7 5 5 1 2 )
 ok, he's toast
 go Johnny
 hang on Johnny the bad guys get to go first
 ---Can I see any moving baddies as I stand on my pew[or chiar]?
 one guy takes a shot at
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 1d6 ( 4 )
 ---qd the Viper
<``Patsy> --- Johnny_Paradigm 4d6 ( 4 2 5 2 )
 --how far?
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 5d6 ( 16 1 2 3 3 )
 hang on Johnny in a sec
 Dar roll body
 ---how many times?
 ---4 cp
<``Patsy> --- Darius_the_Grey 14d6 ( 5 3 2 2 7 5 1 1 1 3 1 10 1 4 )
 go ahead
 no damage
* Darius_the_Grey puffs up his chest as the bullets bounce off
 hang on another guy shots at
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 1d6 ( 3 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 5d6 ( 9 1 1 3 5 )
 roll body Johnny
<``Patsy> --- Johnny_Paradigm 7d6 ( 3 3 1 5 11 4 3 )
 no damage
 ok now Johnny
* Johnny_Paradigm pups a burst into his antagonist.
 roll it
<``Patsy> --- Johnny_Paradigm 9d6 ( 3 1 1 9 8 2 1 2 4 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 5 8 3 11 10 1 10 5 )
 you knock him down but he's not hurt
 -this is bad
 bad guy shots at
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 1d6 ( 5 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 5d6 ( 5 5 5 2 2 )
 roll body Silver
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 5 2 10 2 1 1 )
 L wound to shoulder
 go Dar
 ---are there any noninjured ones?
 yeah, the one that shot Silver
* Darius_the_Grey casts his stunmissile from 4Hell1 at the unijured guy
 ---force 11, 3 pool
<``Patsy> --- Darius_the_Grey 14d6 ( 1 4 3 5 2 5 1 4 16 2 3 4 1 2 )
 ok, everyone it's getting late you want to call it a night after the combat and finish another time
 ---that would be great for me.
<_Pita_> ---whateva
 ok, then lets finish these guys off
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 5d6 ( 10 4 3 7 10 )
 ---the voice of dessention.
 he's down
 go Silver
* [^^Silver^^] draws and fires into the nearest baddy 4cp each
<[^^Silver^^]> 13d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 13d6 ( 2 1 2 4 3 5 8 11 3 16 1 1 10 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 13d6
<``Patsy> --- [^^Silver^^] 13d6 ( 4 3 7 11 3 4 4 10 4 3 4 1 1 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 3 1 5 3 4 3 5 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 2 4 1 3 3 5 2 1 )
 --oh BTW, I am having Tolkeen soak drain
 he's dust one left
 go Quentin
* Quentin_M caps him
 ---2 shots 
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 13d6 ( 3 1 2 2 2 14 5 3 1 3 3 3 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Quentin_M 13d6 ( 15 5 2 1 2 4 4 4 3 11 5 5 8 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 1 3 1 5 2 2 2 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 5 4 3 1 3 1 2 3 )
 and he's dust, ladies init
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 3d6+10 ( 18 )
<_Pita_> 3d6+7
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 3d6+7 ( 20 )
<``Patsy> --- Shimmers 1d6+6 ( 8 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 8 4 11 2 5 5 5 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 18 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 3d6+9 ( 23 )
 baddy swings at 
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 1d6 ( 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 6d6 ( 2 3 4 3 2 11 )
 roll body Pita
<_Pita_> 12d6  ---6 cp  (body)
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 12d6 ( 25 3 13 4 3 14 3 4 2 1 5 9 )
 no damage
 go pita
* _Pita_ swings with all her might at the bad guy using only her fists (killing hands 7D Damage)
<_Pita_> 14d6  ---other 4 cp
<``Patsy> --- _Pita_ 14d6 ( 3 5 2 3 8 2 5 3 4 3 3 17 1 4 )
 roll it
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 1 1 5 4 11 5 5 1 )
 you hear a sickening crack as you break his neck
 go Kitten
* Kitten-Nikki flips forward onto her hands springing back up onto her feet extending her hand razors as she brings them down on one of hte standing thugs---3CP (No skill, based off quickness.)
 roll it
<``Patsy> --- Kitten-Nikki 13d6 ( 1 3 4 8 1 1 3 15 2 1 4 4 2 )
<``Patsy> --- Strange_GM 8d6 ( 4 5 3 2 1 2 3 5 )
 ---anyone know what kinda dmg hand razors do?  I KNOW they wont snap with what they are anchored to.
