Session Start: Fri Oct 08 20:34:33 1999
* Logging #shadowmask to 'nikki2run.txt'
*** NebtheDestroyer has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
 ---could you repost that for the log?
*** Maddix is now known as Silver
 You all return to your respoective places of rest, to find an Olive Drab colored 'manila envelope' in your door.  It smells like mud.
*** Silver is now known as [^^Silver^^]
*** Endradi is now known as Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Do you need Tempest
 ---if that is what you named your bot.   Yes.
* [^^Silver^^] opens the envelope
*** NebtheDestroyer has joined #Shadowmask
*** TwistedBot has joined #shadowmask
* Shimmers opens the envelope cautiously
*** NebtheDestroyer is now known as Johnny_Paradigm
 Inside is a gloss black piece of paper, in the upper left hand corner is the, now familiar, silver crest with coiled blue dragon.  Written in Gold Lettering is "We know of you and what you have done.  We offer a temperary truce to meet with you.  Choose the place and call Tech Sergeant O'Mally at ###-####"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---What if we choose 3 different places?
 ---I'm sure you can all work out a place together...
<[^^Silver^^]> ---we don't know who was contacted 
 ---What's happeninng.
* [^^Silver^^] goes inside and fixes himself a drink
 ---sure you do, cause the GM says you all know you were contacted for some strange reason, dont nitpick my game, I am heavily drugged. 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
* Shimmers goes inside
* [^^Silver^^] calls Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
 ---what I wouldnt give for a bag of doritos right now!
 Who you call, Silv?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hmm heavily drugged, and craving doritos
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Shimmers
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Shimmers, this is Silver I just got an envelope from our friends in the Army
 >>>So did I
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>You wanna call Johnny and meet to discuss this?
 >>>We can meet but I don't have Johnnies number
 I just gave you his number: ###-####
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>You sure?
 >>>Where do you wanna meet?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>My place is good, show up whenever you want
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
* [^^Silver^^] thinks to himself "How rude"
* Shimmers calls Johnny
 ----johnny, wake up!
 ---What time game wise.
 ---Early Evening
* Johnny_Paradigm picks up his "busness" phone.
 >>>Los Bueno Foods, how may I help you?
 >>>This is Shimmers, we need to meet at Silvers house about our not so friendly friends the Army
 >>>what kinda food you gonna bring? *giggles*
 >>>>This is Shimmers, we need to meet at Silvers house
 ---knock knock
 ---did you get the last messages?
 >>>Did this involve a unpleasantness?
 >>>You already stated that.
 >>>it might, we'll need to meet and discuss it and then contact them and see what happens
 >>>I like to repeat myself sometimes 
 ----Repeat R
 >>>>do you need Silvers address?
 Ok, I'll warp John in later...lets get rolling.
* [^^Silver^^] goes about getting ready for company
* Shimmers calls Silver
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Silver's Creamatorium, you kill 'em we grill 'em
 "Ok let me try this again"
* Shimmers calls Silver again
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>hello
 >>>yeah, I had  trouble reaching Johnny, but I'll try again and we'll be there in a while
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>alright I'll be waiting
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
* Shimmers calls Johnny
 >>>hey this is Shimmers we need to meet at Silvers to discuss a meet with the Army
 >>>your phone was acting up earlier, is it fixed now
 >>>OK, will this involve any unpleasantness?
 ---changed the batterys
 >>>I hope not, right now it's just us runners meeting
 Much better ping John, Thanks
 >>>Ok give me the address, and I'll show.
 >>>ok, here it is XXXXXXXXX
<[^^Silver^^]> ---whoa, I'm X-rated now. 
 >>>S'right and what's a "Runner"?
 >>>never mind, I'll see you there
* Johnny_Paradigm hangs up the phone.
 ---it wasn't me the bot is a spy for the Army 
* [^^Silver^^] kicks the bot
* TwistedBot falls to the ground and moans 1"What did I do?"
 ---What happens if you pet the bot?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Stay out of this Twisted 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---don't have that one yet
*** Vile- has joined #shadowmask
* Shimmers tells Quentin where she's going and heads out
 Anyone gunna tell the Sergeant where to meet you?
 ----Only after we meet.
 ----we don't know yet that was just for us to decide where we are gonna meet 
 ---How bout 1:30pm at the Northgate mall?
 Ahh, oky doke
*** Vile- has left #shadowmask
<[^^Silver^^]> ---give us time
* Johnny_Paradigm drives to the address.
* Shimmers arrives at Silvers, parks, gets out and goes up to the door
* Shimmers knocks
<[^^Silver^^]> "It's open"
* Shimmers goes in
* Johnny_Paradigm arives twenty minutes latter and bangs on the door.
 "That's pretty dumb, you didn't ask who it was, it could have been the Army"
 ---or will
* [^^Silver^^] points to the monitor in the den and you see the front door
<[^^Silver^^]> "Come in Johnny!"
* Johnny_Paradigm tentatvly tries the dooeknob.
 ---or that pesty doorknob
* Shimmers looks at the monitor
<[^^Silver^^]> "Just have a seat. It is unlocked Johnny!"
* Johnny_Paradigm enters.
 "Hello, how's it going?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey there Johnny"
 "Hey, I'm ok, except for these sore ribs."
<[^^Silver^^]> "please have a seat at the table in the Den, and then we can decide what to do"
* Johnny_Paradigm sits down.
* Shimmers sits down
 "Can I get a drink of water?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure there is some bottled water in the frig by the bar
 "Got anything "alternative" to water?"
* [^^Silver^^] motions over his shoulder to the bar
 "Want anything?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure do, fully stocked bar"
 "Wow, you have no idea how to be a host, how unsurprising that is"
* Shimmers goes and gets the water
 "I'll invite you over some time."
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm not a servant. You have 2 legs just like me" 
 "Actully I was waiting for you too tell me what yopu wan't me to get, but..."
 "We'll see, unless it's for biz my boyfriend wouldn't like it" 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Naaa, I'm good, thanks though"
 "And thanks, I got my own" *giggles*
 "Thank you Shimmer,  your a real picker-upper."
