Rail Network in Bosnia Hercegovina (including Republika Srpska)

Lines in Muslim-Croat Federation in blue
Lines in Republika Srpska in red
underlined = electrified

Sarajevo - Alipašin Most - Ilidža - Blažuj - Binježevo - Hadžići - Zovik - Pazarić - Tarčin - Raštelica - Bradina - Plješevac - Grad - Ovčari - Konjic - Čelebić - Ostrožac - Jablanica Grad - Jablanica n/N - Grabovica - Ćopi - Drežnica Stara - Drežnica - Vituša - Raška Gora - Vojno - Raštani - Mostar - Mostar teretna - Bačevići - Buna - Maloševići - Žitomislići - Kručevići - Šurmanci - Dretelj - Čapljina - Struge - Gabela

Length: 173 km

This line is completely electrified and connects to the line Metković - Ploče in Croatia. Passenger and freight trains are in operation on the whole line. The section Bradina - Konjic has a very complex set of tunnels and turns on its 25km length.

Sarajevo - Alipašin Most - Rajlovac - Reljevo - Semizovac - Vogošća - Ilijaš - Podlugovi - Lješevo - Visoko - Porječani - Buzići - Dobrinje - Ćatići - Kakanj - Rošćevina - Modrine - Gora - Jehovina - Lašva - Suha - Janjići - Drivuša - Zenica - Zenica teretna - Vraca - Jelina - Vranduk - Nemila - Bistričak - Kovanići - Begov Han - Mračaj - Želeće - Žepče - Vinište - Zavidovići - Alići - Dolina - Globarica - Bradići - Tomići - Fojnica - Natron - Maglaj - Rječica - Paklenica Donja - Trbuk - Jabučić Polje - Ševarlije - Pridjel - Doboj - Srpska Kostajnica - Kostajnica Gornja - Bušlatić - Vasiljevići - Osječani - Kožuhe - Koprivna Gornja - Koprivna Donja - Vranjak - Brvno - Modriča - Garevac - Miloševac - Šamac (km 24+100)- Int'l border (km 21+746)

Length: 235 km

Before the war, this line was completely electrified. Now, the electrified segments are Visoko - Zavidovići, and Doboj - Šamac.
There are freight trains in operation on the whole line. Passenger trains along this line are Sarajevo-Visoko; Sarajevo-Visoko-Kakanj; Visoko-Zenica; Zenica-Zavidovići; (these are operated by ŽBH); Maglaj-Doboj (operated by ŽRS); and Doboj-Šamac (operated by ŽRS). Since May 2001 the international train Sarajevo-Zagreb runs along the Sarajevo-Doboj section of this line.

Before the war, this line is connected to the line Slavonski Šamac - Strizivojna in Croatia via the bridge between Šamac and Slavonski Šamac. This bridge was destroyed during the war, but has since been rebuilt, but has not yet been opened to rail traffic.

Doboj - Srpska Kostajnica - Rudanka - Rasadnik - Stanovi - Ljeskove Vode - Ostružnja - Stanari - Dragolovci - Kulaši - Prisoje - Vijačani - Ukrina - Umka - Snjegotina - Mlinska Rijeka - Jošavka - Bojići - Čelinac - Bosanska Vrbanja - Incel - Banja Luka - Zalužani - Ramići - Prijakovci - Mišin Han - Ivanjska - Miloševići - Piskavica - Niševići - Omarska - Petrov Gaj - Kozarac - Donji Garevci - Prijedor - Brezičani - Svodna - Petkovac - Blagaj - Novi Grad

Length: 190 km

This line lays completely within Republika Srpska, and was unaffected by the war. Both passenger and freight transport is in operation on the whole line. The international trains Sarajevo-Zagreb and Doboj-Ljubljana run on this line.

Dobrljin - Ravnice - Novi Grad - Rudice - Blatna - Bosanska Otoka - Drenova - Glavica - Bosanska Krupa - Grmuša - Cazin-Srbljani - Bihać - Ripač - Račić - (Loskun HŽ - Strbački Buk HŽ - Kestenovac HŽ) - Bušević ŽBH - Kulen Vakuf ŽBH - Palučći ŽBH - (Martin Brod HŽ) - Una ŽBH - (Begluci HŽ) - Bosanski Osredci-Srb ŽBH - (Osredci HŽ - Ličko Dugo Polje HŽ - Lička Kaldrma HŽ)

Length: 140 km (up to Martin Brod)