 Youu slash his jugular and he goes down in a spray of blood
 combat off
 "ICK, now i have blood all over me!"
*** Darius_the_Grey has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
*** Balishak has joined #shadowmask
*** Balishak is now known as Darius_the_Grey
 ---damn dogs
* Johnny_Paradigm walks over and gives her his harnkerchiff.
<_Pita_> ---LOL
 ok we wait til next Fri to finish?
* _Pita_ jumps back to check on Miss blah blah
* Kitten-Nikki Doing a back-flip, Kitten lands on the balls of her feet, crouched with her right hand stabalizing her. Her left hand is outstretched with razors extended.
 ---sorry but I wanted to end combat like that. 
* Darius_the_Grey surveys the damage and probable choas
<_Pita_> ---Next Friday I won't be able to make, work
* Johnny_Paradigm goes outside to cheak for more goons.
* [^^Silver^^] checks the scene and goes to check on the ladies
 ---SWAT style.
 ---what is SWAT style?
 ---I can see it now.. "hut hut hut hut"
* Quentin_M makes sure SHimmers is ok then um I dunno
 ok Mr. Johans drags the preacher there and he marries them
*** ```CJ has joined #shadowmask
 ---------------Game off------------
*** Darius_the_Grey is now known as Balishak
 --you know, slighly croutching, gun arrm strait out...  like on cops.
<```CJ> ---Nargle. Just missed it, I suppose
* Kitten-Nikki stands there, with blood dripping off her finger-tip razors....(hey, you guys always wanted a girl with nails right?"
 you all want some karma
*** _Pita_ is now known as Bigrod
<```CJ> I do, I do! :)
*** Shimmers has quit IRC (Quit: Live and Learn, Forget and Die)
*** Quentin_M is now known as CrimsonDeity
 Oh yea, hehe.  I was thinking of a feline pose, sorta like getting ready to pounce.
*** Strange_GM is now known as Endradi
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
*** ```CJ is now known as himself
*** himself is now known as `CourtJester
*** Johnny_Paradigm is now known as NebtheDestroyer
 I still see Johny running out there going "hut, hut, hut, hut"
 ok, 6karma everyone because you all did really good considering
<`CourtJester> Et pour moi?
<`CourtJester> Combien karma pour moi?
 L8R all, I got a busy day tomorrow..Peace to all
*** Bigrod has quit IRC (Quit: I owe, I owe so off to work I go)
<`CourtJester> laters
 Darn I wante to check on Kitten before the game was over oh well, thanks
 Thanks.  Not to cut and run, but I am cutting and running.  Gotta get up in 5 hours.
<`CourtJester> Byebye
 Night Nikki
*** Kitten-Nikki has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 Who is staying
<`CourtJester> I'm a-stayin'
 yeah, I told everyone about your meeting
 that kinda sucked
 how so?
 okay, this here is a meetin of sorts, some were invited and few showed
 I notic the goons had big dice rolls and the player even bigger ones.
* CrimsonDeity pounds his gavel
 Let the meeting come to order 
 There union fees or what? :]
 Any new business?
<`CourtJester> Yes, we have an uneaten burger here.
 shall I read the minutes from the previous meeting? :)
 Only thing that is required to join the commitee is kissing my bicep 
 after you kiss my toes homeslice
*** Endradi sets mode: +o Balishak
*** Balishak sets mode: +o Maddix
*** Balishak sets mode: +o CrimsonDeity
 did I miss any of the GMs?
 ok :)
<`CourtJester> Well, I did...once
 are planning on doing it in the future?
 I plan to do it all the time baby 
 But seriously 
 not you, CB, I was asking CJ
 Ohh mighty GM's I, the little pilgrim, beasetch you for your most holy wisdom.
 "Here ye, Here ye the first meeting of the minds is now called to order"
 and you know what we need for this meeting? drinks
 open the bar
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has joined #shadowmask
 "what is thy bidding, master?"
*** CrimsonDeity changes topic to '{Run Cave} We have a meeting, I will call it Steve'
 !bar on
 4,1The10 #shadowmask4 bar is now open
<`CourtJester> !salt
* Knever_the_Knowbot tosses `CourtJester a salt shaker 1"here ya go.... slug"
 "the usual?" 6 he pulls out the premixed base and dumps some rum in it
 "Tea? Tea? would you like some crumpets with that?"