 "What can I say" *smiles*
 "WHere was I... Oh yes, Silver, would like anything when I go over there?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay any ideas where we can meet these guys, I prefer someplace public"
 "THe mall.
<[^^Silver^^]> "No thanks, I'm good" 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Mall sounds good"
* Johnny_Paradigm gets up and gets himself a drink.
 I'm AFK...not like you need me. 
* Shimmers sits back down with her water
 "Mall is good with me"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Au contraire Madam GM, we are about to call the Sarge
 "I got some bug zappper tech."
<[^^Silver^^]> "The mall it is then"
 ---What does afk mean anyway?
 ---away from keyboard
 Means Away From Keyboard
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall I make the call?"
 "Speaker phone."
 "Go ahead"
* [^^Silver^^] dials the number and puts it on the speaker phone
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
 »»Tech Sergeant O'Mally, 3rd Regiment, Scimitar Battalion, how can I help you?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Hiya Sarge, you wanted me to call you?
 »»And who are you?
* Johnny_Paradigm rubs his temple.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>You tell me, someone left me and my associates a letter telling us to contact you
 »»Ah, you are the runners then?  Very well.  I have been expecting your call.  Where may I tell my boss to meet you?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>How about the Northgate Mall in about....2 hours?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Food Court
 »»Very well.  He will meet you there.  We have photos of you, so we know what you look like.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Don't worry we will be there
*** Johnny_Paradigm has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
 »»If that is all, I am a very busy man.  Have a good day.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Yeah that's all
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
<[^^Silver^^]> ---You wanna warp Johnny in later
<[^^Silver^^]> "Well it is set up shall we leave?"
 "Well since we got a couple of hours I'm going home and I'll meet you guys there, ok"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Allright see you there"
* [^^Silver^^] gets up and escorts them to the door
 Doing anything special for 2 hours?  Or should I warp you to the mall?
 ---you can warp us, she just goes home gets her gun and stuff and tells Quentin where she's going again
 Ok, WARP!  It is now two hours later and you walk into the mall and sit in the food court.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---all I was going to do was call Kitten and tell her what was going on and to watch her own back
* Shimmers goes astral
 You see the familiar uniform on 3 men.  Urban Camos, black berets, combat boots.  Someone is obviously tied in a chair.
 ---ok, you called her, she thanked you, and proceeded to lock her doors and windows. 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee
* [^^Silver^^] tries to get a better look at the person tied
*** Max_Black has joined #Shadowmask
 The chair is too tall, but you see some feet dangling down, and ropes around the black leather chair.
 ---hello Max
 hiya Max.
* [^^Silver^^] wonders what a black leather chair is doing in a Food Court
* Max_Black is just quietly observing
 ---you play?
 offline yes
 ---ok, well you can observe, but if you need something use --- before your remarks ok
* [^^Silver^^] walks up to them
* Shimmers comes back to her bod and heads toward them cautiously
 "Ah, good morning Mister Silver.  My name is Colonel Pickett.  Please sit down."
* [^^Silver^^] shakes his head 1"No thanks I rather stand"
 "Lady Shimmers, good to see you as well."
 "Very well" He takes a seat and so does the Corperal and Private First Class next to him.
* Shimmers nods politely to him
 "You wanted to see us, why?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What is this all about?"
 "You were hired by this man last week to infiltrate one of our recruiting and training centers."
 He tosses out a picture of a small asain man.
* [^^Silver^^] looks at the pic
<[^^Silver^^]> "Never met him before in my life"
 "His name is Akitora Kim.  He works for LS Security, I know you have heard of them before."
* Shimmers takes the picture when Silver is done and looks at it carefully
 "I'm sorry, he doesn't look familiar to me"
*** Max_Black has left #Shadowmask
* [^^Silver^^] tenses at the mention of Lone Star
<[^^Silver^^]> "So?"
 "Yes, he probably used a middle man to contract you."
 "who hasn't?"
 "So, my dear Comrade, we want to hire you to kill him.  Since you scambled our computer mainframe, we have resorted to contracting runners to do the job."
<[^^Silver^^]> "What is the pay?"
 "Corperal Jenson, please turn our guest around for the young man."
 The corperal spins the chair, inside you see Crisper tied up.
 "Now, you shouldnt let her go wandering around.  We will see fit to release her, upon completion of your task.  Otherwise, well, we have ways of making little girls squeel." a VERY sick grin crosses his face.
<[^^Silver^^]> "What the hell? I really suggest you let her go"
 "Now Mister Silver, we can't do that now can we?"
* [^^Silver^^] glares at the corporeral
 "We would be more the happy to supply you with the equipment you may desire to complete the job, however."
 The corperal is as bland as you can get.  (aka, I dont have a descrip ready for him)
 "And I have ways of making grown men squeel and it's not nice"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---How far away is she from me?
 "Yes we know all about your party tricks."
 She is about 4 feet from you, across the table.
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Shimmers
 The PFC draws a knife and places it on her throat.  She is of course gagged, but she seems to take it all in stride, obviously resorting to training.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Where is the rest of the crowd?
 Out milling, no one is paying attention...and it isnt too obvious what they are doing.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Just wondering cause so far we have a big black leather chair, 3 men in cammo, and one holding a knife to a girls throat
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Not to mention the girl being tied down and gagged in the middle of a food court
<[^^Silver^^]> ---But I am not nitpicking 
 ---I know you arnt.  "So do we have a deal?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "First you are going to take the knife from her throat, then we will consider it"
 He waves his hand at the PFC, and the knife disapears into a belt sheath.
* Shimmers casts barrier on Crisper Force 4
 --- Shimmers 4d6 ( 4 5 9 2 )
* [^^Silver^^] draws his guns and fires at the PFC
 roll it...remember that a weapon will draw attention.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---no more than the chair and a knife
<[^^Silver^^]> --roll what firearms?
 Uh, a gunshot will draw attention, a knife and a chair may draw attention....yea, firearms.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---silenced, 2 shots 2cp each
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
<[^^Silver^^]> 11d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 2 1 5 4 2 4 1 9 2 5 2 )
 --- [^^Silver^^] 11d6 ( 1 1 4 5 5 4 1 4 2 4 5 )
 --- GM_Nikki 5d6 ( 4 9 3 4 7 )
 --- GM_Nikki 5d6 ( 3 5 4 3 1 )
 The shots are absorbed in his vest.
