Session Start: Fri Oct 01 21:39:40 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'firstrun2.txt'
<```CJ> Maddix, y'know, I was trying to edit one of our logs, and those horrid [^^'s couldn't be found in the find/replace thingy!
<[^^Silver^^]> sorry that's the only way I can keep him up there
* Johnny_Paradigm goes psycho balistic on his chair.
<```CJ> Hmm. I was always sure you could do ```Silver or '''Silver or something
*** ```CJ is now known as ```Silver
<```Silver> Nickserv hasn't msg'd me yet...
*** ```Silver is now known as ```CJ
*** Shimmers has joined #shadowmask
*** Kitten-Jennifer is now known as ```Kitten
 -----------------------Game On---------------------------
*** Balishak has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Balishak
<```CJ> ----el game es onyo
* ```CJ dies
*** ```CJ is now known as Deadcorpse
 hey Bal you ready to play
*** Deadcorpse is now known as `Deadcorpse
 ---umm sure why not?
 ---you want Knever in here?
<```Kitten> ---goody, IE 5 just crashed big time!
* `Deadcorpse comes back to life to say, "YES! BRING IN THE KNEVER!"
 could we please
*** `Deadcorpse is now known as ```CJ
*** TwistedBot has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has joined #shadowmask
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Knever_the_Knowbot
<```CJ> !salt
<```CJ> !bar_on
<```CJ> ----nargle. Me not know commands.
 he CJ you can't open the bar
 --hehe, those won't work during a run
 ---hey that is
<```CJ> ----a good idea?
*** Balishak sets mode: -o Balishak
 ---no refrashment?
 ---Madd, you're in control now, more or less
<```CJ> !op Strange_GM
 ok, get into char Bal :) please
*** Balishak is now known as Adolphus
 ---no Endradi is GM
 ---oops, sorry, well she is in control then
<```CJ> ----* ```CJ waits patiently.
 ---:) much better
 ---*Johnny brushes and flosses.
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Adolphus 4d6 ( 3 13 5 5 )
<```CJ> ----I wonder how many Johnny Mnemonic jokes I'll use on Neb
 you are all at the church which is now messed up, Mr. Johans rushes you all to the limos
* Adolphus runs into a limo
 "cool, what are we doing?"
*** Strange_GM is now known as Johans
* Johnny_Paradigm gets in the drivers side door.
 There is no time for the reception, this was a little too close, lets get to the yatch
 ---different char :)
 --Darius suddenly turns into a large ogre
* ```Kitten gets in, sits down, and exchanges weapons from her pack which is in the backseat. Getting a warm fuzzy feeling all over as she grips the familiar feal of her heavy pistol, and putting that joke of a weapon she used in the dressing room away.
* [^^Silver^^] checks to make sure Kitten is ok then gets into the back of the limo
*** Johans is now known as Guest58747
* Guest58747 Johans
* Johnny_Paradigm acctully goes into the passenger side door.
* Guest58747 StrangeGM
<```CJ> ---try /nick, not /me
*** Guest58747 is now known as StrangeGM
 ---figured that out hehe
<```CJ> ---there ya go.
 you all get into the limo and it heads to the docks
 ---are we being followed?
 you arrive at the docks and Mr. Johans hurries you all to the yatch and the yatch heads out
* Adolphus watches the water lap by him
 "hey, never been in a boat before!"
* [^^Silver^^] gets out and scans the area before getting on the boat
<```Kitten> ---big yacht I assume?
 no baddies everythings fine
 yes big yatch
*** Wraith^ has joined #SHADOWMASK
 ---motor right?
<[^^Silver^^]> "All clear lets move it"
 ---hello wraith
* ```Kitten goes to her room, and changes into a bikini top and khaki/cargo shorts.
* ```Kitten then heads back to the deck and sunbathes, making sure her weapon is nearby, since she is playing bodygaurd and you never know.
 "Damn woman you wern't killing people tweenty minutes ago.
* Adolphus sits in on the side, looking for lights, and mermaids...
 ---wraith, please observe protocol
* [^^Silver^^] looks at kitten
* ```CJ is on the deck, at the bow of the ship, watching the horizon with a pair of binoculars.
* Johnny_Paradigm goes and finds the wet bar.
<[^^Silver^^]> "I approve"
<```Kitten> "I bet you approve, Mister Silver."
 "Of what?"
 Mr. Johans shows the couple to their quarters and come back to you all
 "Are we going to have to be there guarding when they having cotis too?" 
<```Kitten> "Sit down, Mister Johans, you make me nervous standing there...that and you are blocking my sun."
 "This trip should take about two days, gentlemen you'll need to double up on quarters, there are only 2 cabins with queen size beds and the ladies get them"
* ```Kitten puts on her sunglasses, and pulls her hair back in a tail.
<[^^Silver^^]> "No problem I just need to change clothes and I'll just crash whereever"
 ---sorry brb
* ```CJ nods, and slides the binoculars into his pocket as he turns around to face the others.
 ---rp some your on a yatch  oh and he introduces you all to Mr. Jester extra help
 "Any plan here?"
* ```CJ nods to Silver, Nikki, and Shimmers.
 "umm plan? we just gotta be bodyguards, right?"
*** ```Kitten has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Plans, I'm going to change first. We'll discuss that later"
<```CJ> "I think he was speaking of strategically placing ourselves accross the ship to better protect."
 "I'll guard the kictehen!"
 "I like my spot right here"
* Adolphus pats the transom behind him
* [^^Silver^^] goes to change
*** ```Kitten has joined #Shadowmask
*** ```Kitten has left #Shadowmask
*** ```Kitten has joined #Shadowmask
<```Kitten> ---sorry about that...
<```Kitten> ---4 hour timer junk.
<```CJ> <[^^Silver^^]> "Plans, I'm going to change first. We'll discuss that later"
<```CJ> <```CJ> "I think he was speaking of strategically placing ourselves accross the ship to better protect."
<```CJ>  "I'll guard the kictehen!"
<```CJ>  "I like my spot right here"
<```CJ> * Adolphus pats the transom behind him
<```CJ> * [^^Silver^^] goes to change
<```CJ> ---repost for the kitty
<[^^Silver^^]> ---didn't miss anything
* Adolphus goes to change
*** Adolphus is now known as Darius_the_Grey
* Darius_the_Grey returns
 "neat trick huh?"