* Knever_the_Knowbot pulls a Guinness from the fridge, pouring it into a large glass, watching the thick head build up 1"better you than me"
* Knever_the_Knowbot pours all the stuff he can think of into a glass and slides it to Maddix
 not yet, gotta do that one next :)
 did you get hurt during your game tonight
<`CourtJester> !virginrubbingalchohol
 No I am serious I need some painkillers 
 Ohhh yeah 
 so, CJ, you didn't answer my question
 what happened
<`CourtJester> I did, oh master. I did...once
<`CourtJester> GM, that is
 are planning on doing it in the future?
 Well more my pride than my body 
<`CourtJester> Oui
* Knever_the_Knowbot whips out a small notebook 1"guess I should start a tab huh?"6 and writes "tab for Maddix"
 okay then
 I had a chance to tie the game but I fumbled after a blind side 
* Knever_the_Knowbot grabs a skunky beer from the fridge and tosses it to NebtheDestroyer 1 "the beer is cheap here"
 we lost the game 14-0 
 that's tough, but you'll do better next time
 heh, coach says I have to reearn my starting spot 
*** Balishak sets mode: +o `CourtJester
 you got the vote CJ, three to abstain
<`CourtJester> Yeah baby. 4I CAN FEEL THE POWER!1
 you will 
 this is temporary, but we'll address that later
 first the site thingy
<`CourtJester> Righto
 okay, CB, Mad, and Edradt have heard this
 Okay whats up?
 we have too many sites
*** `CourtJester was kicked by CrimsonDeity (Power? Muwahahhaha)
*** `CourtJester has joined #shadowmask
 woops I slipped 
*** Balishak sets mode: +o `CourtJester
<`CourtJester> That was a cheap shot
*** CrimsonDeity sets mode: +o `CourtJester
<`CourtJester> Never kick below the channel, man
<`CourtJester> :)
 BTW guys, I plan on making Knever protect ops, so watch it from now on :)
 okay where was I?
 we have too many sites
 too many addresses, and all our sites are free one, mostly
 which means advos
 and more advos
 So we all need to collaborate on one beat ass site 
<`CourtJester> Okies
 sounds reasonable
 I did a little research
 to register a domain, and get someone to host it
 unless someone hasa better idea than having someone host it
 like maybe, becoming a server
<`CourtJester> Well, do when know when drew's linux machine will be online?
 yeah, it should be soon
 if we can get drew's linux server on-line, I can foot the bill for the domain
 it's only $70 for the first two years
 nope I do not 
 only thing is we gotta pay 
 Also another thing 
<`CourtJester> is unregistered (though is registered to a fishing company)
 the hosting I found is 24.95 a month
 that would be hard for students
 #shadowland is an illegal name
 can't have # in it
<`CourtJester> oh. thought it accepted those chars. nm
 I will be mounting an egg drop bot in channel so I need to know what you want it all to do is free
<`CourtJester> Hmm. 
 I really wanted it to be but.... 
<`CourtJester> How about .org
 I am a fan of the later, since that is my channel
 we would have to prove the org
 I think
 I like sixthworld cause it is shorter to type 
 let's vote
 didn't you all use to play in sixthworld before
 I say sixthworld 
 I agree with CB
 so do I
 I'm for 6th world
<`CourtJester> 6thworld sounds pretty good
 this is what I do at work all day BTW, think, and surf, gotta love it!
 but no :)
 okay 6thworld it is
<`CourtJester> I'd rather, but it taken already
 that owuld be
 How about
 but, if you read your books real closely, in shadowrun, the chars are living in the 6th world
<`CourtJester> Yeah, I understand it
 actually I like
 hey I read that
 See we gotta have a site with a true domain so none of those last 2 would work 
 I don't think so :)
 so it is
<`CourtJester> alrighty reeny roo
* Maddix shrugs
 okay on to other business, how are we gonna host it, let drew do it with his linux server?
 something else 
 Okay, 6th world it is
<`CourtJester> That sounds good to me
<`CourtJester> More challenging to take down than an NT server, we'll personally know the host (in case it's down or something)
 we need to get a time on that, like when the hell is it gonna be up?