 The Colonel just laughs, as his two aides draw their weapons.  "Now now now, temper temper Mister Silvers.  It is not wise to get us mad."
 Silver, you have two very mean looking Beretta's aimed at your head.
*** Balishak has joined #shadowmask
 ---Hey Bali, want to be warped in?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hey Bal
 --ummmm, why not?
*** Balishak is now known as Darius_the_Grey
 ---hello Bal
 ---ok, ask Shim or Silv to update you real fast.
 ---well, I had to beg my wife to let me spend the money, so, it's a big thing for me :)
* [^^Silver^^] looks around and shrugs
 ---okay I am updated
<[^^Silver^^]> "Can't blame me for trying"
 Darius appears in a chair at the table.
* Darius_the_Grey is walking by
 --ok NM
 I love being the GM.   j/k
 "whoa whoa, how did I get here??!!?!"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---It would've been better the other way
<[^^Silver^^]> ---
 ---yea yea yea, I know...wah. 
* [^^Silver^^] holsters his weapon
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 "okay, could someone explain to me why my ward is tied in a chair?"
 "Ok, gentlemen, and Lady.  Do we have a deal?"
 "They think they can blackmail us into killing someone for them"
*** GM_Nikki is now known as Colonel_Pickett
 "Do we have a choice?"
 "geez, you know, you coulda asked"
 "Don't suppose you would let us take her with us?"
 "Now Dar, that would make them human, or semi-human"
 "I did"
 "You asked for payment, I showed you the payment."
 "this is true, and no you didn't asked, you rudely kidnapped my ward, and tied her to a chair"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Tell you what we will think about it, how much time do we have?"
 "Hmm, well I'll give you a week.  By then we can do it ourselves.
 "Don't forget they held a knife to her throat to help convince us"
 "which by the way is a very rude way to do business you know, I mean, if you a good reason for me to kill the guy, I probably woulda done it for free"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Why don't you give us your addy and we'll come by when we're done"
 "Sure, just call my Sergeant when you are finished."
 "oh and, one thing, one mark on her, just one little mark, and I will hunt you all down and perform the most evil methods of extracting life upon you. got it?"
* Colonel_Pickett chuckles under his breath
 "Yea, ok.  I got it Mister Darius."
 "Don't waste your time Dar, they aren't even real men if they were they wouldn't resort to hurting children to get there way"
 "you don't beleive me? try it"
 "Children?  Son, this here woman should be killed outright, after all the loving attention we showed her she goes off and deserts us?  Nay, she is lucky to be alive at all."
 "woman? please tell me how she is a woman, she's barley 14"
 "Woman, she's a teen at most, and you have a very demented idea of what love is"
 "old enough to bear children and kill others, she is a woman."
* Colonel_Pickett looks at her a bit closer...
<[^^Silver^^]> "You sir, have just made my list. Watch your back my demented fried"
 "And from the looks of it, she will probably develop to be a rather cute little woman.  Maybe we should keep her anyway.  Bah, a deal is a deal.  You complete the job, she is released from contract."
* [^^Silver^^] turns to go 1"I'm outta here"
 "that is the deal? I will do it"
 "Silver wait"
* Darius_the_Grey catches up to him
 "Ok, I'm in"
* Shimmers turns to Crisper
 "It'll be ok Crisper, we're coming back for you, just be strong"
* Shimmers catches up to the others
 "listen, if it's money you need I can spring you each 50k, no sense in doing a job for free, especially when she means nothing, to you anyways, I would have no hard feelings about giving you money"
 Crisper has a brief glimps of hope cross through her eyes.
<[^^Silver^^]> "What?"
 "Nay, we have plenty of money.  We decided it would be better for you to do our wetwork after all the trouble you have given us over the past few weeks."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Oh don't worry my friend this is on the house. I'm partly responsible for her"
 "cool man, thanks"
 "You're wrong Dar, she does mean something to me, like family, like you" *smiles at him*
 "this is true, but I am the one who 'kidnapped' her, I gotta take responsiblity you know"
 "so, let's plan"
 "So my gentlemen and lady.  We have a deal?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "No problem"
 "I already said we had a deal psycho, let us now do our jobs"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure give us the guys info"
 "Or should I plan new ways of torturing our little guest?" a wicked smile flashes across his face at the thought.
 "we already answered that, clean the shit out of your ears"
 "Mister Akitora Kim, Lone Star Security Sector overseer, rank Lieutenant.  He lives at 1601 N. Elm Street in Redmond."
 ---Give the GM a break. 
 "hmmm, killing a Star, you guys have all the great ideas, too bad you don't have the balls..."
 "Well we would have just done it ourselves, but your comrades there (he does speak with a heavy russian accent) screwed with our computer files last week."
<[^^Silver^^]> "lets get out of here. She better be okay when she is released"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I just realized I had on a mask during that job
 "My word as an Officer, no harm will come to her before 1500 hours 7 days from today."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Your word as an Officer? Please!!!!"
* [^^Silver^^] turns to go shaking his head and laughing
 "Yes my good sir.  My word as an officer.  I am, after all, a sworn officer of the Army."
 "sure my man, we'll do it, now we will take our leave"
* Darius_the_Grey gets up
* Shimmers looks at Crisper and smiles reassuringly
 "Very well.  Stay in touch."  he gets up and the two enlisted men pick up the chair and carry her out.  BTW did Silver give Darius the real name of Crisp?
 "We'll be back"
 ---no I didn't get it
* Shimmers turns to leave
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Actually Endradi has to find it 
 ---that's cool, I'll get it later
* Darius_the_Grey leaves
 "let's meet at the house"
* [^^Silver^^] waits outside for them to catch up
<[^^Silver^^]> "Got it"
* Darius_the_Grey drives back home
 "Ok, no problem, I'll be right behind you"
 Sorry, that 4 hour timer got me. 