* [^^Silver^^] goes to change into shorts no shirt sunglasses
<```Kitten> ---I like the sunglasses...makes the skin look darker.
* Darius_the_Grey takes off his jacket, laying on the seat behind him, he then draws his sword, laying it in his lap
* Darius_the_Grey is still in his suit
* ```CJ wears his usual outfit of black dress pants + shoes, except instead of the white sweater, he now wears a white longsleeve shirt, possibly silk.
<```Kitten> "Jeez you guys, relax a bit.  We can see for miles and miles, nothing is gunna sneak up on us."
 Mr. Johans asks if you all know Mr. Jester?
* Johnny_Paradigm changes to his coal gre suit and puts his jacket around his shoulders.
 "On top of the water."
<```CJ> "Except a sub or a visually cloaked boat."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah, we've done biz before"
 "relax? you realize we are working right?"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at kitten
* ```CJ nods, "I've worked with all of them except that fellow."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Need any lotion?"
* ```CJ points to Johnny.
<```Kitten> "Yea, we are working, that doesnt mean we have to look mean and tough 24/7.  Ever hear of stressing out?"
 "THe good looking one?
<```Kitten> "Sure, wanna get my back?"
 "ummm, no, but I know a few people who are dead because they 'relaxed'"
<[^^Silver^^]> "By the way, CJ Johnny, Johnny CJ"
* Darius_the_Grey nods to Johhny
* [^^Silver^^] rubs his hands together
* Johnny_Paradigm waves hi from his seat and takes a sip of his drink.
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm on it"
<```CJ> "Johnny? My Dad knew a Johnny. You usually a data smuggler?"
* Darius_the_Grey keeps looking behind them
* ```CJ quickly glances up and down the ship.
* [^^Silver^^] proceeds to rub lotion onto her back
 "I can't type my name in a computer."
 the day goes well with no incident and night desends, you smell a fabulous array of foods
 "so, who has the bow?"
<```CJ> "Oh. Your nothing like him then."
* Darius_the_Grey gets up and looks for the galley
<```CJ> "I've been watching the bow since I got onboard, but anybody else can take it."
 the capt., and the cooks are cooking, 
* ```Kitten enjoys it immensly.
 "hey guys, any spare there?"
 ---what pray tell.
* ```CJ shrugs, and heads back to the bow, getting the binoculars back out.
* [^^Silver^^] does to
 he tells you that the buffet is not ready yet but he'll come get you shortly
 "cool, thanks man"
* Darius_the_Grey returns to his seat at the stern
* Johnny_Paradigm goes and finds the head.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Would you like me to get you a drink kitten?"
 "hey guys, I got something to do"
* Darius_the_Grey finds a suitable place up front with a little room
<```Kitten> "No thanks, Silver."
 there is a huge pool and a extremely well stocked bar with a bartender on the main deck
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs and massage lotion into her back
* Johnny_Paradigm goes and uses the servaces of this great man. THe Bartender.
<```CJ> ----He anywhere near the front of the ship?
 ---exactly why does she need lotion at sundown aren't you all going to dress for dinner, remember you're with the rich
*** CrimsonDeity has joined #shadowmask
<```CJ> --bonjour CB!
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well it's getting dark shall we go get dressed for dinner?"
 ---hey CB
* CrimsonDeity is busting out his dance
<```Kitten> ---yea but lotion does more then just protect from the sun, it locks in your natural oils so you dont dry up from the salt water.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hey CB
 ---hello, you gonna play
 ---if you can wait for me to take a shower n stuff 
<```Kitten> "Oh posh, gotta go look all nice and fancy for the clients.  Ah well.  Ok, lets go get ready.  Just a dog and pony show if you ask me."
 so what is everyone doing
 ---yeah, go ahead the fun hasn't started yet 
 ---and lotion as a mild sexual conintationn to it.
 --hhee, I just learned something, if you try to send a message to yourself, it comes up double
 ---if you all want to know we won 19-7 and I had 3 interceptions and almost 1 touchdown 
<```CJ> ----CJ's on deck, watching for incoming. 30 minutes before dinner, he goes and puts on his tux, etc.
<```CJ> ---Kewl
* [^^Silver^^] follows Kitten and goes to change into suitable attire
 ---I already knew that :P
 ---you did
<```CJ> ----that self messages come up double, I think
*** CrimsonDeity is now known as CB_bustingthevictorydanceinthe
 "Hey Cj there anything mutual with those two?"
 alright what is everyone doing
* ```CJ looks to Johnny, looks him over once, then says plainly, "Why?"
<```CJ> ----CJ's on deck, watching for incoming. 30 minutes before dinner, he goes and puts on his tux, etc.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I'm changing
 ---is still doing his thing
* ```Kitten goes and changes into a low cut, sparkeling evening gown, with a nice high slit. (black)
 "Might be interresting to know for latter.  To me anyway."
<```CJ> "Information comes with a price, my friend. That's the basis of this world."
 ---CB go strip down and shower
 "I'll get you a drink."
<```CJ> "I don't drink on the job, and neither should you."
* [^^Silver^^] comes out in a nice double breasted suit
 "Who says I'm drink this only coke."
* Darius_the_Grey comes back a while later, dressed in trademark gray siut
 --suit even
<```CJ> ----yes please, CB. I can smell you from Arizona!
<[^^Silver^^]> "Kitten my dear, you look absolutely beautiful"
 ---with rum.
 "so, anything new happening?"
<```CJ> "Sure it is buddy. Cocain is nothing to use on the job either."
* Darius_the_Grey asks the new guy
<```Kitten> "Why thank you, Silver." (smiling warmly)
 ok you all mingle for a bit
 "who's snorting?!"
* ```CJ heads to go change, and comes back wearing a standard tux.
* [^^Silver^^] takes her hand and kisses it gently
* ```CJ comments on the way out, "Johnny's the one with the coke."
<[^^Silver^^]> "My pleasure" 
 "Never mind I really don't need to confirm that."
* ```Kitten lets Silver lead her into the dinning room.