<`CourtJester> I already icq'd drew for an answer on that
 yeah, and I can drive up to MD and bludgeon him if he takes it down
 I thought it was going to be soon
 and, will he be cool with it
 I heard his say October 
 and yeah he will 
 that's like 6 days from now
 if he isnt I will bludgeon him as well 
 that's about right he said about a month
<`CourtJester> I'll..uhh...look at him really mean from far away
 okay cool, gives us time to plan
 Endradi thx fer a good time see you later.
*** NebtheDestroyer has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 hey, don't pick on the guy, he might turn and kick you butts
 heheh, I am full of angst, don't try me :)
* CrimsonDeity looks at Endradi
 Well so much for the new guy 
 Don't look at her that way :)
* Endradi smiles sweetly
 onward, I think we need to address some GM concerns
 How can I talk smack when you do that? 
 CB, you want to start or should I?
* CrimsonDeity sighs
<`CourtJester> Talk smack at me with your eyes closed :)
 Yeah I do 
 go fer it....
 Ok here is the thing, it is really untime economical to have all this DT stuff everynight 
 I thought it was a good idea at first 
 then I realized something 
 thank you
 I play sports everyday 
 and I have a rapidly growing life 
 and I and many others just cannot and should not be expected to be here everyday 
 anything to add?
 that about sums it
 I hope it is understood that SR takes a back seat when it comes to life 
 I agree not everyone can be here. but some can
 that and one other thing....
 GMing one's own char is a bad idea, for several reason (I am not picking on you)
 I don't mind DTs but not everynight and not if everyone that's there can't be included
 that's ok
 one, it is hard to be neutral
 two, it makes you life harder
 three, see one, you run the risk of accusations
 cameos, tie ins, plugs is one thing
 not too pass a law, but maybe a thing to think about
 I don't want to seem like an ass, telling other GMs how to do their job
 I do that enough already, anyways..... ;)
<`CourtJester> I agree with you Bal. GMing and PCing just shouldn't be mixed that much, imo
 Yeah Bali I am tired of you always pushing me around 
 No problem
 I am my own man and not subject to your frequent verbal and physical beatdowns
* Maddix looks at Bal
* CrimsonDeity sobs
 "You want me to take him out boss?"
* Balishak pushes CB a bit
* `CourtJester dives inside his beanbag chair.
 I agree too, and since I'm new to this I have a question, when we announce games we run the risk of large groups, like tonight, is there aset limit to #of player
 no limit, whatever is comfy
 it is only what you think you can handle 
 that is why I have Aztlan closed, don't want 12 players there
 Tonight definitely was not comfy :)
 my max i did was what 10? during Berlin Briefcase
 yeah I remember that 
 I'm just glad that not everyone showed :)
 three diff channels, 10 private msg screens
* `CourtJester hurls
 and vans blowing up 
 I was drooling after that one, had to be fed intraveniuosly for a week
* CrimsonDeity shivers
<`CourtJester> I'm feeling much better now
 Now another thing 
 We need to expand the channel 
 and we need to bladly 
 expand? exlain
 Cause the core players just dont seem to be enough anymore 
 I would like to see all kinds of players in here 
 same here
 that way anyone who wanted to GM could 
<`CourtJester> Me three.
 yep that's true
 and anyone who wouldnt to play could find a GM 
 that is a hefty dream there CB, we have much competition
 e.g. #shadowrun
 Which that setup makes storylines very hard but I believe that are what camps are for 
<`CourtJester> Which is empty right now, btw
 Freaking Undernet bastards 
<`CourtJester> Yep
 try #S-run 
<`CourtJester> empty
 that is just weird 
 I bet the server you are on is split 
* Balishak whistles and waits for the echoes
<`CourtJester> Maybe they're not DALnet?
<`CourtJester> That could be true, too, cb
 no they are Undernet 
 so how do you want to get new people in
 we got to put the word on the streets!
* CrimsonDeity flashes back to the Blues Brothers
 sorry, having a Blues Brothers night
* Knever_the_Knowbot (mimicking Aretha Franklin) 1"you want chicken legs or chicken breasts?"
 if we had a kick ass site and promoted it we might get some people in
<`CourtJester> Two fried chickens and a coke
* Knever_the_Knowbot does his Aretha Franklin impression 1"you want jam or jelley on that?"