Darius_the_Grey> ---hey gimme a sec, I gotta restart my machine
*** Darius_the_Grey has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
* [^^Silver^^] drives to Darius' house
 I miss anything?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee I don't think so, we are going to Dar's hous to plan
 oky doke.  We'll wait for him to relog.
*** Darius_the_Grey has joined #shadowmask
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Okay
 ---back and stuff
<[^^Silver^^]> ---WB we are all at your place
 ---you get that name Dar?
<[^^Silver^^]> "Guys I don't know about you but I want that Col. DEAD!!!!!!"
 "I agree, but not now, we gotta Crisper back first"
<[^^Silver^^]> "How about we get her back ourselves?"
 "naw, it would probably be easier to kill the Star instead"
 "We're not doing anything that will put her in danger, and that's my final say to that"
 "I want this guy too, but we do it his way til we get her, then it's open for discussion"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay, but since we were hired through Kitten, maybe we can get him to work with us and fake his death"
 "whichever, let's just work on this Lone Star guy"
 "So, how we gonna do this?
 "She's not Lone Star, she's a fixer, you think he'll listen to her?"
 "okay okay, I thought we were supposed to kill the Lone Star guy"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I don't know I can always check, but I want us to be in agreement on how we do this. I have no problem killing the guy myself"
 "We are suppose to kill him, and I think that's what we should concentrate on"
 "Do you have any ideas Dar"
 "listen, let's just geek the Star guy, then we exact our revenge later"
 "a simple assault is out, he probably has protection up the yang"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay, but I don't like doing this guys dirty work."
<[^^Silver^^]> "How about sniping or car bomb"
 "but we can't get him on the road, for the same reason"
 "sniping might work"
 "Does he have a family, I don't want to hurt anyone that we don't have to"
 "but where from"
 "that is the main question"
 "We may have to follow him for a while. We only have 7 days, but I don't want to take that long if we don't have to"
 "to hell with it, we just geek him on his way out the door, he obviously lives in a neighborhood"
 "we just 'acquire' the house across the street"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay, good idea."
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we go check out this house"
 "you drivin right?"
* [^^Silver^^] shrugs
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sure why not"
 "cool beans"
* Darius_the_Grey goes out to Sil's car
* Shimmers heads out to the car
* [^^Silver^^] goes to his car and starts it
* Darius_the_Grey gets in the back seat
 Ok, it starts and doesnt explode. 
*** ThumpperThor has joined #shadowmask
*** ThumpperThor is now known as GuyverJedi
<[^^Silver^^]> "You know what bothers me? How the hell did they get her"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hey Guyver
 ---sup yall
 "beats me, they probably got her while she out shopping or sumthin"
 ---hello Guy, how goes it
 "Well that would make sense, you told her to be a kid"
 "this is true, I just wanted her to experience life a little"
* [^^Silver^^] heads for the address we were given
* Darius_the_Grey watches the scenery go by on the way to the address
 ---as they said, you shouldnt let her just go out wandering about.  So yes, they probably got her on her way to school or something.
 Hiya Guyver.
 "This isn't your fault Dar, she deserves to live a normal life, and that's what you're trying to give her."
 --- how's it goin Nikki
 Not bad, yourself?
 --- all right.
 ---did you just get off work?
 --- yup... glad it's the weekend.
 ---you off Mon?
 --- naaa  i wished..
<[^^Silver^^]> ---How long does it take to get there Nikki
 ---heh, this is my last real weekend, gotta works Sats from now on
 ---I'm 2 days into a mandatory 5 day weekend. 
* Darius_the_Grey watches the scenery go by on the way to the address
 I'd say travel time of about an hour, it is rough traffic and he lives in the 'suburbs'
* Shimmers touches Dar on the shoulder reassuringly
 ---so will you still work late Bal
 ---yup, for now
* [^^Silver^^] drives by the houses
 Ok you get to his street.  About 7 hourses on each side, it ends in a T section with two other streets.
* Shimmers looks around
 ---Is there a house on anyside for sale or rent
 Standard middle class neighborhood, two story buildings, fences, dogs etc.  No houses for sale or rent.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Okay how do you guys want to do this?"
 ---sorry bout that, had a little baby emergency here :)
 "okay, I say we just grab that house yonder"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Everything alright?
* Darius_the_Grey points to a house across the street from the Star man's house
 ---yeah, he bumped his head
 "And what should we do with the owners of the house?"
 ---they do that sometimes :)
 "we just temporarily make them not around"
* Darius_the_Grey smiles
 "you got a narco right?"
 "oh, ok"
* Shimmers smiles back
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yep, sure do"
 "there we go, stun em, make em comfy, then snipe the guy when he leaves his house, then leave"
 "I see no real reason to geek a whole family, would make me a bit of a hyporite"
<[^^Silver^^]> "okay sounds like a plan"
* [^^Silver^^] parks a street over behind the house we are going to take over
<[^^Silver^^]> "Shall we?"
* Darius_the_Grey looks around to see which of the other has no obvius cyber
 ---my eyes are obvious
 Ok the house is a standard two story building, 3 bedroom 1 and a half bath with a front door and a back door.
* Shimmers goes astral and checks out the area of the guys house
* [^^Silver^^] Is 6'2" tall, with black fur, short silver hair and eyes. He is wearing black fatigue pants, black t-shirt, black combat boots, and a black real leather lined coat. He seems to have a constant mischevious look on his face, with the way his eyes seem to glint. When he moves he seems to move with grace and fluidty. He has no obvious cyber that you can see, except for his datajack
 It is now late evening.
 "okay, Shimmers, you knock on the door, try to act like you are selling something, we will hit them form behind you"
 "actually even better"
 "I have a better idea"
* Shimmers comes back
* Darius_the_Grey walks up to the door
 "What's up"
 ---remember, I wear a 2,000 nuyen suit, looks like money
* Darius_the_Grey hands her his sword
 "become scarce you guys"
* Shimmers watches Dar and takes the sword
 OK, I'll keep it in is about 8 or 9 pm
* Darius_the_Grey knocks on the door
<[^^Silver^^]> ---we're parked a street over behind the house
 A moment later a middle aged man in a suit  minus sport coat answers the door.
 "Yes, can I help you?"
 "hi there"
* Darius_the_Grey looks around
 Obviously this is a well secured area.