This line was completely electrified before the war, but now is electrified only on the Dobrljin-Blatna segment. The section from Dobrljin to Bosanska Otoka (not including this place) is in Republika Srpska, and from here to Račić is in the Federation. The segment from Račić to Lička Kaldrma (in Croatia) is very problematic, because this line crosses the Bosnia-Croatia border about 10 times. According to preliminary agreements, the border station will be Martin Brod (the town of Martin Brod is in Bosnia, but its railway station is in Croatia!). This line continues from Lička Kaldrma on to Split via Knin and Drniš. The other end, Dobrljin, extends to Voljina in Croatia, whence it continues to Zagreb. The boundary stations are Voljina HŽ and Dobrjin ŽRS.

Freight trains are in service along the whole line, while passenger services are restricted to Dobrljin-Novi Grad (6 return trips daily) and Novi Grad-Blatna (1 return daily) operated by ŽRS and a Blatna-Bihać (1 return daily) operated by ŽBH. ŽBH also operates a Bihać-Martin Brod train, but the frequency is not known. It is planned to introduce a Zagreb-Bihać-Knin international train along this line; a test train has been run, pulled by a HŽ 2061.

Doboj - Jošavka - Suvo Polje - Tekućica - Boljanić - Boljanić Novi - Karanovac - Sočkovac - Kakmuž - Lužanjak - Petrovo Novo - Miričina - Duboštica - Puračić - Lukavac - Lukavac tvornica - Bistarac - Bosanska Poljana - Kreka - Tuzla

Length: 65 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
Freight service is in operation on the whole line, but passenger service is restricted at the moment to Doboj-Petrovo Novo. It is expected that passenger service on the whole line will be reinstated soon.

Tuzla - Kreka - Bosanska Poljana - Kiseljak - Ljubače - Spreča - Živinice - Donja Višća - Banoviči

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
The whole line is in the Federation, and only freight services are in service on the whole relation.

Tuzla - Kreka - Šićki Brod - Mramor - Tinja - Duboki Potok - Srebrenik - Špionica - Ormanica - Bosanska Bijela - Bukvik - Mali Bukvik - Vitanovići - Bukovac - Brčko

Length: 75 km

This line is not (and was never) electrified.
There are freight trains in service on the whole line, while passenger trains are expected to resume service on the whole line quite soon, and an international train Sarajevo - Doboj - Tuzla - Brčko - Gunja - Vinkovci - Osijek - Beli Manastir - Magyarboly - Pécs - Budapest is planned.
This line is connected to the line Gunja - Vinkovci in Croatia. The border stations are Brčko ŽRS and Gunja HŽ.

Živinice - Vukovije - Kalesija - Osmaci - Caparde - Zvornik Grad

Length: 40 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
At present only freight trains are in operation on this relation, but passenger services are expected to be reintroduced soon.
From Zvornik Grad it continues on to Ruma via Šabac in Yugoslavia

Bijeljina - Dvorovi - Trnjaci - Donji Brodac - Velino Selo

Length: 15 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
This is the only line in Republika Srpska that is not connected to a line in the Federation, but this will change when the planned line from Bijeljina to Miloševac via Brčko is completed. From Velino Selo the line continues to Šid in Yugoslavia via the border station Sremska Rača JŽ.
Both passenger and freight trains are in operation on this relation, operated by JŽ.

Podlugovi - Župča - Breza - Bukovik - Dabravina - Stavnja - Vareš - Droškovac

Length: 24 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
The line exists but is not in use.

Modriča - Mišići - Lodenica - Gradačac

Length: 15 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
This line is in existance, but is not in use.

Prijedor - Ljubija

Length: 10 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
This is a short freight-only line. Goods trains are in operation. In the 1999-2000 timetable passenger trains ran too, but these have been withdrawn.

Omarska - Tomašica

Length: 15 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
This is a another short freight-only line. Goods trains are in operation. In the 1999-2000 timetable passenger trains ran too, but these have been withdrawn.

Jelina - Zenica Željezara - Zenica

Length: 8 km

This line is not (and was not) electrified. The 2.4km from Zenica to Zenica Željezara is usable and in use, but the remaining 5.7km to Jelina are impassable and out of use.

Lješevo - Polje

Length: 3 km

This line is damaged and not in use.

Srpski Brod - (Slavonski Brod HŽ)

Length: 2 km?

This line is not (and was not) electrified.
This connection existed before the war, with a bridge that was broken during the war and not repaired. It is doubtful that this spur will be reopened to rail traffic.

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