<`CourtJester> Dry, ma'am
 that is why I wanted to do the domain thing Endradi
 yeah we promote it by putting it on search engines and linking it to all the SR sites we can get to link it 
 get it on the SR webrings 
 yes I agree
<`CourtJester> We're on a mission from promote the 'land
 ok, but how do we do it up, make them want to come to us
 and when we do that the people will come 
 if we buld it....
 build even
 making the kind of site I envision will take time 
 "they will come"
* CrimsonDeity walks out of a cornfield
 you up to the task oh great one?
 yeah, it will, but it can be done
 and on that note, I think we need to do something about the channel itself
 I cant do it alone, I will need at least graham's help 
<`CourtJester> I could help some, but I really only know some HTML, no java or jscript or anything fancy-shmancy
 what about the channel? 
 Except bombard Scylla 
 and dammit, we gotta let the damn channel topics stick!
 I'm willing to help anyway I can.
 I can help too, just call me
 I am considering making a motion to use a diff channel for runs also, hear out my idea
 mainly beause of the above reasons
*** CrimsonDeity changes topic to '{Run Cave} We have a meeting, I will call it Steve and Steve sticks to his topics'
<`CourtJester> yeaha. Bonus.
 CBs eggdrop can maintain it, or I can leave Knever there
 no ops except....
 whover GMs, I can write a script that allows certain people to have it op them
<`CourtJester> 'kay
 yeah just write it up in a users format 
 sounds good
 see if this works.....
*** Balishak sets mode: -o Maddix
 type !op me
 !op me
*** Balishak sets mode: +o Knever_the_Knowbot
 try again, heh
<`CourtJester> Uhoh
 !op me
 grrr, I will work on that
<`CourtJester> Erm...
<`CourtJester> !fight
* `CourtJester slaps Knever_the_Knowbot around a bit with a large trout
 "ohhh, so you want fish for dinner! why didn't you say so?"
<`CourtJester> yeaha.
*** Balishak sets mode: +o Maddix
*** Balishak sets mode: -o Balishak
 !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o Balishak
 oh well
 Hey!!!! it only works for him
 hold on a sec
*** Balishak sets mode: -o Maddix
 try again
 !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o Maddix
 there we go
<`CourtJester> El worky
 now whoever is GMing, has ops, period
 it makes the new people we want a little les intimidated
 It'll be able to tell the difference
 I can make it do so
 with a little time and effort
 it will now let Madd and Endradi op themselves, let me see if I get it to work with CB
*** Balishak sets mode: -o CrimsonDeity
 try it
 yooo-hoo? CB?
* `CourtJester draws his trout. "Try it, or I shall slappeth you!"
 "ohhh, so you want fish for dinner! why didn't you say so?"
 !bar off
 "what? you don't like my service? well tough, go home then"
 4,1The10 #shadowmask4 bar is now closed, you can't stay here, but you don't have to go home"
 You should put a message for those who try to op themselves but are not authorized
<`CourtJester> Anytime I say trout, knever talks about the dinner?
<`CourtJester> or is it slap?
 I can, but I gotta see if CB WILL RESPOND!
 I back now 
* `CourtJester wonders if it's only in actions that slap and fish make knever talk
 it's trout, and only on actions
<`CourtJester> Ahh
* CrimsonDeity looks around
 try !op me 
 CB try !op me 
 !op me 
* `CourtJester aims his trout, ready in case CB falters.
 "ohhh, so you want fish for dinner! why didn't you say so?"
 awww cripes 
 try shooting the bot
 your damm logon problems
 I gotta work on that
* `CourtJester shoots the bot
* Knever_the_Knowbot pulls out a extra large Panther Cannon 1 "go ahead, make my day" 
<`CourtJester> :)
 kick it now
 my logon probs are due to my altered IP addy 
 I know, and it drives my bot nuts
* `CourtJester kicks Maddix for being married to a person who suggesting kicking the bot.
* Knever_the_Knowbot grabs `CourtJester 's leg and flips `CourtJester on his back
 I will unalter it sometime
<`CourtJester> Hey!
 well, until you do, I can't help you
<`CourtJester> Not...fair....