 "this would be perfect!"
 "Excuse me?  What would be perfect?"
 "lemme introduce myself, I am Floyd McKearnen, I do movies"
* Darius_the_Grey puts his hand out
 "we want to rent your house"
 "Hi, name's Joe Hooker." takes his hand.
 "Well, I dunno....what do you want it for?"
 "we are doing a new movie, in the Attilla the Troll series, and we want to do a few shots of his house, you know, show he's a regular guy"
* Shimmers looks over Dars sword carefully
 "Uh-huh....excuse me, but why this house?"
 "you know nothing big, but we need a nice quaint house, nothin flashy"
 "well, looks a the location, the lighting is perfect!"
 ---obviuslt I am acting just a little......effeminate
* Darius_the_Grey points to where the sun is about to set
 "Well, I guess it would be ok, as long as you dont ruin my newly painted walls...what are you offering for rent?"
 ---keep it up this is good :)
 "let's see, you can't be here for this, you know the film crew and all, how about you take your family on a week's vacation?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---It is great
* Darius_the_Grey pulls out a credstick and dials 100k on it
 "Hmm, I guess I can do that.  Need to give my boss 2 day's notice though."
 "that's cool..."
 --what day is it?
 "Ok, so on Wednesday we will be out of here."
 "you are set"
* Darius_the_Grey hands him the credstick
 "Thanks mister mcKearnen
 "I will be by on Wednesday to get they keys, and I will have someinsurance forms for you, in case we do any damage, that way you can get that paid for"
* Darius_the_Grey smiles warmly
 "no, thank you"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I hope he really lives there and not a visitor
 "Ok, that sounds good."
 ---me too, heh
<[^^Silver^^]> ---That is what I would do, but I am just twisted like that :)
 ----shhhh! don't give her any ideas
<[^^Silver^^]> ----LOL
 ---now now now, I am not gunna do that to you. 
 "see you then Mr. Hooker, and please keep it hush hush, we don't want groupies around ruining the shots"
 "otherwise the deal is off, you understand right?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Do it!!!! Do it!!!!
<[^^Silver^^]> ---:)
 "I understand" he winks at ya, and says "I have to get back, the kid is screaming for her bedtime story."
 "no sweat"
* Darius_the_Grey walks away
* Shimmers looks around anxiously waiting for Dar
* Darius_the_Grey smiles at Shimmers and Sil
 "got us the house, and I didn't have to kill anyone, this feels good"
<[^^Silver^^]> "What happened?"
 "i bought the house for a week"
 "and he thinks his house is gonna be on trideo"
 "you are a genius"
 "why thank you"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Boy is he in for a surprise" 
* Darius_the_Grey gets in Sil's car, taking his sword back from Shimmers"
 I dont think he is gunna care, he just got a first class trip to Disney World for his family.
* [^^Silver^^] starts it up and heads for Dar's place
 "let's roll, we gotta couple days to wait, and you guys need Holleywood suits"
 "you are my lawyer"
* Darius_the_Grey points to Silver
 "and you are my....."
<[^^Silver^^]> "I've got the suit for it"
* Darius_the_Grey looks mischevious
 "ummm secretary"
 Ok, you do anything special in those two days?
 ---nope, just get the right clothes, for me anyways
 "Ok, that'll work, but I'd rather be an actress and wear something sexy"*smiles*
 "even better, you can be the new costar, of course, since I am the producer, you have to audition first....."
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Nope I'm just going to find out all I can about Col. Pickett
 ---ok, talk to me, who you callin, etc....
 "Ok, and what do I have to do at this audition?"*raises an eyebrow*
 "oh the normal, you know, sit on the couch.... oh wait, I forgot about Quentin...almost"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---First of all I was going to call Kitten and find out what she knows about him 
* Darius_the_Grey chuckles
 "You can't forget about him"
* Shimmers laughs
<[^^Silver^^]> "Hey what he doesn't know won't hurt him." *wink*
 "that'll work"*wink*
 "You're sick, I love Quentin and wouldn't do anything like that, Dar don't encourage him"
* [^^Silver^^] laughs out loud
<[^^Silver^^]> ---do you want me to rp it Nikki
 "ohh okay, you got it then, the job's yours"
 "And Dar you know you wouldn't do that to your brother"
 Yea, RP it. 
* Shimmers gives him a kiss on the cheek
* [^^Silver^^] drops them off at Dar's and goes home
<[^^Silver^^]> "See you guys on Wed."
* Darius_the_Grey rests, waiting to be a sniper
 "later Sil"
* [^^Silver^^] calls up Kitten
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Ring
 »»Meow, you got her, whatcha need?"
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>How you Kitty-cat?
 »»Just peachy, what can I do for ya Silver?
 "I'll see you later Dar, gotta go take care of your brother"
 "hmmm, I wonder what Venus is doin...."
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Well first, you busy Fri. night?
 »»Hmm, nope, looks like I'm free.  You want to watch some vids over here?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Sounds good I'll be ther at 7 if that is good with you?
 »»sounds great to me.  Don't eat anything before hand.
 --- I got to jet, i'll be in real late tomorrow, so i might see yall sun...  Catch yall later
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Don't worry, I want to save room for desert.
 Laters Guyver
<[^^Silver^^]> ---later
 ------   <<<<<  waves  >>>>>>
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 »»Yea, I men never seem to get full.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>insaitiable, that is me
 »»ok ok ok, you said first.  What's second?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Second, what info do you have on the Army of the Night
 »»Unfortunatly not a whole bunch.  
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>How about Col. Pickett?
 »»Hmm, Colonel Pickett.  I believe he is a regimental executive officer.  He probably has a police record if he is operating in the area.  Why do you ask?
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Well, he has pissed me off royally
 »»Oh how interesting.  I can see what I can dig up from my contacts on the street, if you so desire.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I would appreciate it. What wine should I bring on Fri?
 »»Red will be best.  I'll see what I can turn up for you by Friday then.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>That'll work. Until then watch your back with these guys they do not play nice
 »»That I knew already, sweetie.  See you at 7.
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>I'll be there with bells on
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Later
<[^^Silver^^]> >>>Click
 Ok, anyone doing anything else before Wednesday?
