Issue 5

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Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5 Leesburg, Florida

August/September, 1999

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Y2K not a problem:

Officers and the State Forum 2000 Planning Committee meet
By: Amanda Wagner

Vivit et vivet per omniurn saeculorum memoriam. Velleius Paterculus couldn't have planned a better quote for the theme of the State Forum in 2000! State officers and committee members alike congregated at Orlando's Radisson Twin Towers on September 10th and 1lth to begin the process of putting together the 2000 State Forum. These great minds slaved away, striving to create what could become the hotel's worst nightmare: thousands of high school students all in the same place at the same time with one thing in mind: Latin!

In order to add to this chaos, several competitions were birthed and some others were resurrected. To keep the suspense in place as long as possible, many of these games and tests will remain unidentified at the moment. However, please pour over the contents of your State packets when they arrive.

A preview is available of one of the newly redesigned competitions: Mr./Miss FJCL! This year, all the candidates will turn in the money they collect at the beginning of Forum in checks only, when they register. So, please, begin encouraging your peers to sponsor you now! Mr. and Miss F JCL, both Junior and Senior divisions, and Mr. and Miss FSCL (who are a new addition this year) will be announced at the first general assembly. Following the announcement, the recipients of the crowns will be asked to join the State Officers on stage. For the duration of the Forum, these six individuals will collect money to send to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Athens, two subjects of our study in the Classics. Whichever of the chosen six turns in the most money will be specially recognized at the closing assembly. Keep in mind that only those six will raise money at State Forum but all candidates can raise the money now. A few ideas: regionals and other Latin events are a great place to find support for your cause!
The Mr./Miss F JCL competition is only one of the new competitions scheduled for State Forum 2000. The others are just as exciting and the rest of the officers, committee members, and 1 cannot wait to see you there and participating in them!

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. . . . From the FJCL Officers

Salvete FJCLers!
I hope that everyone has had a great summer. It is probably safe to say that the 250 enthusiastic FJCLers who attended Nationals ended their summers on a good (yet sleep-deprived) note. The 'temperature was certainly not the only hot thing at Florida State University Florida spirit and Florida Certamen teams created their fair shares of heat in Tallahassee. Thanks to a fluorescent flamingo costume and all the FJCLers who were screaming their heads off, Florida got fired up and won its first NJCL spirit award in years, and, in addition, both the Novice and Lower Certamen teams burned the competition to win National Championships.
Now that Nationals is behind us, the officers, our wonderful new sponsor, Ms. Girardeau, and the Forum Planing committee will begin to plan the last State Forum of the 20th century at our fall planning meeting on September l0-11. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at Lisa or call me at (850) 656-9350 if you have any suggestions or comments to help us plan a State Forum which will end the millennium with a bang. I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve you, and I wish you the best this year as you continue your study of Latin and the Classics.

Lisa Blumsack
1999-2000 F JCL President

Well, it seems like Nationals was only a day ago. But as I look behind to the great times we all shared, I also look to the future and our State competition in the year 2000. I've been a part of the FJCL for a long time now, and I can truly I say that I have never seen a group more spirited than this one. I'm looking forward to having fun with you all next year, and if you thought our spirit stuff was crazy for Nationals just wait till you see what we got lined up for State.

Your VP always,


I just have to say that everyone was outstanding in so many ways at National's. Not only did Florida dominate the academic, creative, and athletic aspects of competition, but we also had truckloads of spirit and lent a helping hand to our guests suffering from heat exhaustion! I am certainly proud to belong to such an exemplary delegation. I hope all of that spirit and attitude carry over to State! Being the editor of the Uvae Vitis so far has been a great experience. However, my job becomes much easier and more interesting when I receive information from my fellow FJCLers. Please send me Club Spotlights and any other articles or pictures about your school that you would like to show off to all of Florida. Well, at
least the parts of Florida involved in Latin! Hope to see you at State!