 "great, we got a head here"
* Darius_the_Grey looks at Johnny with disdain
 "well, I am gonna take a walk"
* [^^Silver^^] leads her into the dinning room, pointedly ignoring Johnny
* Johnny_Paradigm stares back blankly."
* Darius_the_Grey walks off, sword sheathed and jacket on
* ```CJ goes to dinner, but has only a light meal. Afterwards, he goes back out and patrols the deck of the ship, watching the horizon.
 ---I walked in halfway into the conversation, so Dar would think you are cokehead, heheh
 nope you have to go to dinner and stay for a while
 ---the liquid kind
<```Kitten> ---I have a pistol in my garter, just to let you know, I'm not totally weaponless....sorry, its the only spot to hide one in a dress like this.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---can I look for the gun :)
<```CJ> ---Feel the power of Gortex
<```Kitten> ---no, you may not...not if you want to keep your hand anyway.
* Darius_the_Grey walks into the dining room, eating just enough to be polite, and watches everything going on from a distance
<```CJ> ---A hand is a small price to pay :)
 ok hang on you all haven't eaten yet but you are in the dinning room
 ---CB you ignoring me?
 ---Not if it come with your head.
<```CJ> ---Okay, we're in the dining room, before dinner starts.
 ---I think he went to shower, that's who we're waiting on which is why you all need to chit chat
* ```CJ walks around the room, getting a good look at the layout of the place, exits, etc.
 --ohhhh okay
 ---I must have missed something
<[^^Silver^^]> ---aww, come on
 ---hwo many door in the dinning room?"
* ```Kitten keeps her eyes open for suspicious activity, and then reverts to the training she had as a child growing up in a rich enviroment, and mingles.
<```CJ> ---how many doors, where do they lead, and are there any pillars or large plants that could be used as cover?
 the dinning room is a giant room with a chandelier, to the left of the entrance door there is a hugh buffet and the cooks are still putting out food
<```CJ> ----Where are the cooks coming from? a door to the kitchen, or through the main door?
*** CB_bustingthevictorydanceinthe is now known as CrimsonDeity
 ----Does that table have a cloth that reaches the floor?
 2 doors in the dinning room, one that leads to the deck and one that leads to the kitchen
 no it doesn't 
<```CJ> ---'kay. Any windows?
 lots it's a yatch
<```CJ> ----Portholes or full windows?
* Darius_the_Grey follows the groove, getting some food
 yes in the dinning room the front is a full window for viewing the night
<```CJ> ----okies
 ---CB you gonna get into char
 ---Dar looks ok as he chows down right?
* ```CJ sits down towards the exit to the deck, nodding politely to those who look directly at him.
 ----I don't know You look ok to me :)
 ---It could be time delay poison you never know.
<[^^Silver^^]> "My Kitten you look like you've done this before"
<```CJ> ---btw, is shimmers on this run as well?
<```Kitten> "Unfortunatly, Silver, I have.  It isnt difficult, just ask them alot of questions."
* Darius_the_Grey starts choking violently
 ---I don't know yet
* ```CJ stands, and moves quickly to Dar, looking nervously around the room.
* Darius_the_Grey busts out laughing
 Ok you're all eating and the bartender comes around and offers you all drinks
<```CJ> "Real funny."
* ```CJ shrugs, and heads back to his seat.
 "Damn thre goes my money in the pool."
<```CJ> ---Cj's not eating
 "comon relax a little, just don't send all your time trying to get laid, that'll distract you too much"
* [^^Silver^^] orders a long island Ice Tea
<```CJ> "Nothing for me Bartender."
 ---Eating would interfeer with his comsuption.
 ----err Johnny that is.
* Darius_the_Grey passes on the drinks
<```Kitten> "I'll have some rouge if you have it.  Thank you."
* ```CJ waits for the bartender to move to the next table, then he stands and moves out to patrol the deck.
 ---though he will try the wine.
 Ok, dinner is well under way and you all are having fun I hope, 
 CJ you find nothing out there
<```CJ> ---except CJ, of course :)
<```Kitten> ---I doubt Kitten is enjoying dinner too much...the wine yes, dinner conversations, no. 
* ```CJ continues to patrol the decks, whether he finds anything or not (unless the GM specifically prohibits it)
* Johnny_Paradigm goes to the bridge and watches the crew.
 ---I wanna talk to the crew.
* Darius_the_Grey keeps watch on the crowd
<[^^Silver^^]> "You ok Kitten, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself?"*quietly asks her*
<```Kitten>  "No, I hate rich people parties.  Always did.  But I'll live.  How you doing?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm fine"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I just wish you could enjoy yourself"
<```Kitten> "I will, tonight when I get to be rocked to sleep by the waves.  I doubt anything will happen onboard."
 ok the cooks start to clean up stuff and it's getting really late, what you all gonna do
<[^^Silver^^]> "You want to go for a walk?"
<```Kitten> ---are the 'packages' still in the room?
 ---you know it
 ---bother the crew into showiung me the radar..
<```Kitten> ---then I guess I need to stay here too then.
* Darius_the_Grey walks around the deck, keeping guard
<```Kitten> "Can't Silver.  Gotta make sure the 'packages' dont get attacked by their guests."
 it goes uneventful
 "It's cool, want some company?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---that was me
<```Kitten> ---hehe, figured.
<```Kitten> "Sure, lets go sit over there in the corner.
* [^^Silver^^] stands up and offers his hand to her
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure"
* ```Kitten takes his hand.
* [^^Silver^^] leads her to the corner and has a seat after she does
<```Kitten>  "These parties always take'd think the groom would want to get her alone downstairs..."
* Darius_the_Grey walks the deck, wondering why he took a bodyguard job
<[^^Silver^^]>  "of course they are newlyweds after all"
* ```CJ walks around deck doing guard duty until midnight, at which time he goes back to one of the quarters and sleeps for a short while.
 ok, you all need to go to sleep for the sake of time
* Darius_the_Grey sleeps
 ---we arn't going to have to guard them durring cotis are we?
<```Kitten>  "Yea, but what are they doing up here still...I'd love to go top-side and feel the cold night air, but they are still in here..." 
<```Kitten> ---You can, but if you do, dont tell me about it.
 ok, the newly weds haven't left their quarters since they borded and you haven't seen Mr. Johans either
<```Kitten> ---oh, well then...