* [^^Silver^^] goes to his house and gets his sniper rifle ready and loads a couple of clips of APDS ammo for his Manhunters and the rifle
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Thats it for me
 ok, anyone else?
 ---nope she just does everyday stuff
 ---I am done here
 ok it is now Wednesday morning, I assume you are all at the house.
 ---yep that'll work
 ----wait which house
 ---I would guess mine
 Mr Hookers
 ---oh okay
* Darius_the_Grey knocks on the door
 "Ah Mister McKearnen.  Here are the keys, the bedrooms are upstairs, kitchen on the first floor."
 "thank you much, enjoy your vacation"
 "I have notified Lone Star that you will be 'house sitting' for me while I am gone on vacation, I hope you dont mind."
* [^^Silver^^] is wearing a dark double breasted suit and carring a briefcase
 ---oops, I forgot, I prepared some dummy insurance forms
 ---ok, I'll let it slide. 
* Shimmers goes up to Dar and Silver
 "this here is Mr. Heinz, he is my lawyer, and he has the forms for you"
 "ahhh, Candy, welcome"
 ---I'm sure your fixer could fix you up with a set realitivly easily.
 "Hello Mr Heinz."
 "Mr. Hookers, this is Candy Az, she is the new costar for the show, you are the first to see her"
* Darius_the_Grey smiles
* Shimmers wears a shinny black mini dress, that's low cut, with shinny hoop earrings and black heels
<[^^Silver^^]> "Good morning Mr. Hooker I have some forms for you to sign"
 "Hello, ere Candy."
 "Hello Mr. Hooker, thank you so much for your assistance"
 "Ah yes, please, come in.  Hope the dining room table is ok, would anyone like some coffee?"
* Shimmers smiles at him
<[^^Silver^^]> "That would be fine"
 "oh, no we have to get to work, and you should start your vacation, I bet the kids are anxious"
* [^^Silver^^] places his case on the table and opens it
 "Yes, she is.  Ok, let me sign these forms real fast and we will be out of your hair."
 "thanks, the film crew and Attila will be here in about..."
* Darius_the_Grey looks at his watch
<[^^Silver^^]> "These are your standard insurance forms stating that if anything happens to your house the production company will reimburse you in full"
* GM_Nikki signs the forms, packs the kid and wife in a wagon, and drives to the airport.
* Darius_the_Grey waves him off
 "have fun!"
 "Where the hell did you get that name from?"
 "hehe, I just made it up, would you rather Candy Cain?"
* [^^Silver^^] looks at Dar 1"Candy Az?"
 Ok so you have the house all to yourselves, it is now 0730 hours
 "hey come on, budding actresses take odd stage names!"
* Shimmers smiles at him and throws a couch pillow at him
 "okay, let's watch for the Star guy and geek him ASAP, I hate the thought of what they are doing to her..."
* [^^Silver^^] goes upstairs and check the sight picture
* Darius_the_Grey prepares his kill any person with one shot and no drain spell :)
 "You think Lone Star will come and check up on us?"
* Shimmers peeks out the window
 "I would hope not, I told him to keep quiet you know"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I do hope not"
 ---oh crap my comp is freaking out...
 You see a young little boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old, run out and get the morning paper, then run back in.  You here some scolding since he went out in his 'shorts' and a t-shirt.
 "He did say that he told them and he hopes you don't mind"
 ---dammit gotta restart again sorry :(
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* [^^Silver^^] gets out the sniper rifle and opens the window closing the blinds
 we'll wait for him to return, hold on.
*** Darius_the_Grey has joined #shadowmask
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<[^^Silver^^]> ---wb
 ---sorry bout that
 "I hope they don't come by.."
 ---no problem
 "Well he did say he told them and hopes you don't mind"
 "The guy across the street has a young son"
 "that's just too bad"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I don't plan on killing the kid"
 "me either, just the guy"
* [^^Silver^^] takes aim through the blinds
* Darius_the_Grey looks through the other blinds
<[^^Silver^^]> ---through the side so I can see everything. Silenced rifle Imaging X3 and APDS rounds
* Darius_the_Grey pops the window a bit so he can cast
 There are two cars out front, one obviously armored with subdued red and blue lights (hint hint, probably an undercover squad) the other a run of the mill sedan.
<[^^Silver^^]> "Maybe someone ought to move the car somewhere else"
 About 40 minutes later a middle aged asain woman along with a small kid come out and get into the sedan and drive off.
 "okay, at least the kid doesn't have to see his dad get geeked, that's a plus"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Yep"
 No, he just gets to come home from school and find out his daddy isnt gunna play cops and robbers with him anymore.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---damn make me feel bad why don't you
 ---better him than me, I am a criminal after all
 Yea, you are.
* Shimmers sits on the couch and goes astral
 ---especially cause I am on my fifth try to rip the cd that contains a major operating system right now....
 Ok, around 11:30ish Lieutenant Akitora Kim walks out the front door and locks it.  Obviously he works second shift.
 "go now"
* Darius_the_Grey casts his powerbolt on the guy
* [^^Silver^^] takes aim on him
 ---does he have any magic protection
 Nope, he probably has armored clothing, or an armored vest of some sort.  And obviously he has a heavy pistol, that goes without saying.
 He is in a brown 3 piece suit.
 "let's hit him, now"
* [^^Silver^^] aims for the head and fires 2 shots all cp
  the door is locked, he turns and starts to walk down that small sidewalk that goes to the car. (roll it)
* Darius_the_Grey casts his powerbolt on the guy 6 mp
<[^^Silver^^]> 13d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 13d6 ( 7 4 4 1 1 2 1 5 3 5 3 5 1 )
<[^^Silver^^]> 14d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 14d6 ( 2 4 3 1 3 3 1 14 3 5 5 5 4 4 )
 --- Darius_the_Grey 12d6 ( 5 5 5 1 9 5 4 8 1 2 3 4 )
 --- GM_Nikki 4d6 ( 5 2 1 1 )
 --- GM_Nikki 4d6 ( 10 3 8 11 )
 --- GM_Nikki 4d6 ( 2 2 2 11 )
 ---that dude is soooo toast
 One of the bullets removes the back part of his skull painting the door red behind it, then his chest bursts as the spell goes off.