Amanda Wagner '99-'00 FJCL Editor

Salvete FJCLers!
My name is Jessi White and I'm your 99-00 Corresponding Secretary. This is my second year in this office and I love it. The national convention held in my hometown, Tallahassee, was a blast! Even without sleep and that horrible heat, we managed to do amazingly well in academics, creative, and Olympica. We also did an awesome job in spirit and Certamen. The fall planning meeting is quickly approaching and all of the officers are coming up with great ways to make this the best state convention ever. I look forward to seeing all of you at state for the
last convention of the millennium. Have a great year!

'99-'00 F JCL Corresp. Secretary


The officers are having a great time planning state. I know it will be the best ever!!!
See you there,
'99-'00 Rec. Sec

I'm Brian O'Leary and I'm your '99-'00 State Historian. I hope that everyone had a great time at National's this year. We did awesome in the creative and academic categories and also in the spirit contest. I would like to congratulate all of the Certamen teams because you
guys played great.

Now that National's is over, it's time to focus on State Forum. We have a lot of new things planned for you at this year's forum and I encourage everyone to attend. If you have any questions regarding the scrapbook, feel free to contact me at
Your faithful FJCL historian, Brian

Well, National's was great! We all showed spirit and did very well.
I am looking forward to serving you as your State Treasurer again this year. The officers and I had a productive planning meeting and are looking forward to a fabulous State competition.

Remember, it's not too soon to start saving for the Mr./Miss FJCL competition. Winners sit up front during the first and final general assemblies See you soon!

Emily Gillespie
'99-'00 FJCL Treasurer

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My First National's won't be my last!

by Antonia Crook
Godby High School
Now that I am entering my senior year in high school, I realize that my last carefree summer vacation, as I have always known it, is drawing to a close. I may wistfully look back on all the others, but this summer will stand out from the rest as an exceptionally interesting one. Part of the reason for this, despite having to live out of a suitcase, was the National Junior Classical League Convention.
It was my first national convention, which happened to be held within a few miles of my house in Tallahassee. The experience was exhilarating for all those involved. It was heartening to see so many students from various places congregate to share their love of all things classical, sense of humor, and personal experience with JCL
The aspect of the convention I enjoyed most was meeting a multitude of different people who I would otherwise never have the pleasure to know. Geography may separate the JCLers, but Latin (as well as the Internet) unites us.
If the convention co-chairs Mrs. Kelly and Ms. Allen desired to ensure that our week at Florida State University was enjoyable, their goal was far surpassed.
My first national convention was unforgettable. I eagerly await the next JCL function, see you there!

One more JCL milestone

by Kendal Ogles
Editor Emierita
For more than half of the Florida delegation that attended Nationals this summer, this was their second, third, fourth, and for a few their fifth, or sixth N JCL experience. For some of those that attended, this was sadly their last JCL experience also. With a little extra spirit and a lot of that JCL Love, these last time attendants showed up at Florida State with big hopes for that week.
For those of us that started going to Nationals our 9th grade year and went to Indiana, the winning of a spirit contest had never been one of our joys. Florida was ALWAYS taught this was not our fault, but some big conspiracy against us ..... or so the SCL always said. But this year was our last, and being the host state, we were determined to win at least one spirit prize in our short high school careers. We showed them a lesson!! Under Franco Fernandez, our state finally got itself spirit award with the most cheering and screaming we've ever done
The Certamen teams came through, too. Upper won fourth, Lower won first, as did the Novice Division.
Our last JCL event also, for some of us, turned into our first SCL event, with new meetings and extra events that had to be scheduled astraddle the JCL events we were required, or simply wished, to attend. For some, this meant giving up a long-loved activity, but it was worth it- the SCL seems to emanate nearly as much happiness and fun as the JCL itself Only because of this was there lux in extrema via, as the weekend came to a sad closing.
The final show, the final dance, the final song- the last of finals for all the seniors who had graduated only a few months before- a step back, but one that we were able to grab hold of as a last cry to a time when everything was scheduled out for us and easy. Alas, farewell fair JCL, you were wonderful and a life line in times of high school, a trying time of life- you were a teacher and a guide, that will define the lives of all who attended any Nationals.

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