 ---I'm going to go knock on there door.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets go upstairs and walk on the deck"
* Darius_the_Grey sends his ally to check up on the newlyweds
* ```Kitten gets up, and leads Silver topside, making it look like she is being lead.
 "You arn't dead in there are you?"
 they are perfectly fine, and you've now stunted the growth of your ally :)
* [^^Silver^^] follows her
 ---which couple?
 the newly weds
* Darius_the_Grey sleeps, waking inthe morning
 it's now morning
<```Kitten> ---when the sun comes up, I go to sleep.
* Darius_the_Grey gets u[ and continues dong guard duty
* Johnny_Paradigm goes to bed.
 ok, you all get up and a wonderful buffet breakfast is waiting for you all with lots of coffee and orange juice
* ```CJ continues patrolling the deck when he wakes up, checking on his 'craft on his routes
<```Kitten> ---but I'm not getting up, I'm going to sleep. 
 ---are we there yet?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Care for some company"*wink*
 no you all are waking up, except for Kitten and Silver
* Darius_the_Grey paces the deck, remebering why he never joined the Navy
 hehe, is he seasick, I thought it was planes he had a problem with, that's why I went with the yatch
<```Kitten> "Uh, Silv, I'm kinda tired, its been a busy day. (wink)"
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs
 ---nope, it's the long cruises
<```Kitten> ---Kitten is the one with planes.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Null sweat, can't blame a guy for trying. Sweet dreams"
* [^^Silver^^] kisses her goodnight and goes to get some breakfast
 ---I'm going to stay asleep.
 your choice
<```Kitten> "No, I suppose I cant.  g'night, Silv."
<[^^Silver^^]> "nite"
* ```Kitten cat-naps for 8 hours, unless something happens.
 ---unles they killing afoot.
 ---unless theres killing afoot
<```Kitten> ---that's the idea.
 ok, is any one looking out to sea
<[^^Silver^^]> ---nope getting breakfast
* Darius_the_Grey is still walking the deck
<```CJ> --yes
* ```CJ is still doing his rounds
<```Kitten> ---nope, I be sleepin lightly.
 you see a faint trace of land off to the north and the boat is headed in that direction
 ---sleping with my FN-Har, it's name is sally.
<```Kitten> ---you name your piece?
* ```CJ takes a closer look with the binoculars.
 Mr. Johans comes out and informs you that we'll be at the island shortly and excuses himself to go wake the couple
 ---what's a joke son, a joke.
<```Kitten> ---what's???
 "no prob Johnson man"
* [^^Silver^^] finishes breakfast and goes to gather his gear together
 ---I wonder if we can get them to stay in an easy to defend spot all the time.
<```Kitten> ---yea right.
* [^^Silver^^] goes to wake up Kitten after gathering his gear
 ---If we gave I'm an aphrodesic I'm sure they would care where the hell they were.
* ```Kitten gets up, grabs her gear, stows it quickly into a pack.
<```Kitten> "Mornin Silver."
 you are now docking, there is a pier that leads to a beautiful beach with the water as blue as you have ever seen
<[^^Silver^^]> "Morning sunshine"
 "Bottle that shit."
<```Kitten> "Ahh, guess we should go recon the hotel."
* Darius_the_Grey walks off to the hotel
<[^^Silver^^]> "Dude, I was not talking to you."
* ```CJ shakes his head, and follows behind the couple.
<```CJ> ---the couple we're guarding, that is
 "It doesn't matter I say things anyway, mild turettse."
* ```Kitten walks off in her jeans/boots/T and checks out the hotel, looking for sniping positions, critical strategic points, good places to defend, good places the enemy might use for an assault, etc. (Leaving the boys to fight it out on the beach)
* [^^Silver^^] turns away from Johnny and follows the newly weds
* Darius_the_Grey walks into the hotel and scans the room ahead of the couple
 ok, you all get to the resort and are all given keys to private bungalos
 ----Can I comonder a golf cart?
 the couple go to their bungalo  and wait for someone to ok it
* Darius_the_Grey checks out the bungalo
* [^^Silver^^] goes in to check out the bungalo also
* ```CJ snickers every time someone says the word, "Bungalo".
 you find nothing
* ```CJ checks out his OWN bungalo.
<```Kitten> ---I find anything that meets the criteria I was looking for?
* [^^Silver^^] goes to check out his own bungalo after making sure theirs is ok
 no critical positions
* Darius_the_Grey walks out
* Johnny_Paradigm cheaks ou the lobby bar.
 "looks good folks"
 ok, the couple go in and lock the door, there is a window at the rear of the bungalo and one in the bathroom
<```Kitten> "Good, lets see if we can avoid the incident at the wedding."
* Darius_the_Grey goes into his own bungalo, leaving the door open so he can see out
* [^^Silver^^] changes into shorts and a T-shirt, puts his gun in the gym bag and positions himself in a chair near there bungalo
* ```CJ takes a look around his place, then heads out to walk around the area near the couple's bungalo.
* [^^Silver^^] nods to CJ as he walks by
 ---what the are like around the bunglo?
* ```Kitten walks a perimeter around the bungalo....(I want something that will take me about 50 minutes to walk...prolly around 5 or 6 mile circumphrence.)
 ---area like around the bungalo
 ---nice game people, I hope to be joining in on the fun here shortly.
 ok, the day drags on and you all notice nothing has happened, 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Can we meet near the bungaloo and discuss shifts
* ```CJ nods back, slighlty.
* Darius_the_Grey sends his ally in to check on them again
*** Wraith^ has left #SHADOWMASK
 they are fine
*** ```Kitten has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Darius_the_Grey walks over to the rest of the crew
 "so what are we gonna do?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well we need to work up some kind of rotation schedule, I need to sleep"
<```CJ> "Naw, really?"
 "We coud just tie them and drug 'em.  Stick 'um in a clost for the rest of the honey moon."
 "ummm, bad idea"
*** ```Kitten has joined #Shadowmask
 I don't think so
<```CJ> "Sides, last time I checked, they had each other tied up and handcuffed anyways."
<[^^Silver^^]> "I really don't think that would be a good idea"
 "Damn, why not!?!"