 "okay, time to jet"
* [^^Silver^^] packs up his rifle and heads for the stairs
 Silver roll perception
* Darius_the_Grey wipes off everything he has touched as he goes out the door
<[^^Silver^^]> 8d6
 --- [^^Silver^^] 8d6 ( 4 3 4 4 10 5 1 4 )
 --- Shimmers 6d6 ( 5 3 5 4 16 1 )
 just Silver. 
<[^^Silver^^]> I grab the casings on the way out
<[^^Silver^^]> "I think he has a docwagon bracelet or something
 "well, I don't think DW is gonna help that, he is beyond dead"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I yelled that down the stairs
 Ok you quickly clean up, you hear chooper blades and a siren in the distance.
 "let's cruise, now"
* Darius_the_Grey jogs out to the car
* Shimmers runs for the car
 --you want I shoud roll that drain?
* [^^Silver^^] runs for the car
 ---nah, I doubt you will take more then light stun.
* [^^Silver^^] gets in the car and starts it up
 Ok, so you all run for the car, get in (probably) now what?
 "time to cruise"
* [^^Silver^^] drives off calmly
* Darius_the_Grey casts another powerbolt on the Star guy just to make sure
 ---as we drive by
 Ok, where are you headed?
 ok I am gunna assume you succeed cause he isnt alive to resist. 
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
 ---just got to make sure he went past his overflow ;)
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where to boss?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "I'm just glad the car isn't legally registered"
 "I guess we call that Sgt guy, get Crisper back"
 "hehe, that's always a good thing"
 ---Well gee....I think having his brains splattered across the door is pretty good sign. hehe
<[^^Silver^^]> "Some one want to call, while I drive?"
* Darius_the_Grey dials the #
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I try to do my best, thank you :)
 "Tech Sergeant O'Mally here, what can I do for you?"
 "yeah, we want to talk to that Colonel guy, he something we want"
* [^^Silver^^] heads for the general direction of downtown
<[^^Silver^^]> "You think he's gonna keep his end of the deal?"
 "I hope so, but you never know"
 "I would hope so, for his sake"
 "Colonel Pickett is in meeting at the moment.  May I take a message?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "He better"
 "yeah, the deed is done"
 >>>yeah, the deed is done"
 "Very well.  He would like to meet you on the I-138 over-pass at 0100.  Is this ok with you?"
 Yea whatever, >'s "'s hehe.
 >>>sure, he better keep his end, or it will be his end
 ---what time is it now?
 "Where does he want to meet at?"
 ---almost noon.
 Obviously you have plenty of time to check out the area.
 "the I-138 overpass, in an hour"
 »»I'm sorry, but the Colonel has field excersises this afternoon.
 ---sorry, I forgot about the 0100 part
 No problem.
 "he wants to meet at 1 am
<[^^Silver^^]> ---1300 is 1pm
 yes I know, 1300 is 1pm, and 0100 is 1am. 
 I am in the military. tehehe
 ---yeah yeah, I know, am a little tired here
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I know just reminding Dar
<[^^Silver^^]> ---:)
 Yes I know, the hour grows late, but hey, what is the point in RPing during the daylight?  Sleep is for the weak, and stress exists only in your mind. 
<[^^Silver^^]> "Where to?"
<[^^Silver^^]> ---hoooahh!! yeah!
 "I guess we rest a bit, lie low, then go scope out the meet an hour or two early"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Sounds good to me, where to?"
 "I guess my place"
* [^^Silver^^] drives to Dar's place
 Ok you get there.
 It is about 1pm now.
* Darius_the_Grey rests a bit, keeping an eye on the surrounds, to make sure no cops are comin over
 Doing anything special?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---no just checking the news reports on it
 ---nope just waiting
 Samantha Jamerson is on the 2pm special report covering the story about the death of a beloved servant of the people and justice...yadda yadda yadda, typical news blurp when a cop dies, you know.
 "The perpetraitors for this crime are still at large.  If anyone has any clues please contact the Redmond Police department."
 "good thing those people will be out of town for a week, hopefully some Alamo 2k group will bomb a meta-clinic before then"
 probably, or some other fascist group.   Dontcha love Seattle?
<[^^Silver^^]> "I can bomb it when no one is there"
 Ok, so you want to get there early, or right on time, or do anything else before 1am?
 "naw, we can count on someone to do it for us"
 --I want to be there about 1 1/2 hours early
* [^^Silver^^] drives everyone the for 11:30pm and checks for sniper positions
 "The area isn't too well protected, and there won't be alot of people around"
 Ok, it is a pretty empty street.  There is traffic below you, but the overpass is being constructed (like all highways seem to be).  It is 6 lanes, with a concrete divider in the middle.  You are on the east-bound side.
* Darius_the_Grey sits and waits
* Shimmers goes astral
 Astral is clear as can be.  A few errant spirits but nothing you need worry about, standard everyday stuff.
 anything else before 1am?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---BTW I dumped the rifle after I wiped it clean before we got here
 I assume it is unregistered?
* Shimmers returns to body
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Do I need to answer that question? 
* [^^Silver^^] gets out of the car and waits in front of it
 Hold on, I have to go kill the Army DJ....what is with this light rock junk!  I WANT METALLICA! (rant over, anyhing else you do before the meet?)
 Just a note, yes the Air Force is shacking up with the Army....dont ask me, I didnt plan it!  I blame big government.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---A woman after my own heart!!! :)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Hard rock/Heavy metal rules!!!
 ---wait a sec isn't Billy claiming he made the gummit smaller? ;)
<[^^Silver^^]> ---LOL
* Darius_the_Grey sits leans on the car
<[^^Silver^^]> ---That is the story
 Yea right, he made the military smaller, the government bigger, but I cannot make negative comments about my Commander in Chief....
 ---(look of shock) you mean...he lied!
 ---okay okay, back to the run
 Ok, 10 minutes before the meet a yellowjacket lands softly on the westbound side of the highway.  The cargo door opens and someone is lead out by another person.  Two more people jump out and aim floodlamps in your direction.
