vs. Sovereign Rights Form

Honest Education And Truth

Read the definitions of the words that entraps citizens into giving up their rights.

Guide to De-Coding the Internal Revenue Code, Learning a New Language, Words of Art

  • Where is the United States Government a foreign government to Ohio (or any other of the 50 states)?
  • Where is Utah (or any other of the 50 states) a foreign country?
  • Where is Kansas (or any other of the 50 states) "without" the United States?
  • Where is a Citizen of Georgia (or any other of the 50 states) not a United States citizen?
  • Where is a Citizen of Montana (or any other of the 50 states) not a United States resident?
  • Where is a Citizen of Oregon (or any other of the 50 states) not an individual?
  • Where is a person not a people?
  • Where are the 50 states not States within the United States?
  • Where is employee not someone working in a common occupation in any of the 50 states?
  • Where are wages not compensation for labor?
  • Where is a trade or business a government occupation?
  • Where is income ONLY gain from capital?

  • Where??? In the Internal Revenue Code (26 IRC)

    The United States Code is available on the "super-highway."

    NOW, in plain American (American Engish), if you are not a Government employee, not earning from a business activity that is under the Federal government's jurisdiction, and not an officer of a corporation, the chances are YOU are not obligated to pay the Graduated Income Tax.

    Ourfounding fathers provided assurance in the Constitution of the united states of America, that we would not be taxed with a Graduated income tax. If the Federal Goverment wants to do that to THEIR Citizens, the constitution allows them to do so. Also take note that taxes from tobacco, alcohol and firearms justly goes to the federal Treasury.

    The two following forms are very important to the American National who chooses Not to volunteer to pay the Federal graduated income tax. Instead of Form W-4 use Form W-8 to give to your bank, your company where you work, and any place that you receive income (thats as income the average person understands). IF you should have to file for taxes, in cases where taxes have been withheld, or you have indeed received earnings from Federal business matters, instead of Form 1040 use Form 1040NR.

    Take note, the chances are that You have already Volunteered, and this IS a little more complicated than just using these two Forms. The good news is American Citizens are joining together to help You.

    Download the Acrobat Software, activate it, and then download the two forms. Study the two forms, and by all means ask for help.

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