This Challenge was Formally Made
11:15 AM, 9 April 1996

A Challenge to those who assert

Mark Fuhrman

didn't plant the evidence

Fred Goldman's attorney MICHAEL A. BREWER
Well, I don't care what our records will show.

29 April 1996

As he left the deposition, plaintiffs' lawyer Edward Medvene said he regretted that Fuhrman had invoked the Fifth.

"We wished he would have testified because during all the time between his testimony and now, there's never been any indication that anything he testified to about his investigation has been disproven," Medvene said.

The California attorney general's office is looking into whether Fuhrman lied under oath in the criminal trial when he denied using racial epithets against blacks in the last decade. Any testimony from Fuhrman in the civil case could be used against him.

The Full Story

  • At the Criminal Trial: "In the end, when he was asked whether he had planted or manufactured any evidence in the case, he had to assert his Fifth Amendment privilege."
    Is it this question he's afraid of? Or the fact that he didn't admit he said "Nigger"?

    Gil Garcetti Guilty of...

    The public has been told, the issue of Mark Fuhrman's use of the racial epithet "nigger" was immaterial to the Simpson Criminal Trial. Marcia Clark has stated, "... That's how little this case relies on Detective Fuhrman." And later added, "Detective Fuhrman didn't even collect it. He saw it,..."

    Clark's commentaries on Fuhrman indicate he should be no more important than -- say -- Officer Robert Riske.
    As the first police officer on the scene, Ofc. Riske establishes the condition of the crime scene -- "as discovered" -- he initiates the "chain of evidence". The first officer to any area within a crime scene establishes the "benchmark" -- the prestine state of the evidence, against which all changes must be explained.

    • If use of the word "nigger" is immaterial to the outcome of the trial, it is also "not material" with regard to a charge of perjury. Given that, "materiality" is the basic criteria for a perjury prosecution, Mark Fuhrman can never be indicted for committing perjury.
    • If Mark Fuhrman cannot be indicted for perjury, than any "investigation" in that regard can only serve as a sword suspended over his neck.
    • The only reason to hold a threat -- prosecution for perjury -- over Fuhrman's head would be to prevent him from testifying in the Civil Trial.
      Based upon public statements by the District Attorney, a prosecution can never be successful, and therefore should never be brought; still, Fuhrman has no option -- self-interest, and self-preservation, demand he treat the threat as real. As such, Fuhrman has no option but to invoke his Fifth Amendmant Rights.
    • Intimidation of a "minor" witness
      • Why would the Los Angeles District Attorney wish to intimidate a witness in a civil trial?
      • Why would they wish to prevent Detective Mark Fuhrman from testifying?

    Obviously, there is no reason why members of the LADA's Office, or their boss, Gil Garcetti, would want to prevent Robert Riske from testifying. So why would they want to prevent an equally minor witness -- like Mark Fuhrman -- from testifying?

    If we accept that Clark and Garcetti have been honest with us, they should have no objection to Fuhrman testifying at the Civil Trial; and the possibility of a perjury prosecution over semantics is ludicrous. So obviously nothing would be lost by granting Fuhrman immunity from prosecution on that charge; and since that's the only possible thing he did wrong -- according to the District Attorney's Office -- granting him immunity to testify in the Civil Trial should present no problem.

    Of course, there is the possibility that the District Attorney knows Fuhrman tampered with evidence and therefore must preclude the possibity that he would admit it under grant of immunity.

    Thus the Challenge: Gil Garcetti, grant Detective Mark Fuhrman {retired} immunity to testify in the Civil Case against OJ. Simpson.

    Write District Attorney GIL GARCETTI; request immunity to testify be granted Mark Fuhrman; send a copy of your letter to the media -- we recommend CNN's Burden of Proof.




    • To those who do NOT agree with the above conclusions.
    • To those who assert that Fuhrman DID NOT tamper the with evidence
    • To those who have claimed justice as the justification for a BOYCOTT against OJ Simpson.
    • To those who believe that the use of the term NIGGER is the only reason Detective Mark Fuhrman has invoked the Fifth Amendment.
    • To those who do not believe the Los Angeles District Attorney, and/or Los Angeles Police Department, have concealed evidence which would incriminate Detective Mark Fuhrman.
    • To those who do not believe that the trial of Orenthal James Simpson was a cover-up for racism within the Los Angeles Judical System.

    The Gauntlet is hereby cast

    Allow Mark Fuhrman to testify freely. Petition The Los Angeles County District Attorney to grant such immunity from prosecution as will allow Mark Fuhrman to testify in the Civil Trial against OJ Simpson.

    This will eliminate the need for him to

    • expend his resources on an Attorney.
    • invoke his Fifth Amendment Rights.
    • to withhold relevant information.


    • as you assert, Mark Fuhrman has done nothing more than deny using a racial slur; there is no reason for you not to request he be granted immunity.
    • as the prosecution asserts, Mark Fuhrman is a racist who surpressed his bigoted instincts and engage NO improper or criminal activity while a member of the LAPD; And,
    • as the prosecution asserts, Mark Fuhrman did not plant the Victim's Blood in the Bronco.
    • as the prosecution asserts, Mark Fuhrman did not plant the Rockingham Glove on the south pathway.
    It follows that they would have no objection to granting him this immunity. After all, granting immunity from prosecution to an innocent man is merely a demonstration of confidence.

    If the Challenge is accepted

    Upon media reports -- comparable to those associated with the boycott effort -- indicating that a valid lobbying effort has been initiated, the author of these pages will begin a detailed re-evaluation of the stated purpose of this page. Upon the granting of immunity from prosecution to Fuhrman, the author will begin a deliberate and concerted effort to PROVE Orenthal James Simpson guilty of the murders of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Simpson. In addition, a formal public apology will be made to Detective Phillip Vannatter, Detective Mark Fuhrman, and Chief Prosecutor Marcia Clark.

    We have NO DOUBT that such re-evaluation, and apologies, will never be required.

    Those asserting Simpson's Guilt do so only to protect Mark Fuhrman from prosecution. They understand full well that the evidence was planted. And having such understanding, they will NEVER risk the public scorn which would ensue from Mark Fuhrman availing himself of the opportunity to walk away from his crimes.

    If I'm wrong, and only if I'm wrong, the gauntlet will be lifted and the petition filed. So let us see if those who assert Simpson's Guilt will prove me wrong -- will they place their reputations and credibility where their mouths are? Or, will they hide behind the anonymous web names, and locations.

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