* Darius_the_Grey kicks on the flar comp
<[^^Silver^^]> ---Naaaa, he didn't lie. He had no recollection of having sexual relations with the military
* [^^Silver^^] polarizes his Whiteclaw sunglasses
*** GM_Nikki is now known as Colonel_Pickett
 "Good morning Comrades.  I see from the local news broadcaster that you have accomplished your task?"
 "yeah you could say"
* [^^Silver^^] stares hard at the 'Col.'
 "Well, as I am a man of my word, I will leave you your precious little girl.  Here is her contract. (he sets down a small floppy disk on the concrete barrier) Please check it over and let me know if our business is completed."
* Shimmers watches everyone carefully
 I'll give you a descrip of Colonel Pickett later.   If you want it.
* [^^Silver^^] pulls out a pocket reader and checks it over
* Darius_the_Grey pulls his cyber deck out of the car, you all notice a shiny new datajack on his temple
* Darius_the_Grey pops the disk into his deck and checks it over
<[^^Silver^^]> ---You know I will
 (those with flare-comp or some other light filtering rays can see a guy in the cargo-door with an assault cannon, barrel pointing towards the ground, but he is obviously ready for trouble.)
 ---how's it look?
* [^^Silver^^] makes sure to keep the Col. between him and the cannon
 It's a pretty standard contract, except it has no expiration date.  Written at the bottom are the words 'Contract Voided on Date 10 Jul 59' signed by some Major General and Colonel Pickett (no you cant read the general's name so dont ask)
* Darius_the_Grey jacks out
 "okay, looks good, bring her to us"
* Colonel_Pickett waves his men to release her.
* [^^Silver^^] keeps an eye on the cannon man
 Crisper walks over to the barricade and attempts to navigate it while still bound.
 "Very well, my word is kept.  She is unharmed and released from her contract.  Good day to you comrades." The mercenaries crawl back into the chopper and it lifts off.
<[^^Silver^^]> ---I knew I should've brought a rocket launcher
* Darius_the_Grey runs over to Crisper cutting her bonds
* Shimmers goes to check on Crisper
 She is bound and gagged.  She has a few red marks on her wrists from the bindings that you notice after you cut them off.
* [^^Silver^^] keeps an eye on the chopper
 The chopper disapears into the night.
 "Are you ok, did they hurt you?"
*** Colonel_Pickett is now known as GM_Nikki
 "you okay Crisper?"
 "Yea, I am fine...they didn't do anything but  tell me what they were gunna do if you didnt get your 'task' done."
*** GM_Nikki is now known as Crisper
* [^^Silver^^] walks over
 "it's alright, we did it, and you are safe now"
* Darius_the_Grey holds her
* Crisper crawls into Darius's arms so she can be lifted over the barrier...
<[^^Silver^^]> "Don't worry Katherine, I will make sure they will pay severely"
* Darius_the_Grey pulls her over and takes her back to the car
 ---heh, is there anywhere on the contract that had her name?
 ---errr age
* Crisper puts her head in his arms and her shoulders start to heave....
 "We wouldn't let anyone hurt you, don't think about that, you're safe now"
 Yea at the top.
 "Uh, what did you call me?"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Katherine"
 "No!  I am not safe yet.  I will NEVER be safe as long as he and his cohorts are out there."
 "Why did you call me Katherine?"
 "that's okay, we will take care of them, later, for now, you will be safe"
 "that is your real name, Katherine MaArthur"
 "Darius, sir  I want to help.  It is partly my mess, my responsibility."
<[^^Silver^^]> "That is your name, isn't it?"
 "It is?"
 "hey, if I didn't grab you from there, I wouldn't have gotten you into this"
 "and don't call me sir"
 "so we will fix it, won't be the last time I went after an army, and the last one I went after was far bigger and meaner"
 "It is still my responsibility.  I want to help.  You can't stop me!  You, you didn't see that aweful look on his face!"
 "hey, I ain't gonna stop you, around here we value that in a person, but don't try it alone"
<[^^Silver^^]> "You can count me in Dar. Just say when and where"
 "that'll only put you in the dead book, and that is not the place to be"
 "thanks man"
* Crisper nods and lays her head on Darius's shoulder.
 "I'll help too, just let me know how you want it done"
<[^^Silver^^]> "Null sweat"
* [^^Silver^^] gets in the car and starts it
* Shimmers gets in the car
 "I just want it done....the Colonel, General and General Staff....cut the head off the chicken." (muttered through Darius's shoulder.)
* Darius_the_Grey holds her the entire ride home
 "sure, not tonite though, let them think they are safe"
 Yea that shouldnt be too hard to do, I mean she is all of like 96 pounds at the moment...
 Dar, you notice she is shaking...
 "you okay hon?"
* [^^Silver^^] drives to Dar's place
 "Mmmhmm....just need to let the adrenlyn pass....thank you for helping me...."
 "At least the Armies of the Night pride themselves on their honor, otherwise I fear they would have tried a double cross."
* Crisper falls asleep on darius's shoulder.
*** Crisper is now known as GM_Nikki
* Darius_the_Grey takes her to the place and teaches her how to fire a gun, sneak, all that good stuff
<[^^Silver^^]> "I knew she was going to crash hard. She must have an Adrenal Pump installed 
 "probably, she sounded like it"
 "we gotta get her trained, she won't make it otherwise"
 "You're probably right, I hate them for doing this to her."
 You got to get her healthy first, its only been a few weeks, but she has already gained a few pounds of lean meat...probably take a month or two to get her up to her proper weight at least.  Good news is she likes to workout.
 "yeah, they'll pay"
 ---well, I have the place for it, it is a sort of Shadowrunner Base....
* [^^Silver^^] nods in agreement
 (GM brain-spurts...hmm if they did it to her, maybe they did it to others, maybe this is a habbit for them...I mean they DO have to recruit somehow......)
 ---okay okay, we can work on this later, there are other nights you know :)
 Ok, so I assume you take her 'home' and lay her to rest?
<[^^Silver^^]> ---heehee
 I count on it, Dar.   Can't have an informal campaign if we dont.
 ~~~GAME OFF~~~


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