* Darius_the_Grey chuckles
<```CJ> "Johnny, you really need to lay off the cocain."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Why do you think little man?"
* [^^Silver^^] shakes his head
 " I add "that" in my sentances"
 ok, come up with a plan guys and Kitten
 "okay, so I think I should take the graveyard watch"
<```Kitten> ---I'm out walking security. 
<```Kitten> ---they have to call me on my com if they want to coordinate.
<```CJ> "I'll take whatever watch is open."
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Kitten can you come join us please?
 "We going to watch one at a time, or in pairs."
<```Kitten> »»"Sure, where are you?"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Near the bungaloo
<[^^Silver^^]> "i think we should watch in pairs"
 "I think pairs"
<```Kitten> »»"Ok, ETA 20 min.
<```CJ> "Okay, pairs it is."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Kitten will be here in a bit"
 there are 5 of you, not an even #
*** Shimmers has quit IRC (Quit: Live and Learn, Forget and Die)
 "I can watch alond, with my friend"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay that will work"
<```CJ> "I suppose Silver will want to watch with Kitten. So I'll watch with Druggie here."
<[^^Silver^^]> "CJ, you will have to. If I'm left alone with Johnny one of us may not make the shift"
 "You are a nimrod."
<```CJ> "Well, I'm fine with that."
* ```CJ grins slightly.
<```Kitten> "Boys boys boys." slipping into view. "What's with the fighting?"
<```CJ> "We're deciding who gets to kil--err, work with Johnny boy."
 "'Johnny you are pushing it."
 "He's comeing up with fabrications."
<[^^Silver^^]> ---That was me
* Darius_the_Grey sits back and watches the goins on
<```Kitten> "Ahh, dont kill him.  It isnt worth the 1¥ for the slug."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Look I need to sleep, who is taking this watch?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I wasn't going to shoot him. Strangle him yes"
 "you gonna let them talk to you like that JOhnny?"
 "Hey haven't you just hear of inflation, it's 2 nuyen for a bullet.'
<```CJ> "Yeah. Or just put sand in his drug supply, and watch him snort it."
 "Here did you get the drug supply from?"
<```CJ> "I don't have a drug supply. Where'd you get YOUR drugs from?"
<```Kitten> "Ok enough boys.  Silver, go to sleep.  John, go to the roof and keep a look out.  CJ and I will cover the perimeter, Dar keep an eye on the front door, please.  Unless anyone has a better idea?"
 "and what are you gonna do?"
* ```CJ shrugs.
 ---missed that and I part :)
 "Yah, whan't here mine?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "uh, we were going to watch in pairs"
<```Kitten> ---I figured, that is why I waited on hte reply.  
 "I am cool with her idea"
* Darius_the_Grey walks towards the front door
<```CJ> "But if we watch in pairs, we can keep  a solid 24 hour a day watch on them."
<```Kitten> "We dont even have enough to form two fire teams, sweetie.  I'd go with keep everyone in a standard security sweep."
<[^^Silver^^]> "If we do it that way how are we going to sleep?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "If we don't sleep we can't do how job properly"
 ---THis would be the perfect time for a Syndicate Amphibious Assault 
<```Kitten> "Shouldnt be too difficult, you are sleeping, and either CJ or I can sleep, then we can just rotate into position.
* ```CJ eyes Johnny, and says in a quiet, gravelly voice, "Donut.."
 ---tell me about it
* Johnny_Paradigm giggles uncontolably and say "with a hotdog."
 "okay guys, I tell you what, Johny and CJ can watch now, and don't kill him please, Sil, Kitten and I can get shuteye, wake them in eight hours, me in sixteen"
 "my ally can watch with me"
* ```CJ smacks his forehead, and turns back to the conversation. "Alright."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Works for me"
* Darius_the_Grey walks into his bungalow and closes the door
<```Kitten> "Works for me.  I'll be sleeping on the beach, my com will be on, and I am a light sleeper, so give me a ring if you need me."
 you have your own bungalo
<```Kitten> ---I dont want to go to a bungelo.  I'm out in the caribean, I am gunna enjoy it. 
<```Kitten> ---only thing I need in my bungalo is my gear and assault rifle. hehe.
* ```CJ sighs, and turns to Johnny. "I'll stay near their bungalo, and do a tight sweep. You patrol the area, and do a wider sweep."
 ok, ok
 "oh great now we can here when she finds a crab when she wakes up."
* [^^Silver^^] goes to his bungalo and goes to sleep
 ok so where are you at CJ and Johnny
 ---What the area like?
* ```CJ is within 30 meters of the couples bungalo, patrolling the area nearby.
*** CrimsonDeity is now known as GMofyourCombat
 Walking in an ever wideing cirlce in eye shot of bungalo.
 ---uh oh
 Cj and Johnny roll intel 
 the bungalos are covered by some trees and bushes and there is a trail that leads to the beach which seems to go on for miles
<```CJ> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```CJ 6d6 ( 1 3 3 4 5 8 )
 ---I think I speak for all the players when I say oh damn 
 0,1 0,1 0,1 4,15 --- Johnny_Paradigm 3d6 ( 5 10 5 )
<```CJ> ---Nope. I say oh crap.
<```CJ> ---How come Johnny get's the nifty gray on red, and I get the high contrast black on white?
 ---he must an addy that my bot recognizes as higher, I am working on that
<```Kitten> ---cause gm is in his name....
<```CJ> ----no fair!
 ---maybe, I tried to fix it
 ---I'm speacal that way.
 ---Johnny read your msg screen 
<```CJ> ----Just make the bot case sensitive, if possible. That way only GM*'s and *GM's can trigger the nifty colors.
 ---and react to it as you see fit
 And as Johnny hears what he heard CJ has some stuff blow up around him 
 CJ roll body 
 ----don't worry bout it, I think I fixed it, I gotta wait till another dice roll comes around
<```CJ> ---nargle!
<```CJ> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```CJ 5d6 ( 5 2 1 1 7 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---does it wake me?
 ---me too?
<```CJ> ---it better
 ---I'm going to run to cover.
 ---no cause you are sleeping good 
 an artillery shell strikes the ground under CJ's feet 
<```CJ> ----UNDER my feet?