* Endradi pouts :(
 heheh, it responds to kick and bot
* CrimsonDeity hugs Endradi
*** Balishak sets mode: +o CrimsonDeity
* Balishak gives ``Patsy a good swift kick
* `CourtJester kick bot shoots
* Knever_the_Knowbot grabs `CourtJester 's leg and flips `CourtJester on his back
 You should see it when Twisted bot is in here they go back and forth
<`CourtJester> hmm
 yeah it's cool
* `CourtJester shoots the both kicks the bot
* Knever_the_Knowbot pulls out a extra large Panther Cannon 1 "go ahead, make my day" 
* Endradi smile feeling better :)
*** CrimsonDeity changes topic to 'We have a meeting, I will call it Steve and Steve sticks to his topics'
<`CourtJester> Nargle. Only one response per action
* Maddix slides the bot a thick envelope
 "hey I am easy but not cheap!"
* `CourtJester slides the bot a really thick envelope
 "hey I am easy but not cheap!"
* Maddix tips the bot
* Balishak hands the bot a thick envelope
* Knever_the_Knowbot winks at Balishak 1"gotcha boss"
* `CourtJester tips over the bot.
<`CourtJester> :)
<`CourtJester> !salt
<`CourtJester> Hey!
 I turned the bar off
 !bar on
 4,1The10 #shadowmask4 bar is now open
<`CourtJester> Oh
 so is there anything else to discuss?
<`CourtJester> !salt
* Knever_the_Knowbot tosses `CourtJester a salt shaker 1"here ya go.... slug"
* Knever_the_Knowbot grabs the 12 Hibachi from 4Hell and starts grilling a burger 1"You like it barely breathing or burnt to a crisp?"
* `CourtJester sucks on the 'bot
<`CourtJester> Okay, bali also mentioned a new room for the runs.
 well, what should the new run room be?
<`CourtJester> It's filled with salt!
<`CourtJester> #shadowsalt
* Knever_the_Knowbot pulls out a hibachi from under the bar and starts grilling a thick juicy steak 1"you want A-1 or Heinz 57?"
<`CourtJester> !crablegs
<`CourtJester> :(
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
-CrimsonDeity- neato eh?
 heehee didn't think it would work :)
<`CourtJester> Semi-neato
-CrimsonDeity- you can talk to only ops by typing /onotice and words
 ah, I want the neat bot back :(
-Balishak:@#shadowmask- cool
-`CourtJester:@#shadowmask- Gigglypuff!
<`CourtJester> Yeah. Patsy's too Pasty
 I have a statement "Colors are bad"
 Sorry Bal
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has joined #shadowmask
 "what is thy bidding, master?"
 why are colors bad
 you don't like his colors?
 !bad bot
 "I'm sorry" 
 4,1 mostly cause they annoy me 
* Maddix makes a mental note "do not type !bye while you have op status"
 well, if they are used occasionally for bar on and off I would say the colors are okay, but the dice are kinda much huh?
 see now I went and hurt his feelings 
* CrimsonDeity sulks
 Ok, I see your point
 I fixed that Maddix
* Endradi hugs CB
<`CourtJester> 2C3o4l5o6r7s 8a9r10e 11f12u13n14!15!1!
*** `CourtJester was kicked by CrimsonDeity (so is this)
*** `CourtJester has joined #shadowmask
* CrimsonDeity feels better now
<`CourtJester> Is not!
 try !op me
*** Maddix was kicked by Maddix (Maddix)
<`CourtJester> !op me
 Thanks Endradi 
* Balishak bangs his head on his keyboard
<`CourtJester> Op me, Knever, OP OP me Knever
<`CourtJester> (to the tune of Help me rhonda, Help help me rhonda)
 banging head on keyboard is bad 
* `CourtJester watches the kewl key-shaped indentations on Bali's forehead get thicker with each bang
*** Maddix has joined #shadowmask
* CrimsonDeity hits bali with his own keyboard
 !op me
<`CourtJester> If there's something in my name I can change to fix that, I will
 anytime CB :)
<`CourtJester> Did ya remember the `?
 try again Mad
 oh duh
*** Balishak sets mode: +o Knever_the_Knowbot
 !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o Maddix
 now try it CJ
<`CourtJester> !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o `CourtJester
<`CourtJester> Much better
<`CourtJester> And tasty, too!
 okay, I have knever in #shadowbeat
 and no, the ops can't kill him
 try it
 "yeah, right"
*** CrimsonDeity was kicked by Maddix (Maddix)
 Heehee he's right that is fun :)
*** Maddix was kicked by `CourtJester (It sure is!)
 hey now, when I get Knever's protection established, that's gonna be real fun
 you're mean
<`CourtJester> 'cause you'll have knever kick whomever tries to do the kicking?
