<bgsound src="do_me_baby.mid" loop=infinite>


Our paths converged and softly touched-
Our hearts moved close in greeting.
It was a time to sample change-
It was a time for meeting.

An accident of chance became
Our lasting gift that day.
Some paths may cross but do not always
Join in such a way.

I'm glad you've shared some of your life with me
And made this moment prime.
The future will preserve the warmth
That fills this precious time.

The present is a prize
That you have helped to make complete.
I'm glad that fate arranged a way
For you and me to meet.

Sea's Other World

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You are the #sweetheart to have received this special Valentine Greeting !

This page was created on February 8,1999 (on my B-day) by me, SEA


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I was inspired to write this and do this page because of two very special people in my life...Cordelya & Daimon A.K.A. Tonya & Joey
I Love You both very much!!!

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