<```CJ> ----that really sucks
<```Kitten> ---I hope you know how to fly!
 he flies into a tree 
 M wound 
 now Silver waked 
 as well as anyone else who may be sleeping 
 ---as little bits CJ
* Darius_the_Grey wakes up
 "what the?!?!"
* [^^Silver^^] bolts out of bed and grabs his guns and goes to see what the hell is going on
 and this is followed by explosions striking over the island 
* Darius_the_Grey grabs his sword and looks out the window of his bungalow
<```Kitten> ---I'm still asleep on the beach..
* ```CJ pushes himself up from the ground, and punch-drunkenly hurries for some sort of cover.
 ---again I think I overkilled oh well 
 the inhabitants and resort workers are all running around now screaming
 Silver you see chaos as stuff blows up and civilians die by the handfulls
<```Kitten> ---"Cry havok, and release the dogs of war!"
* ```CJ looks for the cruise ship.
 ---um no you arent 
* [^^Silver^^] runs to the Smithers' bungaloo and busts in the door and tries to get them to safety
* Johnny_Paradigm looks a the newly weds bungalo.
 the yatch is way out to sea, you can barely see it
<```Kitten> ---no who isnt what?
 they are in the mid of sweet passionite lovin 
 "great, pirates"
<```CJ> ---Then what happened to the 'craft? You didn't tell me it left
 ---you are awake 
 and he just thinks he is real good 
* Darius_the_Grey runs out towards the beach, trying not to get gacked
<[^^Silver^^]> "Get up and get dressed!!! We are under attack!!"
<```Kitten> ---oh, ok
 no one asked if the yatch was staying
<```Kitten> ---jogs to her bungalo, making sure not to get shot on the way.
<```CJ> ---fine
 you head to the beach to see 3 assault craft in their way in 
* Johnny_Paradigm slips his arms through his armor jacket an dthen zipps it up.
* ```CJ reaches in his pocket, and flips on the lvl 10 antitheft system, and just waits for anything to brush against the craft.
 --CJ you see a raven fly towards you then morph into a human, he looks a lot like but isn't him
 "you look like you need help"
 ---he heals you
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 5d6 ( 5 1 1 1 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hurry up!!! We are running out of time!!!"
 ---that sucked
<```Kitten> ---I get to my bungalo?
<```CJ> "Thanks Birdman. Don't suppose you can get a hovercraft off a cruise ship that's way out to sea?"
* Darius_the_Grey casts ram on one of the craft
 ----Do we see any baddies?
 --rolling drain
 ---Specificly me.
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 5d6 ( 5 5 5 4 1 )
 ---roll that Dar 
 and the heal doesnt do anything 
 --okay, I am centering for successes
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6 ( 3 1 4 9 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 4d6 ( 5 4 3 2 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 8d6 ( 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 4 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---What are the happy couple doing please
 ---what is the crafts body?
 ---getting dressed scared as hell 
 --that's 4 successes, base M damage, so I destroyed it
 Ram strikes one of the ships and it begins to sink 
 "finally one that worked"
 I think an init roll is in order now 
 all involved in the combat 
 ---lemme roll drain
 ---6 pool
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 4 4 1 5 3 4 2 1 7 2 4 8 )
 --no drain
<```CJ> ---need a rules genius here to tell me what exactly can be done with an antitheft system lvl 10, when they get a chance.
 ---yeah I know I said it was going down 
 ---the men in it are not a factor 
* [^^Silver^^] hurries them to the main building of the hotel and makes sure that the hotel security takes care of them. He then goes to join in repelling the invaders
 ---ummm, well, it won't start or anything, unless he has a shock system, of course, with water around...
 ---but they won't be able to break in :)

Session Time: Sat Oct 02 00:00:00 1999

 you see the cruise ship explode as their battle cruisers lay into it 
 init roll right?
<```CJ> ---nevermind
<```Kitten> ---do I make it to my bungalo from the beach yet?
 ---battle crusiers!
 15,5 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6+6 ( 21 )
 all involved in combat 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---CJ there goes your hovercraft 
<```Kitten> ---ok, then I am grabbing my assault rifle, and calling Silver up.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I'm still at the hotel lobby. running back to the combat
<```CJ> ---especially if the attack on the cruise ship sets off the 4 kilos of c12, 4 kilos of c4, and 2 kilos of commercial explosives on board.
<```Kitten> »»"Silv, you there?
 15,5 --- Johnny_Paradigm 3d6+8 ( 15 )
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Yeah on my way back. You ok?
 ---woo-hoo I acutally beat someone's init roll
<```CJ> 1d6+6
 15,5 --- ```CJ 1d6+6 ( 8 )
<```Kitten> »»Yea, I'm in the clear, I think.  Where is your location?
 ---BTW Tolkeen disappears, wouldn't want to get hurt
 15,5 --- GMofyourCombat 2d6+6 ( 16 )
 15,5 --- GMofyourCombat 2d6+6 ( 14 )
 15,5 --- GMofyourCombat 2d6+6 ( 15 )
 15,5 --- GMofyourCombat 2d6+5 ( 10 )
 15,5 --- GMofyourCombat 2d6+6 ( 11 )
 --how close are those other two craft?
 one craft comes in and the ramp lowers and 5 troops pile out 
 ---other is about 100 yds behind it 
* Darius_the_Grey runs for dear life back toward the hotel, dodging all the way
 Mrs. Smithers turns to the security guard and holds out her hand she then shoots Mr. Smithers twice once in the head and once in the chest he's dead, she grabs a disk and somepapers from his body and is lead to a chopper and tells them to kill her hired help
 one of the men opens up with his LMG on 
 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 1d6 ( 3 )
 ---alrighty then
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Hold on, got trouble
<```Kitten> ---uh...ok.
* [^^Silver^^] goes to check out the shots
 >>>Roger that ma'am, we will send in the reenforcements 
<```Kitten> »»Just give me your position, so I can get there.
 the chopper takes off and is going out of sight
 roll body 
 Silver we'll say your their and you find Mr. Smithers body, you don't know who killed him
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 8d6 ( 1 5 5 3 3 5 14 1 )
 ---You know I have armor right?