*** Maddix has joined #shadowmask
*** `CourtJester was kicked by Balishak (alright, stop it)
*** CrimsonDeity has joined #shadowmask
*** `CourtJester has joined #shadowmask
 !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o Maddix
 try to op yourself CB
<`CourtJester> Will it recognize drew + windy, too?
 not yet
<`CourtJester> 'kay
 !op me 
 I have to wait till there online to set it
<`CourtJester> oh, really?
 I'll be good
* Balishak bangs his head on his keyboard again and again
*** Balishak sets mode: +o CrimsonDeity
<`CourtJester> Thought you just needed their names to put into Knever's code
 no it's based of off whois
 you keep banging your head and you won't have anything left up there
 otherwise, I could log on as wind or someone else and it would recognize me as an op
 you see the prob developing
 also, it'll recognize you under a diff nick
*** Balishak is now known as Darius_the_Grey
 !bar off
 "what? you don't like my service? well tough, go home then"
 4,1The10 #shadowmask4 bar is now closed, you can't stay here, but you don't have to go home"
 !bar on
 4,1The10 #shadowmask4 bar is now open
*** Darius_the_Grey is now known as Balishak
 sorry bout those colors CB
 we were talking about that
 should I get rid of the dice roll colors?
<`CourtJester> Like I said, I like colors
 nah I was just screwing around bout the colors 
 oh okay
 cool then
 the ones for the dice rolls are ok
 actually no but they can stay 
 7,15 Cause I like using colors
 Oh I almost forgot 
* Knever_the_Knowbot pour a shot of tequila for Endradi 1"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor!"
 5,11 They make thing STAND OUT
 first lesson of opping 
<`CourtJester> 4,9And can distort your vision!
 speak oh master
*** CrimsonDeity sets mode: +b *!*
 he's gonna kick me
 the ban 
 who did you just ban?
 everyone on AOL 
 ummmm, that's Madd and Edradi
 hey what about us
 yep I noticed you kicked me earlier :P 
 pouts and cries :(
*** Balishak sets mode: -b *!*
 well folks I am gonna have to jet
 Yeah but if you ban me that way you ban Endradi
 night your Baliness 
 night Bal
 Knever will be in #shadowbeat
 it was a lesson not a ban 
 I gotta convince the wife to let me leave the comp on
<`CourtJester> He's teaching how to ban
 night all
*** Balishak has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<`CourtJester> Laters
 ha ha still here!
 type /ban `CourtJester 
<`CourtJester> !op me
*** Knever_the_Knowbot sets mode: +o `CourtJester
*** `CourtJester sets mode: -b `CourtJester!*
<`CourtJester> hehe
<`CourtJester> I prefer to unban myself
 hey guys, it's official I am a graduit!
 I'm out of here to 
<`CourtJester> Well, the account I'm under for this time dialing up
 night Maddix 
<`CourtJester> A graduate who can't spell, but a graduate nonetheless!
*** Maddix has quit IRC (Quit: Live and Learn, Forget and Die)
 with honors, and cum laude
 a graduate of what?
<`CourtJester> or quietly, it's up to you
 tech college
 ah congrats 
<`CourtJester> Electronic Correspondance Program, International?
 heheh nope
<`CourtJester> Aww. I was hoping I could poke fun at that
 spent 14 moths, every weekday going there
 and on that note gnight
<`CourtJester> BTW, I really hope this is Bali talking through the Knever window, and not Knever becoming completely intelligent
 hey did Maddix ever reply to your card
<`CourtJester> That would be quite scary
<`CourtJester> Nope
 the AI awakens!!!!
<`CourtJester> AHH!
* `CourtJester hides
 hehe, you stumped him
<`CourtJester> Kewl :)
 I am really leaving now
<`CourtJester> But did I manage to scare away that overthe hill cloud over his head?
<`CourtJester> 'kay. buh-bye
* `CourtJester wavies
<`CourtJester> !salt
* Knever_the_Knowbot tosses `CourtJester a salt shaker 1"here ya go.... slug"
 no, he actually lost it
<`CourtJester> It=the cloud or his sanity?
 yeah, you did do that
<`CourtJester> Oh, he losted the card? Isn't it in history?
<`CourtJester> :)
 CB's being quiet should we be nervous
 nope can't find it in history
<`CourtJester> Nargle
<`CourtJester> Not in mine either
Session Close: Sat Sep 25 02:04:15 1999


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