<```CJ> ----Umm, CJ was right outside the bungalo, and they do have windows
 ---yeah but you still havbe to roll body 
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Damn, Mr. Smithers is dead. The woman is gone
* [^^Silver^^] looks around asking anyone what happened
<```Kitten> »»"Damn, ok, I'm headed to the docks."
* ```CJ calls out to him, and he runs over towards him.
 people are running everywhere screaming and dying, no one seems to know anything
 ---try again Johnny 
* Darius_the_Grey mutters as he is running from all the baddies that only he is trying to fight 1"This blows"
<```CJ> ---him=silver
 ---4d6 damn it 
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Johnny_Paradigm 4d6 ( 1 5 5 4 )
<```CJ> "The woman shot the guy. She took something, and took off in that helicopter."
 you get riddled with bullets 
 and fall unconcious 
<```Kitten> ---that isnt good.
 how do you know, a shell comes and lands between your legs barely missing
 ---fucking shit.
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 4d6 ( 5 8 2 3 )
<```Kitten> ---I see anything as I head out to the beach/docks again?
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 1 2 10 1 1 3 3 4 2 4 5 7 )
 --- a little fleet 
* [^^Silver^^] runs back to the beach
<```CJ> ---because the shell only did a moderate wound to me, and the shooting was later
<```Kitten> ---how little?
 --- and the burning hulk of the cruise ship 
<```Kitten> ---and how far?
<```Kitten> ---any soldiers on hte ground?
 ---about a mile out 
 ---and yes 
 Ok, where is everyone, Maddix is at the hotel, everyone else
 ---you know where I am going
 ---5 ships 
 CJ roll body please 
<```CJ> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```CJ 5d6 ( 3 1 2 3 9 )
 Another man opens up with his LMG 
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 6d6 ( 2 5 5 2 5 3 )
 a few shells tear into CJ total S wound 
 Silver you are at the beach better act fast
* ```CJ dies and thanks CB for killing his favorite character....again.
 ---nope you arent dead 
<```CJ> ---I thought a mod and a serious was beyond a deadly?
* StrangeGM looks for the nearest baddy and opens fire
 ---no total of S 
 ---counting the M 
<```CJ> ----oh
 you were healed once by Tolkeen remember
<```CJ> ---no, CB ruled that the bird's heal does nothing
 roll that Silver 
* [^^Silver^^] looks for the nearest baddy and opens fire
<[^^Silver^^]> ---2 shots 3cp each
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 5 3 1 5 3 2 5 2 1 1 3 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 5 3 3 5 4 2 2 3 2 3 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 6d6 ( 4 11 4 8 11 4 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 6d6 ( 5 2 8 5 13 13 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 5d6 ( 11 5 3 5 1 )
 ---rolling drain
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 3 1 9 9 11 5 9 3 4 5 3 3 )
 you miss both shots 
 roll Will Silver 
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 3 3 9 2 2 5 )
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 7 1 4 4 4 5 )
<[^^Silver^^]> ---who me?
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 6d6 ( 10 1 4 8 1 3 )
 --yes you 
<[^^Silver^^]> 6d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- [^^Silver^^] 6d6 ( 5 4 1 1 7 10 )
 you feel an earth quake inside of you 
 L wound 
 the men get back in their boats and turn tail 
<```Kitten> ---that was fast.
* Darius_the_Grey comes back to the beach
* ```CJ bleeds
* Darius_the_Grey drops his cool badass spell
 "you need help CJ?"
* ```CJ gets out his medkit, and nods.
* Darius_the_Grey casts treat on him
* Johnny_Paradigm is going breath through his chest.
 you see one of the ships out there burning 
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 1 1 10 9 4 9 )
* ```Kitten stands on the beach, assault rifle braced on her right hip.
 "nice of you to join the fun Kitten"
* [^^Silver^^] heads to the hotel going straight for the security office
* Darius_the_Grey smirks
*** LadyMynx has joined #shadowmask
 CJ feels much better 
<```Kitten> "Seems like I missed all the fun."
 is anyone going to heal Johnny?
 hello Lady
* Darius_the_Grey looks at Johnny
<```Kitten> "Anyone hurt?
 ---I was wondering the same thing 
 "should I heal him?"
 0,1 --- GMofyourCombat 1d6 ( 3 )
 he will be dead real soon 
* Darius_the_Grey tries to heal him
 ---oops, ya'll are on a run... have fun!  catch ya later!
* ```CJ get's up. "No, I've got my medkit, and it doesn't give me noseblleds if I use it too much."
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 6d6 ( 2 5 4 1 3 3 )
 "Gurrgle Gurgle.
*** LadyMynx has left #shadowmask
 --what is your Essence Johnny?
 it prolongs his life for a few minutes 
 ---sucks to be you...
* Darius_the_Grey has Tolkeen heal him also
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 5d6 ( 5 5 4 5 4 )
 ---gee thanks
* ```CJ applies his medical knowledge and medkit to help out Johnny after the mages finish.
 ---for me forst
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 1 3 1 1 11 5 5 17 9 4 2 7 )
 --think I soaked it, heh
* ```Kitten slings her rifle.
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- Darius_the_Grey 7d6 ( 3 2 3 5 11 3 5 )
 --same with Tolkeen
 "we gotta find a way outta here guys"
*** GMofyourCombat is now known as CrimsonDeity
 you find a security disk in the machine, but the player is broke
<```CJ> ---biotech 5 w/ medkit
<```CJ> 5d6
 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 --- ```CJ 5d6 ( 5 2 1 1 5 )
 the pirates are still shelling the island 
* Darius_the_Grey finds some good, natural cover
<```Kitten> ---sorry, I left my LAW in my other bathing suit...whatcha wanna do about them?
 it shows what you think it shows
<```CJ> ---well, since SOMEBODY didn't tell me that the boat was leaving, CJ can't help at all
 "listen, I took out one the assault craft, and put one ship outta comission, you guys can do some work now"
* [^^Silver^^] puts away the disk carefully and goes back to the beach
<```Kitten> "Yea, but they are outta range of my only weapon with half a chance of damaging them.  You get me to the boat, I'll sink it."
 Mr. Johans comes out of hiding, what happened is everyone ok
 "okay, sure, I can do that"
 ---I'm going to pull through yet?
<```Kitten> "How are you going to get me out there?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yeah everyone is okay they took off in the coppter"
 "I have ways"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Nobody say anything
<```CJ> ---Well, with two mages healing you and a biotech 5 doctor on you, I think you should make it, but that's up to the GM
 you're going to be fine but are still hurting badly
 ---Your my FAVORITE GM you know that.  Your soooo smart.
<```CJ> ---And pretty, don't forget pretty
 Mr. Johans gives you all a cred stick and tries to go find a way home, he doesn't know Mr. Smithers is dead
 that was a bonus
 ---pretty to boot.
 ---is there a boat on the island that didn't get shelled?
* [^^Silver^^] waits for him to get out of earshot
<```CJ> ---how far out is the boat that Darius spell-rammed, and in what shape is it?
 ---Can I stand up now?
* ```CJ graciously takes the credstick.
 ---it is shattered 
<```CJ> ---nevermind on that idea then
<```Kitten> ---checks value of credstick.  Sits down, and ponders whether or not she should cut her losses and call for a lift.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Lets get out of here before he finds Mr. Smithers. That bitch killed him"
<```CJ> "Tell ya what, if you promise to lay off the drugs, I'll give you some morphine for that pain."
 "Who me?"
* Darius_the_Grey looks for a boat that did not get shelled
<```CJ> "Yeah, you."
 there is an airport on the other part of the island
<```CJ> "You must hurt like hell right now."
 "No alchy hol I swear."
 --umm airport?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Kitten, you want to hire us a boat to go back?"
<```Kitten> ---you mean the airport wasnt shelled?
* ```CJ shakes his head, and gives Johnny a couple pills.
* Darius_the_Grey starts walking muttering 1"damned planes, always gotta use planes"
<[^^Silver^^]> "My treat"
<```Kitten> "No, but I can call a friend of mine and get us a lift in a chopper."
 ok you all get rescued in your prefered manner
 and are home safe and sound
 ---There sround somebody here thats soposed to look into things like millitary raids or something?
 -------------Game Over-----------------------------------
*** StrangeGM is now known as Endradi
*** Darius_the_Grey is now known as Balishak
*** [^^Silver^^] is now known as Maddix
*** Johnny_Paradigm is now known as NebtheDestroyer
 So what did you all think
<```Kitten> Great, so now i have a rich family who has it out for me and a paramilitary unit....
 What did you all think
<```Kitten> 'twas good.
<```CJ> It was pretty good. You and I already talked about what I didn't like.
 I didn't get cack anybody.
 pretty good
 I want to know what the heck happened to our 2 week vacation :)
 she agreed to let me GM a lil :) 
 that is what happened 
 hey shit happens :)
 and thank you very much CB, you're a sweety
 Then how come only little ol' me got trama wounds?
* CrimsonDeity bows
 cause your body is 4 
 and you can't cast cool spells that make people think you are harmless birds
<```CJ> Mine's a 5, and I got a serious (and got hit with artillery...literally)
 you aren't the only one that got hurt, it was the roll of the dice
<```CJ> Just save up some karma and you'll be okay Neb
 Not even a tensy wensy little thing could have helped me?
 he's alive isn't he?
 you lived 
 a little luck perhaps
<```Kitten> Oh you'll live.
 consider yourself lucky 
 thats the good part
<```Kitten> Get better armor.
<```CJ> Three things helped you. Dar's heal, Tol's heal, and my healing
 and avoid my runs 
 three foot concrete barrer, got it.
 yep and the GMs final say so :)
<```CJ> Shh! Player's aren't supposed to know about that!
 boy you guys are gonna sorely miss Darius
 noone to destroy CBs warships
 and Quentin and Wheeler 
 At least I lived with my parts
 this is nothing you should see the campaign he's got us in now, ouch in 10 different languages
* CrimsonDeity sulks
<```CJ> Well, if CJ hadn't just forgotten about his most important piece of equipment, he could have helped
 K A R M A
<```CJ> There was an autocannon in the craft, as well as a stabalizer-6 for the injured
 it still has those things 
 ahh, you know I love you :)
 just at the bottom of the carribean sea
<```Kitten> I think this is the first run in the past 2 weeks I havnt lost anything to dmg!
* Endradi blows CB a kiss to cheer him up
<```Kitten> I MADE A PROFIT!
<```CJ> Except it was also packed with plastic and standard explosives. When the boat blew up, there's no way the craft didn't either.
 ok who wants karma?
<```Kitten> More like, who deserves karma?
* Balishak looks around
 I diddn't kill any gophers today.
* ```CJ is too tired to come up with something funny to say.
 ok, here goes 10 karma everyone, you guys did good
 I got this weird ringing in my ears 
<```CJ> So does my char...something to do with artillery, I think
 why the artillery that loud :)
<```CJ> Woohoo! Cj broke 100 tk!
 man, now I don't wanna retire him
* Balishak is torn
<```CJ> Well, just figure out his motivation for retiring (or what happened to his motivation to run) and let us do the rest
 yeah, but he is just now getting interesting
 you don't have to, you could just play him less
 CB you there
<```CJ> Well, why is he retiring?
 hey, how much nuyen did we get?
 Shimmers and Quentin only got 75k cause they cancelled out after the church fight
 hmmm, what can I spend 750k on....
 well, on that note, I gotta cruise
<```CJ> Help CJ buy a new, vachement super-cool hovercraft!
<```CJ> :)
<```CJ> laters bal
 how much money?
*** Balishak has left #shadowmask
*** Knever_the_Knowbot has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 among us?
 CB you there?   hello
<```CJ> 20k at the start, and 200 in the last credstick
 sorry I was putting my jersey and socks and football pants in the washer 
 holly shit
 so did you guys like it
 oh yeah, please wash them, then you'll be all nice and clean, hmmm
 The payoff part
<```CJ> So, despite you almost dying by a lot, you did get paid more than your life is worth
*** CrimsonDeity has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 Thats my favorite part, next time I plan on not being fattally wounded.
 ok, everytime I ask someone dissappears, was it that bad CJ, Neb and Kitten?
Session Close: Sat Oct 02 00:49:57 1999


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